The main cause of heartburn is a comprehensive treatment method

How does heartburn occur with gastritis?

After an illness or injury, the muscles of the entire body, including internal organs, are weakened.
The motility of the duodenum, stomach or esophagus is impaired. And then heartburn occurs. After an illness or injury, the muscles of the entire body, including internal organs, are weakened. The motility of the duodenum, stomach or esophagus is impaired. And then heartburn occurs. More often it is acquired from an incorrect daily routine. This bad regimen, coupled with nutritional errors, again leads to muscle weakness.

Between the esophagus and the stomach is the lower esophageal valve. It acts as a gate: it allows food to enter the stomach and prevents it from going back. With heartburn, its functions are impaired.

The valve becomes weak and cannot keep the “door closed”. And, as they say in astrology, the retrograde movement begins - it opens in the opposite direction. Therefore, the acid of the gastric juice, and with it pepsin (and sometimes even bile acids and pancreatic enzymes) begin to affect the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

With atony (this Greek word means “weakening”) of the esophageal muscles, the tone of the upper and lower valves decreases, the acidic contents of the stomach tend to rise, that is, not only into the esophagus, but also into the larynx, and even into the oral cavity. And the esophagus cannot neutralize the acids that enter it. Stomach acid, enzymes and bile simply burn the lining of the esophagus. And after chemical burns, ulcers often appear and ulceration begins.

This causes pain and burning. And then - bleeding, ruptures of the walls of the esophagus and... death.

Possibility of heartburn and gastritis

If heartburn does occur with low acidity, it is much less common than with high acidity. It can be explained by the entry into the esophagus of either organic acids accumulated in the stomach (acetic, malic, etc.) or excess bile. Gastritis can develop when acidity is close to zero, and it will not manifest itself as acute pain, but as a mild malaise, with a specific taste in the mouth. The cause of gastritis with low acidity is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. In the absence of an acidic environment, there is a possibility of such inflammation developing into cancer.

Gastritis as a cause of heartburn

Sadly, heartburn often occurs during stress. When stressed, the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach increases. In addition, psycho-emotional stress causes spasm of muscles and blood vessels in the body and provokes contraction of the walls of the esophagus. Which leads to incorrect opening of the lower valve. This is nervous heartburn. And it is very difficult to treat. But with the right approach, it can be completely cured.

It is believed that classic heartburn occurs only with gastritis with high acidity. This is wrong. Heartburn occurs with normal acidity, and even with low acidity. This is her cunning. Heartburn occurs very often when taking many medications. Asthma medications, heart medications, antidepressants, antihistamines, sedatives, antispasmodics, birth control medications... all of these medications have a side effect - heartburn.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - brufen, voltaren, indomethacin and even aspirin - have the same side effects. With frequent use of the latter, nausea, dizziness and weakness occur. Medicines to lower blood pressure and medications for bronchial asthma containing theophylline disrupt the activity of the lower valve of the esophagus. Which causes a burning sensation in the mucous membrane.

During pregnancy, all toxicosis is accompanied by heartburn. Constantly. Not only early toxicosis, but also late toxicosis - when a large fruit puts pressure on the esophageal sphincter, simply opening it with its weight.

Sadly, heartburn often occurs during stress. Stress increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach

People who are obese, especially those with a large belly, are absolutely at risk. They necessarily have increased intra-abdominal pressure, which entails high pressure on the lower valve. And as a consequence - “retrograde movement” of food in the esophagus.

Tight belts and tight clothing (such as a bra or vintage corset) are also culprits of heartburn. They compress the esophagus, causing the lower valve to loosely adhere to the walls, which causes it to malfunction. Older people - and not only them - need to remember that little physical activity will definitely provoke heartburn. The muscles will be weak, flabby - absolutely throughout the body.

However, excessive load is also harmful. Fanatical pumping of the press does more harm than good - the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases, and, as a result, heartburn occurs.

When a person lifts weights, bends, or squats, an involuntary release of acids into the esophagus may occur. Therefore, it is not recommended to exercise immediately after eating. In order not to accustom the body to working incorrectly.

You can start physical education no earlier than an hour later. And after a heavy snack - better after 2-3 hours.

But the most common cause of heartburn is poor diet: dry food, small amounts of liquid food, running snacks, non-compliance with the daily routine. As trivial as it may seem, it is the regime and diet that remain the guarantors of health.

Excessive love for coffee and strong tea, drinks with mint or menthol cigarettes, overeating, hot or spicy foods, exotic dishes, carbonated drinks (especially sweet ones), excessive consumption of alcohol - all this reduces the tone of the lower valve of the esophagus. Relaxes him. And at the same time it increases the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. And... release into the esophagus is guaranteed.

Pros and cons of folk remedies

The advantage of folk remedies is that they are always available in any home. These are natural, often inexpensive products that will provide first aid in case of discomfort in a timely manner.

Another undeniable advantage is the huge variety of ingredients and recipes, which will allow you to choose a more suitable treatment method.

Folk remedies for relieving heartburn are recommended for use by nursing and pregnant women, when the use of drugs that relieve spasms is not desirable. In this case, milk, grapefruit and carrot juices will not only help, but also be beneficial. Pumpkin seeds are very useful: in addition to relieving heartburn, they have a healing effect.

The most common folk remedy for heartburn in everyday life is baking soda. 0.5 tsp is enough. dilute in 100 g of water and drink. Heartburn will go away quickly, but the carbon dioxide formed during the reaction will cause an additional release of acid and provoke increased heartburn.

Activated carbon works similarly. 3-4 tablets can block excess acid production, but can cause constipation and dehydration. The negative side of cheap remedies: the condition improves quickly, but deterioration can also occur quickly. Frequent use leads to gastritis, and in case of gastrointestinal pathologies, it provokes exacerbation of diseases.

Some products produced by bees, such as propolis and honey, cause allergic reactions in some people.

Heartburn as a symptom of gastritis

Heartburn can act both as a harbinger of a disease and as a sign of a disease that already exists.

Sometimes it occurs with neuropsychiatric problems. But most often he talks about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • about hiatal hernias (when part of the stomach or intestinal loop is displaced into the chest cavity through the food opening of the lower esophagus);
  • about gastritis and ulcers of various localizations;
  • about pancreatitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis;
  • about reflux disease;
  • about oncological diseases of the digestive system.

Obesity is always accompanied by heartburn. When the excess weight is small and a person does not pay attention to the problem, a burning sensation in the esophagus can signal a problem with the body. It is heartburn that warns of the onset of the disease.

You can listen to yourself, evaluate your well-being in order to approximately understand the cause of heartburn. But then you definitely need to contact a good specialist!

For example:

  • When pain and burning intensify in a lying position, then there is a huge chance that the problem is in the esophagus.
  • If heartburn occurs about an hour after eating and is accompanied by sour belching, you most likely have gastritis or a stomach ulcer.
  • With duodenitis, the pain is constant and intensifies after eating, especially if there are errors in the diet. Then the pain decreases and becomes dull. With diseases of the duodenum, bloating is a must.
  • Cholecystitis, especially chronic, is accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium and right upper abdomen. Especially after eating fatty foods or shaking.
  • With hiatal hernias, pain appears in a lying position or when bending over. It is localized in the stomach, sometimes radiating to the heart area and back. In a vertical position it goes away immediately.
  • If a burning sensation behind the sternum is accompanied by nightly “hungry” pain, pain in the hypochondrium, vomiting, pain, weight loss, you should immediately consult a doctor!
  • If heartburn occurs more than twice a week, consult a doctor immediately!


Preventive measures:

  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • high-quality nutrition rich in vitamins and microelements;
  • avoiding stress;
  • untreated gastritis can develop from acute gastritis into a chronic form, which will subsequently lead to complications: duodenal ulcers and stomach ulcers.

Ignoring the symptoms of pyrosis can lead to reflux disease, when the contents of the stomach rush into the esophagus, causing severe inflammation of the mucous membranes. Treatment for gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system can only be prescribed by a doctor.

We recommend: What is non-atrophic gastritis and how to treat it?

At what acidity does heartburn occur?

What is high stomach acidity?
This term refers to the ratio of hydrogen ions in the gastric solution, which can exceed normal limits. More often than other reasons that provoke heartburn is increased stomach acidity. However, when wondering at what acidity heartburn often occurs, one should not exclude low acidity.

Heartburn is a sensation of unpleasant and irritating burning sensation that occurs quite unexpectedly and causes a lot of discomfort. A person suffering from heartburn attacks feels not only an unpleasant tingling and burning sensation, but also even pain, which can be quite difficult to endure. What should you do about a problem like this?

High acidity

What is high stomach acidity? This term refers to the ratio of hydrogen ions in the gastric solution, which may exceed normal limits. If this happens, then the food entering the stomach begins to be poorly digested, which leads to acid reflux into the esophagus. Thus, the person begins to feel unwell and burning.

The reasons that provoke an increase in stomach acid may be the following:

  1. Unbalanced diet, abuse of harmful foods;
  2. Drinking carbonated drinks;
  3. Consumption of foods that provoke flatulence (legumes, milk);
  4. Alcohol consumption.

Increased acidity may also indicate a number of diseases that are actively progressing in the body. If heartburn does not subside, then it is quite possible that you have an ulcer or gastritis.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if you have high acidity, you cannot prescribe a diet for yourself, even if it seems completely correct to you. The new diet may contain specific foods that will not soothe the stomach, but, on the contrary, cause a fermentation process.

Determining this stomach indicator on your own is almost impossible and impractical, since your results obtained through home testing may be inaccurate. Therefore, by contacting the clinic and conducting an examination, you can get an accurate answer and result that will help you in further treatment.

Thus, the acidity of the stomach is determined using fractional sounding or intragastric Ph metry. Each of these methods will most clearly and accurately determine the cause of heartburn in your case. Regardless of the acidity at which heartburn occurs, it requires examination and prompt elimination.

Low acidity

Low stomach acidity, accompanied by heartburn, is quite rare, but occurs in medical practice.
Low stomach acidity, accompanied by heartburn, is quite rare, but occurs in medical practice. In this case, heartburn occurs due to insufficient amounts of digestive enzymes that help in digesting food.

The manifestation of heartburn with low acidity is characterized not only by a burning sensation, but also by nausea and even sometimes vomiting. Often, this disease is caused by a purely incorrect lifestyle of the patient or abuse of a certain type of medicine, as well as products.

With this type of disease, it is dangerous to delay treatment, since the disease quickly develops into all sorts of forms of gastrointestinal diseases that can lead a person not only to chronic gastritis, but also to cancer.

You can determine what acidity you have during heartburn yourself, however, consulting a doctor in this case is extremely necessary.

  1. Presence of acne;
  2. Poor digestibility of food;
  3. Constipation and diarrhea;
  4. Belching;
  5. Presence of dry skin on the arms and legs;
  6. Decreased immunity;
  7. Brittle and dry hair;
  8. Expansion of blood vessels throughout the entire facial area.

All these signs directly indicate the presence of low stomach acidity. Patients should know that this type of disease is more dangerous and requires mandatory and constant monitoring by a gastroenterologist.

The causes of low stomach acidity usually come down to the following:

  • Lack of useful microelements, vitamins, minerals in the body;
  • Wrong image and diet;
  • Lack of special proteins responsible for the processing and digestibility of food.

How to cure?

In case of constantly occurring unpleasant symptoms of heartburn, especially after eating, you need to take action. However, self-medication is strictly prohibited, as it can aggravate the patient’s condition and cause complications.

When treating gastritis and heartburn, it is important to follow recommendations for proper nutrition: do not pass or eat foods that irritate the digestive tract, and prepare food correctly.

Principles of dietary nutrition for gastritis:

  • eat in small portions, chewing food slowly. Long breaks between meals, more than five hours, are unacceptable. Food should not be too hot and not too cold;
  • last meal no later than 2–3 hours before bedtime;
  • do not forget to drink plain clean water throughout the day (at least two liters per day).

After eating, it is advisable to rest without engaging in physical labor. You cannot take a horizontal position of the body, as this will cause heartburn.

If a person needs to take medications, the side effect of which is an increase in stomach acidity, these medications must be washed down with milk or taken with meals.

List of foods preferred for those suffering from chronic gastritis:

  • low-fat dairy products;
  • lean meat (veal, turkey, rabbit);
  • cereals and whole grain bread;
  • vegetables, except peppers, tomatoes;
  • fruits;
  • weak tea, still mineral water.

Foods excluded from the diet for heartburn and gastritis:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee, strong tea;
  • sweets;
  • spicy, fatty foods;
  • tomatoes, citrus fruits, garlic, pepper;
  • concentrated juice.

Method of preparing dishes on a diet:

  • steaming;
  • baking;
  • stewing.

Folk remedies

Attention! Regular heartburn requires treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Below are ways to relieve an attack of heartburn due to gastritis.

  1. A popular remedy is baking soda. Indeed, soda is an alkali and neutralizes hydrochloric acid in the stomach. But you need to be careful with this trivial remedy: private use causes nausea and headaches. In addition, when soda enters the stomach, the resulting chemical reaction releases carbon dioxide, which further irritates the mucous membranes.
  2. To eliminate heartburn and restore the acid-base balance, decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, will help. For the decoction, take two to three tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers and a quarter liter of boiling water. The broth is infused for about twenty minutes and filtered. It is better to buy raw materials for herbal infusions ready-made, at a pharmacy, or collect them in environmentally friendly areas.
  3. A decoction of the following herbs copes well with impaired secretion: anise, fennel, dill. Take a tablespoon of each herb, pour boiling water, leave and strain. Drink one spoon if discomfort occurs.
  4. You can also take a decoction of flax seeds. Take 100 grams of boiling water for one teaspoon of seeds. When used, dilute with water to a volume of 200 g. The decoction should be drunk on an empty stomach for two weeks.
  5. Potatoes are also a remedy for heartburn and accompanying gastritis. Raw potatoes are grated and the juice is separated. Take one tablespoon of juice before meals.
  6. Oatmeal is a real “friend” for the stomach. The cereal must be crushed and poured with boiling water. The decoction is filtered and consumed half an hour before bedtime.
  7. A decoction of angelica seeds, roots and leaves has proven itself in the fight against heartburn. The ingredients are ground into powder, poured with boiling water and left for 20 minutes. Take angelica decoction up to three times a day.
  8. Almonds help neutralize acidity in the stomach. Chew the nut scalded with boiling water quite slowly.
  9. For gastritis with low acidity, a decoction of plantain leaves is used.
  10. An excellent effective way to eliminate pyrosis is the use of alkaline mineral water containing bicarbonates. The water should be warm, not carbonated or settled. Treatment begins with 50 ml of water before meals and if discomfort occurs. After a week, the single volume is 200 ml. You need to drink mineral water at least three times a day for a month.

Traditional medicine does not consider herbal decoction and the other remedies listed above as a cure for gastritis. These techniques only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but not the cause. Before starting folk recipes for heartburn, it is first better to visit a gastroenterologist to assess the acidity of the stomach and the degree of damage to the mucous membrane.

A blood test, abdominal ultrasound and endoscopic examination will allow you to prescribe the correct treatment.

Medicines for heartburn

Heartburn is treated comprehensively, eliminating the cause of the disease. The following drugs are used:

  1. Antacids.
  2. Painkillers for severe burning pain in the stomach. Prescribe either antispasmodics or anticholinergic blockers (“No-Shpa”, “Drotaverin”, “Gastrotsepin”).
  3. Enveloping agents (“Smecta”);
  4. Restorative drugs for the treatment of damaged gastric mucosa (“Solcoseryl”, “Gastrofarm”, “Caleflon”)
  5. Enzymes for improving digestion, since in a sick stomach they are not enough to break down food “Festal”, “Mezim”, “Panzinorm”, “Pancreatin”, “Digestal”.
  6. If gastritis is accompanied by constipation, laxatives (Duphallac, Gutalax) are used.
  7. Antibiotics when establishing the fact of infection with Helicobacter (Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin). To restore the microflora against the background of antibiotic therapy, for example, Linex and Hilak Forte are prescribed.
  8. Bloating and flatulence are eliminated by drugs with the active substance "Simethicone", dill water helps.
  9. If the patient suffers from stress or the nervous system is unstable, sedatives (Persen, Novopassit) may be prescribed.

All drugs aimed at eliminating the symptoms of heartburn are divided into antacids (Rennie, Almagel, Phosphalugel, Maalox) and alginates (Gaviscon, Laminal).

The choice of treatment method remains with the attending physician. It is he who prescribes a specific medicine and dosage.

Antacids neutralize the effects of acid due to the content of magnesium and aluminum. Antacids only work to relieve symptoms and not to prevent pyrosis. These funds have some disadvantages:

  1. The use of these drugs often leads to constipation and indigestion.
  2. The duration of action is short, several hours.
  3. There are no guarantees that heartburn will not recur;
  4. There are contraindications, including pregnancy and childhood.
  5. Long-term, uncontrolled use of these medications disrupts metabolism.

There is an additional group of medications for heartburn - antisecretory drugs (Omeprazole, Ranitidine). Affecting the secretion of acid by cells. Thus, taking medications reduces the amount of acid in the stomach. These medications should be taken strictly as prescribed by the gastroenterologist.

Advantages of this group of drugs:

  • long action interval (up to eight hours);
  • adverse symptoms appear very rarely;
  • prevent new manifestations of heartburn;
  • There is a suspension for children.

The disadvantages include:

  • should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation;
  • affect the action of other drugs.

Before you buy any medicine for heartburn, you should visit your doctor to determine the cause of the symptom and prescribe treatment.

Many drugs have contraindications, for example, they are prohibited for use by pregnant women.

You should not take medicine for heartburn for more than two weeks, this is explained by the presence of components that affect water-salt metabolism in the body.

Diet to eliminate heartburn

If there is no opportunity to eat, it is better to nibble on a cracker or bread, but be sure to wash it down with water or weak tea.
This is useful for all digestive organs. If there is no opportunity to eat, it is better to nibble on a cracker or bread, but be sure to wash it down with water or weak tea. It is beneficial for all digestive organs.

Just don’t snack on hamburgers, twisters and other sandwiches. Rusk, paradoxically, is healthier. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Be sure to exclude from the menu: excess sweets, sweet strong tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, alcohol, carbonated drinks, soda.

Completely stop consuming: too hot, sour, spicy (not only pepper and seasonings - it is necessary to limit or exclude onions, garlic, horseradish, mustard), fatty, spicy, mint and menthol, any tomato products, citrus fruits, spinach, sorrel.

Eliminate fresh bread, pastries, muffins, cakes and pastries, and most sweets. And also pickles, smoked meats, and sausages.

It is best to steam, boil or stew and bake in the oven.

Necessary vegetables are carrots, potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin...

Durum wheat pasta, bran bread, corn tortillas, and brown rice are very healthy. Milk and dairy products, but only low-fat.

Very necessary:

  • barley, pearl barley (barley), wheat groats (Artek or semolina), oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  • lean fish, lean meat;
  • apples, bananas, non-acidic fruits and berries;
  • green tea, dried fruit compotes.

Almond nut neutralizes heartburn, but it must be thoroughly chewed or ground.

From traditional medicine recipes we can recommend: decoction of flaxseed, infusions of chamomile, anise, fennel, potato juice.

Preventive diet

Preventing heartburn:

  1. Exclude from the diet fatty, fried, spicy foods, sour foods and juices, baked goods.
  2. Eat more fresh foods, steamed, boiled or baked. Any porridge is useful, especially cereals, non-sour jelly and enveloping decoctions.

  3. Replace fatty meats, such as pork, beef, with dietary meats, for example, rabbit, turkey, chicken.
  4. Include foods with a lot of plant fiber in your diet: bran, flaxseed, legumes, non-acidic berries, fruits, vegetables.
  5. Milk, butter, cottage cheese in finished products, low-fat sour cream are useful.
  6. It is necessary to exclude gray bread. Take white bread not fresh, in small portions.
  7. Eat smaller, but more frequent meals: up to six times a day.
  8. After eating, it is useful for 5-7 minutes. chew chewing gum. The saliva produced during chewing neutralizes the acid.
  9. During the day you need to drink up to 2 liters of water in small portions.

The recommended period of following the diet is up to 2 months.

Medicine for heartburn with gastritis

If there is increased acidity, you should completely discard the product, which can potentially cause discomfort. This list includes spicy, salty and flour dishes. You should stick to a diet and fill your diet with mineral still water. It will help dilute the acid in the stomach, which will quickly improve your general condition. It is equally useful to use honey for increased stomach acidity. A teaspoon of honey can be sucked several times a day. You can also add honey to chamomile tea to calm your stomach.

You should never delay treatment, even if heartburn is not too annoying or tiring. If heartburn occurs regularly and persistently, then most likely this is a signal that something is wrong with your body and it needs treatment.

Low acidity also requires a special diet, but here the patient will have to rely on acidic foods that will maintain digestive enzymes at normal levels and will not allow foods ingested to begin to ferment and rot. You should avoid most fruits, juices, smoked sausages, fried and spicy foods, which can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and provoke pain.

With this problem, you need the help of a specialist who will help maintain all stomach indicators at normal levels and prescribe the necessary and varied diet, which will not adversely affect the immune system and will help you quickly rehabilitate.

Heartburn medications

The pharmaceutical industry offers consumers drugs that relieve the burning condition. The range of products is rich in names, but some still prefer to turn to traditional medicine methods. They have a milder effect, and not every person has confidence in numerous drugs, with the consequences of increased stomach acidity. Maalox, Phospholugel, Rennie, Rukatsit - this is the minimum list of medications for heartburn with gastritis.

How to choose a heartburn remedy

Baking soda has long been used to treat heartburn attacks. Currently, there are safer and more effective medications to relieve unpleasant symptoms. To choose the right drug, you should focus on the following criteria:

  • Frequency of occurrence. For rare attacks of heartburn, enveloping agents are suitable - they create a film on the mucous membrane and neutralize hydrochloric acid, reducing pain. For regularly recurring heartburn, proton pump inhibitors or H2-antihistamines are prescribed - they reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid and are often used together with antacids.
  • Having allergies. An allergy is an increased sensitivity of the immune system. It can even occur with natural and herbal products. Very often allergens are medications. Therefore, you need to buy only those drugs that do not contain substances to which you are allergic.
  • Age. Most remedies for heartburn containing aluminum are not recommended for use by children or the elderly - its compounds interfere with the absorption of phosphorus, leading to softening and deformation of bones in children and increased fragility of bone tissue in the elderly. The exception is Phosphalugel.
  • Release form. Heartburn medications are available in various forms: film-coated tablets, chewable tablets, capsules, suspension, gel. For adults and school-age children, drugs in solid forms are suitable. But for young children and the elderly, it is better to take liquid forms - these groups of patients often have problems with swallowing.

Important! There are conditions that “masquerade” as heartburn. This applies to angina, which may be accompanied by a burning pain similar to that of heartburn. Therefore, if a burning sensation appears behind the sternum (especially if the pain “radiates” to the left arm, shoulder blade, jaw) against the background of confirmed coronary heart disease, you need to take nitroglycerin, and if it is absent or ineffective, call an ambulance.

Useful materials to choose from

Some tips for normalizing stomach acidity

You can increase stomach acidity by choosing the right diet. Include in your diet for low acidity:

  • honey water, decoctions and infusions of rosehip, sea buckthorn;
  • apricots and grapes;
  • fresh cucumbers, carrot juice, grated radish, blueberries, blackcurrant juice, beans;
  • herbs - calamus root, elecampane, wormwood, St. John's wort, yarrow, immortelle, etc.;
  • mineral water like Essentuki 4, 17.

Eating meat foods trains the release of hydrochloric acid in the required volume. However, the experiment should be approached with caution. Choose lean veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken breast, combine meat with vegetables, stick to separate meals.

First aid for heartburn

If heartburn strikes unexpectedly, and it is not possible to endure the burning sensation, a simple recipe will come to the rescue.
If heartburn strikes unexpectedly, and it is not possible to tolerate the burning sensation, a simple recipe will come to the rescue.

A prepared solution of a teaspoon of baking soda and regular drinking water. The operating principle is based on an elementary chemical reaction. Alkaline neutralizes high acidity, helping to quickly cope with the situation. But it is not recommended to abuse this method - there is a risk of disturbing the acid-base balance.

Another useful recipe for reducing acidity is based on aloe juice. It can be used as soon as characteristic symptoms appear. To do this, dilute a teaspoon of juice in a glass of water and drink orally. You can also resort to sunflower oil by drinking a tablespoon. This treatment cannot be called pleasant, but this product is in every home.


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