Linex for diarrhea in adults and children

Unstable stool in the form of diarrhea (diarrhea) is the result of functional disorders of the digestive system. A successful fight against an unpleasant manifestation must be comprehensive and include an impact on the cause of the pathology with the exclusion of its further impact. Linex for diarrhea is effective when used against the background of the development of dysbacteriosis.

Use of the drug and its analogues

When choosing such a remedy for diarrhea, you should study everything carefully.

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Indications for use of the drug may be as follows:

  • diarrhea of ​​various types (acute, chronic, etc.);
  • constipation;
  • discomfort in the intestines;
  • allergic reactions on the skin (if this is caused by a problem with the intestinal microflora).

The medicine is used even for some non-intestinal infectious diseases and as support during radiation and chemotherapy.


In the latter case, the drug helps restore intestinal function, which was disrupted by the side effects of these procedures (diarrhea, vomiting).

"Linex" is recommended for the treatment and prevention of intestinal problems in adults, children over 7 months, pregnant and lactating women.

It can also be used for prevention if it is necessary to suddenly change the diet or if there is a possibility of major disruptions in the digestive system.

Despite the fact that the drug is completely safe, since it contains practically no synthetic impurities, but only living microflora, it is advisable to consult a doctor before undergoing a course of intestinal treatment.

The fact is that some people may have allergies or intolerance to certain bacteria, which, if taken frequently, can only aggravate the situation.

If we are talking about treating diarrhea in a small child, then visiting a doctor is mandatory, since the intestinal microflora is just being formed.

Because of this, taking some of the bacteria contained in the drug may cause an imbalance of microorganisms in the intestines, which will only worsen the current problem.

If, after taking Linex, your or your child’s bowel movements have not returned to normal or, on the contrary, have only worsened, then consult your doctor.

Most likely, this drug was ineffective and you will have to take other medications.

During the course of treatment, other medications may be used along with the drug. Its effectiveness will not be affected by this.

However, during the course of treatment it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages, since the effect of Linex in this case is reduced to a minimum.

The drug should not be used by those who have chronic diseases such as HIV, diabetes, immunodeficiency, etc.

The drug also loses its effectiveness in cases of severe diarrhea, diarrhea and constipation, in which the body temperature rises, dehydration and severe abdominal pain appear.

Application of the product

The drug is available in the form of 300 mg capsules, which contain dried live bacteria, as well as supporting substances (starch and lactose).

In total, the package can contain from 8 to 32 capsules. The walls of the capsules gradually dissolve when exposed to the acidic environment of the stomach.

To achieve the best result, experts recommend adhering to certain rules when using the medicine:

  • It is advisable to use it 10-20 minutes after eating;
  • When using Linex, the capsules should be washed down with plenty of water. This is necessary so that their shell dissolves without problems in the stomach;
  • You can drink it not only with water, but also with milk and juices;
  • The liquid with which the drug is taken should not be too warm or cold (preferably room temperature).

The dosage of capsules is approximately as follows: for adults and children from 12 years old, 6 capsules per day are indicated; for children from 2 to 12 years old, the recommended dose ranges from 3-6 capsules; for children from 7 months to 2 years, the required dose is no more than 3 capsules per day.

The optimal dosage regimen should be provided by your attending physician, but as a rule, capsules should be taken 1-2 capsules 3 times a day (depending on age).

Similar drugs

"Linex" does not have 100% similar analogues and it is best suited for eliminating problems such as diarrhea caused by dysbacteriosis.

The drugs that are closest in quality are considered to be “Bififom”, “Hilak-Forte”, “Normoflorin”.

One of these may be prescribed instead of Linex if you have serious contraindications to the latter.

In most cases, these analogues are used as biologically active food additives.

All of them have no serious contraindications for use by children, pregnant and lactating women.

"Bififom" is mainly prescribed to young children from one to three years old, as it has minimal side effects on the developing body.

"Normoflorin" is more often prescribed for chronic diseases of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract, which could be caused by infectious diseases, microflora disorders, or side effects during treatment with highly active drugs.

"Hilak-Forte" is suitable for maintaining a healthy intestine at all stages of the disease.

Effective against indigestion, frequent gas formation, bloating, diarrhea, diarrhea and colic.

Methods for treating diarrhea in children using Linex

For children, including infants, the drug is used in 2 dosage forms - powder and drops for oral administration. Dosage and mode of use depend on the age of the child:

  • Newborn babies, as well as children under 2 years old - 1 sachet (sachet) of powder once a day or 6 drops once a day.
  • Children from 2 to 12 years old - 1 sachet of powder 3 times a day or 6 drops 2-3 times a day.
  • Adolescents over 12 years of age - 2 sachets of powder 3 times a day or 2 capsules 3 times a day are allowed.
  • The duration of the course of treatment varies - 2-3 weeks.

    "Linex" for children

    "Linex" is approved for use for diarrhea in newborns up to 7 months of age.

    Before taking the drug for a child, it is necessary to undergo examination and consult with a specialist, since the dose is prescribed individually for each newborn.

    First of all, the doctor must find the cause of the child’s digestive problems and try to eliminate it without the help of medications.

    Digestive disorders in a newborn can occur during a sudden transition from breastfeeding to baby food. In this case, it is enough to allow the child’s body to adapt a little to the changes.

    Despite the fact that Linex is in most cases safe for infants, it can be used strictly with the permission of the pediatrician, who will prescribe the necessary proportions and dosage regimen.

    Diarrhea is more common in children aged 2 to 12 years, since at this age the child’s intestinal microflora is actively developing.

    Before giving your child synthetic medications, you should try to normalize his diet. If this does not help, then you will have to use drug treatment.

    "Linex" has no serious contraindications for use by children of this age. The method of use is the same as for adults - take 1-2 capsules with plenty of water at room temperature.

    However, Linex still has some contraindications, so be sure to consult a specialist before your first use.

    Linex can be found in any pharmacy and is available without a prescription. The drug is also actively used as a prophylaxis after surgery, long-term treatment and diseases of the digestive system.

    Linex has a high price on the market, but the drug is very effective and practically does not cause allergic reactions.

    The drug Linex belongs to the pharmacological group of eubiotics - substances that normalize intestinal microflora.

    Useful properties of Linex for loose stools

    Linex belongs to the pharmacological group - antidiarrheal microbial drugs. It contains lactose and live lactic acid bacteria, which are representatives of normal microflora. The medicine has several mechanisms of action:

  • In the intestinal lumen, lactose fermentation occurs with a pH shift to the acidic side. This helps to suppress the growth and reproduction of opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria.
  • An increase in the number of lactic acid bacteria due to active colonization of the mucous membrane. In this case, there is a “competitive” suppression of the growth and reproduction of other microorganisms that have a negative impact on the functional state of the intestine.
  • Due to the implementation of the mechanism of action, the drug has several of the following beneficial therapeutic effects:

  • Increasing the intensity of synthesis of water-soluble B vitamins and vitamin K.
  • Improving the metabolism of bile acids and bile.
  • Preventing the adhesion (sticking) of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms to the mucous membrane.
  • Stimulation of the activity of local specific and nonspecific immunity.
  • Improving intestinal motility and normalizing stool.
  • Positive therapeutic effects are almost always achieved, regardless of the underlying cause of diarrhea. Exposure to any negative factors leads to a disruption in the number and ratio of representatives of normal microflora.

    Composition of the drug

    Linex is a drug that normalizes intestinal microflora.

    The drug is a white capsule. They contain 280 mg of Lebenin in powder form.

    This powder contains lyophilized bacteria that produce lactic acid. One gram of Lebenin contains:

    • Lactobacillus acidophilus – 0.3 g
    • Bifidobacterium infantis - 0.3 g
    • Enterococcus faecium – 0.3 g
    • Potato starch – 0.05 mg
    • Lactose – 0.05 mg
    • Magnesium stearate – 0.008 mg

    The capsule shell of this drug dissolves in the intestines; it consists of gelatin (0.063 g) and excipients. If necessary, the capsule can be opened and its contents stirred in water. This method of taking Linex is used to give the drug to infants.

    Release form and composition

    Each tablet of this drug includes 280 mg of lebenin (in powder form), as well as 300 mg of live biomass of lactobacilli and enterococcus. According to rough estimates, each capsule contains no less than 10,000,000 live bacteria that are beneficial to the stomach and normalize its microenvironment. In addition, the drug contains lactose (98.28 mg to be precise), potato starch, and dextrin. Not without magnesium stearate, gelatin, titanium dioxide.

    The form of preparation of the medicinal product is capsules. They are opaque, covered with a white cap, and equipped with a whitish body. These pills contain a powder that is also white in color and has no odor. The product is easily absorbed and quickly brings the desired result, i.e. it improves the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates pain and other negative phenomena in 15-20 minutes.

    Under normal conditions, the gastrointestinal tract exhibits a harmonious proportion between all types of bacteria. “Beneficial” microorganisms prevent “harmful” elements from spreading. If changes occur in the optimal environment, the balance of the microflora is subject to disruption. Subsequently, some negative symptoms will make themselves felt. They include diarrhea, pain, allergies, flatulence, and an unpleasant taste. It is in these situations that Linex is necessary.

    Pharmacokinetic action of Linex

    Linex helps a lot with diarrhea.

    Normally, in the stomach, small and large intestines of a healthy person, a balance between different types of bacteria is maintained.

    Lacto- and bifidobacteria prevent opportunistic flora from spreading; they promote proper digestion.

    All this happens due to the acidic environment of the stomach and intestines. A shift in acidity in these organs occurs for a variety of reasons, the balance of microflora is disturbed, and negative symptoms arise:

    1. Diarrhea
    2. Flatulence
    3. Pain in the intestines
    4. Allergic reaction to food
    5. Bloating
    6. Heartburn
    7. Bad taste in the mouth
    8. Decreased immunity

    Taking Linex shifts the pH of the intestines towards increased acidity. The bacteria in this drug produce lactic acid, promote the synthesis of vitamins C, B, K and increase overall immunity.

    At the same time, the metabolism of bile acids is activated and the activity of enzymes involved in food digestion is ensured. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are not susceptible to gastric juice, so they manage to remain in a stable state for a long time.

    Operating principle, effect

    The use of Linex for diarrhea allows you to obtain a complex effect. It is based on the following effects:

    • pH level shift: the formation of an acidic environment ensures inhibition of the growth of pathogenic and opportunistic flora, optimal digestive fermentation,
    • thanks to lactic acid bacteria, the synthesis of vitamin K and group B is activated: thiamine, riboflavin, B6, B12,
    • ensuring the metabolism of bile pigments and acids: digestive processes are normalized, the disruption of which provokes diarrhea,
    • synthesis of bacteriocins - substances that provide antibacterial activity,
    • preventing pathogens from sticking to the intestinal walls,
    • stimulation of humoral and local immunity.

    Linex maintains normal intestinal microflora and restores the disturbed balance of microorganisms. This helps eliminate diarrhea.

    Linex capsules are taken orally. Their action begins in the digestive tract and there is no systemic absorption.

    Linex is effective for diarrhea caused by a viral or bacterial infection of the digestive tract, the use of antibacterial drugs or other drugs of synthetic origin with antimicrobial activity.

    Indications for use also include traveler's diarrhea.

    Linex is absolutely safe for the body. Studies have been conducted that have proven that there is no toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity or teratogenicity of the drug.

    Can the drug be used for diarrhea?

    The main indication for the use of Linex is dysbacteriosis.

    The main indication for taking Linex is dysbiosis or overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria.

    This term refers to the condition of the intestines during abnormal growth of pathogenic bacteria, damage to the mucous membrane of the small intestine by these microorganisms, or the entry of microflora of the large intestine into it.

    Lactic acid created by beneficial bacteria creates a habitat unsuitable for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

    This property makes Linex effective for constipation and diarrhea at the same time, if the latter symptom is not caused by an infectious disease.

    The drug normalizes the balance of microflora and normalizes digestion. If no improvement occurs within 1-2 days, or blood and mucus appear in the stool, you should consult a doctor.

    Can the medicine be used for diarrhea?

    The action of the drug is to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

    The product, with the help of bacteria in its composition, forms a flora in the organs that prevents pathogenic microorganisms from multiplying. Therefore, the drug can be considered effective for both diarrhea and constipation. The main thing is that the diarrhea is not infectious in nature. On average, the anti-diarrhea drug is taken within one to two days.

    If the medicine is ineffective, blood or mucous discharge appears in the stool, you should stop taking the medicine and make an appointment with a doctor.

    Special problems – heartburn, acne, allergies

    To eliminate heartburn, long-term use of Linex is required.

    Heartburn is a sign of increased stomach acidity; it can manifest itself as a complication of dysbiosis.

    To eliminate heartburn, long-term use of Linex is required, since the transition of the gastrointestinal tract to normal operation requires quite a long time.

    Linex is included in the complex therapy of such pathologies of the digestive system as pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis.

    The drug Linex can help improve the condition of acne-affected skin if the appearance of acne is associated with the functioning of the stomach and intestines. For skin problems associated with hormonal imbalances in the body, this medicine will not be effective.

    Manifestations of food allergies (skin itching, redness, peeling of the skin, nasal congestion, allergic cough, dizziness) are closely related to the proper functioning of the intestines. You can achieve microflora balance in case of allergies by taking a preventive course of Linex lasting from 14 to 21 days.

    Other indications for the use of Linex are stomatitis, vaginal candidiasis, vaginal dysbiosis. For those who have undergone a long course of antibiotic treatment, Linex will help supplement the intestinal flora damaged by these drugs.

    Duration of treatment, restrictions on the use of the drug, basic rules of administration

    It usually takes up to two days to get rid of diarrhea, but if the attacks are too intense, longer treatment will be needed. It is forbidden to take Linex for diarrhea for more than four days. If unpleasant symptoms do not go away, be sure to seek medical help.

    There are practically no prohibitions on the use of the drug. It is prohibited to use the product for children under two months and for people suffering from hypersensitivity to some components of the drug. Use with caution for the treatment of pregnant women - there is a risk of negatively affecting the development of the fetus, so it is better to use capsules only after medical consultation.

    Remember! Allergy to lactose is the main contraindication to the use of the drug. A careless attitude to the ban can provoke prolonged constipation, increased attacks of diarrhea, and flatulence.

    The basic rule for using the drug is that it is recommended to carefully monitor the body’s reaction. If, after using the medicine, irritation, profuse rashes, or itching appear on the skin, it is better to refuse to continue treatment and choose a product with a different composition.

    An overdose does not threaten any special troubles, but doctors warn that it is better not to experiment with the medicine. It is also not recommended to combine several medications or supplement the effect on the problem with herbal decoctions without a doctor’s permission. Only strict adherence to the requirements set out in the instructions will allow you to quickly and effectively influence loose stools and get rid of additional manifestations of intestinal disorders.

    Linex is a drug that has many positive qualities, including a gentle effect on the problem. Despite the absence of strict contraindications or prohibitions, it is better not to be careless about the instructions - only the correct use of the product can eliminate the problem.

    Mode of application

    The drug is taken during or after meals, washed down with a small amount of water or any other liquid that should not be hot.

    Children under three years of age cannot always swallow the capsule, so they can dilute its contents in a spoon or give Linex using a clean disposable syringe.

    Taking Linex with alcohol is absolutely incompatible. Ethyl alcohol completely neutralizes the beneficial effects of bacteria contained in the drug, so you should not drink Linex with alcoholic beverages.

    Side effects

    Linex has no side effects.

    During the entire period of use of this drug, there have been no officially registered cases of overdose or side effects.

    There were no obstacles to controlling transport and complex mechanisms during the course of taking Linex. Psychophysical activity and concentration do not change when using this drug.

    In isolated cases, a short-term increase in diarrhea was noted, however, as intestinal activity is optimized, this symptom disappears. Undiagnosed lactose intolerance can cause an allergic reaction in the form of dermatitis and nasal congestion.


    The use of Linex for diabetes is prohibited.

    Since Linex contains lactose, this drug should not be used by people intolerant to dairy products.

    In addition, Linex is not used by patients after organ transplantation who have a history of AIDS and diabetes mellitus.

    This drug is used with caution for symptoms such as hyperthermia with a temperature above 38? C, frequent bouts of diarrhea lasting more than two days.

    In this case, the patient requires consultation with an infectious disease specialist to differentiate dysbiosis from diseases such as dysentery, salmonellosis, and food poisoning. Particular caution should be exercised when such symptoms appear in children and the elderly.

    Compatibility with other drugs

    Linex does not interact with other drugs; it is compatible with almost all drug groups. The only limitation is that it is not recommended to take other probiotics in parallel with Linex.

    The drug Linex is a drug that has almost no contraindications. Its use is justified for dysbiosis and associated disorders of normal digestion. The dosage of Linex is calculated depending on age, the drug is well tolerated by children and the elderly.

    Favorite ad! About the drug Linex - in the promotional video:

    Digestive problems can occur at any age. In a child, they begin at birth and manifest themselves in the form of bloating, intestinal colic, infection and loose stools.

    Adults more often suffer from food poisoning, infectious diseases and the consequences of taking antibacterial drugs.

    But all people, regardless of age, are united by one important problem, which is a consequence of such disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

    With diarrhea, a disruption occurs in the intestinal microflora. At this time, pathogenic microorganisms rapidly multiply, and beneficial bacteria die.

    Linex for children and adults copes well with this problem, performing all the useful functions without causing any side effects.

    Its role is to populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria, normalizing the natural microflora. These bacteria are called probiotics.


    There are several analogues for Linex for diarrhea in children and adults. Some of them are made on the basis of similar substances (but not 100%), and a number of drugs include auxiliary components. It is worth noting that the probiotic itself has no analogues and is the only medicine intended for the treatment of dysbiosis . But there are many similar groups of medications made from other living microorganisms that are beneficial to the gastrointestinal tract. Here is a list of the most common drugs.

    1. Bifiform. This inexpensive composition is mainly prescribed to infants from 1 to 3 years old. The fact is that it has a minimal number of side effects and is easily tolerated by the developing body.
    2. Normoflorin. Most often, this composition is prescribed in the case of chronic intestinal and gastric diseases. Even if they are caused by infectious processes, the remedy will help get rid of disturbed microflora. This is a dietary supplement that is used for therapeutic and preventive purposes.
    3. Hilak-Forte. The drug is used to maintain the intestines in optimal condition, regardless of the stage of the disease. It is effective in treating digestive disorders, increased flatulence, diarrhea, and colic. The remedy is suitable at all stages of the disease, and there are no contraindications to its use.

    In addition, in medical practice, young and adult patients are often prescribed tablets such as Enterol, Probifor, Lactobacterin, Acipol and others. Despite the harmlessness and safety of the compositions, they are recommended to be used only after consulting a doctor.

    Important components in the composition

    Linex is a medicine containing third generation probiotics. Probiotics contain several types of bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the state of intestinal microflora.

    What components does Linex consist of:

    • Lactobacillus acidophilus. They live in the human digestive system and prefer an acidic environment, actively secreting lactic acid, which is responsible for maintaining pH levels. Pathogenic microorganisms are very sensitive to such an environment and are not able to live and reproduce normally. This leads to their death.
    • Bifidobacteria. These beneficial bacteria also populate the gastrointestinal tract, creating an acidic environment around them. Pathogenic bacteria are not able to survive in such conditions and die.
    • The presence of enterococci. This is another component among the beneficial bacteria that make up Linex. They are necessarily present in the digestive system with normal and healthy microflora.

    This type of bacteria participates in the fermentation process without releasing gas, while simultaneously acidifying the environment around it.

    Together, these functions leave no chance for pathogenic bacteria to live and reproduce.

    Causes of diarrhea

    The balance of healthy intestinal microflora in adults and children lies in the ratio of bacteriological composition. Beneficial and pathogenic bacteria coexist on the intestinal mucosa without causing harm to health.

    All pathogenic bacteria do not cause harm as long as beneficial microorganisms restrain them with their presence.

    If beneficial bacteria die, but harmful ones remain, the latter actively multiply, which leads to unpleasant consequences.

    Dysbiosis appears and leads to indigestion. Symptoms of this condition include bloating, flatulence and diarrhea.

    A small baby may vomit, increase gas production and worsen food digestion.

    Why does dysbiosis appear in children:

    • The influence of intestinal infections. These include rotavirus infection. In the presence of diarrhea and vomiting, toxins and all beneficial substances and bacteria are washed out, disrupting the natural balance of the body's microflora.
    • Consequences after taking antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs can not only destroy all pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial ones. This leads to dysbiosis.
    • Poisoning. In food poisoning, a massive elimination of all microorganisms occurs through diarrhea and vomiting.
    • In infants and bottle-fed children, dysbiosis is often observed due to overfeeding. Disruptions in the microflora depend on the incorrect introduction of the first complementary foods.

    All these reasons can provoke dysbiosis in children. The treatment for this condition is to normalize the balance of the body's microflora.

    Probiotics and bifidobacteria, which Linex contains, will help achieve this.

    Does the drug help with diarrhea?

    If the lack of formation of feces occurs due to an imbalance of microflora, the medication is prescribed as the main method of therapy. The instructions for use indicate that it restores the balance of microflora with the help of lactobacilli included in it.

    The drug is prescribed to eliminate diarrhea that has developed due to the following factors:

    • poisoning;

    • intake of poor quality food, large doses of alcohol;
    • long-term use of antibiotics.

    Linex acts as a symptomatic treatment . But in order to completely eliminate the cause of diarrhea and the risk of relapse, it is necessary to use other medications.

    In what cases is Linex taken?

    In addition to treating dysbiosis, Linex helps perfectly with the following symptoms:

    • For diarrhea (acute and chronic)
    • If constipation occurs
    • In case of intestinal dysfunction, discomfort
    • Skin rashes and other manifestations of skin allergies associated with disturbances of intestinal microflora.

    Why take Linex:

    • This drug is also prescribed for the treatment of other diseases not related to intestinal infections. Quite often it is taken during radiation and chemotherapy.
    • Linex not only has an effect in restoring intestinal microflora, but also relieves vomiting and diarrhea. It is recommended for the treatment of intestinal diseases in adults, children from 7 months, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers. It is often taken as a preventive measure.
    • In case of serious disorders in the digestive system or in cases where there is an urgent need to change the diet, Linex is prescribed as an additional preventive measure.

    Linex is very effective and safe, because... does not contain components of synthetic origin.

    But before starting treatment, you still need to consult a doctor, since this drug contains components that may cause allergies or intolerance in some patients. The doctor will conduct a consultation and give the right recommendations.

    The microflora of a small child is at the stage of formation. For this reason, before giving Linex to your child, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

    Otherwise, an imbalance of bacteria in the intestines may occur, which will cause the disease to worsen.

    It can be perfectly combined with other medications. It does not lose its medicinal properties. The only thing you should avoid is alcohol. It reduces the medicinal properties of the drug.

    It is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from chronic diseases. These are HIV, diabetes mellitus and immunodeficiency.

    How to take Linex for diarrhea, vomiting, poisoning

    Linex is a modern probiotic used for disorders caused by poor-quality products. It helps to restore the balance of intestinal microflora and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the medicine improves digestion.

    The medicine is prescribed not only as an antidiarrheal and anti-inflammatory agent, but also for poisoning of various origins. Linex is also prescribed after taking antibiotics.

    The effect of the drug is due to the beneficial bacteria it contains, which are so necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines.

    Indications for use

    The probiotic Linex is used during therapy and as a prevention of dysbiosis, which manifests itself with symptoms such as:

    • diarrhea, constipation;
    • dyspepsia (impaired ability of the stomach to work properly, difficult digestion);
    • flatulence;
    • belching;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • manifestations of an allergic reaction;
    • pain in the abdominal area.

    With dysbacteriosis, pathogenic microflora develops in the intestines, which does not allow the absorption of beneficial substances. To improve the efficiency of the process, the drug is prescribed for digestive disorders.

    We must not forget that in infants the gastric microflora is not yet fully formed. Because of this, babies experience colic, regurgitation and other ailments due to problems digesting food. Together with food, children receive mainly beneficial bacteria and vitamins that help the growth of the small organism.

    However, “harmful” microbes also enter the stomach and multiply very quickly. Because of them, a violation of the already not yet fully established microflora balance occurs. This disorder has its own name - dysbiosis.

    Helping a small patient eliminate such a discrepancy in the ratio of “good” and “bad” microorganisms is precisely what Linex is designed to do.

    In addition to the listed cases, the drug is used as an element of complex therapy for the manifestation of ulcers. This applies to both the stomach and the duodenum.

    Regimen and dosage

    Currently, the pharmaceutical industry produces three types of drugs:

    • regular Linux;
    • the drug Linex, developed specifically for children;
    • Linux Forte.

    The medicine is produced in the form of capsules, powder and drops.

    Linex capsules for diarrhea are taken after meals and should be washed down with water. To use the drug in small patients (up to three years of age), it is necessary to open them, pour them into a container (spoon, bottle) and mix with liquid.

    For infants and children under two years of age, Linex for diarrhea is given one capsule three times a day. A child after reaching seven years of age can take one or two capsules three times a day. Linex for diarrhea in adults should be taken two capsules three times a day.

    The duration of therapy is prescribed only by a doctor according to indications.

    The dosage of Linex in powder form for children under seven years of age is one sachet per day. From school age to 12 years old, you are allowed to drink two sachets at one time during the day. The medicine Linex Forte is a more effective remedy. It should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and strictly follow the instructions.

    Patients under two years of age take this drug one tablet once a day. Children under 12 - one tablet twice a day; after moving to the older age group, they are allowed to use one tablet three times, but only in severe conditions. Linex helps both young and adult patients well in cases of poisoning.

    To eliminate the consequences and quickly recover, the drug is often prescribed by doctors.

    Linex is also used in the form of drops for diarrhea in a child. Infants are given no more than six drops per day. They can be added to formula, breast milk, tea.

    The process of establishing the correct balance of microorganisms in some small patients takes no more than a few weeks, while for others it takes much longer. Please note that the drug is taken from five days to two weeks.

    If it is necessary to continue treatment, you must agree with your doctor both the duration of the break and the dose for further use of the medicine.

    When a child is vomiting, Linex will help quickly restore the balance of bacteria, which leads to an improvement in his overall well-being.

    Linex for diarrhea

    Linex is an excellent remedy for diarrhea, both for children and adults. It has no contraindications, and its beneficial properties cope with this problem very effectively.

    In addition to eliminating diarrhea, it relieves inflammation in the intestinal cavity. Since it contains live lactic acid bacteria, it effectively normalizes the intestinal microflora.

    And any violations of it lead to diarrhea. Linex contains bacteria that are very resistant to acidic environments.

    Therefore, it eliminates diarrhea very effectively, because... The bacteria pass perfectly through the entire digestive tract and enter the intestines without losing their original properties.


    The main indication is preventive measures and treatment of dysbiosis. And it manifests itself with the following symptoms:

    • gag reflex and regular urge to vomit;
    • constipation;
    • severe diarrhea;
    • pain in the abdomen;
    • nausea;
    • general digestive disorders in childhood and adulthood.

    It is important to know! Linex for diarrhea is taken as an auxiliary drug and only after consultation. The fact is that diarrhea is a consequence of a dangerous infection; in this case, probiotics alone will not do; more in-depth examination and treatment will be required.

    Prescription of the drug for children

    Linex is actively prescribed for diarrhea not only in adults, but also in children. Before starting treatment, it is important to consult your doctor.

    He will prescribe a special examination for the newborn to determine the dosage. It is individual in each case, so you cannot do without a pediatrician.

    The doctor must examine the baby to identify all the reasons that caused dysbacteriosis and its consequences. It checks all digestive organs to identify disturbances in their functioning.

    If the problem can be solved without medication, the doctor will give important recommendations.

    For example, if a baby develops diarrhea due to dysbiosis due to overeating, it is necessary to completely review the newborn’s diet and menu.

    The amount of food consumed at one time is reduced, and the frequency of meals is increased.

    Another cause of diarrhea can be a sudden transition from one diet to another.

    If the baby was fed exclusively on breast milk or formula, and one day they suddenly started giving him complementary foods, and in large quantities, the fragile digestive system can cause a serious disruption in its functioning.

    Therefore, it is important to gradually go through this adaptation period so that the child can get used to the new food, its consistency and taste.

    Linex is considered a safe drug. But its use is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

    He will prescribe the optimal dosage that will be suitable for the treatment of diarrhea, taking into account all the characteristics of the body.

    Children aged 2-12 years are most susceptible to diarrhea. At this time, they are actively developing intestinal microflora.

    Since the drug has no contraindications, it is prescribed to both children and adults in the amount of 1-2 capsules. It is enough to wash them down with clean water at room temperature.

    To avoid other problems associated with individual intolerance to some components of the drug, you should still consult a doctor before starting treatment.

    This drug is available without a prescription, so it can be found and purchased at any pharmacy.

    It perfectly helps the body recover after surgical intervention, as well as after long-term treatment of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

    Diarrhea can be treated with Linex for both children and adults. It is important to establish its cause, and if it is necessary to prescribe this drug, be sure to consult a doctor.

    He will not only give important recommendations, but also prescribe an individual dosage of the medicine, taking into account all the characteristics of the body.

    Instructions for use for diarrhea

    Features of using Linex depend on the age category. Treatment of diarrhea is carried out according to the standard scheme:

    p, blockquote 18,1,0,0,0 —>

    • infants and children under 2 years of age – one capsule three times a day;
    • children 2-12 years old – 1-2 capsules three times a day;
    • children from 12 years of age and adults – 2 capsules three times a day.

    Capsules should be swallowed whole; there is no need to chew them. The drug should be taken with food, since when taken on an empty stomach, gastric juice can adversely affect lactic acid bacteria, which will affect the overall effectiveness of the drug.

    p, blockquote 19,0,0,0,0 —>

    Small children may not swallow capsules whole. In this case, you need to open the shell and add the powdery contents to a teaspoon with liquid. You can use sweetened water, juice, tea. This mixture is made immediately before use; it cannot be stored.

    p, blockquote 20,0,0,0,0 —>

    Linex Forte should be taken according to a different regimen. Features of the reception also depend on the age of the patient:

    p, blockquote 21,0,0,0,0 —>

    • infants and children under 2 years of age – one capsule per day;
    • children 2-12 years old – one capsule 1-2 times a day;
    • children from 12 years of age and adults – one capsule 1-3 times a day.

    The choice of dosage and frequency of administration also depends on the severity of diarrhea and the disease that caused it.

    p, blockquote 22,0,0,0,0 —>

    The duration of taking Linex is determined individually. The drug is taken until the patient's condition returns to normal.

    p, blockquote 23,0,0,0,0 —>

    For traveler's diarrhea, it is recommended to start taking Linex a few days before the trip, and stop taking it a few days after it.

    p, blockquote 24,0,0,0,0 —>

    Linex baby for diarrhea is used as a preventive and supportive agent. This drug is prescribed only to children under 12 years of age. It should be taken according to the following scheme:

    p, blockquote 25,0,0,0,0 —>

    • infants and children up to two years of age - one sachet per day with meals;
    • children 2-12 years old – one sachet 1-2 times a day with food.

    The sachet containing the powder must be opened immediately before use. The powdered mixture should be poured into water, juice, milk or baby formula. One sachet requires a glass of liquid. It should be moderately warm or cool.

    p, blockquote 26,0,0,0,0 —>

    Linex drops are used for the treatment and prevention of diarrhea in children of the first year of life. The drug must be added to milk, infant formula, and water. The product should be taken once a day, 6 drops per dose. Shake the bottle beforehand each time. The duration of use is considered on an individual basis.

    p, blockquote 27,0,0,1,0 —>

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