Constipation in a newborn with artificial feeding

Constipation is an unpleasant phenomenon that causes discomfort even to an adult, not to mention infants. Problems with bowel movements cause bloating and pain in the abdomen, the child becomes whiny, sleeps poorly and refuses to eat, and the tendency to constipation is much higher in formula-fed babies than in babies receiving breast milk. This condition of the baby puts young parents into panic; they ask the doctors a question - constipation in a newborn baby during artificial feeding, what to do? Today we will look at the causes of difficulties with bowel movements in artificially assisted patients, symptoms and ways to solve the problem.

Causes of constipation?

Mixed nutrition can cause constipation
Why does constipation occur in a bottle-fed baby? The following reasons can cause the pathological condition:

  • early transition from breastfeeding to formula;
  • mixed nutrition;
  • enzyme deficiency, due to which food cannot be fully absorbed;
  • disturbance of peristalsis during tooth growth, colds;
  • treating diseases with antibiotics;
  • diseases - rickets, abnormal intestinal structure, parasites, anemia.

These are the causes of constipation in artificial people. Additional negative factors are described below.

Drinking disorders

A child receiving breast milk does not need additional supplementation, since it contains useful substances, including water. A bottle-fed baby should be given water at the rate of 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight. That is, a baby weighing 5 kg should receive at least 150 ml of liquid per day. Cooled boiled water, spring water or “raisin” water, prepared by brewing 1 tbsp, is suitable. raisins per glass of water. It relaxes the intestines and prevents constipation.

Violations in the selection of mixtures

If the formula for feeding is not selected correctly, the baby who is on artificial feeding will react to it with constipation. The reason lies in the composition of baby food - if it contains a large amount of protein and less dietary fiber than breast milk, then the stool becomes hard. It is difficult for artificial babies to digest such mixtures, which is why the rate of absorption increases and the amount of excreted feces decreases.

Switching to a new mixture

If a mother decides to suddenly change the formula she feeds her baby, constipation becomes a related problem. A different composition of food provokes regurgitation, bloating and hardening of the stool in the baby. To prevent such problems, it is necessary to decide in advance on the composition of the mixture for future feeding - it should be inexpensive, sold in nearby stores and pharmacies, preferably containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. You need to introduce a new diet gradually, transferring the artificial diet to it for 7-10 days.

You should follow a certain pattern when switching to a new formula for feeding your baby.

Violation of complementary feeding rules

Constipation in a bottle-fed baby is also caused by improper initiation of complementary feeding. If the mother introduces additional foods too early, feeds the baby potatoes, milk cereals and other strengthening foods before the child reaches 5-6 months of age, the intestines will react negatively. Such foods, introduced too early, burden the body, slow down digestion and cause constant constipation. How to properly introduce complementary foods so as not to create digestive problems for the artificial baby is described below.

Psychological causes of constipation

Constipation in bottle-fed infants occurs for physiological and psychological reasons. Difficulties with bowel movements occur in a baby after a strong emotional shock, for example, fear. The baby remembers the feeling of pain during a recent attack of constipation or diarrhea and consciously holds back bowel movements so as not to experience discomfort again. This condition can last up to 5 days in a row.


Constipation in breastfed infants is rare. This is due to the fact that breast milk is ideal for the baby’s digestive system and is well absorbed. If the mother eats properly, the milk contains not only nutrients, but also enzymes and bacteria to create normal intestinal microflora. Therefore, constipation is most often observed with mixed feeding, and especially with artificial feeding.

But making the right nutritional choices can help avoid problems. To do this, you need to know what causes constipation. Most often this happens when there is a sudden change in dietary habits. This may be a transition from breast milk to artificial feeding, frequent changes of formula, or early introduction of complementary foods.

For a child’s normal digestion, the correct choice of formula for feeding is very important. Although almost all modern baby food is adapted and is close in composition to breast milk, it requires great effort from the digestive organs. Therefore, during a sudden transition from natural feeding or from one formula to another, the baby’s digestive system does not have time to readjust, and the lack of enzymes necessary to break down large amounts of fats, proteins and carbohydrates causes difficulties in digestion.

In addition, constipation can occur with the early introduction of complementary foods. If you start feeding your baby earlier than 4 months without indications for this, you can disrupt the already imperfect digestion process. Constipation is especially often caused by the early introduction of porridge, meat and dairy products, cookies, and eggs into the diet.

There are also other reasons that cause constipation during artificial feeding:

  • It could be a lack of water. For some reason, many people believe that it is not necessary to give babies water. But this is only permissible during breastfeeding, since mother’s milk provides the baby with everything necessary. But an artificial baby must be supplemented with clean water between feedings.
  • Sometimes disruption of the intestinal microflora can occur as a result of infectious diseases. In this case, the baby may experience constipation for a long time, but it may go away on its own after recovery.
  • Taking certain medications can also lead to bowel problems. Most often these are drugs for the treatment of anemia containing iron, as well as antibacterial drugs.
  • Quite rarely, constipation in children is associated with congenital anomalies of intestinal development. For example, the presence of additional loops slows down the movement of feces and leads to their compaction. Such constipation cannot be treated with conventional methods.
  • Disorders of intestinal motility may occur. When its work slows down, feces accumulate, they harden and move slowly. And with increased intestinal tone, feces come out in small lumps.
  • Sometimes psychological causes of constipation are also identified. Although this is more common in children over 8 months of age. Abnormal bowel movements can be caused by separation from the mother, severe stress, or fear of pain after experiencing constipation once.

How to identify constipation in a baby on IV?

Poor sleep and refusal to eat may be the result of constipation

Constipation in children with artificial feeding is a common phenomenon, but requires prior conviction that a problem exists. Many babies defecate up to 10 times a day, but this figure is not the norm or standard to which one should strive. Each baby, especially on artificial feeding, is individual. For some, it’s normal to change baby’s diapers 5-6 times a day, but for others, even with disposable stools there are no problems.

Doctors convince parents that it is worth monitoring the frequency of the child’s stool, the nature of bowel movements, the baby’s behavior during the process and the state of health. If the baby does not cry while going to the toilet, the consistency of the stool resembles a thick yellow-brown porridge - even the child’s one bowel movement per day is not a cause for concern. You need to worry when the bowel movement resembles a tight, dense, dark sausage. Symptoms of constipation in an artificial person look like this:

  • bowel movements less than once every 2-3 days;
  • loud crying, whims when going to the toilet, the baby twists his legs and groans;
  • sleep with frequent awakenings and screaming;
  • nausea, abdominal cramps, bloating;
  • food refusal and anxiety.

Attention! If your baby is prone to constipation and has a problem with feces being pulled back into the rectum, this condition requires immediate medical attention.

Constipation in infants with mixed feeding

To eliminate the problem of constipation, you need to figure out what can contribute to this and learn to recognize the symptoms of constipation.

Causes of constipation in newborns with mixed feeding

  • Early complementary feeding. Failure to comply with the norms for the number of servings.
  • The mixture is not suitable.
  • Thick consistency of the mixture.
  • Little liquid in the daily diet.
  • Large portions.
  • Poor mobility of the child.
  • Overheat.
  • Intestinal motility disorders.
  • Effect of medications.
  • A nursing mother eats astringent foods.
  • Increased nervous excitability.

Having figured out the reasons, you need to try to eliminate them. At the same time, you need to continue to be attentive to the child’s behavior.

Symptoms of constipation in newborns

  • The number of bowel movements has sharply decreased.
  • Frequent crying and restlessness of the baby.
  • She presses her legs towards her tummy.
  • Hard feces
  • Low weight gain.
  • Involuntary emptying of liquid feces.
  • The gases don't flow well and smell bad.
  • Signs of anal irritation. Wounds.
  • Rash on the body.
  • Sleep disturbances.

If such symptoms appear with the introduction of complementary foods or later, you should definitely consult with your local doctor. Most likely, constipation in an infant occurred during the introduction of complementary foods.

Treatment of constipation in artificially raised children

Don't get carried away with enemas

What to do if constipation occurs more and more often in a newborn during artificial feeding, and the condition is aggravated by colic, hard belly, screaming and insomnia? Parents panic and solve the problem in radical ways. The algorithm of actions for frequent constipation in an artificial person is as follows:

  • don’t give in to panic;
  • It is strictly forbidden to give your baby laxatives intended for adults;
  • do not get carried away with enemas - regular cleansing of the intestines will lead to the leaching of beneficial microflora and the development of dysbacteriosis, which will aggravate the problem;
  • give your baby more fluid to thin out the stool;
  • Together with your pediatrician, select a different formula for feeding or reduce the concentration - dilute with plenty of water.

The following provides detailed recommendations for the treatment of constipation in bottle-fed newborns. The process takes about two weeks, but an integrated approach will solve the problem of hard stool if you follow the advice.


Among medications for constipation in artificially born babies, the leaders are Duphalac and Forlax. These are drugs with a mild effect on the intestines that can be safely given to babies up to one year old, containing lactulose. The doctor selects the correct dosage based on the baby’s weight, age and stage of constipation.

In the first 2-3 days of taking such drugs, the formation of gases in the intestines increases in the artificial patient, but over time the problem goes away. Gradually, as the hard stool liquefies and constipation gets rid of, the dose of the drug is reduced, then the baby goes to the toilet on his own.

It is important to know! You should not give laxatives without a doctor’s recommendation and a prescription for the required dosage, this is dangerous.

Breasts should only be given medications intended for children.

Mechanical methods

To combat constipation in a formula-fed newborn, it is not necessary to start treatment with laxatives. You can try other ways to make your baby's bowel movements easier:

  • give an enema - to do this, take the smallest syringe, fill it with boiled water, cooled to 18-20 ° C, lubricate the tip with oil and insert the crumbs into the anus by 1.5-2 cm. After introducing the water, squeeze the buttocks for 4-5 minutes, so that the water does not spill out immediately. The feces will pass in 20-30 minutes;
  • give a microenema - pharmacies sell ready-made drugs (Microlax). It is appropriate in dosage for infants, but the enema tip for newborns is inserted halfway;
  • put a laxative suppository - baby suppositories for constipation based on glycerin are used from 3 months of age, but a newborn is given half a suppository.

Stimulation of the rectum helps artificially-induced patients go to the toilet. The tip of the syringe is lubricated, it is inserted into the anus, in response, the intestine contracts, and it is easier for the child to defecate.

Folk remedies

Prune decoction will help with constipation

To relieve artificial constipation, you can gradually introduce sterilized vegetable oil into the diet. Pour into a jar and place in a water bath to let the oil boil for 30 minutes. Then the cooled product is given to the baby, one drop in the morning on an empty stomach, on the second day two drops are given. And this continues until the volume reaches half a teaspoon.

You can prepare a medicinal decoction of prunes and buckthorn bark. For this, 500 gr. the fruit is poured into 3500 ml of water and boiled for half an hour. After cooling the composition, dry buckthorn herb in the amount of 50 grams is added, and the decoction is again placed on low heat for 25 minutes. After cooling, add 200 g of cake to the broth. rosehip. The child is given 60 ml to drink before bed every day.

Rules for introducing complementary foods

Before you start introducing complementary foods, take into account the baby’s health status, age and weight. The rules for artificial feeding are as follows:

  • the first complementary feeding begins after the child reaches 4 months of age;
  • It is prohibited to introduce additional food if the baby has a tendency to allergies and they have worsened;
  • do not feed artificially during teething and during colds, when the body is weakened;
  • Do not introduce several foods into your baby’s diet at once, but start with one dish.

First of all, fruit juices are introduced into the artificial child’s menu; it is better to start with apple juice, then after getting used to it, the baby is given apple or prune puree. The latter product is useful for children prone to constipation - it restores regular bowel movements and has a laxative effect. When the child reaches six months, milk porridge and vegetable purees are introduced.

On a note! Potatoes are a difficult product to digest, so they should not be included in the menu before 5-6 months if the artificial one regularly experiences constipation. And cottage cheese, meat and chicken eggs are eaten no earlier than 8 months of age.

Recommendations for choosing formulas for feeding for constipation

The mother should select a suitable formula for a child who is on artificial feeding and constantly suffers from constipation together with the pediatrician. The doctor knows about the baby’s health characteristics and can help you decide on the type of nutrition.

Mixtures are sold containing increased amounts of probiotics and prebiotics - substances that improve digestion and prevent constipation in artificially produced children. They have a reduced protein content, which is why food is digested and eliminated from the body faster. Mixtures containing lactulose have proven themselves to be effective - under the influence of this component, the intestines produce beneficial bifidobacteria, which loosens stools and makes constipation a thing of the past.


To ease bowel movements and prevent constipation, you should begin massaging your baby’s belly immediately after birth.
In this case, the movements should be smooth, without strong pressure, in a circular clockwise direction. The bicycle exercise helps to free the intestines from gases and stagnant feces - the baby’s legs are bent at the knees and rotated in the air. You can press your legs bent at the knees to your stomach, not without applying force, smoothly and carefully. An old-fashioned way to ease stool in an artificial patient is to massage his stomach through a warm diaper, ironed. This will warm the tummy, eliminate excess gases and help the baby go to the toilet.

What not to do

In the treatment of constipation in artificial babies, mothers sometimes go to extreme measures that are simply unacceptable. There are a number of rules about what should not be done to facilitate bowel movements in a child:

  • use laundry soap to stimulate stool - it contains irritating substances that will cause injury to the baby’s delicate rectal mucosa, leading to the formation of ulcers and inflammation;
  • give the child senna herb, laxative tablets for adults and use suppositories in adult dosages;
  • limit the baby’s motor activity (put him in a playpen, pillows, always carry him in his arms or leave him in a crib) - when the baby sits, crawls, rolls over, he stimulates intestinal functions, thereby preventing constipation.

Also, do not deny your child plenty of fluids - if the baby asks for an additional portion of water or juice, it means that the body needs more fluid. Maintaining a drinking regime is a good help in the fight against constipation.

Do not use laundry soap to treat constipation.

How to help your baby

In most cases, parents manage to cope with constipation in their child on their own. The main thing is to know in advance what to do in this case. Perhaps it will be enough to give your baby some water, massage his tummy, and everything will go away. But it is still better to consult a doctor who will help determine the cause of constipation and give recommendations on how to deal with them.

The most important thing is to properly organize the baby’s feeding regimen. Despite the fact that infants are advised to feed on demand, this is not suitable for bottle-fed babies. Formula milk is more difficult to digest, so it is not recommended to feed your baby more often than every 3 hours. Moreover, it is very important not to overfeed him. You should not force your baby to drink a full bottle, and between feedings you should not give him anything other than clean water.

In a newborn baby, the digestive system still works poorly. Therefore, it is necessary to give him a light tummy massage. To do this, caressing circular movements should be carried out with a warm hand in the intestinal area, without touching the navel if it has not yet healed. It is also useful to do the “bicycle” exercise with your child’s legs. In addition, from 2 weeks of age, it is recommended to place the baby on his tummy. These measures will help pass gas faster and improve digestion.

If the baby has problems with bowel movements, it is recommended to “plant” him over the basin 10-15 minutes after feeding, bending his legs and pressing them to his tummy. In this position, it will be easier for the child to empty his bowels. Sometimes it is possible to facilitate this process by using glycerin suppositories. You can also prepare a decoction of dill or fennel seeds for your baby and give it instead of water.

Treatment of constipation in newborns with medications should only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. Under no circumstances should you give your baby laxatives intended for adults. Such drugs are prescribed only for strict indications, when a change in diet or a new mixture does not help improve digestion. Most often, drugs containing lactulose are prescribed, as they are the safest. This could be Duphalac, Forlax, Lactusan or Prelax. If a child’s doctor discovers a violation of the intestinal microflora, he is prescribed probiotics: Bifidumbacterin, Lacidofil or Hilak Forte.

Preventing constipation

To get rid of constipation in newborns who are bottle-fed, the following preventive measures should be followed:

  • before starting feeding, do a light abdominal massage in a circular motion;
  • place the baby on his tummy more often, strengthening the abdominal muscles, facilitating the release of gases from the intestines and helping the baby go to the toilet on time;
  • give the artificial child more liquid - water, juices, compotes (when reaching age), dill water helps against bloating and colic;
  • If the baby is on mixed feeding, mothers should exclude fatty, starchy and fried foods from the diet.

Complementary feeding should be introduced gradually, following the rules described above. If constipation does not go away, despite the measures taken, you should consult a doctor and conduct a preventive examination, ruling out pathologies of internal organs and other problems.

Dill water helps with bloating and colic in babies

Constipation in infants during breastfeeding

Determining what exactly is bothering a baby is not easy. To do this, you need to observe the behavior and external manifestations of the child.


  • Sleep disturbances. Restless behavior during rest.
  • Weak appetite or lack of it.
  • Insufficient weight gain.
  • Bloating.
  • Capricious and restless behavior during bathing. This can be caused by injuries to the anus and rectum. Water provokes irritation.
  • Thick stool consistency.
  • When defecating, the baby tenses and groans. The skin turns red or blue.

If all of the above signs are absent, then most likely the newborn does not have constipation. It’s just that the food is being digested well, and it’s not time to have a bowel movement yet. There's no need to panic.

Dr. Komarovsky, in his lectures on the topic: Constipation in infants during breastfeeding, focuses on the fact that you do not need to help the child empty his bowel movements if you are breastfeeding and the baby’s behavior is calm and cheerful.

It’s another matter if some symptoms of anxiety are present, the child behaves nervously and restlessly. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a gastroenterologist or your pediatrician.

Stool form scale. Photo:

Causes of constipation in infants while breastfeeding

  • Features of the digestive system.
  • Overfeeding.
  • Maternal nutrition.
  • Medications.

Important! Monitor your child's reaction when changing your diet so as not to harm his health.

Komarovsky about constipation in bottle-fed children

According to the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, constipation in infants is provoked by the following negative factors:

  • introducing complementary foods too early;
  • incorrectly selected artificial nutrition;
  • insufficient fluid intake by the baby;
  • too early transfer from breast milk to formula, before the child reaches 4 months of age;
  • the presence in the artificial mixture of a component to which the baby is allergic or intolerant.

For your information! The doctor claims that constipation can be triggered by a change in environment, when the baby is afraid to be left alone or is visiting strangers for a long time. By eliminating all these factors, you can save your baby from problems with stool.

As it became clear, constipation in an artificial person can be caused by many reasons, ranging from poor nutrition to psychological problems. You can deal with this condition on your own in case of one-time cases of difficulties with bowel movements in your baby; if you have regular problems, you should contact your pediatrician and, together with your doctor, look for the best way out of the situation.

Components of mixtures that cause digestive upset

Formula feeding is the primary cause of constipation in babies. This is due to the components and substances that are in the composition. They are much coarser and fattier than the substances contained in breast milk. Formula contains much less dietary fiber but more protein than breast milk. It is because of the lack of these components that the baby’s intestines begin to become irritated, causing constipation.

Do not forget that if the child is bottle-fed, then he must be supplemented with water . It is this that helps to dilute the components contained in the mixture until dissolved, as a result, intestinal irritation does not occur. It is important to initially choose the right mixture for feeding. Some dissolve quickly, leaving the stomach with nothing to digest, resulting in intestinal problems. Other formulas are completely unsuitable for a baby. In this case, the substances included in the composition begin to irritate the intestines, thereby disrupting its functioning. The mixture must be carefully selected, and the child must be constantly monitored. If, when using a certain diet, rare bowel movements are observed, but there is no bloating or pain, then the mixture is suitable for feeding and should not be abandoned.

Constipation can occur when switching a baby from breast milk to formula; in this case, the components of artificial nutrition immediately cause discomfort in the baby's body.

A complete restructuring occurs, the stomach ceases to cope with the digestion of substances, as a result, the functioning of the intestines is disrupted. It is not possible to select the right mixture the first time.

Psychological causes of constipation

Constipation during artificial feeding can be caused by psychological reasons. The child may find it difficult to tolerate separation from his mother, which will affect his appetite and, accordingly, the process of bowel movements. After reunification, the occasional constipation subsides.

Another reason of a psychological nature is the child’s unpleasant experience during bowel movements - a cold potty, an unpleasant smell from it, can make the child want to endure the urge until the last moment, which provokes constipation. Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the fact that the habit of regular bowel movements can only be developed by creating comfortable conditions for the baby.

Often the cause of untimely emptying is overfeeding the child or force feeding. Constipation in this case is a subconscious protest reaction of the baby.

Constipation, types and causes

The problem with delayed bowel movement will first manifest itself in the child's behavior. An attentive mother will pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • moodiness and frequent crying;
  • poor appetite;
  • restless sleep;
  • hard, swollen tummy;
  • separation of gases with the smell of rot;
  • stool is too dense;
  • pressing the legs towards the stomach;
  • redness of the face, frequent attempts to push;
  • screaming and crying when defecating.

Constipation in a bottle-fed baby can be manifested by the retraction of feces that have already appeared into the anus.

Parents should pay attention to the structure of the stool and the presence of blood residues in it, consult a doctor to identify the cause of constipation and eliminate it.

The main reason for problems with stool is the imperfection of the digestive system of a child under one year old, its immaturity - digestive enzymes will begin to be produced as they grow older. Against this background, disturbances in the process of digesting food and bowel movements will inevitably be present.

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