When can you lift weights after gallbladder removal?

After the gallbladder has been removed, the human body begins to adapt to new conditions and rebuilds digestion. The patient is forced to follow a diet for the rest of his life so as not to worsen his health. But life does not stand still, and a person often has to take care of himself, in any case, carry food home and cook something. Therefore, the question arises: when will it be possible to lift weights after removal of the gallbladder?

Is physical activity allowed after laparoscopy?

In the first 2 weeks, any physical activity is strictly prohibited. Lifting weights more than 3 kg from 3 weeks. Until the sutures heal, you must not: sharp bends; massage: fast walking; exercises associated with muscle load, regardless of muscle group.

Before a walk, do not drink tonic drinks. Sex - after the discomfort in the abdominal muscles disappears.

If there is redness of the healing sutures, do light breathing exercises, no more than 2 deep inhalations and exhalations. If after removing the stitches on days 3-5 there is a burning sensation or twitching in the muscles - a light walk indoors. Absorbable sutures - 3-5 breaths in a supine position.

If there is a need to lift any object from the floor, lightly kneel down or squat down, stand up slowly, preferably hold on to a support.

For the first 3 weeks, avoid sitting in a bent position. Do not wear high platform shoes or heels.

For the first 1.5 years, do not wear tight belts or clothes.

Lifestyle after gallbladder removal

Be sure to stick to your diet. The first 7 days - puree soups, mashed potatoes, cereals, yogurts, low-fat cottage cheese.

When ventilating the room, do not stay in the room. Overheating and hypothermia - inflammation of the seams is strictly prohibited. Walk slowly for the first month, slowly going up the stairs.

Throughout life.

  1. Eliminate fried, smoked, alcohol, vinegar as a sauce from the diet; dishes cooked over a fire.
  2. Minimize onions, garlic, mustard, horseradish, preserves with cloves, red pepper and plenty of vinegar; Replace vinegar with lemon juice.
  3. Do not lift more than 10 kg, if this happens - bed rest for 24 hours.
  4. Do not swim in an ice hole in winter.
  5. Immediately stop any physical activity if shortness of breath occurs.
  6. Instead of sugar, give preference to honey.
  7. Do not combine acidic and fatty foods.
  8. Do not take choleretic drugs without a doctor's prescription.

Watch a video about life without a gallbladder:

Removal of the gallbladder. What enzymes to take after gallbladder removal


Enlightened (21514) 3 years ago

Postoperative period – the first month after surgery.

In the first month after surgery, the functions and general condition of the body are restored. Careful adherence to medical recommendations is the key to full recovery of health. The main areas of rehabilitation are adherence to physical activity, diet, drug treatment, and wound care.

Compliance with physical activity regimen.

Any surgical intervention is accompanied by tissue trauma and anesthesia, which requires restoration of the body. The usual rehabilitation period after laparoscopic cholecystectomy ranges from 7 to 28 days (depending on the nature of the patient's activity). Despite the fact that 2-3 days after the operation the patient feels satisfactory and can walk freely, walk on the street, even drive a car, we recommend staying at home and not going to work for at least 7 days after the operation, which is required for the body to recover. . At this time, the patient may feel weakness and increased fatigue.

After surgery, it is recommended to limit physical activity for a period of 1 month (do not carry weights of more than 3-4 kilograms, exclude physical exercises that require tension in the abdominal muscles). This recommendation is due to the peculiarities of the formation of the scar of the muscular aponeurotic layer of the abdominal wall, which reaches sufficient strength within 28 days from the moment of surgery. 1 month after surgery there are no restrictions on physical activity.

Compliance with the diet is required for up to 1 month after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. It is recommended to exclude alcohol, easily digestible carbohydrates, fatty, spicy, fried, spicy foods, and regular meals 4-6 times a day. New foods should be introduced into the diet gradually; 1 month after surgery, dietary restrictions may be lifted on the recommendation of a gastroenterologist.

Minimal medical treatment is usually required after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Pain syndrome after surgery is usually mild, but some patients require the use of analgesics for 2-3 days. Usually these are ketanov, paracetamol, ethol fort.

In some patients, it is possible to use antispasmodics (no-spa or drotaverine, buscopan) for 7-10 days.

Taking ursodeoxycholic acid (Ursofalk) can improve the lithogenicity of bile and eliminate possible microcholelithiasis.

Taking medications should be carried out strictly as directed by the attending physician in an individual dosage. Most patients after cholecystectomy are completely cured of the symptoms that bothered them and return to normal life 1-6 months after the operation. If cholecystectomy is performed on time, before the occurrence of concomitant pathology from other organs of the digestive system, the patient can eat without restrictions (which does not negate the need for proper healthy nutrition). do not limit yourself in physical activity, do not take special medications.

If the patient has already developed concomitant pathology of the digestive system (gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, dyskinesia), he should be under the supervision of a gastroenterologist in order to correct this pathology. A gastroenterologist will give you recommendations on lifestyle, diet, dietary habits and, if necessary, drug treatment.


Artificial Intelligence (137862) 3 years ago

The doctor prescribes treatment individually. your body will recover within a month or two. After removal of the gallbladder, bile will, as before, be continuously produced by the liver and flow into the bile ducts. But then everything will happen a little differently. Immediately after surgery, bile from the bile ducts will flow into the duodenum continuously, regardless of whether you eat or not. Bile will not be stored in the stomach. bladder, but in the bile ducts. There will be less storage space, and the body will not be able to accumulate a lot of bile. That is why at first you will need to eat little and often. After all, bile cannot wait long for a meal. After some time, the bile ducts will expand somewhat and be able to store more bile than before. And the difference between before the operation and after the operation will smooth out, and then disappear altogether

Natalya Natalya

Master (1211) 3 years ago

You don't need any enzymes. the body itself must fight.

Tanya Fadeeva

Student (134) 9 months ago

Is it possible to drink oats after gallbladder removal?

Stages of rehabilitation

The rehabilitation process begins immediately after the end of general anesthesia - 30-75 minutes after completion of the operation (cessation of infusion), regardless of the type.

The first stage is quenching strong thirst. Do not give anything to drink until 3 hours after waking up! Moisten lips with a cotton or gauze swab soaked in boiled water. No more than 5 ml should enter the mouth.

Give drinks on demand, preferably once every 10-15 minutes. After 3 hours, no more than 50 ml every half hour. Regular drinking regimen after 12 hours, if there is no nausea.

The second stage is a post-operative diet of puree soups, liquid porridges for up to 3 days.

Get up slowly for up to 7 days.

Mineral water is not carbonated. Leave the carbonated one for 24 hours for the gas to escape.

During the week, drain the first broths.

The first 3 days, for prophylactic purposes, an antibiotic 2 times a day. Optimal 1 of the cephalosporins; for contraindications - synthetic penicillin; if not, natural. Painkillers administered intramuscularly only when necessary - slow down healing, high load on the liver.

Relieve nausea with cerucal, metoclopramide; mint dries out the mucous membranes.

Important! These stages, in addition to quenching thirst, are performed as needed, and not one by one.

Exercises and rules for doing them

It is recommended to perform only exercises to train diaphragmatic breathing on your own. The rest of the complex must be selected individually, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the patient. To do this, you should seek help from a physical therapy specialist.

Lying down

Diaphragmatic breathing is trained as follows: lying on your back, you need to inflate your stomach when you inhale, and when you exhale, slowly draw it in. Next exercise: imitation of walking while lying on your back. To perform this, you should alternately bend your knees and then straighten them again. Continue for at least a minute.

You can simultaneously pull both legs towards your stomach. And also the legs can be raised from horizontal to vertical position without bending the knees. The following recommendations: resting your elbows on the floor, you should raise and lower your pelvis, then perform the “bicycle”, “scissors”.


No. 1. Tilt your body back a little and lean on your slightly bent arms. The legs are raised together and lowered back to the floor. This exercise allows you to train your abdominal muscles, which is necessary to prevent the appearance of postoperative hernias and normalize blood circulation in order to prevent adhesions.

Physical exercise

There are no clearly defined periods for playing sports or performing heavy physical exercises.

Playing sports no earlier than 3 months, and swimming - 1.5 months. Weightlifting no earlier than 5 months. Light – 4-5 months. Sprint 9-12 months.

Contrast showers, baths and saunas no earlier than six months. This also applies to immediate air temperature changes of more than 15 degrees.

After the stitches have completely healed, you can go to the swimming pool. The rabbit is no earlier than six months old. Butterfly after 9 months. Start from a distance of 25 m with a surface breaststroke. A week after healing until mild tingling occurs.

Further, water procedures depend on the condition of the body. If one or another procedure (swimming) results in heartburn, bitter belching for more than 24 hours, or discomfort in the right hypochondrium, resume after a 2-week break after consulting a doctor.


It is recommended to practice yoga a month after the operation, provided there are no complications. If there were complications, then no earlier than after 3 months. If the patient was practicing yoga before surgery, return to training should be gradual, practicing exercises with twists, handstands and inversions later than other poses.

It’s better to start with relaxing techniques: Shavasana and yoga nidra. Savasana is also called the pose of the dead. The technique is as follows. Lying on your back, extend your arms along your body, legs together. While taking a deep breath, you need to tense all the muscles of your body. Next, without relaxing, perform several inhalations and exhalations. Now you can close your eyes and completely relax, spreading your arms and legs to the sides, but so that they lie on the floor.

The condition of all muscle groups of the upper and lower extremities, torso, neck and head is mentally controlled. The head is “worked out” in the following sequence: back of the head, crown, side surfaces and ears, face. No matter how strange it may sound, you need to try to relax your eyes. The purpose of the pose is not only to achieve muscle relaxation, but also mental relaxation.

Yoga Nidra is based on achieving a hypnagogic state, in which a person is on the border between wakefulness and sleep. Shavasana is the first stage of immersion in such a state. You can read more about the techniques used on specialized websites. The following conditions are considered contraindications to performing more complex asanas:

  • mental disorders;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • blood diseases;
  • infections of the brain and spinal cord;
  • inguinal hernias;
  • severe form of hypertension;
  • heart defects, aortic aneurysm;
  • traumatic brain injury, etc.


Exercise therapy exercises only after the permission of the attending physician. The complex is prescribed individually.

The most common:

SquatsStart with 3-5 – increase to 10-15 repetitions; add 1 per day; do once a day in the morning.
Bends forward, backward, sidewaysStart with 1-3 - increase to 10-15, do it once, and after 2 weeks, 2 times a day.
Circular rotation of the shoulders in different directions, in a sitting positionStart with 10, then until you feel discomfort in the muscles, right hypochondrium.
Lifting the pelvis while lying downStart with a slight lifting from the surface by 1-2 cm with a delay in the upper position for 3-5 seconds, 3-5 repetitions; bring to a tear of 3-5 cm with a 15-second delay; do 2-3 times a day.
Bend forward, reaching your toes with your fingertipsStart with 5-10 – increase to 20-30 repetitions; do it once a day.
"Bike"Starting position, lying on your back, make circular rotations with your legs, imitating riding a bicycle; start with 3-5 – increase to 15-20 repetitions; start performing 3-5 days after the stitches have healed.

Important! The starting position for all exercises performed standing is with your feet shoulder-width apart. Movements should be smooth. If you feel slightly tired, stop. Do not do gymnastics on an empty stomach or empty stomach. Do the exercises no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after waking up.

Basic recommendations

The general rules that unite gymnastics throughout all periods of recovery will be the following:

  • Exercises should alternate in time: start with the upper extremities, gradually moving to the lower extremities. The same applies to joints: first they work on small ones, then medium ones.
  • The larger the size of the joint and the amplitude of the exercise, the lower the speed and number of repetitions of the exercises should become.
  • Before doing muscle or joint exercises, you should do a breathing exercise (mostly using lower breathing). You need to breathe deeply.
  • After performing 3-4 exercises on muscles or joints, breathing exercises should be repeated.
  • When prescribing a set of exercise therapy exercises with a frequency of 2 times a day, the first time must be performed in the morning before breakfast, the second time in the evening, shortly before bedtime.
  • Exercises should be performed as much as possible, depending on how you feel (for example, you can reduce the number of repetitions or even shorten the complex).
  • You should always monitor your breathing. It should be calm and deep. If this cannot be achieved, then it is necessary to temporarily stop doing the exercises and restore breathing. Then you can return to the exercise therapy complex.

And approximately 4-8 weeks after the operation, you can forget that this question arose about the period after removal of the gallbladder: how many kg can you lift? If rehabilitation is successful, you can return to everyday life.

Breathing exercises

Start performing on the 5th day:

  1. Position lying on your back; slow breath; hold your breath for 1-3 seconds; exhale very slowly – 1-3 repetitions.
  2. Short inhalations and exhalations: start from day 5-7 for 30-60 seconds – increase to 2-3 minutes.
  3. Position, standing; when inhaling, rise on your toes, raise your arms up, stretch your whole body up; exhale – starting position; inhale – 15-30 – exhale 10-15 seconds; start on the 10th day after surgery.

Attention! Stop breathing exercises at the slightest dizziness.

Activity in the postoperative period

The rehabilitation period after surgery depends on which method of gallbladder removal was chosen. Postoperative recovery is divided into several time periods:

  • early period - lasts from 2 to 6 days after laparotomy (open surgery) and up to 2 days after laparoscopy. During the first 6 hours, strict bed rest is recommended, then bed rest. Physical activity is limited as much as possible in order to prevent possible complications;
  • late, ending with discharge from the hospital - after laparotomy it continues from the end of the early period until the 14th day, after laparoscopic intervention - until the 6th day. A ward motor mode is recommended;
  • long-term period – for all types of surgery (without complications from the patient’s body) from the moment of discharge to 30 days from the time of removal of the gallbladder. A free mode of physical activity is shown.

The choice of technique depends on the general condition of the patient, the presence of complications and anatomical features.
Recommendations from specialists regarding the patient’s activity after surgical treatment on a daily basis:

  • On the first day, it is prohibited to get out of bed during open surgery; with both types of intervention, you can perform breathing exercises and specialized sets of exercises for the arms and legs in order to restore blood circulation.
  • From the second day. After laparoscopy, daily exercises are recommended three times a day for 15 minutes, you can do exercises to warm up all muscle groups, and walking is allowed. After laparotomy, from days 2 to 5, you need to perform exercises while lying and sitting to support muscle activity and joint function, and also train diaphragmatic breathing. The duration of the load is no more than 5–7 minutes three times a day. From the sixth day after open surgery, you can perform exercises not only while sitting and lying down, but also while standing. The duration of exercise therapy is no more than 10–12 minutes three times a day.
  • From the 12th day. After laparotomy, sedentary games and exercises to strengthen the abs are recommended. You can use gymnastic walls, specialized equipment, and light weights. After 2 weeks from the date of laparoscopy, you can already ski, swim, and ride a bike.
  • One month after surgical treatment. After laparoscopic surgery, abdominal exercises are performed and weights can be lifted. After laparotomy - skiing, swimming, cycling, lifting no more than 5 kg.
  • 90 days from the date of surgery. Restrictions on strengthening the abdominal muscles and lifting weights after laparotomy, on performing exercises in the gym and participating in professional sports after laparoscopy are lifted.
  • In six months. After open intervention, you can take part in professional games and exercise in gyms.


The first walks should not last more than 30 minutes. Thirst will arise. Bring still or boiled mineral water with you. Boil water for at least 30 minutes. Drain the top third.

Wear linen T-shirts under warm clothes. Move slowly. If you have a bandage, sit down after 10 minutes. There should be no burden. The step is measured.

Dizziness, burning sensation in the operated area - reduce walks to 15-20 minutes. Don't go far from home. Once a month, go to the coniferous forest. Walk on flat ground. Avoid excessive sweating in the operated area.

Spa treatment

To accelerate the restructuring of the digestive secretion organs to new conditions, mineral water therapy is prescribed. Recommended: Borjomi, Essentuki 17, Naftusya. Medicinal mineral waters retain their healing properties for no longer than 6 hours after they are received from the source.

Naftusya – up to 15 minutes. For this therapy to be highly effective, it is necessary to undergo treatment in sanatoriums focused on the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases. In these centers, the diet is based on diet No. 5 or No. 5a: Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Morshin, Truskavets.

Possible consequences

The main complication is postcholecystectomy syndrome - digestive disorders due to uneven redistribution of the load between the organs that secrete secretions in the gastrointestinal tract - the stomach, pancreas, liver, as well as the microflora of the large intestine.

The syndrome may appear 4-7 years after surgery. The type of surgery does not matter. With the development of the syndrome: constant heartburn, flatulence, dysbacteriosis, dyspepsia.

Other complications.

  1. Suppuration in the operated area with possible blood sepsis.
  2. Immune diseases.
  3. Autoimmune manifestations - allergies, inflammatory diseases throughout the body.

What do experts recommend?

  1. After removal of the gallbladder, permanently exclude beer and pork fat from the diet, regardless of heat treatment; meat, fish, eggs that have undergone improper heat treatment; give preference to plant foods - carrots and beets daily.
  2. Avoid hunger – satisfy hunger even at night; meals are fractional.
  3. Gradually accustom the body to physical activity - this also applies to athletes.
  4. Any medications only as prescribed by a doctor; folk remedies - only pharmacy preparations or a prescription drawn up by the attending physician.
  5. Take general and biochemical blood tests, and do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity 2 times a year.
  6. Do not sunbathe for more than 2 hours a day; Avoid midday sunlight.

The main stages of the rehabilitation period after cholecystectomy

First of all, it should be said that such surgical intervention is performed in two ways: classic abdominal surgery and laparoscopic intervention. The duration of the postoperative recovery period directly depends on which technique was used.

The traditional technique, called laparotomy, involves removing this internal organ through a fairly large incision in the right side of the abdomen, and is much more traumatic than laparoscopy. Basically, such operations are performed when urgent intervention is necessary or when laparoscopic surgery is contraindicated for the patient. Like any abdominal intervention, gallbladder laparatomy involves a fairly long rehabilitation period and serious restrictions on physical activity.

The main method of removing this organ at the moment is laparoscopy, since it is much less traumatic and minimizes the risk of postoperative complications characteristic of abdominal surgery.

The essence of this technique is to remove the organ through small (less than 1 centimeter) punctures in the abdominal cavity using a special laparoscopic instrument. Thus, there is practically no injury to surrounding organs and tissues, which means that the recovery period is significantly reduced (compared to traditional abdominal surgery).

Read also: Choleretic products that help with bile stagnation

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