We treat low and high acidity in the stomach with water and honey

  • August 20, 2018
  • Gastroenterology
  • Blackwhisker Rose

Gastritis is considered a very common and insidious disease. The secretory and motor functions of the stomach are disrupted if the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. This is a very insidious condition that must be treated immediately to avoid complications.

The acute phase of gastritis must be treated with medications specially selected by the therapist. After stopping the acute period of the disease, you can try folk remedies. Treatment of gastritis with honey is quite common. After all, honey is not only a sweet treat, but also a storehouse of substances beneficial to the body.

What are the benefits of honey?

A natural sugar substitute is honey, which contains a lot of useful components. Here are its nutrients that benefit human health:

  • an abundance of fruit acids, amino acids vital to the body;
  • the presence of vitamins B, E, A, K, C, involved in cell restoration;
  • the presence of enzymes that are very necessary for healthy digestion;
  • the existence of substances similar to antibacterial medications.

The mucous membrane of the stomach “receives” honey in the most favorable way. Thanks to it, the secretory function and peristalsis of all digestive organs are stimulated. Honey affects the gastric mucosa and thereby normalizes the secretion of gastric juice. This product also normalizes acidity.

Many people are interested in the benefits of honey for gastritis. Scientists have found that the production of gastric juice with an alkaline reaction is stimulated. A few days of taking this sweet drug is enough to normalize the acidity of gastric juice.

Honey perfectly stimulates the process of tissue regeneration in the stomach, which is so important for the mucous membrane damaged by gastritis.

Treatment of gastritis with honey

Treatment of gastritis with beekeeping products depends on the diagnosis. The intake is affected by the acidity in the stomach and other features of the disease. When gastritis worsens, doctors recommend removing honey from the diet. At this time, nutrition is strictly limited, the amount of carbohydrates consumed, especially sugars, is reduced. In rare cases, the gastroenterologist allows the inclusion of bee nectar, but after receiving the results of the examination.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity with honey

Treatment with honey helps reduce attacks of nausea and other symptoms. It reduces the amount of enzymes and hydrochloric acid produced, which reduces the effect on the gastric mucosa. For gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to take honey 2 hours before meals. It will cover the stomach wall with a thin layer and relieve inflammation.

To reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid, warm honey water is prescribed. It is enough to dissolve 40 g of honey and take 3 times a day. Instead of water, it is recommended to use tea with chamomile, calendula, and fennel. The substances of these plants, when combined with bee nectar, will help reduce acidity, eliminate inflammation, and prevent the appearance of erosions and ulcers.

To reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid, warm honey water is prescribed.

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity with honey

The reduced concentration of hydrochloric acid does not initially cause symptoms, but an inflammatory reaction subsequently develops. Proper use of honey product will increase acidity to a normal level and eliminate pain.

The best way to take it is to dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of cold water. Recommended time for consumption is 10 minutes before meals. This will activate the production of gastric juice to digest incoming food. To enhance the effect, add lemon juice, extract from plantain leaves or rowan berries, and vegetable oils to honey water. It is recommended to take the prepared solution 30 minutes before meals.

The use of honey for gastritis is contraindicated:

  • in diabetes mellitus: this condition is manifested by a reduced ability to absorb carbohydrates, so it is not recommended to additionally load the pancreas;
  • for digestive disorders: the components of the bee product increase intestinal motility, so it is recommended to avoid it in case of diarrhea;
  • In case of high sensitivity to honey components or allergies, the product is gradually introduced into the diet.

Bee nectar helps eliminate the symptoms of gastritis and reduce inflammation when consumed correctly and following the doctor's recommendations. The product is used as an adjunct to therapy in combination with prescribed medications and diet.

Honey for gastritis: is it possible or not?

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, beekeeping products are simply necessary. In this regard, honey has no price! After all, this product has wound-healing, antibacterial, sedative, and antitoxic properties. Thanks to these qualities, honey is used even for erosive gastritis and stomach ulcers.

With bee products, scarring of mucous tissues occurs very quickly. In addition to the stomach, honey also heals other organs. It improves immunity and calms the nervous system.

The use of honey in the treatment of gastritis

You can treat various types of gastritis with any honey, liquid or in honeycombs, propolis, the main thing is that it is 100% natural. Linden or other floral honey products work well. If it is diluted by adding water and sugar, its valuable properties are significantly reduced. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to make sure of its quality.

In order to effectively treat gastritis and its exacerbations, it is better to buy honey in combs, this will guarantee its naturalness. There are many recipes for treating gastritis with propolis, which acts in the same way as a liquid product. If you have honey in your comb, you can simply separate a small piece and chew it in the morning on an empty stomach. This normalizes the microflora of the stomach. Honey varieties of dark and amber shades have the strongest bactericidal activity.

You can eat liquid honey product or honey in honeycombs in its pure form no more than three tablespoons (80-100 grams) per day. In case of exacerbation of gastritis, it is better to dilute it with water or combine it with other components. You can make tea with chamomile, sophora, etc.

You can eat liquid honey product or honey in honeycombs in its pure form, no more than three tablespoons of 80-100 grams per day

Honey acts as a pain reliever for gastritis. To remove painful manifestations, you can make tea from chamomile flowers, plantain leaves, and yarrow. The recipe is very simple. Mix all ingredients and pour boiling water. Infuse the tea for 30–40 minutes, then strain. This tea should be consumed warm, never hot. Add a teaspoon of honey to 100 ml of tea.

For erosive and atrophic diseases with low acidity, this recipe helps well. Take a few leaves of the aloe plant and grind it. Add 5 tablespoons of honey to them. If there is a product in the combs, you can use it. If not, a liquid substance will do. Mix the composition well. You need to take this medicine in the morning, on an empty stomach.

If the patient has gastritis with low acidity, it is necessary to dissolve honey in cool water. This method reduces the acid level and brings it back to normal. You can simply drink honey water on an empty stomach or 1.5 hours before meals. The benefits of honey for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are undeniable. With its help, you can effectively treat gastritis at home. Coordinate the use of folk remedies with your doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Methods of application

This product can be used in its natural form or mixed with other beneficial ingredients. It is important to remember that honey cannot be heated above 50 °C, then all its healing qualities are lost. As soon as the disease has made itself felt, you can use water with honey. For gastritis, linden product is most suitable. You can get by with whatever is available. How to take honey correctly in this case?

A solution of honey and water is very simple to prepare. Stir 35 g of honey in one glass of water. You need to drink 4 of these glasses a day. The first glass is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, the last one in the evening, before bedtime. For the best effect, take warm water. The duration of treatment is one month.

Some patients prefer to use honey in its pure form. This application is suitable for those who cannot drink much liquid. You need to eat 4 tablespoons of honey per day, divided into 4 doses. The first portion is eaten on an empty stomach, the second - before bedtime. So for a month.

Regular and erosive gastritis are treated with honey and aloe. You need to have 200 g of this product and 200 g of aloe leaves available. It is better to choose leaves from a mature plant that is more than 5 years old. Aloe is first placed in the freezer for three days. The honey is melted in a water bath, and the leaves are passed through a meat grinder. After boiling, add the aloe mixture to the honey and, stirring constantly, boil for another three minutes.

The resulting mass is placed in a glass container and cooled. Store the drug in a cool, dry place, preferably at the bottom of the refrigerator. The product does not store for long, it is better to use it half a month before.

The medicinal potion with aloe is taken 2 tablespoons. The first time - on an empty stomach, then before each meal, and finally - before bed. This is done for 3 weeks. If necessary, the course is repeated after a week.

How else can honey be used for gastritis? A very effective remedy that copes with all types of this disease is a medicinal composition with pharmaceutical chamomile. First, take a spoonful of dried chamomile flowers, 100 honey and 1 liter of water. The honey is heated in a water bath, the inflorescences are added to it and boiled for about 10 minutes. After this, the mass is placed in water and stirred thoroughly. Then the solution is filtered through cheesecloth and poured into a glass jar. Store it in the refrigerator.

The application procedure is as follows:

  • drink a glass of the drug in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • a third of a glass is taken before each meal;
  • drink a glass an hour before bedtime;
  • Application period: two weeks.

These recipes prove that honey is very beneficial for gastritis. It is worth remembering that it is only an auxiliary tool. It complements, rather than replaces, drug therapy.

Rules for taking honey in the treatment of gastritis

The type of honey is selected individually depending on taste preferences. The species of honey determines its healing properties. But, one way or another, most varieties have an equally beneficial effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body as a whole. Treatment with honey mixtures should be accompanied by taking medications prescribed by a doctor and diet. Only in this case can one expect a positive effect from therapy.

To avoid weight gain, treatment of gastritis with honey is carried out in small dosages. The daily norm does not exceed 150 grams. Patients who decide to use honey to eliminate inflammation of the gastric mucosa should expect a long recovery period. It will take at least 1-2 months of daily use to achieve clinically significant treatment results.

It is important to remember that the method of taking honey depends on the goals (increasing or decreasing acidity). Consuming bee products before meals provokes the production of gastric juice, which is necessary for low acidity. Taking it after meals, on the contrary, helps reduce the level of acids in the stomach cavity.

There are several options for using honey in the treatment of gastritis:

To avoid weight gain, treatment of gastritis with honey is carried out in small dosages; the daily dose does not exceed 150 grams

  • without additives;
  • with warm water;
  • with warm milk;
  • with natural fresh juices;
  • with herbal decoctions, warm tea.

By adding honey to any drink, you can enhance the healing effect. The easiest way is to use it in its pure form. 2-3 teaspoons in the morning and evening for 3-4 months are enough to eliminate the symptoms of gastritis. In this case, the first intake of honey is taken before breakfast on an empty stomach.

If there is no data on the acidity values ​​of the stomach cavity, it is better to prepare honey water. It regulates the production of pepsin and hydrochloric acid. If the patient experiences discomfort and heartburn in the stomach when drinking sweet water, it is recommended to mix honey with warm milk. For any acidity, you can use a mixture of honey and herbal decoction.

Honey for gastritis with high acidity is used in the following recipes:

  • Add 2 dessert spoons of honey to ½ cup of freshly squeezed carrot juice and stir. Take the solution once during painful attacks in the epigastric region;
  • A mixture of potato tuber juice and sweets is prepared in similar proportions. Drink ½ glass of syrup 1 hour before meals for 10 days. After a ten-day break, the course is repeated.

Lemon juice and honey are combined in equal quantities to reduce the acidity of the stomach during gastritis. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture daily. You can make delicious medicinal water from this medicine by mixing 1 tablespoon of the medicine with a glass of warm water.


  • https://pchelovod.com/med/myod-pri-gastrite-zheludka-mozhno-ili-nelzya-recepty-i-primenenie.html
  • https://www.astromeridian.ru/medicina/med_pri_gastrite.html
  • https://gastrit.guru/pitanie/med-pri-gastrite.html
  • https://gastritinform.ru/pallcare.ru/
  • https://mirpchely.ru/produkty-pchelovodstva/med/pri-gastrite
  • https://gastritinform.ru/ozhkt.com/zheludok/gastrit/med-pri-gastrite.html
  • https://freealtonia.ru/primenenie-meda-pri-gastrite-zheludka-v-kachestve-vspomogatelnogo-protivovospalitelnogo-sredstva-v-periody-remissij.html

Cases with high acidity

Increased acidity greatly affects the walls of the stomach. Sometimes severe pain occurs in the solar plexus area, especially when the stomach is empty. Fatty and heavy foods are poorly digested because increased pancreatic activity is required. The aggressive environment begins to react with areas unprotected by the mucous membrane. How can honey help in this case?

Take a glass of water and dilute a spoonful of honey in it. This solution is taken twice a day half an hour before meals. Instead of water, you can take decoctions of various medicinal plants. The most commonly used is St. John's wort.

Aloe honey

Honey in itself is an effective remedy in the treatment of many disorders in the human body, and supplemented with an equally healing plant in the form of aloe, it can have a truly unique effect on gastrointestinal diseases, in particular on various types of gastritis. It is suitable for patients with a long-term erosive form of gastritis, which is the most threatening disease with far-reaching consequences.

In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. To prepare a medicinal mixture, equal amounts of honey and juice obtained from aloe leaves, previously frozen, are combined and allowed to brew for several hours. Take the resulting product in accordance with the following scheme:
  • The first dose on an empty stomach in the morning is 2 tablespoons. spoon;
  • the second - before lunch in the amount of one spoon;
  • the third - before going to bed, no earlier than three to four hours after the last meal, in the amount of 2 tables. spoons
  1. Honey in the amount of 200 g is mixed with 25 ml of aloe juice, 20 g of badger fat, 200 g of cocoa and sea buckthorn oil are added to the resulting composition. Mix everything and take half an hour before the main meal once a day.
  2. Finely chop a leaf from an aloe plant, add honey and leave for three days away from light, then pour a little wine into the mixture. Consume on an empty stomach for several months three times a day.

Gastritis is currently one of the most common pathologies affecting the gastrointestinal tract of people of any age. The use of honey for this disease will greatly ease the course of the disease and significantly speed up recovery.

Honey with low acidity

Reduced acidity does not cause such pain as increased acidity. Still, it causes discomfort: poor digestion of food, inflammation of the mucous membrane, and the emergence of pathogenic microorganisms in the stomach.

In this case, honey is mixed with butter (1:1). The drug is taken three times a day, one tablespoon. The dose is taken half an hour before meals.

Another excellent remedy for low acidity is a mixture of honey with lemon or rowan juice. This will help not only to recover, but also to be enriched with useful vitamins.


When honey is taken correctly, this product has virtually no restrictions. It should not be taken only if:

  • Allergic reactions to bee products
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • For chronic diarrhea

Honey is a very healthy product. Possessing medicinal properties. But before treating with honey, be sure to consult with specialists. Perhaps in your case this product is contraindicated.

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Milk and honey

The most advanced forms of gastritis can be cured with honey and milk. It is used only by people who digest protein well. The admission procedure is very simple. The patient drinks a glass of warm milk with honey every morning on an empty stomach. Use two tablespoons of honey per 250 ml of milk. If gastritis is accompanied by pain, frequent drinking of the drug in small sips is required. Drink 1 liter of honey-milk medicine per day. Milk and honey for gastritis are taken for 3 weeks.

What are the benefits of milk for the stomach?

In most cases, milk is harmless for both types of illness, which means it can be added to the diet. Milk is healthy; it contains proteins that are easily digestible, calcium and components necessary to restore the gastric mucosa.

The product contains vitamin E in large quantities, which, in turn, neutralizes the effects of hydrochloric acid. However, it is worth remembering: dairy products for stomach diseases should be consumed with caution. If a person has gastritis with high acidity, this disease will be characterized by such symptoms as heartburn, vomiting, and belching with a sour taste.

Treatment is primarily aimed at reducing the level of acidity in the body. In this case, foods that, when digested, cause the production of gastric juice in very large quantities, should be excluded from the diet. Products that can damage the gastric mucosa are prohibited. Drinking milk for gastritis is not prohibited, but if a person has gastritis with a high level of acidity, it is recommended to drink skim milk in moderation. It is undesirable to eat dairy products that have a fairly high acidity. As for fermented milk foods, its consumption should be limited.

Honey as a pain reliever

Pain during gastritis can be very severe. Pain can be reduced with honey. To prepare the anesthetic mixture you will need the following ingredients:

  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • 50 g honey;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • Novocaine ampoule.

Melt honey and butter in a water bath, then add the remaining ingredients. The product is ready!

One-half of this medicine is drunk immediately, the rest - after 20 minutes. Then the patient goes to bed. This method eliminates the most severe pain. You should not use the product constantly, it does not cure, but only relieves pain.

Honey for complications of gastritis in the form of ulcers

The unique properties of honey have made it one of the indispensable components in complex methods of treating stomach ulcers caused by long-term chronic gastritis. These qualities of honey have long been used in folk methods of treating disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, and medicine does not abandon this effective and reliable remedy.

A treatment complex that includes natural honey improves the general condition of the patient, reduces painful symptoms, relieves heartburn and nausea, which are characteristic conditions of peptic ulcer disease.

Regular treatment with honey helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood of patients with gastritis and ulcers, as these patients often suffer from anemia caused by poor digestion and repeated bleeding.

Honey can have a restorative effect on stomach tissue damaged by erosion and ulcers and located in the submucosal layer. It has a positive restorative effect not only on the digestive system, but on the entire body as a whole.

Reviews from patients and doctors

People suffering from stomach diseases often discuss treating gastritis with honey. Reviews indicate that this product contains almost all the properties necessary for recovery. Many good words are written about the use of honey with herbal decoctions. The following herbs are recommended for decoctions: marigold flowers, plantain leaves, string, yarrow. Some people recommend using it with propolis tincture.

After a few days of use, many patients experienced improved digestion and normalized acidity. Excellent helpers of honey in the fight against gastritis in patients were fennel fruits, flax seeds, peppermint, and small-leaved linden flowers. Doctors ask you to pay attention to the naturalness of honey and not to forget that it will not replace drug treatment.

Reviews about the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases with honey

I have heard before that for gastritis you should eat honey or medicinal products prepared with it. I asked my doctor for advice. He recommended several recipes to me. I tried one of them - I drank a herbal decoction with honey in the morning on an empty stomach every day for two weeks. Firstly, I really liked the taste of this drug, and secondly, by the end of the first week of taking the pain that arose as soon as I was late with the next lunch or dinner, disappeared. As I understand, such procedures help if you practice them regularly.

Lyudmila, 34 years old

I save myself from exacerbations that occur in the spring with honey, aloe and butter. Great recipe. I have chronic gastritis, and I know what attacks of stomach pain are. For high acidity, this remedy is indispensable. I recommend to everyone. The recipe is easy to find on the Internet.

Ivan Petrovich, 58 years old

It is usually recommended to take honey for gastritis. I don’t understand - how is this possible? I get heartburn if I eat even half a teaspoon of this product. Treating a cold with honey is one thing. But it seems to me that for gastrointestinal diseases this is even dangerous.

Christina, 29 years old

Only a nutrition specialist or attending physician familiar with the history of your illness can tell you how to take honey for gastritis. You should not rely only on reviews from forums. Treatment of stomach ulcers with honey should also occur under the supervision of a specialist. In order not to harm your health, you should carefully try any folk remedy. It is necessary to start taking small doses, gradually increasing the amount of medication.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that honey comes in different varieties and not everyone may be right for you. Only through trial and error can the desired result be achieved. You should not abandon traditional treatment for the disease, as this is fraught with serious complications. Only after undergoing an examination and consulting a doctor can you use alternative medicine as an addition to the program prescribed by doctors.

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