Is it possible to eat chicken, chicken stomachs and hearts for pancreatitis?

When diagnosing pancreatic pathology that has developed due to poor nutrition, the development of cholelithiasis in the gallbladder, or during exacerbation of cholecystitis, the patient is prescribed a special diet that excludes all foods that can load or irritate the pancreas.
In the second week of dietary nutrition, patients are allowed to introduce chicken meat into their diet. Chicken for pancreatitis is considered one of the varieties of dietary meat, from which first and second courses, hot and cold appetizers, rolls, salads, kebabs and much more are prepared. The value of this meat lies in its availability and low cost, high nutritional value of their meat products and low fat content.

Preparing Baked Chicken Breasts

Place each breast with onion, tomato and cheese topping on a serving plate. Add any light salad. Enjoy the exquisite taste of a simple dish.

It should be noted that onions are not a required ingredient in this recipe. You can do without it - the dish will turn out no less tasty. It is better to choose cherry tomatoes, but any other variety will do.

It is difficult even for a novice cook to dry out chicken using this cooking method; however, you should monitor the degree of readiness of the breasts, and as soon as they turn white, add cheese and bake for no more than 3 minutes in the oven at a temperature no higher than 200°C.

When diagnosing pancreatic pathology that has developed due to poor nutrition, the development of cholelithiasis in the gallbladder, or during exacerbation of cholecystitis, the patient is prescribed a special diet that excludes all foods that can load or irritate the pancreas. In the second week of dietary nutrition, patients are allowed to introduce chicken meat into their diet.

Chicken for pancreatitis is considered one of the varieties of dietary meat, from which first and second courses, hot and cold appetizers, rolls, salads, kebabs and much more are prepared. The value of this meat lies in its availability and low cost, high nutritional value of their meat products and low fat content.

General rules for cooking chicken

Preparing various chicken dishes will greatly expand the boring diet of patients.

During periods of exacerbation of pancreatic pathology, it is recommended to consume exclusively white meat, which is first twisted several times in a meat grinder. You can prepare a wide variety of dishes from chicken breast by steaming, in a slow cooker, or by baking in the oven.

It is recommended to prepare cutlets, dumplings, as well as meatballs and souffles from minced chicken.

How to choose chicken in a store

Particular attention should be paid when choosing chicken in the supermarket. It should be fresh, chilled and better from Russian producers. When buying chicken at the market, in order to avoid infection with salmonella bacteria, it is better to choose products from trusted suppliers or good friends.

When choosing a chicken carcass in a store, you should be guided by the following aspects:

  • the bag in which the chicken is packaged must be transparent and should not leak;
  • fresh meat should take its original shape after pressing on it, and if the meat is old, then marks from pressing will remain on the carcass;
  • it is better to purchase products with a minimum shelf life, from 5 to 7 days;
  • It is better to refrain from buying marinated chicken, as it will most likely be a disguised old carcass;
  • the weight of the bird should not exceed 1.5 kg, anything more is pumped with hormonal drugs;
  • chicken meat should smell like meat, and not like medicine, or some foreign smell of sour or rotten meat;
  • there should not be a large number of blood clots inside the chicken and the meat should be pink;
  • if there are clots and red meat, then this is evidence that this is a sick chicken that died of its own death.

Features of use

The patient should discuss with the attending physician the individual characteristics and the acceptable amount of chicken meat that is possible for him at each stage of the disease.

In acute form

For the first few days during an attack of inflammation of the pancreas, you should completely avoid any food.

In the chronic stage

After the end of the recovery period (after about 2 months of the attack), the patient can gradually return to the standard food intake pattern characteristic of diet No. 5.

Chicken may already be present at this stage not only in pureed form, but also in pieces.

Among the cooking methods, preference is given to boiling, stewing, simmering, steaming, in the oven or using the “Stew” mode in a multicooker.

In this case, the following rules should be observed in any recipe:

  1. When purchasing, you should choose low-fat varieties of chicken (poultry or broiler fatty breeds are excluded).
  2. It is imperative to check the freshness of the meat so as not to complicate the period of remission with additional diseases or poisoning.
  3. You should give preference to medium-sized chicken carcasses, but not chicken.
  4. You should purchase chilled rather than frozen meat, the beneficial ingredients of which are better preserved and absorbed.
  5. Skin, veins, and fat are completely removed before use.
  6. Before use, boil the cleaned chicken well in boiling water for several minutes after the water boils to remove harmful impurities and substances.
  7. It is necessary to exclude hot spices, salt - only in minimal quantities.

Chicken meat goes well with boiled or stewed vegetables and cereal side dishes.

During exacerbation of the disease

After an acute painful attack, introduce any dietary meat into the menu, incl. chicken, no earlier than 2 weeks.

The first items to be included in the daily diet are products made from lean chicken meat, twice minced through a meat grinder (preferably, first from fillet, and then from breasts).

It is used mainly for preparing steamed products: cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, quenelles, warm and cold soufflés.


The goal of following a diet for this pathology is to chemically spare not only the pancreas, but also the liver, improve bile production and normalize the functioning of the digestive tract.

Chicken is not allowed in the form of kebabs, other dishes cooked on the grill or open fire, fried, or as a component of canned food.

Chicken stomachs and hearts for pancreatitis

Gizzards are allowed for consumption only during the stage of stable remission, and are considered a very useful part of poultry meat. In case of acute pancreatitis, stomachs are not allowed to be consumed, as they have a rather dense structure, which, even after prolonged heat treatment, is not subject to destruction.

When stable remission is established, the use of ventricles is allowed when the patient on an ongoing basis does not have such symptomatic signs as:

Before preparing the stomachs, they are first thoroughly cleaned, washed under running water, the film and all fat layers are removed and boiled for two hours. Boiled stomachs are passed through a meat grinder, after which they can be used as an additive to various dishes.

It is important to remember that frying, baking and mixing gizzards with various types of spices and seasonings is not recommended in order to prevent a relapse of pancreatic pathology.

Chicken hearts are allowed for consumption only after 3 months of intensive therapy for pancreatic pathology, provided that a stable remission of the chronic form of the disease has been established.

The heart of chickens is saturated with protein molecules and is considered a very healthy product; only patients with pancreatic pathology will have to prepare it by boiling it for 2.5–3 hours. Before cooking, they are also thoroughly washed and chopped. Frying and stewing chicken hearts is not recommended, as this can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Cooking recipes

There are many ways and recipes for cooking chicken breast for pancreatitis. Let's consider the most interesting dishes made from chicken meat and minced meat, recommended for pancreatic pathology.

Chicken salad

A piece of boiled chicken fillet, boiled potatoes and carrots - 3 pieces, boiled eggs - 2 pieces, low-fat yogurt - 200 ml. Cut all products into cubes, mix, add salt and season with yogurt.

Baked chicken

Once a stable period of remission has been established, you can cook baked chicken, but not chicken.

To do this you will need the following list of ingredients:

  • chicken carcass – 1.5 kg;
  • pumpkin – 1.5 kg;
  • dried apricots – 100 grams;
  • rice, preferably long grain – 1 cup;
  • olive oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste.

Pre-soak the rice cereal for 2-3 hours in water, then drain in a colander. Boil a small amount of water in a clean saucepan, place the rice in it and cook for at least 15 minutes, then drain all the liquid.

Cut off the top of the pumpkin, 6-7 cm away from the pumpkin leg, and remove all the pulp and seeds from it, leaving the walls at least one and a half centimeters thick. Then cut the dried apricots into strips and mix with boiled rice; place the resulting mixture on the bottom of the prepared pumpkin.

The chicken needs to be cut, separating the wings and legs, and cut into 8 small pieces, from which all layers of fat and skin must be removed. The prepared chicken pieces are placed on the rice mixture in the pumpkin. Everything is poured with oil, the top of the pumpkin is covered with a cut off top, placed on foil lined on a baking sheet, and the whole thing is placed in the oven for two hours at a temperature of 160–170 degrees.

There are different ways to prepare chicken meat for pancreatic disease; it is important to always use only fresh products and not violate dietary standards.

Nutrition for pancreatitis is the most important component of treatment. And it should be organized so that each dish is dietary. But formally correct dishes sometimes do not bring joy - the consumer does not like either the taste or the appearance. In addition, when eating in public institutions, there is not always confidence that all cooking recipes have been followed, and the person suffering from pancreatitis is insured against gastrointestinal troubles, or even complications from the pancreas.

There is only one way out - to cook according to your own recipes as often as possible.

Benefits and harms

Poultry meat in the presence of pancreatic pathology has a beneficial effect on the patient’s body.

  1. Chicken is a dietary product; it has a low fat content, so it can be used for preparing dietary dishes. In this case, only the lean part of the carcass without skin is used.
  2. The gastrointestinal tract easily breaks down the product and is not overloaded.
  3. With chicken, the body receives animal protein, which is necessary to restore the functioning of the gland and normalize the synthesis of food enzymes.
  4. Chicken contains calcium and phosphorus, which are important for the musculoskeletal system.
  5. Due to its iron content, chicken is used to prevent anemia and does not allow hemoglobin in the blood to decrease, especially when the patient was shown to be hungry during attacks.
  6. Meat provides the body with B vitamins - 1, 2, 5, 6, 12, which are required for the cellular metabolic process and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping in the fight against depression and loss of strength.
  7. By consuming poultry, your immune system will be strengthened and your strength will be restored.

It is important to consider that it is recommended to consume only poultry meat for pancreatic disease; it is healthy because it was raised on healthy feed without chemical additives.

If you buy a broiler in a store, it will be harmful. This product contains hormones, antibiotics used to feed chickens and their rapid growth, weight gain, and to protect against infection. Particularly dangerous is the high concentration of medications in meat. As a result, a large, healthy broiler grows, but its meat is harmful to the human body.

What are the nutritional features for pancreatitis? When reactive pancreatitis is detected in a patient, the diet is based on the factors that affected the formation of the pathology.

  1. Intoxication.
  2. Use of certain drugs.
  3. Wrong diet.
  4. Hereditary predisposition.
  5. Other.

Dietary treatment of pancreatitis involves resting the pancreas. With this disease, you need to eat often, in small portions. The diet of a patient with pancreatitis includes more protein foods, with maximum replacement of carbohydrate-containing foods.

The diet plan for pancreatitis and diabetes is designed to use less medications. Often, during an exacerbation of pancreatic pathology, it is advised to completely exclude food for 2-4 days, then start eating again, but in small doses, expanding the table with foods.

During a diet for diseases of the pancreas, foods such as candies, honey, sweet berries and fruits, sugar are prohibited.

With a peptic ulcer, the patient needs to eat in small portions, excluding foods that increase the production of gastric juice. If the gallbladder has been removed, you should not include strongly brewed tea and coffee, alcohol, pickles, or rich broths in your diet. Products must be thermally processed.

  1. Simmer.
  2. Stew.
  3. Bake.
  4. Prepared for steam.

Nutrition rules for pancreatitis

Since people live in families, it is not very convenient to prepare special dishes for a patient with pancreatitis. We must strive to ensure that dietary recipes become a full part of the family menu. To do this, you need to learn how to cook them tasty. If this is successful, the bonus will be a reduction in the risk of household members acquiring digestive diseases, because diet recipes for pancreatitis offer proper nutrition.

The starting products must be fresh and of good quality. Cooled and thawed before cooking, store in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

For novice home cooks, we provide recipes for dishes that can be safely included in the diet for pancreatitis. It is recommended to prepare according to dietary recipes immediately before meals. But more often than not, this is an impossible task, especially on weekdays. Therefore, it is allowed to store dishes prepared according to dietary recipes in the refrigerator.

Important! Salads and other cold appetizers remain fresh in the refrigerator for 12 hours, and dishes that need to be reheated can be stored for up to 2 days.

Salads and snacks

In classical cuisine, these dishes are designed to stimulate the appetite, stimulate the production of digestive juices to assimilate several dishes in one meal. For pancreatitis, this is not necessary - the diet does not provide for a large amount of food at one time. Snacks for pancreatitis are consumed more often as the main part of the “snack” during the day: in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, for gastrointestinal diseases, in particular pancreatitis, another 2 to 4 meals are required. That's when the so-called snacks are used. Some recipes are given in the table.


Sweets are limited in the diet of patients with pancreatitis. Therefore, when preparing desserts, they play up the natural taste of products or use sweeteners.

If you have problems with the pancreas, any rich pastries are not recommended, as are cakes. Therefore, dessert is served in the form:

  • fruit salads with sweet yogurt dressing;
  • sweet puddings with berries and cereals;
  • compotes from natural fruits and berries;
  • fruits in jelly (cakes without baking); protein cream (provided the eggs are absolutely fresh) with fruit;
  • jams with xylitol.

The benefits of chicken meat

Chicken meat, like other types of meat, is an excellent source of large amounts of animal protein.
At the same time, chicken is characterized by low fat content, which allows it to be classified as a dietary meat. Chicken also contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for the good condition of bones and teeth, iron, and B vitamins. The delicate fibers of chicken meat are easily digested and well absorbed, so chicken is recommended for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Chicken helps to quickly restore strength and strengthen the immune system, which explains its constant inclusion in the menu after illnesses and operations.


Drinks you can drink:

  • still mineral water;
  • herbal teas;
  • black and green tea with milk;
  • hibiscus tea without sugar;
  • weak coffee with milk;
  • compote of berries and fruits;
  • rosehip decoction, infusion of mint, chamomile, lemon balm.

Jelly requires special attention; the recipe for making the drink is in the table.

grind the fillet and onion twice in a meat grinder;the taste of the entire dish depends on the meat product;
Stuffed zucchinizucchini – 1 – 2 pcs.;
Peel the zucchini, cut it in half lengthwise, remove the core, lightly salt it;Instead of baking, you can steam it or simmer covered in a small amount of water
Fish cutlets with garnishwhite fish fillet – 200 g;
grind the fillet;Low-fat varieties of sea fish are suitable;
Canned stewed meatMeat fillet – 200 g;
cut the fillet into cubes, add water, bring to a boil, drain the broth;chicken breast fillet works well;
original meatballs with garnishMinced meat – 200 g;
Mix minced meat with rice, cottage cheese and protein, add salt, form round meatballs, simmer;The protein holds the ingredients together, no breading is required;
jellypotato starch - 6 tbsp. l.;

water – 1.5 – 2.0 liters;

sugar or substitute - to taste.

Strain the broth and bring to a boil;

Dilute starch in a small amount of cold water (about 1 glass);

Pour into the boiling broth gradually, stirring constantly, and once it begins to thicken, turn off the stove.

Not recommended: instant coffee, natural coffee without sugar, cocoa, strongly brewed tea, high-fat whole milk.

Thus, even on a diet it is quite possible to eat tasty and varied food. And if you show ingenuity and creativity, you can create culinary masterpieces every day.

First meal

Among the first courses, the following options for soups and borscht are acceptable.

Chicken soup

You will need chicken breast or chicken (not chicken). Suitable for pancreatitis include turkey meat, rabbit, veal, beef, quail, and pheasant. Skin and fat are removed from the carcass. These parts contain many active components, hormones, chemicals, and antibiotics. Rinse the meat in water and bring to a boil. Drain the water and fill with a new portion. For pancreatitis of the pancreas, the main rule for preparing meat soups is the second broth. To make the broth tastier, add an onion, bay leaf, and add a little salt. 40 minutes after boiling, add diced potatoes, carrots, and onions. After another 10 minutes - rice or pasta (it is better to give preference to coarsely ground noodles). The soup will taste better if you eat it with low-fat cream. Perhaps make soup with vegetable broth.

NATALIA LUKINA: “How did I manage to defeat pancreatitis at home in 1 week, spending 30 minutes a day?!” Read more >>

If the soup is prepared with rice, you can add hard cheese (for example, porous tofu cheese). Cheese soup is prohibited during an exacerbation period.

Shrimp soup

Grate two small potatoes and a zucchini (remove seeds and peel) on a coarse grater. First, pour 300 g of shrimp with boiling water for 3–4 minutes. Then peel and grind with a blender. Boil a glass of milk, add vegetables and shrimp meat, parsley. Cook for 5 minutes. It is very tasty to eat this soup with white bread crumbs.

It is better to ask your doctor about what you can eat from seafood if you have pancreatitis.

You can prepare fish soup from silver hake, pike, pike perch, cod, navaga or sea bass. The fish is separated from the bones and fins, head and tail. The pieces are washed in water. The fish soup should also be cooked in a second broth. After boiling, add chopped potatoes, carrots, onions, bay leaf, salt, parsley root. Some people advise blending the finished soup in a blender after cooking to make a puree soup. The ear is allowed only for chronic pancreatitis in remission.

For pancreatitis, standard rich borscht is prohibited. Therefore, it should be prepared with such a diagnosis, observing certain requirements: you need to avoid rich broth, frying, and spices. For cooking you will need lean meat - beef or veal. The borscht is prepared in the second broth. The broth cooking time is an hour and a half. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin, and cut into cups. The tomatoes are salted and stewed in a small frying pan for 15 minutes. Beets and carrots are peeled and grated.

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