Sections of the abdominal cavity.jpg
Treatment of hemorrhoids - which doctor to contact?
Causes There are many factors that can disrupt the smooth functioning of the intestines. Among them: genetic pathologies; unhealthy
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Fibrogastroscopy of the stomach, preparation, how it is done, contraindications
What is the FCS procedure? It is an examination along the entire length of the rectum and colon.
Preparation for intestinal irrigoscopy with Fortrans
Absorption of nutrients occurs in the intestines, and the important role of this has also been proven relatively recently.
What is rotavirus gastroenteritis - symptoms, treatment and reviews
Description of the disease Gastroenteritis is the process of inflammation that is provoked by infectious agents - bacteria, viruses, protozoa
How to prepare for an appointment with a proctologist
How to prepare for an appointment with a proctologist: expert advice
Preparing for the conversation A visit to a proctologist always begins with a conversation. This is an important diagnostic step
Proctitis (inflammation of the rectum)
Erosive proctitis: causes, symptoms, treatment
General information Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectum of various origins. The rectum is
Tablets to improve digestion. Medicines, herbs, folk remedies, diet
Enzymes for digestion. Drugs, list of the best for the elderly, children, pregnant women
Proper and healthy nutrition is the basis not only for the adequate functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also
Anti-inflammatory drugs for the intestines
Best Probiotics for Adults
Intestinal inflammation is a serious and dangerous condition that can be caused by several factors. At
The medicine is widely used for bloating and stomach discomfort.
“Mezim”: before or after meals, what to take with it, how long it takes to take effect
Instructions The instructions provide information about the indications, method of administration, as well as contraindications. Besides these
X-ray of the stomach with barium
When is an X-ray of the stomach prescribed? X-ray diagnostics have been helping to identify serious gastrointestinal diseases for more than 100 years.
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