Diet after gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy)

The gallbladder is, of course, an important organ that accumulates and transports complex physiological fluid to other organs. Both the liver itself, which forms bile for the gallbladder, and the storing and transporting organ are important.

When we talk about the liver, we mean hematopoiesis and the filtration of substances harmful to the body, which is difficult to overestimate in our environmentally polluted times. Only stupid people increase the load on the liver by consuming tobacco, alcohol, and obviously unhealthy, low-quality food, if they have the opportunity to refuse such food. The gallbladder, receiving fluid from the liver, performs important functions with its help:

  • preparation of fats through primary grinding for digestion; if there is no primary grinding, then the load, for example, on the intestines will be very large - so much so that it can cause intestinal pathology;
  • a liquid such as bile promotes peristalsis, that is, contraction of the same intestines - to digest food and remove its remains from the body; Without peristalsis, the body cannot exist!
  • bile fights putrefactive bacteria, thus helping to combat inflammatory processes.

Unfortunately, stress, alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy - in particular fatty - food and other factors cause pathologies of the gallbladder, which is very bad, because even folk healers in Rus' began to treat the body with the gallbladder!

Among the pathologies of the bile organ are:

  • cholelithiasis, which consists of the formation of stones in the bladder due to thickening of bile; one of the important reasons for thickening, oddly enough, is stress, which increases the overall muscle tone of the body, which means “spiraling” bile ducts and preventing physiological fluid from fully moving to the necessary organs; GSD is quite common;

Helpful information
1inflammation of the bladder caused by bacteria and parasites from the intestines, from other organs, from where the infection is transmitted through the blood; inflammation (also known as cholecystitis) can be caused by injuries and other factors
2so-called biliary dyskinesia, associated with impaired movement and contraction of the bile ducts; such disorders can occur both in the hypotonic type (movements are weakened), and in the hypertonic type (movements are excessively increased) and mixed types; dyskinesia is associated with processes of the nervous system

Read also: Weekly menu and diet recipes 5 after gallbladder removal

So, the gallbladder, despite its importance for the body, can cause serious pathologies that disrupt the functioning of the bladder itself and other organs. They are accompanied by either aching or sharp pain under the ribs on the right side, sometimes by pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blade, abdominal cavity, nausea, which does not bring relief by vomiting.

Also, these pathologies are characterized by dryness, bitterness (and even a metallic taste) in the mouth; yellowing of the skin, eyes, tongue. Fever, headache (the body experiences a kind of poisoning) and other symptoms can also occur with these ailments.

What happens after gallbladder removal

The main function of the gallbladder is to accumulate bile and give it a certain concentration necessary for the normal digestion of even heavy and fibrous foods. After cholecystectomy, the body is deprived of this organ, so bile enters the stomach directly from the liver in an unconcentrated form. This makes digestion difficult, so a diet after gallbladder removal is mandatory.

As for vegetables and fruits, not all of them are considered light dietary foods. There are serious restrictions on them, and you need to pay attention to them so as not to get additional digestive problems.

Allowed fruits and berries

Let's start with fruits and berries, which can and even should be included in the diet after cholecystectomy. The first rule to follow is to peel any fruit before eating. This should be done for the first month after surgery because the peel is difficult to digest.

The second rule regarding fruits: they must be sweet, and therefore ripe. All sour fruits and berries must first be excluded. You can add them to the diet gradually, but not earlier than after 2-3 months.

Third rule: give preference to seasonal fruits that grow locally. Tropical fruits are often treated with chemicals and can cause stomach discomfort or even poisoning. And people who have recently had gallbladder removal should not take risks.

Let's look at the most popular and frequently consumed fruits that can be found in stores at any time of the year.


A source of iron, which is important for the overall recovery of the body after surgery. In the first week after cholecystectomy, only sweet varieties are allowed, and it is advisable to bake them or make compotes.

In the second week, you can start eating fresh applesauce with water. After the third week, you can fully consume apples, but without fanaticism (no more than 2-3 fruits per day).


Pears contain a lot of potassium, which promotes cell regeneration, so these fruits are useful after any surgery. They are also high in fiber, which helps with digestion. But, like apples, you can only eat pears baked in the first week. Then gradually introduce fresh sweet pears into the diet.

By the way! It is better not to eat overripe pears, which are very soft and juicy. They may be fermented and contain bacteria that cause rotting processes.


And also peaches and nectarines. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and pancreas, so they can be introduced into the diet 2 weeks after cholecystectomy. You can eat them raw, and also make jellies, mousses, and compotes. You don’t have to remove the peel, but before eating, be sure to pour boiling water over the fruit or wash it with baking soda.

Attention! Peaches and apricots often have spots. These are fungal spores that indicate that the fruit is not recommended to be eaten raw. It’s better to use this apricot for compote.


A very healthy and nutritious fruit that gives weakened patients strength and a good mood (due to the content of tryptophan, which is responsible for the production of the happiness hormone - serotonin).

People who have had their gallbladder removed can eat bananas a week after surgery: no more than half a fruit per day.

After 7 days, you can eat a whole banana, but no more, otherwise problems with gas formation and bloating may begin.


If cholecystectomy occurred in the fall, then after the operation you can treat yourself to watermelon. This southern culture is a storehouse of vitamins for a weakened body, and there is nothing prohibited in it. The only thing you need to be careful with is the choice of watermelon. It is better to buy it from a trusted place to be sure that the fruit is not loaded with dyes.


This fruit is included in the list of permitted fruits, but with one “but”: you can eat it only 3 months after the operation. Persimmon is very viscous, and at first it will be difficult for the stomach to cope with such loads.

Important! A person without a gallbladder should consume persimmon during breakfast, lunch or dinner. Because at other times the liver may not produce enough bile to thoroughly digest the fetal fibers.


After cholecystectomy, you can eat ripe strawberries, raspberries, shadberry, blueberries, blueberries, and cloudberries. All berries can be introduced into the diet 2-3 weeks after surgery.

Common fruits

Seasonal fruits picked in your own garden are a storehouse of vitamins that are very necessary for the body after surgery. Therefore, almost all the usual fruits can be consumed, but you still need to take into account some nuances:

  1. Apples contain a lot of iron, which is necessary for restoring the body after surgery. But for the first week, you are allowed to eat only sweet fruits in baked form, in souffles and in compotes. 7–14 days after the operation, you can introduce raw apples into your diet, but you should wait a while with the juice or dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Pears - with gallbladder diseases, the pancreas often suffers, for which pears are simply an irreplaceable product. After resection of the gallbladder, these fruits can be eaten baked and raw in small quantities.
  3. Plums and cherry plums - plums contain a lot of dietary fiber and antioxidants, but they are contraindicated for people with cholelithiasis. Even if the gallbladder is removed, there is still a risk of stones forming in the bile duct, so you should wait at least 3 months with this fruit.
  4. Apricots and peaches - these fruits improve the functioning of the liver and pancreas. They can be consumed raw after 2 weeks, and before that you can make mousse, jelly, compote and jelly from them.

When consuming any fruits and vegetables, at first it is better to peel them, as they are difficult to digest, especially when unconcentrated bile from the liver ducts enters the intestines. All selected fruits must be ripe and sweet, since acidic foods cannot be eaten for another 3 months after removal of the gallbladder.

You should stock up on apricot kernels for the winter. Eating 5-7 nucleoli per day is a good way to prevent cancer of the bile ducts and duodenum.

Forbidden fruits and berries

The list of prohibitions includes all sour fruits and berries. In order not to accidentally eat something extra, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of what you should not eat for at least six months after cholecystectomy.

  • Citrus. Even sweet oranges or tangerines have a sour taste, so they are prohibited.
  • Pomegranate. Quite sour too.
  • A pineapple. Another fruit that masks a lot of acidity with the sweetness of fructose.
  • Cherries and sweet cherries.
  • Grape. Not sour, but causes fermentation processes, which the patient does not need.
  • Currants of all varieties.

Allowed vegetable crops

If fruits and berries are rather a delicacy, then vegetables often become the basis of the diet. A general requirement for vegetable crops: they should not be too fibrous and contain a large amount of acids.

You can eat raw vegetables, but for the first 12-14 days it is better to subject them to heat treatment: boil or bake. This way they will be absorbed faster and easier. You can eat zucchini, carrots, cabbage (you definitely need to cook it), beets, lettuce, pumpkin, green peas and beans (not canned). If you turn all this into a stew, you will get a satisfying and healthy dish.

You can also eat boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes. But you shouldn't fry it. Fried foods are generally harmful for a patient who has undergone gallbladder removal.

Prohibited vegetables

The list of prohibited vegetables is more diverse. And we will specially highlight it in a separate list so that you don’t accidentally eat something extra.

  • turnip;
  • radish;
  • radish;
  • garlic and onion;
  • tomatoes;
  • sorrel, spinach;
  • bell pepper

The list includes vegetables that contain oxalic or ascorbic acids and have increased fiber or pungency. It is not recommended to use them in any form for the first 4-6 months. Then gradually introduce it into the diet under the supervision of a doctor, while monitoring your own well-being.

Forbidden vegetables

There are certain foods that must be excluded from the diet of a patient who has undergone surgery to remove the gallbladder. List of prohibited vegetables for consumption:

  • Radish;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Radish;
  • Sweet peppers (not allowed for several months after surgery);
  • Turnip;
  • Tomatoes (initially, you can only eat scalded or boiled tomatoes without peel; fresh tomatoes are not allowed);
  • Blue eggplants (small quantities are fine).

It is worth noting that the list of prohibited vegetables includes those that are highly pungent, fibrous, or contain large amounts of oxalic and ascorbic acids.

Frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits after cholecystectomy

You should not get carried away with fruits, berries and vegetables during the recovery period after surgery. You need to eat them in the usual quantity, following a daily routine: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks at the same time. Even if you really love, for example, apples, you don’t need to eat too many of them. The diet should be varied.

Some fruits and berries do not cause a feeling of fullness, so you need to control the portions of what you eat. It is advisable to eat no more than 1-2 handfuls of berries per day. Fruits – 1-2 different fruits per day. There may be more vegetables in the diet, because... This is one of the main parts of the daily menu.

It would seem that after removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy), all the suffering of the patient with cholelithiasis was left behind. But, unfortunately, some people experience unpleasant sensations in the right hypochondrium, in the pit of the stomach. In addition to attacks of biliary (hepatic) colic, nausea, belching of food eaten, air or bitterness, dryness, bitterness in the mouth, and a taste of fat occur. Fever, unstable stools, and bloating (flatulence) are often a concern. All these symptoms are not always associated with damage to the biliary tract and surgery, although such conditions are usually grouped together under the names “postcholecystectomy syndrome” or “post-cholecystectomy syndrome.” Gallstone disease is almost always accompanied by disturbances in bile secretion and motor function of the common bile duct, stomach, duodenum and colon. Cholecystectomy relieves the patient of a pathologically altered gallbladder, but not of concomitant diseases: inflammation of the biliary tract, damage to the liver and pancreas. They sometimes even worsen after surgery. The doctor treats patients who have undergone surgery differently depending, say, on the nature of metabolic disorders, the presence of infection or stagnation of bile, or biliary dyskinesia. The patient should know that food can play the role of both a pathogenic and a therapeutic factor in pathologies of the liver, biliary system and other digestive organs. For example, very cold food causes a spasm of the pylorus of the stomach, which is reflexively transmitted to the bile ducts and sphincters. Refractory fats (lard, margarine) and extractive substances (strong broths), pepper, beer, wine, syrups, vinegar, spices with dyskinesia of the bile ducts can increase their spasm, which is manifested by attacks of pain in the right hypochondrium and epigastric region. A large amount of food is retained in the stomach, which lengthens the period of its evacuation from the stomach, and hence the period of secretion and entry of bile into the intestines. Even this short list of inadequate reactions of the biliary tract to errors in nutrition convinces of the need to follow a diet. Immediately after cholecystectomy, diet No. 5a , which helps restore the functional state of the liver and reduces the inflammatory process in the biliary tract and pancreas. For the first one and a half to two months after the operation, all dishes are prepared boiled or steamed, pureed. The daily diet at this time contains approximately 2300 kilocalories (about 100 grams of protein, 50-60 fats, 250-280 carbohydrates). Table salt - 8 grams, the amount of free liquid - up to one and a half liters. Soups - pureed vegetables (carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes), cereals (oatmeal, rice, semolina), noodles in vegetable broth. You can eat crackers made from wheat bread, day-old wheat bread, and cookies made from soft dough. The gentle diet recommends: Meat and fish dishes from lean beef or chicken, fish (cod, pike perch, pike, ice, hake) in the form of soufflé, quenelles, steamed cutlets, meatballs, meat, chicken and fish rolls stuffed with protein omelet; vermicelli and noodle casseroles with boiled meat; Chicken and fish can be eaten in pieces, but without the skin. Allowed is one egg per day or a steamed egg white omelet. Whole milk is included in the diet only if it is well tolerated; cottage cheese - preferably low-fat and unleavened in the form of puddings, soufflés; sour cream as a seasoning. Vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes) are best eaten boiled or stewed. You can prepare pureed puddings from carrots, carrots with cottage cheese. Fruits and berries are recommended only when ripe and sweet in the form of mashed compotes, jelly, mousses, jellies; baked apples: grapes without peel. Sugar, sweets, and jam should be sharply limited. From fats - butter, only for cooking. It is better to drink fruit, berry, and vegetable juices diluted in half with water. A decoction of rose hips is useful. You can drink weak tea, weak ersatz coffee with milk. After two months, you can switch to diet No. 5. It provides more complete nutrition, activates compensatory mechanisms, stimulates enzymatic, protein-synthesizing processes in the liver, excretion of bile, and has a beneficial effect on the functions of those organs and systems that are often involved in the pathological process during chronic lesions of the hepato-biliary system. The calorie content of the daily diet increases by 700-900 kilocalories - due to fats (80-100 grams), carbohydrates (about 400). The amount of free liquid is up to two liters. Now it is already allowed to eat dried rye bread or yesterday’s baked bread; vegetarian or with secondary broth (no more than 3-4 times a week) soups from prefabricated vegetables, borscht, cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, pickle soup from vegetables and fresh cucumbers, beetroot soup, pearl barley soup, potato with meatballs. For the main course you can cook beef stroganoff, meatballs, pilaf from boiled meat, potato casserole with boiled meat, cabbage rolls stuffed with meat and rice, boiled meat stewed with mixed vegetables, meat pies, rice pilaf with fruit, puddings from rice and vegetables, rice and cottage cheese, homemade noodles with meat, chopped pasta with raisins, pasta with tomato and cheese, dumplings with cottage cheese, cheesecakes with cottage cheese, cottage cheese baked with sour cream, cottage cheese soufflé with apples. Allowed are mild varieties of cheese, a little fresh sour cream and cream, jam, honey, ripe fruits and non-acidic berries in raw and baked form, apple, strawberry and milk mousses, oranges, tangerines, grapes, plums, strawberries, raspberries, currants, strawberries . Drinks include tea with lemon, fruit juices - cherry, apricot, orange, tangerine, vegetable. Add butter, olive, sunflower, and corn oil to dishes in their natural form. But it happens that a patient’s condition worsens, even if he strictly follows a diet. The body temperature rises, the stool becomes light-colored, greasy, sticks to the toilet, and occasional vomiting occurs with a copious admixture of bile. After vomiting, relief usually occurs, pain in the right hypochondrium decreases, and nausea disappears. Such phenomena indicate a violation of the outflow of bile from the common bile duct into the duodenum and, ultimately, stagnation of bile. In such cases, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe diet No. 5 fat to normalize bile secretion, improve intestinal motor function, and increase the bactericidal properties of bile. This diet is physiologically complete with a normal protein content, an increased amount of fat with an equal ratio of animal and vegetable fats. Simple carbohydrates, and above all sugar, should be limited, refractory fats should be excluded, and try to eat more vegetables and fruits, the fiber of which enhances the choleretic effect of food, improves intestinal motility, and ensures the removal of cholesterol from the body. The composition of the diet for this diet: proteins - 100-110 grams, fats - 120 (ratio of animal and vegetable 1:1), carbohydrates -400 (sugar 50-60), calorie content 3200-3500 kilocalories; table salt 10-12 grams; the amount of free liquid is one and a half liters. The third dishes are prepared unsweetened or with xylitol. Butter and vegetable oil are added only to ready-made dishes, and not during cooking. You can add low-fat meat soup to the previously listed products and dishes once a week. Vegetarian soups made from prefabricated vegetables, cereals (pearl barley, rice), borscht, rassolnik, vegetarian cabbage soup, and beetroot soup are best cooked in vegetable oil. Meat dishes - from lean varieties of beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit, boiled, baked. Eggs and dishes made from them - no more than once a day. Fish dishes, cereals, flour, pasta are the same as with regular diet No. 5. Vegetables can be used to prepare salads and side dishes. Allowed are cabbage in sour cream, baked in milk sauce, cabbage rolls with vegetables and rice, baked or steamed, cutlets, carrot and apple balls, with raisins - baked, stewed in milk sauce, carrot and cauliflower rolls, carrot and cottage cheese puddings , dried apricots, as well as from carrots and apples, from zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin. Potatoes baked in sour cream, boiled, potato cutlets baked with sour cream sauce, with cheese. Carrots, beets - stewed with apples. Vegetable stew: carrots, green peas, potatoes, cauliflower. Zucchini in the form of puree, stewed in sour cream, butter; fresh tomatoes stuffed with cheese and rice. Fresh cucumbers. Ripe fruits and berries of non-acidic varieties, raw and baked, as well as in the form of jellies, mousses, jelly, compotes. Weak tea, tea with milk, rosehip infusion, weak coffee, vegetable and fruit juices. Milk and dairy products are the same. Appetizers allowed include soaked herring, low-fat ham, doctor's sausage, homemade meat pate, and mild cheeses. Sauces and seasonings for dishes are prepared using vegetable broth; sour cream, milk sauces, fruit and berry sweet sauces. Butter, ghee, olive, corn, sunflower. Diet No. 5 fat is usually prescribed for 2-3 weeks. When the patient's condition improves and signs of bile stagnation are eliminated, you can again switch to the usual diet No. 5.

Fruits and vegetables in the first month after surgery

One month after surgery, you are allowed to eat the following fruits:

  • Apples. After a month, it is already allowed to eat apples raw. You cannot drink concentrated apple juice; you must dilute it 1 to 1.
  • Pears. A significant product in the postoperative period. Promotes regeneration of the pancreas. You can eat it in any form, but not much.
  • Peaches and apricots. Take in the same way as apples. Only 14 days after surgery.

Initially, it is recommended to peel the fruit. There is no need to eat overly sweet or sour fruits - it is better to choose mid-ripening ones. It is also recommended to take 7-8 apricot kernels per day.

Forbidden fruits during this period:

  • Plums. They can be taken only after 3 months.
  • Citrus. In the first month after surgery, it is prohibited to take it.
  • Pomegranate - like citrus fruits, is not recommended for consumption.
  • Persimmon is strictly prohibited.
  • Pineapple contains many acids and is therefore prohibited.

Almost all vegetables, unlike fruits, are recommended to be taken in any form - both fresh and any other prepared form. What vegetables are recommended for consumption in the first month:

  • Carrot;
  • Beet;
  • Cauliflower and white cabbage;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Eggplant;
  • Potato;
  • Pumpkin.

What you should not take from vegetables during this period:

  • Garlic;
  • Onion;
  • Radish;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Turnip;
  • Pepper;
  • Spinach, sorrel.

After surgery, a person does not need to eat exclusively plant foods. You can also eat food of animal origin - it includes important components. The patient is recommended to consume 400-450 g of vegetables and 200 g of fruits per day.

Fresh vegetables after cholecystectomy

Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and microelements that help the liver cope with increased loads, so there are a lot of them in diet No. 5. At the first stage of the rehabilitation period, doctors recommend refraining from consuming them raw. They can be eaten mainly in the form of purees or pureed soups with boiled or stewed vegetables.

Starting from the fifth day after resection of the gallbladder, the consumption of light vegetable salads, lightly flavored with virgin vegetable oil, is allowed.

The most useful vegetables in this situation are:

  • Beet. This root vegetable contains vitamins and special substances - flavonoids, which help relax the bile ducts and improve the flow of bile. You can eat fresh beets a week after discharge from the hospital, while observing moderation in the amount of its consumption.
  • Carrot. Contains substances that remove toxins from the liver and prevent their accumulation. Fresh carrots are also allowed seven days after discharge.
  • Pumpkin. Has an excellent anti-inflammatory and healing effect. In this regard, its use is recommended as soon as the patient is discharged home: for the first week - in baked and boiled form, and then - pumpkin juice.
  • Zucchini. The high concentration of potassium in this vegetable ensures normal liver function, and the rich fiber content facilitates the digestive process by absorbing harmful toxins and removing them from the body. Zucchini is especially useful for the biliary system, as it helps eliminate excess fats and cholesterol, which prevents stone formation in the bile ducts.
  • Cabbage (except white cabbage). It has a good choleretic effect (broccoli and cauliflower, as well as Beijing). Moderation should be observed when consuming it.
  • Cucumbers. Helps normalize metabolic processes and prevent stone formation in the biliary tract. This is of particular importance in cases where resection of the bladder was caused by cholelithiasis, recurrences of which after cholecystectomy occur in almost a third of patients.
  • Tomatoes after gallbladder removal. It is a storehouse of fiber and vitamins, and also has a good choleretic effect. But can they be consumed in the absence of a gallbladder? It is possible, but not immediately and carefully, since the acids of organic origin they contain can irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them during the first six months after discharge. Even after this time, it is better to eat stewed tomatoes, or fruits without skin, previously scalded with boiling water. They can be consumed fresh after six months, while observing moderation and caution. Two years after cholecystectomy, tomatoes can be eaten without restrictions, but in no case should they be consumed salted or canned.

Raw onions after removal of the gallbladder, like garlic, are not recommended for consumption, since these vegetables contain a lot of essential oils.

After complete recovery and after consultation with your doctor, you can try eating them boiled or stewed, but at the same time minimize their amount in the diet. It is better to refrain from using them. You should also avoid eating these vegetables while you are being treated for gallstones.

Authorized Products

To determine the range of acceptable foods, nutritionists and gastroenterologists advise initially avoiding eating foods that can cause bile stagnation. It is important to remember that stagnation is the first stage in the process of stone formation.

Products should not be greasy or heavy. If after the operation you do not follow the recommendations of nutritionists, then the functions of the removed organ will be taken over by other “mechanisms” of the gastrointestinal tract systems; this will lead to the development of chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis and other unpleasant diseases.

In addition to the list of recommended foods, you should remember the very principle of eating food: you need to eat in doses and often (5 times a day is quite enough). This is the basis for avoiding stagnant processes.

Contrary to popular belief that meat is a heavy food, it is necessary to consume foods containing protein. Meat, curd products and fish (the main sources of protein) help the outflow of bile and prevent stones from forming again.

Sausage products should be completely reconsidered. Firstly, because, as we all know well, not all “sausage” is sausage.

Secondly, because the vegetable and animal fat of dry sausages leads not only to stagnation of bile, but also to constipation. Sausage should be boiled; low-fat ham can also be eaten.

We have already mentioned that after the gallbladder was removed, the composition of the bile began to change. This means that the diet is not only forced to prevent bile stagnation, but also to ensure proper bile formation.

To regulate the acid-base balance, you need to consume wheat bran, dairy products, vegetables, fruits and some berries.

Daily diet

The patient’s diet for several days after removal is especially important, since the body has not yet switched to a new regime and it requires the most gentle food.

The operation requires general anesthesia, which means eating in the first 12 hours after the procedure is strictly prohibited.

For the first few hours after surgery, you should not only eat food, but also any types of liquids. To reduce thirst, you need to wipe your lips with a wet sponge or rinse your mouth with water.

After 12 hours, you can eat only on the recommendations of your doctor. You can consume jelly and soup in small quantities.

Special diet

On the second day, diet 0a is recommended. It includes broths, decoctions, cereals, and fruit jelly. The meat broth must be low-fat, and the cereal broth must be almost liquid and slimy. Such products are very well absorbed and do not require large amounts of bile for digestion.

On the third, fourth and fifth days, the same diet is used, but it can be expanded a little - vegetable broth is added to soups. You can cook buckwheat, oatmeal and rice. Egg white omelet is allowed.

On the sixth day we move on to diet 5a. Low-fat chicken, turkey, low-fat steamed fish are already appearing here. Dairy dishes must be completely low-fat; vegetables can only be steamed. Soup with milk is also welcome.

In the future, when more than 7 days have passed since the operation, the diet may be less strict, but the basis of the diet should be diet 5a. The period of the first seven days is considered the period for the body to “get used” to the new functions of the digestive system, so after a week it is especially important to avoid “disruptions.”

At this time, a person already lives at home, so cooking is now much easier - there is no need for relatives to take food to the hospital, and patients no longer need to be content with the hospital canteen (which, by the way, can be, surprisingly, very good and correct from the point of view from the point of view of nutrition).

It is believed that fresh vegetables and fruits are natural products, and they are a priori beneficial for the body. It's a delusion. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain many acids (in particular citric acid), which are very irritating to the mucous membrane and cause difficulties in the outflow of bile.

It is important to remember that you should not eat fresh fruits and vegetables in the first two weeks. They need to be steamed and added to cereal porridges in the form of decoctions.

Prohibited Products

To avoid serious complications, it is necessary to follow dietary principles:

  • eat only the food that the doctor has approved;
  • eat little by little, but at least 5 times a day;
  • food should be warm.

Almost all foods that contain animal fats are prohibited. Vegetable oil is also not healthy and should be kept to a minimum. Eggs are prohibited if the patient consumes more than one per day.

Easy foods to avoid include rye bread, raw cabbage and flour products (everything from buns to cakes).

It is necessary to exclude almost everything from heavy foods - salty dishes, spicy dishes, smoked, fatty meat products, fatty fish, pickles.

Convenience foods, fast food, pizza, mayonnaise, mustard, pepper, horseradish, seasonings and spices, ketchup - all this should be excluded.

Sorrel is too acidic, it causes a large influx of bile.

Nuts are extremely high in calories and should also be excluded. Mushrooms, garlic and onions - the same.

Jam, chocolate, ice cream, sweets, sweet drinks - all this should be excluded. Digesting one glass of Coca-Cola requires more bile than 14 bowls of cereal.

Alcohol (beer is no exception) is strictly prohibited. Complications that are possible if the patient drinks alcohol will be extremely serious.

Greens after gallbladder removal surgery

Parsley and dill, which are familiar and loved by most people, are mandatory products in diet No. 5. There are no contraindications to their use after cholecystectomy.

Traditional medicine has long used fresh dill as a means to cleanse the liver and gallbladder of sand, waste, toxins and even small gallstones. After removal of the bladder, this herb is recommended as an excellent means of preventing stone formation in the bile duct(s).

Parsley has an excellent antioxidant effect and also helps improve the digestion process in general.

Which fruits are allowed and which are not allowed after gallbladder removal?

Fruits familiar to Russians contain a lot of useful substances and vitamins, but after cholecystectomy their consumption also requires compliance with certain rules. To answer the question “after gallbladder surgery, what fruits can you eat?” you need to know the following.

Firstly, sour fruits should be removed from the diet, as they have a negative effect on the intestines. Secondly, their consumption in raw form is possible only after consultation with a nutritionist or attending physician. And thirdly, fruit juice based on them should only be freshly squeezed. You can’t drink canned or packaged stuff.

  • Apples. Only sweet varieties and preferably baked. The iron they contain helps the body recover faster after bladder resection. You can also use them in the form of soufflés and compotes. It is better to dilute juices with water in proportions of one to one. Raw apples can be eaten no earlier than two weeks after discharge from the hospital, and only with the permission of the attending physician.
  • Pears. Very useful for the pancreas, the load on which increases significantly in the absence of bile. They should also be consumed baked first, and then switched to raw, but in moderation.
  • Plum and cherry plum. For gallstone disease, these fruits are contraindicated, although they contain useful antioxidants. After cholecystectomy, they can be eaten no earlier than three months after discharge, observing moderation and caution.
  • Peaches and apricots. Very useful not only for the liver, but also for the pancreas. The first two weeks they can be eaten in the form of jelly, compotes, jellies and mousses, and then they can be eaten raw.

Any permitted fruit must be peeled before consumption, which is difficult to digest.

If we talk about exotic fruits, then in theory they also contain a lot of useful substances, but long transportation implies the use of preservatives, which are harmful to the body weakened by the operation. For example, the ripening of exotic fruits is accelerated with the help of ethylene, a fungicide is used to protect against premature rotting, and biphenyl is used to preserve and improve the presentation. In this regard, such fruits should be consumed very carefully, purchasing them only from trusted suppliers.

Helpful information
1Bananas. Very healthy and nutritious. They are allowed to be eaten even in the presence of inflammation of the bile ducts. After the operation, they can be eaten starting from the third or fourth day and immediately raw. But it should be remembered that they can increase gas formation and cause bloating, so it is better to limit yourself to one banana per day
2Citrus fruits (grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, orange). Alas, they all have high acidity, so you will have to forget about them for at least three months. And after that it is better to limit their use as much as possible.
3Pomegranate. Contraindicated for the same reason as citrus fruits (too much acid)
4Persimmon. Alas, it is also not recommended and even prohibited. Despite its sweet taste, this fruit has an astringent effect, which is contraindicated after such an operation. Only after three months can you try introducing persimmon mousse or jelly into your diet, but it’s better to give it up completely
5A pineapple. Its sweetness is also only a mask for its acidic contents, so it should not be eaten after cholecystectomy

Tropical fruits

Exotic fruits have many useful vitamins and microelements, but, brought from distant countries, they can also pose a threat in the form of preservatives. Thus, for rapid ripening, fruits are treated with ethylene, to prevent early rotting - with a fungicide (antifungal drug), and to preserve their presentation - with biphenyl. Therefore, you should not buy such products from dubious suppliers. In addition, not all exotic fruits are allowed after resection of the gallbladder:

  1. Bananas are a very healthy and nutritious fruit that can be eaten even with severe inflammation of the bile ducts, so after surgery you can eat it immediately raw. However, it can cause increased gas and bloating, so doctors do not recommend eating more than one banana per day.
  2. Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit) - even sweet oranges have a pronounced sour taste, so you will have to forget about such fruits for 2-3 months.
  3. Pomegranate is a sweet and sour fruit with a predominant hint of acidity. Despite the high fructose content, this product is also contraindicated, like citrus fruits.
  4. Persimmon - despite its pronounced sweetness, persimmon is also prohibited due to its “viscosity”. Only 3 months after the operation is it possible to gradually introduce persimmon jelly and mousse into the diet. Pineapple - even in the sweetest pineapple, fructose only “masks” a huge amount of acid, which is contraindicated after removal of the gallbladder.

Thus, exotic foods (except bananas) will have to be removed from the diet for at least 3 months. After this time, you can begin to experiment with nutrition, but sour fruits must be introduced into the menu gradually - one product once a week.

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