Pain in the lower abdomen in a 10 year old girl what to give

Recently, parents often experience severe abdominal pain in their child. It is impossible to independently determine the cause of pain. Many children are unable to explain the pain that worries them. To correctly diagnose the disease, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of such pain in the child’s lower abdomen. Read more below.


Colic mainly appears in newborns due to increased gas production. Dysbacteriosis in older children manifests itself against the backdrop of stressful situations, eating unhealthy foods, and taking antibiotics. During this period, loss of weight and appetite occurs. Abdominal bloating, loose stools, heartburn, and a bitter taste in the mouth appear. Constipation occurs due to psychological discomfort or lack of fiber in the body.

Any infection affects all internal organs. The presence of an infectious disease is characterized by a high temperature of the child, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and cough. Pain in the lower abdomen in a child on the right may indicate manifestations of appendicitis. Inflammation occurs due to food allergies and the presence of intestinal bacteria. Also, if a child has pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, and the pain is accompanied by allergic reactions, then these may be parasites in the body. The baby experiences increased weakness, loose stools, dizziness, skin rashes, and excessive tearing of the eyes. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by heaviness in the stomach, bouts of vomiting and pain in the lower abdomen.

Inflammation of the abdominal cavity causes pain in the lower abdomen when the child moves. Children at this moment begin to lose consciousness and experience acute pain of various types. Quite often they experience infectious inflammation of the genitourinary system, characterized by high fever and pain in the lower abdomen. Pancreatitis is one of the causes of such manifestations. During this period, children lie motionless in one position. The child’s lower left abdomen hurts, it becomes swollen, tense, and the child experiences a state of shock.

Gastritis indicates inflammatory processes in the lower abdomen. The disease in its advanced stage is characterized by dull pain. The child feels acidity and heaviness in the stomach. Kidney problems also cause inflammation in the abdomen. The main signs include: swelling of the body, weakness, aching pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty urinating. Regular treatment with potent drugs, nervous breakdown, increased anxiety, childhood fear. Trauma to the peritoneum quite often causes pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

Children from one to five years old

If a child under the age of five has pain that does not stop for 3 hours or more, a doctor must be called. The difficulty for children in this age group is that they cannot more accurately describe their sensations and it is much more difficult for parents to assess the severity of the disease.

A large convex tummy in infants is a normal phenomenon due to the increased size of the newborn’s liver and weak abdominal muscles.

By the age of 2-4 years, the child’s tummy should tighten, because... muscle tissue is strengthened. If a baby of this age is thin and the belly is large, parents should be wary and contact a pediatrician or surgeon; this may indicate problems in the production of pancreatic enzymes or problems with the spine.

Other factors

The main causes of pain in the lower abdomen in children are also: disruption of the intestines, inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, gastric bleeding, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Pain that appears in the lower abdomen may indicate the appearance of various pathologies of internal organs. Any changes in the functioning of the body cause discomfort in the abdominal area. Diagnostics should only be carried out by a specialist.

Intestinal colic

When babies have pain in the lower abdomen in the center, as well as on the sides, parents should suspect intestinal colic. This diagnosis is especially likely at an early age (up to six months). Not a single pediatrician can say specifically why children with intestinal colic have severe stomach pain. This is due to the fact that discomfort and acute pain can appear due to various provoking factors:

  1. constipation;
  2. increased gas formation;
  3. dyspepsia;
  4. poor nutrition;
  5. disruption of intestinal function, etc.

However, a predisposition to colic in children under one year of age is associated with maternal estrogens. These hormones enter the baby's body during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


The first signs indicate the presence of infection in the body. A sharp pain is felt in the affected areas. Over time, the discomfort intensifies, the affected area of ​​the body swells and becomes hot. The skin has a red tint. The inflammatory process increases body temperature. In rare cases, chills are felt. The patients' condition is deteriorating sharply.

Dizziness, weakness, and malaise appear. In some cases, dermatitis and severe itching appear. In the acute form of the disease, angioedema and paroxysmal cough may be observed. The child refuses to eat food, is capricious, limps, and refuses to move. If you have symptoms, you should visit a specialist and undergo a full examination.

Signs of abdominal pain in newborns

Children under 3-4 years old cannot complain of abdominal pain. In addition, the pain symptom may not be sharp; the pain may be aching, intermittent (disappearing). How to suspect that a small (especially a newborn) child has a stomach ache:

  • The baby is crying. With sharp pain, crying turns into a scream; with pulling, aching pain, the crying can be quiet, monotonous, exhausting the child. The main sign: the crying does not stop in any usual way: eating, picking up the child, changing the diaper, trying to distract the child from crying, trying to cover him (gentle warmth).
  • The baby is fussing and worrying clearly more than usual
  • Pulls legs towards stomach
  • Eating poorly or refusing to eat at all
  • Has difficulty falling asleep and often wakes up or cannot fall asleep at all.

Treatment methods

The correct approach of a specialist allows you to cure the patient in a short time. To eliminate inflammatory processes, it is recommended to take acetylsalicylic acid. The antibiotic Amoxicillin or Erythromycin is mandatory. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Non-hormonal drugs are prescribed for the development of intestinal infections. Use is recommended until the inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity completely disappear. To eliminate symptoms, antiallergic drugs are also prescribed: Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil. Folk remedies can be added to the main treatment. Anti-inflammatory ointments, creams and tinctures will complement the main treatment based on medications. These include: “Dolgit”, “Cinepar”, “Ketonal”. To stop the inflammatory process, you need to use Ibuprofen and Indomethacin.

In acute forms of the disease, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed. The technique allows you to prevent pain, reduce pain and bring the intestinal flora back to normal. Ultrasound and magnetic therapy are permitted. The method improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and restores the functions of internal organs. Children are prescribed electrophoresis using drugs and enzymes. The procedures are carried out on the basis of ozokerite and paraffin. Therapeutic procedures restore blood flow and instantly remove toxins from cells.

How long does abdominal pain last and what to do about it?

The duration of pain depends on its cause. For harmless causes, the pain usually goes away or subsides after two to three hours. The first thing you need to do with your child when he has abdominal pain is to put him to bed. Quite often, in a lying position, if the child does not focus too much on the pain, he will quickly get better. Sometimes lightly stroking the abdomen clockwise can also relieve the condition.

Avoid giving your baby solid foods and only drink a few sips of clean water if your baby is vomiting. If you continue to drink water as usual, the vomiting will continue and the abdominal pain will intensify. If your child hasn't gone to the bathroom in a while, have him sit on the toilet and see if bowel movements help relieve the stomach pain.

If your child has stomach pain due to stress or anxiety, be sure to talk to your child about what is happening and then tell officials at school about these problems. Talk to the teachers, talk to the principal, see if you can solve the problem that was causing your child's stomach pain.

We do not recommend giving medications for cramps unless you know exactly what is causing the problem. If it is clear that the cause of the pain is constipation, you can give your child anti-constipation medicine.

IMPORTANT! If the cause of the pain is unknown, the child should not be given painkillers. First you need to see a doctor so that he can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


The main preventive measures include hardening. In this mode, the body is resistant to infections and allergens of various origins. It is recommended to avoid hypothermia. Otherwise, the risk of viral and infectious diseases increases. In winter, your feet should be kept warm.

You should take vitamins in unlimited quantities. Vitamin deficiency leads to weakened immunity. If suspicious symptoms are detected, you should immediately undergo a full diagnosis. Children should strengthen their immune system, eat right, and exercise. You should rinse your mouth regularly. It is forbidden to inject yourself to relieve pain. Injections are performed only by a specialist in compliance with antiseptic requirements.

Causes of pain syndrome in childhood

Why does my child's lower abdomen hurt?
This question worries many parents. The causes of pain depend not only on lifestyle, but also on age. Food poisoning

If a teenager has pain in the lower abdomen, then the cause may be poisoning from low-quality products. At the age of 10-12 years, children get out of hand, and parents do not always have time to keep track of what their child has eaten. The cause of pain can be food from the school canteen, fast food or store-bought salads.

Poisoning is accompanied by:

  • nausea and repeated vomiting;
  • cramps and colic in the abdomen;
  • painful sensations in the lower and central abdominal area.

If a child is poisoned, the first step is to rinse the stomach and rid it of toxic substances. For this, a solution of potassium permanganate is used. Further treatment consists of following a strict diet, taking adsorbents, antidiarrheals and Regidron.

Dyspeptic disorder and colic

Stomach pain can occur not only in school-aged children, but also in infants. Most often, the cause of unpleasant symptoms is the immaturity of the digestive system or enzyme deficiency.

This phenomenon is accompanied by:

  • diarrhea after eating food;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • painful sensations on the left, right or central part.

It is possible to prevent the development of unpleasant symptoms. Doctors advise giving babies a belly massage and holding them upright after feeding. In case of enzyme deficiency, sweets and dairy products are removed from the diet. Complex therapy involves taking probiotics to restore flora, enzymes to improve digestive function, and following a strict diet.

Inflammation of the appendix

One of the serious conditions is considered to be inflammation of the appendix or appendicitis. It is very difficult to diagnose the disease yourself, since the symptoms are similar to other diseases. The causes of appendicitis are often poor nutrition, which contains a lot of sweets, fatty foods, fried foods, chips, fast foods and snacks.

This pathology is accompanied by the development of pain on the right side and in the navel area. In this case, the child complains of nausea, vomiting, and weakness. The temperature rises to 39-40 degrees.

If the skin begins to turn pale and cold sweat appears, this indicates the development of complications. You should not hesitate to call a doctor.

Consequences and complications

Lower abdominal pain in children can have serious complications and consequences. Ignoring the first signs of the disease and wasting time can lead to serious consequences. If the disease is present, children experience complications of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Irregular systematic treatment measures lead to the development of serious pathologies. As a result, a specialist can detect a whole range of other diseases. Proper, timely treatment by a qualified doctor will help avoid serious complications. It is imperative to follow the treatment as prescribed by the doctor. If severe pain occurs, you must call an ambulance.

Parents need to remember that if a child complains of pain in the lower abdomen, he must be urgently shown to a doctor. This pathology can be a harbinger of dangerous diseases, which in advanced stages are not always treatable.

Psychosomatic abdominal pain

At the beginning of the school year, many children experience abdominal pain. The pain comes and goes and is often localized around the navel. Most often, these are psychosomatic pains that arise as a bodily expression of stress. Yes, oddly enough, for a child the beginning of the school year is stressful, because the daily routine, diet, and mental and physical stress increase radically. Since children cannot react to their worries and fears before school, all mental problems result in abdominal pain. Therefore, if a child often talks about “strange” temporary pains that appear and disappear, and at the most inopportune times, do not consider this as a whim, pay attention. Ask what worries the child, make sure that everything is in order with his school meals, as well as with his psychological state at school.

The girl has pain in the lower abdomen. Help | Children | Children's health

  • It started in the fall. The girl is 12 years old. The symptoms are as follows: periodically there are nagging, tingling pains (visually the place where she points is the area of ​​the uterus). I thought maybe my period was starting. But this has been going on for almost six months. The pain is very intense, today I even burst into tears, and at school she had a seizure. It becomes easier if you lie down. The discharge is slightly yellowish, the mark on the underwear looks like it was smeared with toothpaste. The pain may not appear for a week. The gynecologist saw me back in December. Probably said thrush, but now I don’t see anything bad. There are 2-5 leukocytes in the smear, the rest is written incomprehensibly, there seems to be a little epithelium and something else that looks like mycelium. Please advise where to start the examination? What could this even be? PS: I’m in Gelendzhik. There is simply some kind of trouble with the gynecologist here. In the adult clinic they refuse to accept the child, in the children's clinic the doctor is sick. There is simply no paid pediatric gynecologist at all. The clinic doesn’t prescribe any advanced tests here, because they simply don’t do them. There is an Invitro department, I can donate something there. But what?! Help with advice, please!!!
  • I would do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs (that is, the female organs). To be honest, apart from the smear that has already been done, nothing else comes to mind.
  • An ultrasound should be done first. Tests include a general smear, urine and blood tests. Well, I think that at this age there is no need to test for infections, although this should be discussed with the doctor.
  • In fact, we don’t even have a doctor. The medical situation here is simply terrible. They found a good orthopedist (but paid), in a children's clinic there is an orthopedist of some kind.
  • Do an ultrasound of the pelvis, maybe she has caught a cold. I really don’t know how a girl can do this; it’s usually done with an internal sensor.
  • I can imagine! Then you start with an ultrasound and tests, I think something will become clearer. Maybe we can arrange for my daughter to be looked at at the residential complex? And find out if Invitro has doctors’ appointments.
  • As they used to do before the invention of intravaginal sensors, fill the bladder and look through the stomach.
  • Tell me, I have a cold - what is it? Inflammation of the appendages? Our whole winter was like spring and summer. Doesn't sit in cold weather. She was always well insulated from below when going to school.
  • Thanks for the advice. Today at the housing complex they categorically told me: no, go to the children's clinic. They used to have a teenage gynecologist, but now they’ve moved it to the nursery. I'll try to go argue with the manager tomorrow. And you know, in December, when we were in the residential complex, the doctor looked at me and said that everything was normal, so I could take a smear and that’s it. Some kind of nonsense. It’s very difficult to download your license here. Everything is completely different in Moscow. Nobody is afraid of anything. The corruption is awesome.
  • I looked about Invitro - in your city the doctor doesn’t see you there, unfortunately, and they don’t do ultrasounds. But they have colposcopy in the list of services, and this is what the doctor should do, so he can somehow clarify this issue with them. Is it possible to go to a paid clinic?
  • Besides the gynecologist, have you tried visiting at least a pediatrician and a urologist? There is no ultrasound machine on the forum to check everything.
  • Remember, inflammation of the appendages will never arise from a “cold.” The ovaries are well protected, and if they become inflamed, it means there is an infection. How it got there is another question (in women it gets there during sexual intercourse, men are carriers of diseases). And besides the uterus and ovaries, there is also a bladder and kidneys.
  • There are no necessary paid clinics here. There is one “Avicena”, they don’t take children there. Maybe there are private doctors somewhere, but I don’t know and I don’t have any friends here. Unfortunately, I didn’t get one. Here (it’s funny to say) it’s impossible to remove a child’s baby tooth in paid dentistry. Only in the state.
  • This is funny, of course, but ultrasound is also not so easy to do here. Registration at the clinic is not shabby, but in order to get an ultrasound done for a child in paid centers, you have to search hard. Tomorrow I’ll look at sanatoriums. We live in the middle of nowhere. We’ll try a urologist, thanks for the advice. Medicine here is in a terrible state. I'm always afraid of going to the local hospital (scary place).
  • How can a girl get an infection?
  • Is there no good pediatric surgeon? A girl I know had appendicitis like this. Chronic, infection. She went to the gynecologist twice, but they could not make a diagnosis. Six months later, the picture only became clearer when another gynecologist transferred her to surgery. In children, the appendix is ​​difficult to distinguish on ultrasound, she had a CT scan. But this is Moscow.
  • Masturbated with dirty hands, as an option.
  • Topic about nasty medicine or what to do in this situation?
  • Can’t you go to a paid medical center in Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, I don’t know, Anapa, or finally Sochi? There are similar centers somewhere. Ask on a local forum if your neighbors are meeting somewhere.
  • But doesn’t Avicenna-Medica also take children from Griboyedov? They write that they have “pediatrics and pediatric surgery,” as well as “laboratory research and ultrasound.” This will suit you for a start, but if anything happens, then you will look for gynecology directly.
  • They have pediatrics for very young children, I came in and outlined the situation. They said it wasn't for them.
  • I'm not saying medicine is bad. Here in our city, she is in great disarray. I am wondering what to do. I won't go to the pediatrician. She is completely unprofessional. We'll try to see a urologist if we find one. Thank you.
  • Novorossiysk is a possible option, not so far, about an hour’s drive. If I don’t find anything here in the next few days, we’ll go there. The rest is too far away.
  • How dirty do you have to fiddle around there? Or stick them in up to the elbows?
  • I would like to test my urine and have my bladder examined by ultrasound.
  • you know, in order for dirt to get there, it is not at all necessary to climb there. Believe me, it will find a way to get there. If only there were dirty hands nearby.
  • This is how I had appendicitis at the age of 13, although it was suspected that it was kidney disease, and the diagnosis was made in gynecology. Surgeons and a gynecologist were already operating.
  • To check whether it is appendicitis, do you need to do a computed tomography? (I am collecting a list of proposed studies).
  • How could your hands be so dirty? Well, the child came home and washed his hands. What's so dirty in our house? If we clean every day and wash the floors, and are not pigs at all. Spouses may take a shower before sex, but maybe they didn’t have sex right after the shower? Hands are dirty. Just really interesting.
  • What about appendicitis? And then we couldn’t get a diagnosis for one girl for months; it turned out to be sluggish appendicitis. Moreover, the pain was in an uncharacteristic place, in addition to everything else.
  • +blood, probably. I haven’t personally encountered this, fortunately, so it’s better to ask your doctors. There are medical forums, where doctors answer.
  • My girl is younger than yours, but a year ago I was also exhausted in searching for the causes of abdominal pain in my child. I want to say that pain does not necessarily occur near the sore spot. The pain can radiate somewhere, so it’s not necessarily a problem with gynecology. It seems to me that you need to undergo a full examination. Gastrointestinal tract too, kidneys. We had the same experience of communicating with doctors. My child has had abdominal pain from time to time since he was 2 years old. It’s unclear why. Last fall, very strong, but short-term pain began to occur after each meal. An ambulance was called, but by the time it arrived, nothing hurt. The pediatrician was of no use: appointments for ultrasound took 2 weeks, appointments for FGS took a month. And the child’s stomach still hurts. Then she began to generally tell us that my child was nervous and this caused abdominal pain. Finally, with a referral to the FGS in hand, we went to the clinic of the regional hospital. Having heard that the child had abdominal pain, the daughter was immediately examined by a surgeon, a gastroenterologist, without any appointment, other examinations were done, and a diagnosis was made. We were treated, the pain went away. Perhaps you should go to a multidisciplinary children's hospital not in your city, go to bed, and be examined?
  • I once watched a program about germs. And I realized that hands, although clean in appearance, are actually terribly dirty, it’s not for nothing that surgeons wipe them with alcohol. They understand that any infection can get in and there will be an infection. So, not everyone You wash your hands with soap for half an hour? And that’s enough for them to become dirty. You don’t live in a sterile environment.
  • Can you tell me what you got?
  • A diagnosis of gastritis and duodenitis was made. The treatment helped. But doubts remained. Since my daughter began to clearly express her thoughts, from the age of 2 to 6 years, she periodically complains of abdominal pain. Okay, gastritis at 6 years old? But where in 2? If there are any more complaints, I will insist on hospitalization and a full examination. Maybe a certain type of food is not digested, maybe the special structure of the intestines.
  • Have you been diagnosed with biliary dyskinesia? Very similar in symptoms.
  • and let them do an ultrasound of the gallbladder. For us it’s like an hourglass. twisted (congenital), also hurts
  • They diagnosed the same thing + what the girls wrote below, torsion of the gallbladder and dyskinesia, also for a long time, periodically complained of pain for several years, until an accurate diagnosis was established, they did not know how to help, now we are coping well with the help of adjusting the diet
  • I believe that diet helps us too. Since the last exacerbation, I ask my daughter to carefully observe what foods make her worse and avoid them. I don't force you to eat anything. She is now selective about food, doesn’t even try some things, tries others, but won’t eat it a second time.
  • They did this more than once - no problems were found. But I talked with the mother of a 13-year-old girl, who has had problems since early childhood, and they only found structural anomalies on an MRI
  • half an hour, and it was long overdue... but in general, Krasnodar is in your hands, to be honest, why are you torturing a child?


Prevention of pain

The best way to prevent unpleasant sensations is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and control the child’s nutrition. It is very important that he understands the harm and danger of chips, soda and store-bought sweets. You should also teach your child that physical education is a good thing and should be done regularly.

Parents should monitor the baby’s health and consult a doctor if there are any symptoms of pathology. Timely diagnosis and treatment is a way to prevent complications and unpleasant symptoms.

When the symptoms are not dangerous

If your stomach hurts after exercise, you need to rest for a couple of hours.

If pain appears immediately after physical activity, you need to give the child a rest. The cramps will go away within 1-2 hours. The pain in this case is associated with muscle overstrain and the production of lactic acid.

Another reason is overeating or consuming large amounts of sweets and soda. Then mild poisoning may develop. You need to monitor your future health.

Methods for diagnosing abdominal diseases

If a child has a stomach ache on the left side, then this sign should not be ignored. The first step is to pay attention to the presence of other symptoms. If the illness is accompanied by high fever, nausea and vomiting, then you should immediately call an ambulance.

If the child’s condition is satisfactory, then you need to visit the pediatrician yourself. After listening to the complaints, he conducts an examination and prescribes an examination, which includes:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • magnetic or computed tomography;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • coprogram;
  • radiography with contrast;
  • donating blood, urine and feces for analysis.

The age of the child plays a major role in diagnostic measures.

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