Why does a person fart, causes of gas formation

Why people fart: the science behind it

Each of us daily emits intestinal gases, which are always present in the digestive tract. The fact is that all carbohydrate foods that we consume emit carbon dioxide because they cannot be completely absorbed by the human body.

Why do gases accumulate in the intestines?

  1. When we eat, air enters our body, which accumulates in the intestines and provokes the farting process. And if you still wash it down with soda, the effect will be several times worse!
  2. During the digestion process, intestinal juices interact with gastric juices, and this is how carbon dioxide is formed.
  3. Gases are also released by beneficial bacteria that are found in the human intestines.

Normally, there should be little gas, but if a large amount accumulates, then bloating occurs, pain in the peritoneum occurs, and we can already talk about flatulence.

Why does a person fart often? Causes of excessive gas formation

Any modern woman always strives to remain elegant and attractive. But, like all other people, the female body can also malfunction or produce involuntary actions in its work, which we cannot consciously influence in any way.

One of these involuntary phenomena, which can greatly confuse and put any person, and especially a woman, in an awkward position, is the emission of gases.

If such a phenomenon occurs in a circle of people, it can cause embarrassment not only for the person emitting gases, but also for everyone around him.

Why do people fart often? What can be done to reduce the active emission of gases? What preventive measures exist for this?

Is passing gas beneficial and where do they come from?

According to researchers and doctors, the average person farts between 6 and 20 times daily. If this figure is much higher, then most likely pathological problems are occurring in the body that need to be addressed.

A healthy human body contains up to approximately 1 liter of gases, so while they accumulate in maximum quantities, the body removes them through the anus, by farting.

If this did not happen, serious problems would arise in our body.

Such problems would manifest themselves in such painful sensations as colic, abdominal cramps, volvulus and poisoning of the intestinal microflora.

Why do gases accumulate in the body and where do they come from? The main reasons for the accumulation of gases in the human body are:

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Source: https://dnevnyk-uspeha.com/interesnye-fakty/pochemu-ljudi-pukajut.html

What food causes flatulence?

Why are many people now struggling to implement a healthy diet? Because some foods from our diet provoke the formation of gases in the intestines outside the normal range. I will give you a list of these same products.

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Food productDescription
LegumesThese foods contain large amounts of fiber and polysaccharides, which can cause bloating in the stomach. If you are a huge fan of legumes, then you should opt for lentils, mung beans and quinoa. These beans are much easier to digest than peas or kidney beans.
Drinks with gasesEverything is logical here. Not only sweet soda, but also regular soda in excessive quantities can lead to frequent gas. It is still better to give preference to pure mineral water.
Wheat and its derivativesThese are bread, pasta, flour sweets, etc. Wheat contains gluten, which causes bloating and gas. If you like flour, then it is better to use rice flour or coconut, buckwheat or oatmeal.
Rye and barleyThese grains are high in fiber and gluten, which, as I already mentioned, can cause bloating. It is better to replace these products with oats or brown rice.
Onions with garlicThese foods are on my list because they contain fructans, which are dietary fiber. Of course, the likelihood of bloating in this case is high only if you eat them in large quantities.
Raw cruciferous vegetablesThese are cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, regular cabbage. To make these products better processed by our body, it is better to boil or bake them.
Dairy productsWe are talking about products containing lactose. Bloating can occur when consuming dairy products if a person is allergic to lactose.
SweetenersFor example, these are sorbitol and xylitol. These sweeteners have no nutritional or energy value at all. It is better to use honey or stevia, coconut sugar.
AlcoholThis is especially true for beer that contains yeast, and it is they that cause bloating and gas. If you find yourself at a holiday or just with company, then prefer alcohol without syrups - these can be natural wines or strong alcoholic drinks without carbon.
Apples and pearsIt's all fructose's fault. If you really love these fruits, then it is better not to eat them fresh, but bake them in the oven.

There are also several foods that you can eat if you couldn’t resist and ate one of the above:

  • Caraway;
  • Dill;
  • Dried garlic;
  • Chamomile decoction.

Watch what you eat carefully. Controlling your diet will not only relieve you of intestinal problems, but will also generally improve your overall condition.

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Frequent farting - what to do, how to get rid of the problem

Ι Flatulence

One of the most unpleasant things that can happen to people in public is that they can't stop farting, or, more formally speaking, passing gas.

When this happens, it is not only indecent, it is also an indicator that there is some kind of problem in the body at the moment.

Farting once or, in vulgar terms, “farting” is still normal, but when the problem begins to arise too often, it is necessary to figure out in as much detail as possible what to do about it.

Mechanisms underlying the problem

Although people usually call this problem nothing more than “farting” or “farting,” all of this has scientific names. “Blowing the winds” is based on two mechanisms:

  1. Flatulence. When it occurs, excess gases accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract. They may form too often, or, on the contrary, not stand out enough. If such a problem occurs, then a number of corresponding symptoms appear, for example, rumbling, bloating, discomfort and pain if the situation has worsened significantly. There are effective tablets and other medications for flatulence.
  2. Flatulence. This is the release of gases from the gastrointestinal tract. In general, this is a natural phenomenon if it is done in moderation, but if it happens too often, or even almost constantly, then we can say that a real problem has arisen.

How are gases formed?

A healthy body constantly contains a certain amount of gas, and quite a lot, something like a liter. Some enters the body from the outside when a person swallows air, which he does, for example, while eating or talking.

But this, if considered as a percentage, is only a small part of the total accumulation of gases in the body. The largest volume is formed already inside, in the large intestine during digestive processes. It can be up to 75% of the total volume.

For example, bacteria in the large intestine produce methane, fatty acids, when broken down, release carbon dioxide, legumes can release hydrogen, and so on.

Diet-related reasons

To understand how to stop farting frequently or even constantly, you must first understand what causes excessive flatulence. And most often it’s about the food a person eats.

The main reason that a person begins to fart too often is the consumption of foods that provoke increased gas formation. These may include:

  • Dairy products. They contain lactose, which most people cannot digest normally.
  • Carbonated drinks. Kvass, beer, champagne, and also lemonades increase flatulence. It's all about the gases contained there, as well as the yeast. Lots of such drinks - and the situation gets worse.
  • Legumes. Peas and similar products increase the amount of hydrogen produced during digestion, which makes the problem worse.
  • Products with a lot of coarse fiber. Apples, brown bread, potatoes, cabbage, radishes, radishes and similar products, when consumed in excessively large quantities, can lead to increased gas formation.
  • Products in incorrect combination. Sometimes individual foods, even if you eat a lot of them, may not cause any problems for a person, but in combination they can complicate the digestion process, causing the amount of gases released to increase significantly. This, for example, is white bread with soup, potatoes with sausages and a number of other equally negative combinations.

Other reasons

  • Aerophagia.
    This is another name for swallowing air bubbles when eating. This usually happens if a person’s eating behavior is incorrect. For example, this happens if a person constantly swallows food in large pieces, talks while eating, and so on. Sometimes it’s not about how a person behaves, but about malocclusion, the presence of braces and other deviations of the oral cavity from the norm.
  • Dysbacteriosis. When the structure of the colon microflora changes, farting intensifies. Treatment is needed here.
  • Digestive enzyme deficiency.
    If the gastrointestinal tract lacks the necessary enzymes, the food is not processed entirely, and therefore gases begin to be released more intensely.
  • Problem with food passage.
    If intestinal motility is impaired, it does not do its job thoroughly, and therefore food through the gastrointestinal tract can move very slowly. This leads to the fact that all processes involving microorganisms are greatly enhanced, and this leads to the fact that gas formation constantly occurs on an increased scale - and the person begins to “fart”.

Self-remediation methods

When you know why farting may occur, you need to take measures to eliminate the problem and understand how to get rid of it. The easiest way to solve the problem is with aerophagia. Here is the treatment - you just need to change your eating behavior, stop talking while eating, eat food in smaller pieces and chew it better.

If the problem is that you eat one of the foods that makes you fart/fart due to the fact that it is not quite adequately accepted by your body, just reconsider your diet.

Limit the consumption of those products that were indicated in the points above. Also try to reduce (but not completely eliminate) the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, such as baked goods, sugar, and protein foods, such as lamb, goose, pork and mushrooms.

Then the problem should gradually recede, you will stop farting so often.

Also try to get enough sleep, devote time to physical activity, and so on. Better your health means less chance of the problem getting worse and less need for treatment.

When is flatulence a reason to see a doctor?

In general, farting is a natural process. Normally, a person can pass gas 14 times during the day. And all this should happen without pain in the stomach and a terrible smell. If you notice that you fart much more often, then you need to contact a doctor to find out what the reason is. The smell, of course, will always be unpleasant. Well, what do you think, can flowers smell like a mixture of nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen and hydrogen sulfide?

Important: farting has a scientific name - flatulence. If it causes discomfort to a person, then in this case doctors provide treatment and even offer the person surgical intervention! It’s just that the cause of this disease is quite complex. Flatulence can be triggered by dysbiosis, chronic pancreatitis, colitis of various origins and helminthic infestation!

There are 7 main types of intestinal gas for which you should immediately consult a doctor.

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Too smelly gasesNormally, human gases should not smell like anything at all. This is only possible if you have eaten more garlic or curry. If your gas smells too bad, this may indicate a buildup of harmful bacteria in the intestines, celiac disease, or Crohn's disease.
Painful bloatingIn this case, the pain is wandering. You feel it in one part of the intestine, then in another. This suggests that something in your intestines is preventing gas from passing out. These may be tumors or ulcers.
Bloating, where the abdomen becomes fullThis symptom may indicate irritable bowel syndrome. This means that a person urgently needs to start treatment.
Gas during stoolIf, while sitting on the toilet, your bowel movements become intermittent and you fart, this means that there is a problem with the pancreas.
Continuous gas emissionYou fart almost every 5 minutes. This means you are eating too many sweet or fiber foods. There are also more dangerous causes of this phenomenon - colon cancer.
Belching that smells like a rotten eggThere may be several reasons for this phenomenon: the same irritable bowel syndrome or giardiasis. This can only be caused by parasites.
It hurts you to fartThis most likely indicates that you have hemorrhoids or anal fissures, which also need to be treated by a proctologist.

Many will be embarrassed to contact a specialist if they have at least one of the symptoms mentioned above. Of course, such a delicate problem that the doctor will study through the anus, doing all sorts of unpleasant procedures with hoses and light bulbs. But, unfortunately, going to such a doctor cannot be postponed if you want to get rid of the problem and live without complexes and unpleasant pain.

Causes of gases:


Unfortunately, flatulence is caused not only by the harmless factors described above. It could be more

and the consequence of the disease:

  • enteritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • acute intestinal infection;
  • parasites;
  • colitis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

In this case, a normal change in diet will not give the desired effect; you need to consult a doctor who will help you treat the cause so that the effect disappears and you can not worry about the fact that gas formation is abnormal. Once the root cause is eliminated, gas production will also return to normal and farting will stop.

Passing gas in humans: interesting facts

Scientists have drawn several conclusions from their observations regarding how and why people fart:

  1. It turns out that women fart less often than men. This has nothing to do with physiology, it has to do with the fact that ladies are still more modest. Personally, there are no girls in my circle who would simply pass gas like that in the presence of even their girlfriends, let alone in front of men.
  2. The gas that a person emits during the day can fill an entire balloon. I wonder how exactly scientists figured this out, did they really conduct an experiment? A fun fact that will make anyone laugh. I really smiled when I learned this.
  3. A person who is embarrassed about his gases has problems with the nervous system. I don't think this can be associated with a mental disorder. There are simply certain limits beyond which a person does not allow himself to go. It seems to me that you shouldn’t go beyond the bounds of decency in public for the sake of your hydrogen sulfide.
  4. You should thank the person who farts in front of you, because thanks to the hydrogen sulfide they release, you will not have damage to your mitochondria. At the same time, scientists insist that under no circumstances should you cover your nose. Honestly, I wouldn’t even talk or communicate with a person who openly farts in my presence, let alone say thank you to him.
  5. The fart speed is 048 m/s.
  6. The sound of a fart depends on the size of the anus. Those who have a very narrow anus fart loudly.
  7. Most often, the process of gas emission occurs at night, and not during the day. By the way, I would readily believe this, because in the morning it sometimes becomes difficult to breathe in the bedroom - there is less oxygen than carbon dioxide.

We, of course, all live in a progressive world, where many oddities have already become an integral part of our lives. However, let’s not spoil our beloved world with our gases, and let’s continue to release them in specially designated places. Although even in a toilet full of people, I would be embarrassed to do this. It’s very good that in cafes and restaurants they play music loudly in the toilets so that a person can calmly emit his gases without attracting anyone’s attention.

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It’s better to eat healthy food, follow a diet and don’t stuff everything into your mouth. Then you won’t have any questions about why people fart, and you won’t have any problems with gas emissions either. Take care of your health and do not forget that you need to treat everything consciously.

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