Acne due to intestinal problems: why it appears and how to treat it

"Good" and "bad" food

Balanced and healthy food provides our body with a supply of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. To get adequate nutrition every day, you need to include “good” foods in your diet:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fiber;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • lean proteins.

“Bad” foods include smoked meats, confectionery, fast food and snacks. Unhealthy food negatively affects blood vessels, internal organs and worsens the general well-being of adults and children.

Myth #1: Chocolate and dairy products cause acne

People can't get acne from eating dairy and chocolate. Dairy products, combined with high levels of refined foods and processed sugars, disrupt insulin levels and make the skin more prone to breakouts. However, not all dairy products cause rashes and acne. Some studies note that skim milk is the most likely acne trigger.

Why can't you use milk for acne? Cow's milk does not cause acne or breakouts. However, hormones produced by cows and contained in milk can overstimulate human sebaceous glands and cause inflammation of the skin.

Acne can often be caused by hormonal changes in our body. All animal milk contains hormone triggers that cause insulin to be released. Taken together, these reasons can lead to acne in women and men. But not for all people, drinking milk can cause a chain reaction leading to rashes (depending on the person’s lifestyle and diet).

What dairy products are good for acne? There are no dairy products that are 100% effective for acne. Many studies have established a connection between dairy products and

What are boils and carbuncles? the occurrence of acne in adolescents. Some studies have shown that young people who regularly consume milk or ice cream are four times more likely to suffer from acne. Doctors recommend drinking skim milk if you have skin problems.

Is it possible to treat acne at home? Yes, as prescribed by a dermatologist: using ointments, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents. The patient also needs a diet when treating acne (switching to a healthy diet).

What is acne?

Acne is a skin disease characterized by acne, purulent pimples, inflammation, redness of the skin, and sometimes deep lesions.

They are classified according to severity (5):

  • Mild acne : non-inflammatory lesions, few inflammatory lesions, or both.
  • Moderate acne : More inflammatory lesions, occasional nodules - severe, painful lesions or both, and mild scarring.
  • Severe acne : extensive inflammatory lesions, nodules, or both, and scarring, ongoing moderate acne that does not improve with treatment after 6 months, or any acne that causes severe psychological distress.

Acne usually appears in areas of your body that have sebaceous glands, which are tiny oil-producing glands that are influenced by hormones. They are present on your face, back, chest, neck and shoulders (4).

Severe cases of acne can lead to disfigurement, permanent scarring of the skin, and severe emotional disturbances that can lead to depression and withdrawal from social situations (4).

Although this condition is most common during adolescence, it can continue into adulthood and some may even experience it throughout their lives (6).

What is the cause of hormonal acne?

The factors that lead to acne are complex and multifactorial.

Genetic predisposition, hormonal fluctuations that lead to excess sebum or oil production from the sebaceous glands, inflammation, follicular hyperkeratinization and bacterial colonization can trigger acne.

Follicular hyperkeratinization - or abnormal skin cell turnover of the sebaceous glands and the top of the hair follicles near the opening - is considered the main cause.

These skin cells clog the pores and form what is medically called a microcomedone (7, 8).

Propionibacterium acnes is a bacteria that usually grows on your skin.

In people with acne, they grow abnormally, leading to inflammation, skin damage, follicular hyperkeratinization, and changes in sebum (9).

Hormones also play an important role in the development of acne, which is why it is often called “hormonal acne.” This condition usually occurs during adolescence due to increased levels of sex hormones during puberty, regardless of gender.

Women also experience acne later in life due to hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, perimenopause, and when using hormonal contraceptives (9).

Inflammation and diet are also thought to play a role, although some argue that diet is less significant. However, there is good evidence that some dietary changes make a significant contribution to the treatment of acne (6).

Acne can also be caused by certain medications and occupational chemical exposures. However, these types of acne are different from regular acne (10).


Hormonal acne is a skin condition caused by many factors, including hormonal changes, bacteria, inflammation, hyperkeratinization and diet.

Does the skin need “proper nutrition”?

Eating a healthy diet for acne can help reduce inflammation. Skin rashes due to gastrointestinal diseases are provoked by fatty, spicy and smoked foods. Acne may appear:

  • due to excess sebum production due to disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • with improper skin care;
  • due to hormonal changes (hormonal acne).

The situation can be aggravated by taking medications, stress, unhealthy diet, and bad habits. The presence of inflammatory processes in the body can also cause a rash.

How to eat right to be healthy? What foods should you not eat if you have acne? If you have a skin rash, you should exclude sweet and spicy foods from your diet. Alcoholic drinks and sweet soda are also contraindicated.

How to deal with acne? The diagnosis is made by a dermatologist and, if acne is confirmed, he selects drug treatment for acne and diet. If necessary, the doctor prescribes repeated tests for acne to monitor the progress of treatment.

How gastritis affects the skin

Such a pathology of the mucous membranes of the stomach as gastritis can manifest itself in both adults and children. Among other problems, gastritis affects the appearance and condition of the skin, contributing to its early aging. The appearance of pimples, acne, and urticaria may also be associated with a violation of the nutrient absorption mechanism that develops with gastritis.

Gastritis affects the appearance and condition of the skin, contributing to its early aging

Allergic gastritis, which occurs when an allergen substance enters the stomach and to which the human body responds with an allergic reaction, has a particularly pronounced effect on the condition of the skin. With allergic gastritis, a rash immediately appears on the patient’s body. In addition, other symptoms occur: swelling of the mucous membranes, dizziness, involuntary gag reflex or vomiting. Sharp pain appears in the abdominal area.

Symptoms appear almost immediately after the allergen enters the body, so it is usually quite easy to determine the cause of the illness. An allergic reaction can be caused by both food and non-food chemicals. A rash in the form of hives on the abdomen is the main sign of such gastritis. The other listed symptoms - nausea, rashes on the face, dry mouth - are only secondary symptoms of this disease.

It is worth remembering that skin rashes in the form of acne very often accompany any problems with the gastrointestinal tract and should be regarded as the first alarm signal. All attempts to cope with external shortcomings using folk methods, if they produce an effect, are only temporary. Any masks, creams and baths will not relieve you of the problem inside the body. We must be aware that even after recovery, the skin does not clear up immediately, and the next exacerbation can immediately affect the skin.

It is easy to get rid of urticaria due to allergic gastritis. To do this, it is enough to find out which product causes allergies in the stomach mucous membranes and exclude it from your menu. If gastritis appears on the skin as pimples, you will have to reconsider your diet and adhere to these dietary rules in the future. And if the prospect of constantly fighting acne is not for you, then, most likely, you will have to become a supporter of a healthy diet.

Myth No. 2: gastritis and stomach ulcers appear if you eat poorly and are nervous a lot

Gastritis and stomach ulcers cannot appear with poor nutrition and frequent stress. However, indirectly they can negatively affect human health and lead to stomach problems. Increased consumption of fat and salt, strict diets can increase the chances of getting ulcers or gastritis, as well as other gastrointestinal diseases (for example, functional dyspepsia, a digestive disorder, may develop).

Ulcers can form in the digestive tract, including the lower part of the throat (esophagus), stomach, and intestines. Ulcers are usually caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori or result from:

  • excessive secretion of stomach acid;
  • long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • diseases of the digestive tract.

Symptoms of a stomach ulcer depend on the severity of the ulcer. The most common symptom that occurs in men and women is a burning or pain in the mid-abdomen (between the chest and belly button). The pain is usually worse when the stomach is empty and can last from a few minutes to several hours. Other signs of a stomach ulcer include:

  • dull pain in the abdomen;
  • loss of appetite and weight;
  • nausea or vomiting, as well as bloating;
  • feeling of fullness, belching, heartburn or acid reflux.

Symptoms of anemia may also occur, which include fatigue, shortness of breath, pale skin, dark stools, and vomiting blood. If a person experiences symptoms of a stomach ulcer, they should consult a doctor. Even if the discomfort is barely noticeable, the ulcer can increase in size if left untreated. Bleeding ulcers can be life-threatening because they cause bleeding.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining that most often results from infection with the bacteria that cause most stomach ulcers (for example, Helicobacter pylori). Regular consumption of alcohol and certain painkillers can also contribute to the development of the disease.

Gastritis can occur suddenly (acute gastritis) or develop over time (chronic gastritis). In some cases, gastritis can lead to ulcers and increase the risk of developing stomach cancer. However, for most people, gastritis can be cured quickly with timely and proper treatment.

Diagnosis of ulcers and gastritis is carried out by a doctor using laboratory tests such as blood tests, biopsy of stomach tissue, gastroscopy, and gastric acidity tests.

Focus on gastroenterology: questions for doctors Diet for gastritis and ulcers involves avoiding fatty foods and alcohol, as well as including in the diet:

  • high fiber foods (whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans);
  • lean fish and meat;
  • non-carbonated and decaffeinated drinks.

How to get rid

How to treat acne from gastritis? It is important to remember that acne in this case will not be the main disease. This is just a symptom of inflammation. And if you get rid of gastritis or its exacerbation in the chronic stage, then acne will disappear on its own.

The doctor prescribes a diet, certain medications and cosmetic procedures to improve the condition of the face. In general, treatment takes at least 3 weeks.


How to treat acne due to gastritis? First you need to establish proper nutrition. The doctor will advise you to completely reconsider your diet, give up fatty, fried, salty, spicy foods. A complete list of prohibited foods can be obtained from a gastroenterologist.

You need to eat often and in small portions. The food temperature should not be too high or too low - hot tea and frozen berries will also have to be excluded from the diet.

Remember that gastritis with increased and decreased secretion requires different dishes. And with a chronic form of gastritis, you will have to follow the diet for the rest of your life.


Can there be acne with chronic gastritis? Yes, this is one of the most common causes of rashes in adults. In the treatment of acute and chronic forms with exacerbations, medications are used.

First of all, it is doxycycline, which helps destroy the main enemy - the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. The drug should be taken 2 times a day in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

If the stomach has high acidity, medications are prescribed that can eliminate this factor. All medications are taken only under the supervision and as prescribed by a specialist.

For the acute stage of the disease, antispasmodics are prescribed, for example, spazgan, no-shpa or drotaverine. They help eliminate pain.

Enzymes, such as pancreatin, are used to improve digestion processes.

Myth No. 3: I have gastritis and need to follow a diet

Diet has no effect on the course of gastritis, although it plays an important role in the health of the digestive system. Treatment and diet for gastritis are indirectly related, but sometimes they can be mutually exclusive. Following a diet can make a difference in relieving symptoms and making you feel better.

What can you eat if you have gastritis? A healthy and proper diet for gastritis involves excluding fried, spicy and sour foods from the diet. It is necessary to include low-fat dishes, greens, vegetables and fruits in the menu.

Some studies claim that probiotics may help with stomach problems caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Stomach diseases, including gastritis, may require following a diet as prescribed by a doctor. For example, to prevent exacerbations and the development of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, treatment of the stomach involves surgical intervention (in advanced cases).


For gastritis, treatment begins with diet. Limit the intake of fatty, fried foods, and exclude a lot of carbohydrates. It is acceptable to eat proteins (lean meats and fish, skinned chicken), grains, and dairy products. The diet must be enriched with a large amount of vegetables and fruits, which will become a source of vitamins and microelements and cleanse the intestines of toxins. You should drink about a liter of still water per day. It is advisable not to drink strong tea and coffee, and avoid alcohol.

Drug treatment

To eliminate acne, you will need to cure the underlying disease.

If Helicobacter pylori is detected, treatment is carried out. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed according to the schedule. Among antibiotics, the choice is made on drugs of the ampicillin group and macrolides. In addition, bismuth preparations and agents that reduce stomach acidity are recommended. Treatment is carried out by a gastroenterologist under the supervision of endoscopy and tests for Helicobacter pylori. The drugs should be used for at least two weeks.

Acne due to gastritis with low acidity is treated with the use of drugs that enhance the formation of gastric juice (calcium gluconate, proserin, limontar). To improve digestion, enzyme preparations containing components of gastric juice (pepsin, panzinorm) are prescribed. With such gastritis, anemia with deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12 often occurs; the treatment complex includes taking these vitamins.

If there is constipation, normalization of stool is necessary. In addition to a diet rich in fiber, it is recommended to take laxatives or drugs that improve gastric and intestinal motility (buscopan, duspatalin). To remove toxins and waste, activated carbon, polyfipan, enterosgel are used, and they are consumed orally. Cleansing enemas and colon hydrotherapy will help cleanse the intestines. Blood purifying procedures are recommended - plasmapheresis, hemosorption.

In addition to the main treatment, it is recommended to undergo a course of physiotherapy, correct the immune system, and take a vitamin complex.

Myth #4: Dairy products help with stomach ulcers

Dairy products cannot prevent or relieve stomach ulcers. Sometimes drinking cow's milk can even make the situation worse by causing the stomach to produce more acid than is necessary for the gastrointestinal tract to function properly.

In relieving pain from peptic ulcers, soy milk and a diet for stomach pain can be effective. If you have an ulcer, you should eat apples, pears, oatmeal and other foods high in fiber. Fiber reduces the amount of acid in the stomach, helping to relieve symptoms of bloating and pain associated with diseases of the digestive system. Research shows that a diet rich in fiber helps prevent the development of stomach ulcers.

Myth #4: If you don't eat fatty foods, gallstones will disappear on their own.

If you have gallstones, they will not go away if you give up fatty foods. Why do stones form in the gallbladder? Gallstones form due to an imbalance in the chemical composition of bile in the gallbladder. In most cases, due to an unhealthy diet, the cholesterol level in the bile becomes too high. Over time, excess cholesterol turns into stones.

British scientists estimate that more than 1 in 10 adults have gallstones, although not all people may experience symptoms. The risk of developing gallstones increases if you are diagnosed as overweight or obese. As people age, they may develop gallstones (usually after age 40 or older).

Signs of a gallstone:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • symptoms of jaundice (yellowish skin or eyes).

Can gallstones be cured? With timely treatment and switching to a healthy diet for gallstones, symptoms may disappear. If complications occur (acute pancreatitis or cholecystitis, cholangitis, gallbladder perforation), surgery to remove the gallbladder may be recommended.

What can you eat if you have gallstones? For adults and children, a diet for gallstones is mandatory. Must be included in the menu:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • whole grains (whole grain bread, brown rice, bran cereal);
  • lean meat, poultry and fish;
  • low-fat dairy products.

Myth No. 5: if a child has diathesis, you need to exclude all foods that cause allergies.

Feeding a child with diathesis does not imply the exclusion of foods that cause allergies. Diathesis is a syndrome that complexly signals pathologies, including allergies. Symptoms of atopic dermatitis are usually called diathesis, and doctors do not recommend limiting children’s diet. Also

What can cause a rash? rashes on a child’s cheeks may indicate the development of chronic diseases.

What causes diathesis? The syndrome can develop due to the interaction of the child’s body with chemicals, dust, and also due to non-compliance with the diet. Diet for diathesis includes avoiding allergenic foods (honey, eggs, citrus fruits, confectionery). Also, the menu for diathesis requires the exclusion of red foods (raspberries, strawberries), seafood, cocoa and chocolate. Prohibited foods for diathesis can be allowed by a doctor after completing a course of treatment in small dosages.

Liver and acne

Acne can appear due to liver dysfunction. It is this organ that neutralizes and removes poisonous and toxic substances that enter the body along with food, various drinks and even air. If there are malfunctions in the functioning of the liver, toxins are released through the skin pores. Some harmful microorganisms accumulate in the sebaceous glands, causing inflammation. Skin cells age, change color, and gray hair and acne appear.

The first symptoms of liver disease include fatigue, constant worries and worries, circles under the eyes - a person’s sleep patterns may be disrupted. Problems arise in the digestive system, for example, constipation or loose stools, colic.

Myth #6: You need to diet to lower cholesterol levels.

If you have high cholesterol, you need to eat a healthy diet rather than go on a diet. Fatty foods and smoked foods, as well as spicy and fried foods, contribute to an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Nutrition for high cholesterol should include healthy foods that promote normal functioning of blood flow, heart and blood vessels (vegetables, fruits, greens).

How to lower cholesterol? You need to choose healthier fats (found in vegetable oils, nuts, sesame seeds) and monitor the total amount of fat consumed. Dietary fats in the total calorie content of dishes should be no more than 25–35%. You can’t completely give up consuming fats, which are necessary for the body to function properly.

What to eat if you have high cholesterol? A healthy and proper diet to reduce blood cholesterol involves partial or complete avoidance of saturated fats and trans fats. These fats are found in some meat and dairy products, chocolate, baked goods, confectionery, and processed foods. The harm of fatty foods affects the functioning of the liver and cardiovascular system.

A diet for high cholesterol includes consumption of:

  • whole grain cereals (oatmeal and bran);
  • fruits (apples, bananas, oranges, pears) and dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes);
  • legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas).

Myth #7: Gluten-free diet = healthy eating

A gluten-free diet is a type of healthy nutrition, but cannot be its basis. Gluten-free nutrition is a way of eating that helps cope with many intestinal diseases.

What can you eat on a gluten-free diet? On a gluten-free diet, you can eat any gluten-free foods: meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, potatoes, lentils. You can also consume natural milk and dairy products, dried fruits, as well as other gluten-free products (cereals, seeds, nuts).

Some people feel significantly better within a few days of stopping gluten. Sometimes, for complete recovery of the intestines, it is necessary to adhere to a gluten-free diet for six months to five years (and in some cases longer). In any case, regardless of the nature of the intestinal problems, the transition to a gluten-free diet should be agreed with your doctor.

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