Giving an enema does not hurt, but it is unpleasant

What are enemas?

You can give an enema at home, especially if you are constipated. Experts nevertheless recommend contacting medical institutions so that the procedure goes well and efficiently.

What kind of enemas to give and solutions to use can be understood by familiarizing yourself with several options for traditional medicine.


The product is classified according to the quantity, composition and temperature of the solutions. Meaning: healing, nourishing and cleansing. The maximum volume of liquid in an enema is 2-3 liters, and there are practically no restrictions for a siphon enema. The indicator depends on the accumulated amount of toxins in the intestines. Medicinal and cleansing enemas – volume 1 liter, others only 500 ml.

  • Microclyster. Used when it is necessary to introduce medications into the rectum. The volume of the enema bulb is within 10-100 ml.
  • Average. The intestines are cleaned with a 2 liter enema for diagnostic procedures of the rectum or colon - if studies are to be performed: radiology or endoscopy. A cleaning method is used.

  • Siphon. There is a feeling of discomfort in the large intestine due to exposure to toxins and waste - a deep cleansing is required. Up to 20 liters of liquid are injected, 1-2 liters at a time. The procedure is contraindicated for infants. The price category of a siphon enema (from 650 to 1000 rubles) is determined by the choice of clinic. This procedure cannot be carried out at home - it is dangerous.


  • Small basin filled with water;
  • Jug;
  • Thick gastric tube;
  • Funnel.

Coat the tip of the probe with Vaseline ointment (5-7 cm). Introduce into the intestines to a depth of 30-40 cm. Carefully pour boiled water through a funnel, holding it at body level. Then slowly lift up. The liquid contents of the intestine will begin to accumulate in the funnel. Pour into a basin. Repeat the steps again until you end up with relatively clean water.

Types of solutions

Doctors prescribe cleansing with enema solutions if constipation often occurs. The use of drugs with a laxative effect does not always help.

Various types of enemas can eliminate discomfort in the intestines. It is not recommended to carry out cleansing procedures for a long time due to disruption of the stable functioning of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Oily. 50-100 ml of a solution based on sunflower oil or a proportion of 2 tbsp is injected into the anus. l. per 100 ml of water. It is better to use liquid at room temperature. The stool softens under the influence of the oil, and the warm liquid will relieve muscle spasms. The effect will occur in 7-8 hours, it is advisable to clean at night. The answer to the question: “Is the procedure painful or not?” – definitely negative.

  • Hypertensive. Instead of oil, a saline solution is used in the proportion of 20 g of salt per 100 ml of water. The result will manifest itself in improved functionality of intestinal motility. After 1 hour the urge to go to the toilet will come. Salt can be replaced with magnesium. It will not hurt, and constipation will disappear.
  • Cleansing. The solution will help with constipation and before childbirth. You will need 2 liters of water and an Esmarch mug (a heating pad, a thin hose and a soft tip). Place the device above the bed, regulating the water flow with the vertical movement of the mug. Help needed. The urge to go to the toilet will begin after 15-20 minutes.
  • Soap and glycerin. The purpose of using this solution is to stimulate colon peristalsis. Glycerin is a catalyst substance. It is used very rarely in its pure form.
  • Soda. Sodium bicarbonate normalizes the alkaline environment of the intestines, reduces the manifestation of spasms and irritability. Pain from dyspepsia is also neutralized with a soda solution.

Contraindications and precautions

An enema is a procedure that can be harmful even if performed once if done incorrectly. That's why:

  1. Monitor the temperature of the water (too hot can cause a burn, too cold can increase the spasm).
  2. Do not attempt an enema if there is an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, another pronounced problem in the rectal area (except for microinjections).
  3. Do not use a soapy or highly concentrated saline solution to avoid irritation and ulceration of the contact mucous membrane.

An enema is prohibited if there are a number of contraindications:

  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe abdominal pain, the cause of which is not clear;
  • acute inflammation or swelling in the rectal area;
  • cracks or tears in the mucous membrane.

An enema is not performed in the first few days after surgery on the abdominal cavity and rectum.

Therefore, if the doctor has already discharged the patient for outpatient observation, and constipation is bothering you, you should first consult with a specialist, and only then decide to perform an enema at home.


There is no need to be afraid of the procedure, especially in a medical facility. A person is often afraid of negative consequences and the lack of a positive effect.

It is important to follow the recommendations; this will help you carry out the home cleansing method well and without consequences:

  1. Lay down a diaper.
  2. Prepare the components in advance.
  3. You should lie on your left side, knees bent and pressed to the abdominal area.
  4. The tip and anus are treated with Vaseline ointment or baby cream.

Correct body position during an enema

  1. Using gentle rotational movements, the tip is inserted into the rectum.
  2. The solution is supplied gradually; it is better to use pharmaceutical chamomile instead of boiled water.

After the enema, the products are treated with antiseptics and boiled. It is recommended to keep the tip in a solution of hydrogen peroxide for half an hour.


  • Frequent constipation;
  • Emptying problem (72 hours);
  • Symptoms of poisoning;
  • Cleaning before surgery;
  • Surveys.


  • Inflammatory processes in the lower intestine;
  • Organ bleeding;
  • Unidentifiable pain;
  • Oncological tumors;
  • Haemorrhoids.

Preparatory exercises

For the enema cleansing procedure to be effective, a number of exercises should be used:

  1. Pull in your stomach, breathing is supported by the diaphragm.
  2. Take a lying position on your back (if your intestines are full), raise your legs together with your buttocks, touching the wall for 5-7 minutes.
  3. The heels should touch the wall tightly, the abdominal area should be relaxed (10 minutes).

  1. Turn onto your right side and lie down for a while.

People with hypertension should not elevate their legs. It is worth immediately completing point 4.

Features of enema

The specifics of the procedure and the range of tools vary depending on the situation and treatment. It is recommended to contact a specialist at a medical facility, which is safer than home cleansing.

2-liter volumes of solution are typical for cleansing enemas. The set includes: Esmarch's mug and a rubber tube with a tip. You need to make sure the components are in place before purchasing.

The product is not used to cleanse the intestines of an infant when the volume of the solution is a maximum of 30 ml of liquid.

Hypertonic and oil enemas, as well as microenemas, do not require the use of an Esmarch mug. An ordinary rubber bulb or Janet syringe is enough. The mentioned types of enemas can be used at home.

For children

It is difficult to persuade a child to undergo the procedure, since often children cannot understand why an enema is necessary. Esmarch's mug is definitely contraindicated, so we take a regular pear with a volume of 30 ml (infant), 100 ml (2 years).

Solution composition: ordinary purified water or with the addition of NaCl. It is allowed to use substances based on sunflower and olive oils. A glycerin solution is also used. Liquid temperature 37 0C.

Is it possible to do enemas for constipation?

This procedure involves the introduction of fluid into the terminal portion of the large intestine and can be performed to:

  1. Treatments.
  2. Diagnostics.
  3. Cleansing.

In case of constipation, which the patient intends to eliminate at home, we are usually talking about a cleansing enema. As a result of the manipulation, peristalsis is enhanced and the intestine is washed, eliminating the stagnation of liquefied feces.

Also used:

  • hypertensive enemas (saline-based);
  • infusion of microvolumes of medications and oils that stimulate emptying.

An enema can relieve constipation, but it is harmful to do it too often.

This procedure should be considered as a “quick help” option, intended for extreme cases - no more than several times every six months to a year. After the intestines are cleared of feces, you need to select a therapy program that includes a rational diet, the use of products with fiber and lactulose, correction of dysbiosis (disturbances in the composition of the microflora) and, of course, treatment of the pathology that causes constipation.

If a person is bothered by irregular bowel movements, but he does not look for the main cause, but resorts to an enema when necessary, after a while he may find that the need for the procedure has increased, and independent defecation is even more difficult. “Sluggish bowel” syndrome occurs, beneficial flora is washed out, and the risk of inflammation and infection increases due to the formation of microcracks in the mucous membrane.

Pregnant women, after childbirth

A prerequisite for the procedure before childbirth is the presence of constipation. The maternity hospital believes that feces can create difficulties during the birth of a child - in fact, the only acceptable indication.

Women often choose to undergo cleansing with an enema to ensure a clean birth. Usually there is relaxation - defecation occurs. The positive side of cleaning is that it will be painless to go to the toilet if you need stitches after a caesarean section. Sometimes the procedure is performed after 3 days of difficulty defecating (constipation).

You can cleanse the intestines on your own with proper nutrition: high-fiber foods, fermented milk products, and drinking plenty of fluids. You will have to do without confectionery products, fatty and spicy foods.

It is strictly forbidden under the described conditions:

  • Detected pathologies of the fetus and placenta;
  • Threat of uterine rupture;
  • Acute lack of oxygen for the fetus;
  • Problems with the umbilical cord;
  • Premature departure from the walls of the uterus of the placenta;
  • A number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The method of treating intestinal problems requires careful consideration of the need for a cleansing procedure! Abuse and use without taking into account indications and contraindications can lead to serious problems with the intestines and other organs. Colon hydrotherapy is suitable for weight loss.

The product helps well with constipation, otherwise you should not get carried away with such treatment. Consultation with a physician is recommended.

How to do a cleansing enema?

To break up dense feces or soften them and remove them out, doctors prescribe a procedure that allows using water to stimulate intestinal peristalsis. The manipulation does not cause complications if you do the enema correctly, follow sanitary requirements and carry out each step slowly, following the instructions.

Cleansing enema - softens, removes fecal accumulations and flushes the colon, eliminates compacted intestinal blockages, toxins and relieves symptoms of poisoning. This method differs from other types of enemas in that the solution is not intended to be absorbed and remain in the body for a long time. After injection, it should erupt, removing all accumulations from the lower section.

Before doing an enema for constipation, you should undergo additional examinations, since there are not only indications for the procedure. There are several important reasons not to cleanse this way:

  • bleeding from the digestive tract;
  • acute hemorrhoids with bleeding;
  • rectal fissures;
  • inflammatory foci in the colon;
  • undergoing operations on the digestive organs (first days).

For atonic constipation, the contents of the reservoir should be +12 – +20 °C. If constipation is spastic, then the temperature of the enema water varies between +37 – +38 °C.


Ekaterina Sergeevna, 28 years old. I was expecting my first child in the maternity hospital when the doctor announced the need to undergo an enema. I was surprised, of course. When giving birth to my second child, I had to repeat the procedure. Usually the intestines find something to remove from the body.

Valentina Romanovna, 33 years old. I really didn’t want to do the cleaning with an enema solution. There were no problems, they did it carefully.

Zoya Semyonovna, 37 years old. I gave birth 10 years ago and had to undergo the procedure without fail. I was worried that I would embarrass myself. I agreed with the doctors when giving birth to my last one, and in the end everything ended well.

Natalya Ivanovna, 30 years old. I always managed without an enema. It is enough to maintain a proper diet. True, before the diet I had to undergo a procedure.

Contraindications for performing an enema at home

If there is a need to carry out the procedure at home, then the patient’s primary task is to analyze the state of health and eliminate the following contraindications:

  • presence of low-grade fever (37 and above);
  • migraine, headache;
  • hypertension or arterial decline, instability;
  • pathological changes in the intestines (acute or subacute forms);
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • being in a state of gestation, during menstruation or during lactation;
  • abdominal discomfort, cramps, attacks of nausea, impaired concentration;
  • post-infarction condition, recently diagnosed stroke;
  • failure (renal and liver).

Experts recommend that if in doubt, consult with your doctor to take into account all the nuances and get advice on the procedure.

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