Sheep feces in humans: causes and danger of the symptom

Sheep feces - normal or pathological?

To talk about the pathological state of stool in adults, you first need to figure out what normal stool should be like. Normally, the feces of an adult healthy person have an oblong appearance, moderately hard in consistency, not dry, and therefore are easily passed during defecation. But there are other types of feces.

With constipation, the stool may resemble goat poop, sometimes stuck together into small dense fragments.
If people's feces resemble sheep or lamb balls, then this indicates pathology .
Feces in the form of balls are difficult to leave the intestines and cause pain to a person. If sheep feces do not change their shape to normal within several days, but continue to come out like peas, then you need to consult a doctor to find out what this symptom means.


Pea-shaped feces are too hard and dense and, when leaving the intestines, can cause the formation of cracks in the anus. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of such a problem before it can harm your health.

Dry feces: what to do and how to soften it

The following will help make your stool regular and softer:

  • Laxatives - softening of stool will occur quickly and the body can easily cleanse itself of accumulated feces, the main thing is to choose the right medicine.
  • An enema is a very good way to liquefy stool, but this method is not allowed for everyone, and it has a bad effect on the intestines. Therefore, they soften feces in this way only as a last resort and only if there are no contraindications.
  • Softening folk remedies have proven themselves to be effective since ancient times. Such substances do not act immediately, but the small and large intestines do not suffer from their intake. A large selection of laxative food allows you to choose not only healthy, but also tasty food.

It is quite easy to purchase a laxative that softens stool at a pharmacy, but choosing the right one is sometimes difficult. Laxatives are selected depending on the cause of constipation.

If constipation is caused by stress or moving, then you can choose fast-acting drugs based on senna or buckthorn, or castor oil. Such drugs should not be used frequently, as they can cause intestinal atony. But they work very well.

You can also take various oils to help liquefy stool and stimulate bowel movements. Flaxseed, mineral and petroleum jelly oils will cope with this task perfectly, but you should also not be overzealous with these drugs. If constipation is chronic and the stool is constantly hard, then osmotic substances can soften it. They work in the intestines themselves, leading to an influx of water rather than an outflow, resulting in softer stool.

Liquefied stool passes through the intestines more easily and is more susceptible to peristalsis. Also, for chronic constipation, lactulose-based products are effective; they are not addictive. Duphalac softens stool by populating the intestines with beneficial bacteria, which improve intestinal function. Its other analogues also work and you can drink them for a long time.


Feces in the form of sheep pellets are formed due to spasmodic contraction of the intestinal walls.

So, when feces move along the digestive tract, the walls compress sharply and very strongly, separating some pieces from others, and the feces turn out to be lumps.

This form of feces, like goat peas in an adult, can be due to a number of reasons. They may be associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or nervous system, or they may simply be a physiological feature of the body.

Sheep feces can be caused by the following reasons:

  • insufficient production of mucus by the intestinal walls, due to which the feces become tight and pass poorly or do not leave the intestines at all;
  • diverticulitis;
  • elongation of the sigmoid colon;
  • inflammatory process in the large or small intestine;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • excessive consumption of fast foods;

  • stress or mental worries, manic ideas. The feces will recover when the problem goes away;
  • a sudden change in environment or lifestyle;
  • insufficient consumption of plant foods;
  • irrational and untimely nutrition, especially if a person lives only on “snacks” and dry rations;
  • low fluid intake per day (less than 2 liters). Feces harden and pass poorly through the intestines;
  • disturbances in the body's hormonal balance;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • peptic ulcer of the intestines or stomach;

  • intestinal dysbiosis, insufficient formation of normal microorganisms of the intestinal flora;
  • insufficient blood circulation of the vessels of the intestinal walls;
  • long-term use of medications that cause a side effect in the form of hard stool with small lumps;
  • undergoing operations on the digestive tract;
  • during pregnancy or in people with disabilities or obesity.

In a child, the causes of sheep feces are slightly different, most often these are:

  • dehydration due to rapid loss of water due to an active lifestyle;
  • abnormal sphincter function;
  • intestinal infection with staphylococcal infection;
  • increased temperature during colds;
  • frequent holding of feces inside due to embarrassment (to leave the classroom during class) or unsanitary conditions of the restroom.

The reasons for such a changed form of feces can only be determined by a doctor, but a person can initially try to change his diet and, if the problem goes away, then begin to adhere to this lifestyle.

But if small round feces in the form of separate pieces continue to bother an adult or child, then it is necessary to undergo an examination.

Why is an adult's stool very dry?

  • Insufficient fluid intake causes water from the stool to be absorbed into the intestines and the stool bolus to become too hard;
  • non-compliance with the diet, when a person practically does not consume fiber, but prefers meat and semi-finished products, then the feces completely become very dense;
  • during pregnancy and after childbirth, a woman may experience constipation due to hormonal imbalance and heavy load on the intestines;
  • a sedentary lifestyle leads to weakening of intestinal motility and hard feces slowly move forward, which brings significant inconvenience;
  • some drugs can lead to a decrease in intestinal tone, which will cause constipation;
  • if feces slowly pass through the intestines or even stand in it, then the cause may be a tumor or other neoplasm that prevents a person from going to the toilet normally;
  • stress and sudden changes can also lead to the formation of hard feces; here it is important to quickly establish an emotional background; A number of chronic and acute intestinal diseases (enteritis, IBS, colitis, proctitis, dysbiosis) can also lead to the formation of hard feces.

If you have constipation, it is important to quickly normalize your stool, because if constipation lasts for more than a week, this can lead to major complications. Only a doctor can tell you what to do in this case, so it is important not to bring it to a critical state, and to understand as early as possible why the problem arose and eliminate this factor.

Only a doctor can tell you what to do in this case, so it is important not to bring it to a critical state, and to understand as early as possible why the problem arose and eliminate this factor.

At-risk groups

Most often, adults who live in the city suffer from this type of constipation, such as sheep feces. They lead a less active lifestyle than rural residents. They also eat non-natural foods that contain virtually no vegetable fats. All this leads to hardening of the stool and abnormal bowel function.

This problem occurs more often in men than in women. This is due to the fact that women are more attentive to their health and nutrition, devote more time to their appearance, and accordingly lead a more active lifestyle.

Also at risk are people suffering from chronic diseases not only of the intestines, but also of other organs and systems.

Colitis, diabetes, gout, atherosclerosis - any of these diseases can make a person's stool look like sheep feces.

Treatment of neurological and hormonal disorders

In sheep feces, causes may include disorders associated with neurological factors and endocrine disorders.

It can be:

  • lack of thyroid hormones;
  • increased calcium content in the blood and decreased calcium in the bones;
  • porphyrin disease;
  • protein metabolism disorder;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • disruption of the parasympathetic nervous system and spinal cord;
  • diabetes.

In addition, the cause of constipation can be psychogenic factors: depression, anorexia, obsessions.

The first sign of sheep feces in an adult will be pain during bowel movements and irregular visits to the toilet. In men, more often than in women, constipation is accompanied by flatulence.


In women, the abdominal muscles are usually poorly developed, so constipation is not spastic, as in men, but atonic in nature, when the stool comes out not in the form of pellets, but in structures of large diameter.

Constipation in the form of sheep feces can occur in pregnant, immobile or obese women.

People in these categories should take steps to prevent constipation - drink enough water (liquid makes the stool less hard), include coarse fiber foods in the diet, move more if possible, or massage the abdomen clockwise.

Few people know that regular sunflower oil is a good laxative.

To relieve constipation, drink a teaspoon of oil in the morning on an empty stomach. The procedure is repeated for three days.

Paraffin and pine compresses and warm baths help relieve intestinal spasms. After these procedures, feces move into the rectum.

Those for whom thermal procedures are contraindicated can use antispasmodics for the same purpose, but only after consulting a doctor.

Causes and treatment of sheep feces in adults and children

Sheep feces - a disease or normal?

In a normal state, the excrement of a healthy person is oblong in shape, moderately hard, not dry, and therefore passes freely at the time of defecation.

However, there are other types of feces.

If stool dehydration does not change its shape to the desired one, and continues to come out in lumps, then you should contact a specialist to identify the cause.

Pea-shaped stool is very tight and hard when leaving the intestines and can lead to cracks in the anus. In this regard, this problem should be eliminated before it causes harm to health.

Determining the cause of constipation by symptoms

The norm for bowel movements is at least once every 2-3 days. As constipation develops, stool becomes hard and dry, causing problems with bowel movements. Defecation becomes prolonged, painful, requires great effort and significant muscle tension. Additional symptoms associated with constipation are:

  • poor appetite or complete loss of it;
  • nausea that occurs due to toxic substances entering the blood that are not excreted in the feces;
  • dizziness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • poor complexion;
  • skin rash;
  • weakness, constant feeling of fatigue;
  • pain.

The urge to defecate is weak or practically absent. False urges may appear that do not lead to bowel movement. They often cause pain until gas passes or a small amount of “sheep” feces (which looks like small round stones) comes out.

The color of stool is of great importance in determining the causes of constipation.

White dry stool

Small dense grains of yellowish or white color may appear in infants fed breast milk. This is the norm and does not require treatment.

In adults, dry white feces can occur due to dietary habits. Dairy products and plant foods give stool a light color. If you consume little fiber when you are addicted to such foods, the stool becomes white and dry. To cope with the problem, it is enough to reconsider your diet and diet.

Pathological causes are the formation of light gray feces. Such bowel movements indicate blockage of the gallbladder ducts, inflammatory diseases of the liver or pancreas, viral infections, and dysbacteriosis.

Dark dry feces

When hard, dark-colored stool appears, it is worth remembering what the person ate the day before and what medications he took. Prunes, black currants, beets, blueberries and other products can give a dark color. The color of the excrement often lasts for several days.

Stools may become black or dark brown due to medications. For example, iron supplements or activated carbon.

But the most dangerous cause of black stool is internal bleeding. During its passage through the intestines, the blood coagulates and darkens, coloring the food bolus accordingly.

Green chair

Green feces should make a person wary if the day before he did not eat green vegetables, herbs, food with artificial colors, or drink juices. Green is the color of vegan stool.

The tint may be caused by taking laxatives, drugs with iodine, or vitamin complexes.

Pathological causes of green feces include: intoxication, allergic reactions, viral infections, parasitic diseases, peptic ulcers, diabetes, bile passage disorders.

In children, green stool is considered normal in the first month of a child's life. Later, it may appear during teething, milk intolerance, dysbacteriosis, improper introduction of complementary foods, problems with the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Yellow stool

The appearance of yellow dry feces is possible in patients with impaired peristalsis and the digestive process. Often associated with pathologies of the pancreas, liver or gallbladder. In rare cases, the symptom manifests itself during active fermentation processes in the intestines.

Dry bowel movement with blood

The presence of blood in the stool is a dangerous symptom. The admixture of a small amount of red blood with constipation and the passage of dry, hard feces most likely indicates damage to the anus or rectal mucosa. Blackened stool is a sign of stomach bleeding and requires immediate medical attention.

With mucus

The release of some mucus along with feces can occur with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. When copious mucous secretions drain into the esophagus, enter the intestines and are excreted along with the feces.

Mucus impurities can appear when digesting oatmeal, bananas, cottage cheese, and watermelon. In infants, this problem is caused by immaturity of the digestive organs.

Pathological causes of mucus in the stool include: dysbacteriosis, rectal cancer, inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, cystic fibrosis, irritable bowel, infectious lesions, hemorrhoids, malabsorption of lactose or fats.

What is constipation

Normal bowel movements in an adult should occur from one to three times a day. Constipation is a pathological condition in which the patient does not have bowel movements for more than a day. According to ICD 10, the code for this disease is K.59.0. Pathology has another medical term - constipation. The most severe form of pathology is called obstipation.

Functional constipation can occur in people who consume insufficient amounts of fiber-containing foods.

Chronic constipation is common among the adult population. The constipation can be considered chronic if a violation of emptying occurs over a period of six months. Stools are no more than three times a week and have a dense consistency. This is due to the reluctance of people to seek help from a doctor to eliminate the phenomenon. Frequent delays in bowel movements have a negative impact on human health

It is important to detect the problem in time and prevent complications from the situation


The consistency and density of feces depends on the time they remain in the intestinal tract, its function and structure: with increased peristalsis, water is not absorbed sufficiently, and with slow peristalsis, it is absorbed more. In the first case, the stool will be soft or liquid, in the second - tight and strong.

Based on its physical properties, the intestines secrete mucus, which improves the passage of feces. With inflammation, abundant exudate also makes the stool have a liquid consistency. If there is a high fat content in it, the form will become ointment-like (pasty).


Unformed feces are considered a pathological sign; they contain an excessive amount of water (90-92%). In this case, mushy stool is often heterogeneous, in the form of flakes. If small parts are mixed with abundantly secreted mucus, this means the presence of an inflammatory process.

Semi-liquid, loose stools are a consequence of increased contraction of the walls of the colon and excessive production of juice. This consistency is possible with high liquid consumption.

Thin (ribbon-like, ribbon-like)

The narrow shape of feces indicates obstacles to the passage of masses in the lower parts of the digestive tract or external pressure on the intestines. Ribbon-shaped (flat) feces are the result of spastic narrowing of the sphincters.

Such “pencil” (thread-like) stool requires diagnosis (colonoscopy), since it is considered a symptom of neoplasms.


There are many reasons for the formation of hard, dense feces:

  • poor nutrition with a lack of fiber in the diet;
  • little physical mobility;
  • decreased motility or convulsive contractions of the digestive tract;
  • increased water absorption;
  • mechanical obstacles (polyps, tumors);
  • inflammatory phenomena.

Hard feces are often evidence of constipation, and stool may be daily, but in small portions; there is a feeling that the bowel movement has not been completed completely.

Taking certain medications also hardens stool, making it thick and hard and difficult to pass through the intestinal tract.

Balls (peas)

This is a type of hard stool consisting of individual round lumps. Outwardly it resembles “sheep” feces.

It takes shape due to prolonged presence in the intestines as a result of constipation, dehydration, taking certain medications and strengthening products (meat, alcohol), and a sedentary lifestyle. With spastic colitis, the feces, like those of a goat, contain 60% water, which explains its tightness.

Treatment of dry stool and constipation

A person often has defecation problems. Constipation can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. If dry feces and constipation appear, a person most often experiences discomfort and sometimes pain.

You should pay attention to delayed bowel movements if there has been no bowel movement for two or more days

If dry feces do not pass for a long time, a crack in the intestine may appear. It is best to seek help from a specialist if the structure of stool changes and the process of emptying is disrupted. Self-medication can only be done if the appearance of dry constipation is not caused by a serious illness that requires specialist intervention.

Treatment methods

When a problem arises, you cannot hesitate to solve it. Sheep feces in humans is a pathology that requires treatment. If you have a problem, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. The specialist may prescribe a number of examinations:

  • colonoscopy - examination of the intestines with a special device - a colonoscope;
  • anoscopy - the method involves inserting an instrument into the anus to examine the rectum;
  • X-ray of the intestines;
  • stool analysis.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of constipation. In some cases, it is enough to correct the diet, maintain an optimal drinking regime, and moderate physical activity. If constipation is a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases, the underlying pathology is treated.


Regardless of the cause of constipation, it is recommended to change your diet by enriching it with foods containing fiber. It stimulates intestinal motility and its natural cleansing. The menu includes boiled, stewed, fresh vegetables, oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat porridge, whole grain bread, and bran.

Foods that hold the stool together are excluded from the diet, for example, rice, raisins, persimmons, fresh baked goods, and foods that have a laxative effect are introduced: fresh kefir, prunes, beets, pumpkin.

It is imperative to follow a diet and avoid overeating. For normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, plant foods should predominate in the diet. It is also important to monitor your drinking regime; you should drink 1.5-2 liters of water during the day.


In most cases, to eliminate constipation, drugs containing lactulose are prescribed: Duphalac, Normaze, Lactusan. They must be taken for a long time, regularly. “Emergency help” for constipation is Microlax microenema.

Effective for problems with bowel movements are drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora: probiotics and prebiotics, synbiotics. The drugs Linex, Bifiform, Maxilak, Probiz have proven themselves well.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can be used to treat sheep feces in humans. The following are considered effective:

  • enemas with a decoction of fennel and chamomile;
  • drinking freshly squeezed potato juice;
  • taking sea buckthorn oil internally;
  • taking an infusion of chaga mushroom;
  • eating flaxseeds in the form of jelly or decoction;
  • taking a decoction of medicinal fume.

Folk remedies should be included in complex therapy after consultation with a doctor. Not all traditional methods are equally safe and effective.

Sheep feces is a symptom seen in constipation. It cannot be ignored. Without proper attention to the problem, it can take on serious proportions and move from the “discomfortable” category to the “life-threatening” category.

A coprogram is...

Chyme, or food gruel, moves through the gastrointestinal tract and fecal masses are formed in the large intestine. At all stages, breakdown occurs, and then absorption of useful substances occurs. The composition of the stool helps determine whether there are any abnormalities in the internal organs. A scatological examination helps to identify a variety of diseases. A coprogram is a chemical, macroscopic, microscopic examination, after which a detailed description of the feces is given. Coprograms can identify certain diseases. These may be disorders of the stomach, pancreas, intestines; inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, dysbiosis, malabsorption, colitis.

Bristol scale

English doctors at the Royal Hospital in Bristol have developed a simple but unique scale that characterizes all the main types of feces. Its creation was the result of the fact that experts were faced with the problem that people are reluctant to open up about this topic; embarrassment prevents them from talking in detail about their stool. Based on the developed drawings, it became very easy to independently characterize your own bowel movements without any embarrassment or awkwardness. Currently, the Bristol Stool Shape Scale is used throughout the world to assess the functioning of the digestive system. For many, printing a table (types of feces) on the wall in your own toilet is nothing more than a way to monitor your health.

1st type. Sheep feces

It is called so because it is shaped like hard balls and resembles sheep feces. If for animals this is a normal result of intestinal function, then for humans such stool is an alarm signal. Sheep pellets are a sign of constipation and dysbacteriosis. Hard feces can cause hemorrhoids, damage to the anus, and even lead to intoxication of the body.

2nd type. Thick sausage

What does the appearance of stool indicate? This is also a sign of constipation. Only in this case are bacteria and fibers present in the mass. It takes several days to form such a sausage. Its thickness exceeds the width of the anus, so emptying is difficult and can lead to cracks and tears, hemorrhoids. It is not recommended to self-prescribe laxatives, as sudden release of feces can be very painful.

3rd type. Sausage with cracks

Very often people consider such stools to be normal, because they pass easily. But make no mistake. Hard sausage is also a sign of constipation. When defecating, you have to strain, which means there is a possibility of anal fissures. In this case, irritable bowel syndrome may be present.

4th type. Ideal chair

The diameter of the sausage or snake is 1-2 cm, the feces are smooth, soft, and easily amenable to pressure. Regular bowel movements once a day.

5th type. Soft balls

This type is even better than the previous one. A few soft pieces form and come out gently. Usually occurs with a large meal. Stool several times a day.

6th type. Unshaped chair

The feces come out in pieces, but unformed, with torn edges. It comes out easily without hurting the anus. This is not diarrhea yet, but it is already a condition close to it. The causes of this type of stool can be laxative medications, increased blood pressure, excessive consumption of spices, and mineral water.

7th type. Loose stools

Watery stools that do not include any particles. Diarrhea requiring identification of causes and treatment. This is an abnormal condition of the body that needs treatment. There can be many reasons: fungi, infections, allergies, poisoning, liver and stomach diseases, poor diet, helminths and even stress. In this case, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

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