What mineral water can you drink if you have heartburn?

Surprisingly, doctors have found that mineral water helps with heartburn. Therefore, if a burning sensation begins in the chest area due to increased acidity in the stomach, then you should not immediately take medications. Nowadays, more and more often, as the main method of treating such a problem, everyone has begun to prescribe proper dietary nutrition using this drink. Therefore, people really became interested in what kind of mineral water they can drink for heartburn in order to get the best results. This is what this article will try to answer, which will tell you about the best waters for curing the disease.

Heartburn - what is it?

Before you start talking about which mineral water you can drink for heartburn and which you can’t, you should understand what this disease is. As you know, the appearance of the disease is provoked by the esophageal muscle, which is called the sphincter.

When a person is healthy, this muscle immediately closes tightly after finishing a meal, but if malfunctions occur and a gap remains, then a small amount of food along with hydrochloric acid can enter the body through it. The acid, which is involved in the digestion process and is therefore quite caustic, begins to cause irritation on the mucous membranes of the esophagus. This is what provokes a heartburn attack in a person.

Therefore, if you have heartburn, you can drink mineral water, as it helps relieve the burning sensation and reduce acidity in the stomach, helping to cope with pain.

Which mineral water helps with heartburn?

Mineral water for heartburn should have two main mechanisms of action. We are talking mainly about those types of medicinal water that have alkaline properties, and also lower the level of acidity in the stomach and reduce its production by regulating the secretory functions of the glands.

Thus, the best option would be an alkaline type of mineral water, especially the composition of which includes alkali, sodium ions and bicarbonates. This option guarantees a reduction in the production of gastric juice, eliminates burning, gas formation, sensations of heaviness and bloating. In addition, this type of mineral water promotes the breakdown of mucus, which is very useful for various gastrointestinal diseases, for example, poisoning, indigestion or pathologies of infectious origin.

To understand what mineral water to drink for heartburn, let’s consider the 4 most common types of mineral water, which are most often prescribed by gastroenterologists to relieve burning, and also as an auxiliary treatment for gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by similar symptoms.


A type of carbonated alkaline mineral water that effectively fights heartburn, having the previously described mechanism of action. Due to the high content of alkali, as well as other microelements, Borjomi has the following beneficial properties:

  • Neutralization of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, respectively, elimination of heartburn;
  • Normalization of acid-base balance;
  • Regulation of liver functions;
  • Reducing the likelihood of dehydration due to the retention of moisture in the body (relevant for diarrhea and vomiting);
  • Restoration of salt balance;
  • Stabilization of the digestive process.


This type of mineral water has a beneficial effect not only on the digestive system, but also on other organs, including the kidneys, liver, urinary tract, and bile ducts. This means that “Slavyanovskaya” is actively used for the prevention and treatment of relevant diseases, as well as various stages of obesity and diabetes.

Thanks to its composition, “Slavyanovskaya” neutralizes the effect of acid, helps eliminate burning in the retrosternal and epigastric region, and also relieves the feeling of bloating, heaviness in the abdomen and belching.


One of the many varieties of medicinal table mineral water, which has a unique composition of minerals and trace elements, including an alkaline effect. Mineral water "Narzan" is useful in the following cases:

  • Periodic attacks of heartburn;
  • Frequent bloating, flatulence, belching;
  • Diseases of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts;
  • Restless sleep;
  • Diabetes;
  • Blood pressure problems;
  • Depending on the time of administration (before or after meals), it can be used in cases of both low and high acidity;
  • Increases immunity, etc.

"Essentuki" 4 and 17

One of the most common types of medicinal mineral water that has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. As for which number to choose, 4 or 17, it all depends on the nature of the problem, since the chemical composition, in particular, the degree of mineralization, depends on the number. It is better to consult a gastroenterologist regarding the choice, but in general, Essentuki has the following effects:

  • Eliminate heartburn;
  • Normalize peristalsis;
  • Helps remove mucus;
  • Stabilize secretory functions;
  • Helps eliminate toxins, etc.

Right choice

Despite the fact that mineral water is very useful in itself, not everyone can help cope with heartburn. Some types, on the contrary, will not only not bring benefit, but will even aggravate the situation, so the choice must be taken seriously.

Since ancient times, mineral water has been used to treat internal organs, especially those included in the gastrointestinal tract. This effectiveness of mineral water against heartburn can be explained by its rich chemical composition, which is filled with various salts and microelements necessary for the body.

Different types of mineral water

Various types of mineral water are offered on store shelves. There are three main types of liquid:

  1. Dining room. Can be consumed daily, in certain portions.
  2. Therapeutic. Daily use is prohibited, only for medicinal purposes during the prescribed course of therapy. There are contraindications.
  3. Medical dining room. It is allowed to drink for an extended period of time.

The differences are found in the composition of each liquid. Which element is dominant inside:

  • Iron predominates in iron-containing waters.
  • The predominance of iodine makes water indispensable in case of deficiency of the element in the body.
  • Magnesium sulfate water.
  • Alkaline. Used for high acidity.
  • Chloride mineral water.

Mineral water Borjomi

Group of hydrocarbonate-sodium mineral waters.

Patients leave positive reviews after completing a course of Borjomi treatment:

  • The balance between alkali and acid is restored in the body.
  • The digestive process is normalized.
  • The normal functioning of the liver is restored.
  • Blood sugar levels drop to health levels.
  • Secretion production is restored in the stomach, mucus is produced in sufficient quantities in the intestines, resulting in high-quality digestion of food and elimination of residues without pain.
  • In case of stone disease in the kidneys, it promotes the dissolution of formations not exceeding 1 cm in diameter.
  • Helps with hangover.
  • Helps retain moisture in the body, preventing the risk of dehydration.
  • It perfectly quenches thirst and enriches the body with the salts it needs.
  • When consuming Borjomi, the intestines have a slight laxative effect, which helps cleanse the intestines.

Borjomi is a medicinal water; daily consumption is not recommended.

During the treatment period, the drink is consumed before meals, in the amount of 1 glass. In this case, there should be no gases in the water, the temperature should be room temperature. Heating mineral water allows you to preserve beneficial compounds.

The daily consumption rate does not exceed 2 glasses.

During pregnancy, doctors recommend limiting Borjomi consumption to 1 glass per day. Mineral water facilitates easy passage of the period of toxicosis and does not harm the baby during breastfeeding. Before use, gas must be removed from the drink.

It is also worth paying attention to the specifics of using water. Pain syndrome and deterioration of the condition may occur when the composition of the water and the salt component of the gastric secretion enter into a chemical reaction. The result of the reaction is carbon monoxide, which provokes the symptoms described.

Essentuki No. 4

Another name for a mineral drink used to alleviate the patient’s condition with disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. No. 4 refers to table waters, with additional medicinal properties. Essentuki affects the mucus that accumulates on the walls of the digestive organs. It also improves intestinal motor function and normalizes the production of secretions for breaking down food. Thanks to its laxative effect, it helps to painlessly cleanse the colon and rectum.

Taking mineral water should be agreed with your doctor. If you have heartburn, drinking water is possible in a single case. How long the course of therapy will be and in what quantity to take Essentuki is decided by the doctor after diagnosis. If there are pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, consultation with a doctor is required.

Mineral water is taken chilled if you want to improve the digestive process. Or it is heated to reduce secretion production. A person should drink no more than a liter of water per day. The course of therapy is calculated for a month.

Essentuki No. 17

Mineral water No. 17 differs significantly in composition from No. 4. It is extracted in only one place in the city of Essentuki, well No. 17, 36 and 46. The composition of the mineral water is much more mineralized than other waters. It is mainly used in the treatment of infectious pathologies in the digestive organs. It is a medicinal water, so constant use is not advisable.

During the treatment period, Essentuki No. 17 is taken before meals, about 20 minutes before use. Warm up before use. Use is indicated when necessary to reduce the production of enzymes for breaking down food. Helps with low acidity.

If the functioning of the stomach is normal, then you need to take water 40 minutes before meals.

You should carefully monitor the amount of liquid you drink and not allow the daily limit to exceed 5 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight.


Refers to medicinal table waters. It has a beneficial effect on the digestion of food, the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Relieves spasms in the bile ducts and urinary tract. Recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes and overweight.

Regular consumption helps reduce heartburn, bitter taste, and gas formation. If the intake is carried out for the purpose of preventive measures, then it should be limited to one month. During the year, the procedure is repeated 3 times.

The recommended dose for prevention is 5 to 8 ml of liquid per kilogram of body weight. The daily dose is divided into 3 times and taken before meals (45 minutes).

Water influence

The benefits of mineral water for heartburn are truly incredible. It can have a whole range of different effects on the body and digestive organs:

  1. The mineral water neutralizes hydrochloric acid, since the metals it contains begin to react. The effect of water can be especially felt in the presence of chest pain.
  2. Mineral water is also an excellent means of prevention. If you drink it correctly, one glass about a couple of hours before meals, then the likelihood of symptoms will greatly decrease.
  3. If heartburn occurs on an empty stomach, then it can also be very easily eliminated with the help of mineral water - for this you only need to drink one glass.

Contraindications to the use of mineral water

In addition, any mineral water is contraindicated if the following pathologies are observed:

  • infections of the digestive system in the acute stage;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by circulatory disorders;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • individual intolerance to mineral water;
  • diseases of the antrum of the stomach, its stenosis;
  • bleeding in the abdominal cavity;
  • With prolonged use of mineral water, corrosion of the walls of internal organs may occur.

Types of mineral water

Nowadays, stores offer a huge variety of mineral water. All of it can be divided into 3 main types:

  • Table water - it is allowed to be consumed daily, albeit in certain portions.
  • It is prohibited to consume medicinal water daily, since it is intended only for therapeutic purposes during the course of therapy. Before use, be sure to read the contraindications.
  • Medicinal table mineral water is located in a certain zone between the two presented above. It is allowed to drink it for quite a long time if there are certain problems with internal organs.

In addition to this indicator, it is also worth paying attention to which element predominates in the water. For example, in iron-containing water, as you can understand, it is iron that comes first. If iodine predominates in it, then you need to drink such a liquid in cases of deficiency of this substance in the body. But with increased acidity in the stomach, the best option would be to choose alkaline water - it is the one that can relieve the burning sensation.

In what cases does mineral water cause heartburn?

Under certain circumstances, mineral water may not eliminate the burning sensation, but may contribute to its appearance. Mainly we are talking about the following cases:

  • Drinking mineral water on an empty stomach, with increased acidity;
  • Drinking water without first releasing gas bubbles;
  • If the patient drinks cold water;
  • Long-term use of mineral water or its use in quantities exceeding the daily norm.

Be that as it may, before starting treatment using mineral water, consult your doctor. The specialist will give recommendations on which water is best to purchase, indicate the name, dosage and frequency of administration, and also describe the treatment period.

Properties of mineral water against heartburn

As mentioned earlier, not every water can cope with heartburn. To get the best effect, you will need to adhere to several mandatory rules:

  1. When purchasing, look for the category indication. Typically this information is placed on the front side. If it has been discovered that mineral water is hydrocarbonate, then it should be set aside immediately - such a drink will lead to the fact that carbon dioxide will begin to be released in the body when it reacts with hydrochloric acid, which will only provoke increased pain.
  2. Next, you need to carefully read the composition of the product - for example, if the list contains a large amount of magnesium, then the water will provoke flatulence and bad stool.
  3. One of the strictest rules regarding which mineral water is best for heartburn is a strict ban on drinking a carbonated drink. Gas bubbles will only cause the mucous membranes to become even more damaged. Therefore, the choice should be made of still water.
  4. If you have heartburn, doctors also recommend avoiding drinking chloride water. The stomach does not perceive it well and tries to fight it until it is completely eliminated, which is extremely undesirable at a time when it must neutralize excess hydrochloric acid.

Composition and beneficial properties

The mineral water we are used to is the same water, only extracted from the depths of the Earth. There it is preserved for centuries in deep layers, and due to the absence of external factors that pollute surface waters, it is gradually saturated with trace elements and minerals.

This water contains soluble salts. The percentage of biologically active substances is significantly higher than in ordinary drinking water.

The main elements of mineral water:

  • sodium;
  • sulfates;
  • hydrocarbonates;
  • chlorine.

All of them take part in regulating metabolism. In addition, there is carbon dioxide in the water (it is this that forms bubbles like those we see in a glass of champagne). Gas softens the taste of the drink.

There are many varieties of mineral water:

  • chloride;
  • hydrocarbonate;
  • sulfate and others.

A thorough study of the composition of mineral water is the work of scientists. For us, it is important what its mineralization - the purpose for which the healing drink can be used depends on this.

Water is classified according to the degree of mineralization:

  • dining room;
  • medical dining room;
  • medicinal.

In the first, the salt content is comparable to the percentage in plain water - perhaps a little more - and therefore doctors allow it to be used often, even daily . You can cook food on it (of course, when the gases come out).

The second subtype contains salts from 2 to 10 g per liter of liquid. The third, respectively, from 10. The second and third subtypes should be used only as prescribed by a doctor . They have a healing effect, but if used incorrectly they can cause harm.

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Rules of use

An equally important question about what kind of mineral water you can drink for heartburn is how exactly it should be consumed. It is incredibly important to maintain the correct temperature conditions here. Under no circumstances should you drink cold mineral water, so it is best to warm it up a little before using it. So you can safely put it in a water bath and achieve a temperature of about 40 degrees. Liquid at this temperature is best absorbed by the stomach, and therefore helps to cope with heartburn and other diseases more quickly.

What properties should medicinal water have?

Many patients have the right question: is it possible to drink water if they have heartburn? Yes, mineral water is a good help in the fight against disease.

But for effective treatment that will not cause harm or complications, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Pay attention to the indication of the product category. Typically this information is located on the front of the label. For example, bicarbonate water is contraindicated for heartburn. Bicarbonate reacts negatively with hydrochloric acid and leads to high carbon dioxide levels. The substance increases pain and causes new ones.
  2. Study the composition carefully. Often, patients with heartburn have some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Excessive magnesium content in mineral water leads to flatulence and the development of weak stools.
  3. Do not drink carbonated mineral water if you have heartburn. This is one of the main strict rules. The mucous membrane irritated by hydrochloric acid will suffer even more from gas bubbles. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to purchase only still water. Otherwise, there will be no positive effect after consumption, and additional problems associated with damage to the esophageal mucosa are possible.
  4. Observe the temperature of the water. It is advisable to take slightly warmed water. This is especially important for various chronic diseases, since warm liquid is better absorbed and absorbed by the stomach. You can only heat it to a temperature of 40 degrees, preferably in a water bath.
  5. Avoid drinking chloride water for heartburn. The stomach will try to eliminate the substance when it needs to neutralize excess aggressive hydrochloric acid.

The correct composition of mineral water allows you to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn for a short period of time and help in the treatment of major diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

You cannot drink mineral water as a single treatment; use for therapeutic purposes is only possible in conjunction with drug therapy against heartburn, prescribed by a doctor.

Otherwise, the feeling of relief will not last long.

Mineral water “Essentuki No. 4” and No. 17

If you choose which mineral water is most effective for heartburn during pregnancy, then the answer will clearly be “Essentuki”. However, before using it, you need to leave it open for a while so that all the gases come out. But it will perfectly help cope with toxicosis and definitely will not harm the baby.

This water is bottled in the Russian resort town of Essentuki. It contains various anions and cations. Especially calcium, magnesium, sodium, boric acid, sulfate, and bicarbonate can be distinguished. Thanks to this composition, it is able to normalize the functioning of the stomach and remove toxins, as well as thin the mucus that has accumulated on the gastrointestinal tract.

It is recommended to drink no more than 50 ml per 10 kg of person’s weight per day.


The main task of medicinal or table alkaline mineral water is to reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the digestive system. But its excessive consumption also causes heartburn. The most popular mineral water is Borjomi and its analogue Essentuki. The benefits of their use are as follows:

  • removal of toxins, pathogenic microbes;
  • mineral water will saturate the body with beneficial microorganisms;
  • Helps diabetics and lowers cholesterol.

The mentioned mineral water for heartburn is drunk after the gas comes out of it, half an hour before meals, a quarter glass. Borjomi will help with heartburn during pregnancy, but you can consume no more than a glass daily. This will help avoid intoxication of the body and will be beneficial to the fetus.

Important! If you have a disease of the digestive system, drinking mineral water is prohibited.


In the city of Zheleznovodsk, in the drinking pump room of the Slavyanovsky spring, this water is bottled by the Russian enterprise “Mineral Waters of Zheleznovodsk”. By the way, Smirnovskaya mineral water is collected around the same place, which is also often recommended for use for heartburn. In its chemical composition one can distinguish anions (sulfate, chloride and bicarbonate), as well as cations represented by sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

It can have a positive effect on the entire body, especially on the digestive tract. If you have heartburn, doctors allow you to drink it regularly for one month. This technique will help not only cope with the burning sensation, but also remove the feeling of bloating. You need to take it approximately 80 ml per 10 kg of weight before meals, 3 times a day.

Classification of medicinal waters

All mineral waters are divided into:

  • canteens in which mineralization does not exceed 1 g/l;
  • medicinal table, containing a salt component from 1 to 10 g/l;
  • medicinal, containing a larger amount than the previous ones.

Table water is a liquid that can and should be consumed in quantities of over 2 liters daily.

The medicinal table option is used only to regulate certain disorders in the body. It is advisable to take it after the recommendation of an appropriate specialist. Therapeutic mineral water is used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Based on the nature of the functional groups predominant in its composition, mineral water is divided into hydrocarbonate, chloride and sulfate. In turn, each of these types is further subdivided into sodium, magnesium and calcium based on the predominance of the corresponding ions.


Now it’s time to talk about Smirnovskaya mineral water. As stated earlier, it has also shown excellent results in the treatment of heartburn and other diseases that affect the urinary system, liver and pancreas. The course of treatment with its help usually takes about a month, since this time is enough for the stomach and esophagus to begin to develop resistance to a variety of drinks that have depressant properties. So when treating heartburn with its help, you can not only get rid of the burning sensation, but also improve your immunity.


Of the foreign mineral waters, the famous “Borjomi” can be especially distinguished. It flows from a source in a small Georgian town of the same name. There are a total of 9 wells here, so depending on where the water was collected, its chemical composition may vary slightly. However, you can always find bicarbonate, chlorine, sulfate, calcium, magnesium and sodium in it.

Due to its fairly alkaline composition, this water helps saturate the body with the salts it needs, as well as remove all waste and toxins. She performed excellently during the treatment of internal organs, especially the kidneys, liver and pancreas. It is often recommended by doctors in cases where the patient needs to restore metabolism and normalize digestion. However, you should not use it constantly, as it can cause stomach irritation. So before taking it for heartburn, you should first let all the gases out of it and then let it sit for about a couple of hours before taking it at room temperature.

This mineral water is bottled. IDS Borjomi LLC acts as an importer to Russia.

Helper Products

Now let's talk about what helps with heartburn, besides mineral water. Of course, we are talking about products here, not medicines. Among them are:

  1. Bananas - the potassium in them neutralizes hydrochloric acid. In order to cope with heartburn you only need to eat a couple of fruits.
  2. Half a glass of skim milk can also help, as it binds hydrochloric acid and thereby helps get rid of unpleasant sensations.
  3. Pineapple can also help relieve heartburn. It promotes faster digestion of food, that is, it reduces the time the acid acts on the contents of the stomach.

Other types of disease: atrophic and erosive

With zero acidity of gastric juice, the so-called. Atrophic gastritis cannot be treated with mineral water alone. To digest food, the patient is prescribed hydrochloric acid preparations that replenish the secretion deficiency. With this disease, it is important to avoid stagnation in the stomach, eat food often and in small portions, drink mineral water, indicated for gastritis with reduced secretion, and additional medications.

If gastritis is erosive, there is a high probability of its degeneration into a peptic ulcer. Eating and drinking in this form should be as gentle as possible. Therefore, mineral water is recommended only non-carbonated and heated to room temperature. The amount does not exceed 50 grams per dose.

In the presence of concomitant gastrointestinal diseases - pancreatitis, colitis, hepatitis, both the types and methods of drinking mineral water are determined by the doctor.

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