Stool smells like rotten eggs, baby has diarrhea and stomach pain

The hydrogen sulfide smell that comes out of the mouth during belching causes many problems. Most often, this unpleasant illness is accompanied by diarrhea.

Fact! Belching with rotten eggs and diarrhea indicate disorders in the digestive system and the beginning of rotting of various foods in the intestines.

A specific symptom is caused by various factors. Before starting treatment, it is imperative to identify what led to diarrhea and belching of rotten eggs. With appropriate therapeutic measures, you can quickly restore the functions of the digestive tract and eliminate the malaise.

Rotten smell of feces

Even if a person is completely healthy, after a bowel movement there is always an unpleasant smell in the toilet. But if suddenly a strong smell of feces appears, then perhaps some diseases are developing in the body, although this is often associated with the food that was consumed the day before. The smell of human waste is formed by gases that are produced during the digestion and breakdown of food.

The most dangerous symptom is the smell of feces, similar to the smell of rotten carrion. This symptom is typical for malignant neoplasms in the intestines, so you should immediately consult a doctor. This may not be the reason, but you should definitely undergo an examination.

Smelly stool and feces are a sign of poor intestinal absorption, gas formation in the abdominal cavity

What to do if foul gas forms

When gas with an odor appears, you need to immediately reconsider your diet. Diet is always the basis for the treatment of flatulence and any gastrointestinal diseases. A properly designed menu helps improve digestion and reduce the release of smelly gases. It is also a good idea to seek advice from a gastroenterologist. If frequent gases with an unpleasant odor appear, an examination is prescribed. Can be assigned:

  • colonoscopy;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum;
  • general blood, urine and stool tests;
  • coprogram;
  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy.

If the examination reveals pathologies, then treatment will initially be aimed at eliminating the disease. In other cases, it is enough to simply reconsider your diet.

Drug therapy

In some cases, when there is strong gas production with an unpleasant odor, drug therapy is necessary. It includes carminatives, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Agents that restore microflora are also prescribed. If following a diet does not help, medications that reduce flatulence are indicated:

Types of medicationsTitlesAction
Antispasmodics"Spazmol", "No-Shpa"Eliminate pain, discomfort, relieve spasms.
Defoamers"Infacol", "Espumizan", "Bobotik", "Sab Simplex"They provoke the rupture of bubbles and the release of gases.
Probiotics"Enterol", "Acipol", "Linex", "Bifikol".Restores the intestinal microflora, filling it with beneficial microorganisms.
Sorbents“Enterosgel”, “Smecta”, “Polyphepan”, activated carbon.Absorb toxins and harmful substances and remove them naturally.

Some medications (more often used for children) are available in the form of suspensions or absorbable tablets. For example, "Motilium", "Motilak".

Traditional methods of therapy

Drug therapy is not always used. Sometimes folk remedies are enough to eliminate the strong smell of gas from the intestines. There are many recipes from medicinal plants and herbs. The most effective infusion is made from dill seeds. Take 2 tsp of them. They are filled with 400 ml of boiling water. The product should be infused for half an hour, and then it should be drunk before each meal, 100 ml.

Stool that smells like rotten eggs

Why does stool have an unpleasant, pungent or rotten odor? Smelly stool and feces are a sign of poor intestinal absorption, gas formation in the abdominal cavity.

If there is stool with the smell of rotten eggs, the reasons can be very different. The most common provoking factors for diarrhea with the smell of a rotten egg are intestinal dysbiosis, the appearance of intestinal-type infections, and various inflammations. This can also be caused by insufficient hand hygiene, consumption of stale food, individual intolerance to food or its individual components (food allergy). In children, diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs also occurs in case of an imbalance in the diet with insufficient consumption of fiber and protein foods.

Important! When a child has diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs, this should be a reason to urgently consult a doctor (especially if a newborn has this condition), it is necessary to quickly determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment!

By the color and smell of stool, you can diagnose the problem and prevent serious complications. If diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs appears, it is necessary to look for the problem in disorders of the large intestine; for example, colitis can cause this condition.

Diarrhea in a child is observed with the development of rotavirus pathogenic microorganisms. In adults, similar disorders with a putrid odor can be observed in cases of food poisoning, inflammation of the large and small intestines, and bacterial infections.


To prevent diarrhea, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Thorough hand hygiene before each meal;
  • Products must be of high quality, with an active shelf life;
  • Drink only clean water; dirty water is a source of infections that cause diarrhea.

It is also worth knowing that drinking 1 cup of strong brewed black tea a day can prevent diarrhea.

Diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs in an adult can be caused by various reasons; it is important to know how to treat the problem at home and what first aid measures are necessary for diarrhea.

Cause of rotten stool smell

Important! A rotten, pungent odor indicates a malfunction in the entire gastrointestinal tract. In each specific case of the development of the disease, in addition to smell and color, it is accompanied by the appearance of additional elements in the stool. If the bowel movements include foam and mucus, the reasons for this are inflammation of the colon, which has been progressing for a long time and has become acute.

  1. If the stool smells like rotten eggs and has blood clots, this indicates an acute intestinal infection. In this case, you must definitely consult a doctor.
  2. Mucus is a signal of damage to the intestines by pathogenic bacilli, the development of infection and the presence of an inflammatory process.
  3. White foam in the stool indicates an infection of the colon.
  4. Eating spoiled foods. Subsequently, the patient develops poisoning, accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.
  5. Excessive indulgence in foods rich in fiber. These can be watermelons, bran bread, sprouted grains. Diarrhea can also occur due to unripe fruits and berries.
  6. Protein diet. Excess protein foods (meat, eggs) cause stool with the smell of hydrogen sulfide

With diarrhea, an adult or child may also experience fever and severe thirst. It is recommended to consult a doctor to determine a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen.


If you experience regular belching and loose stools, you should change your diet. During this period, you need to adhere to a strict diet that will help normalize the microflora of the stomach, improve all processes within the body and relieve the person from painful and uncomfortable symptoms.

First of all, the patient should limit the use of the following supplements and foods:

  • eggs;
  • salt and hot spices;
  • sausages and smoked products;
  • fried food;
  • fatty varieties of fish and meat, as well as fatty dishes prepared on their basis;
  • mayonnaise and sunflower oil;
  • canned vegetables and marinade;
  • citrus fruits and grapes;
  • legumes and mushroom products;
  • dairy products (if lactose is not digestible);
  • alcohol and tobacco products.

In order to stimulate the functioning of the intestines and stomach, you should try to eat large quantities of the following foods:

  • liquid broths or cream soups based on chicken fillet;
  • biscuits, dried pieces of bran bread;
  • sweet fruits (red apples, mangoes, apricots, watermelon);
  • boiled or stewed meat and fish dishes;
  • steamed buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • green teas, preferably by weight;
  • vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil;
  • low-fat fermented milk products.

Reference! It is very important to drink plenty of fluids during periods of dehydration. A sick person should drink at least 2–3 liters of water per day.

As a drink, you can use a compote of dried fruits and fresh wild berries, you can make fruit drinks with raspberry or strawberry jam, and tinctures of blueberries are also suitable, which envelop the gastric mucosa and help cope with attacks of nausea.

For indigestion, experts advise drinking rice water a few minutes before meals. This remedy is a good antispasmodic, improves digestion and restores intestinal microflora.

Blueberry compote has strengthening properties, so it is ideal for use during periods of bowel dysfunction and diarrhea.

Rotten smell of stool in an adult and color of stool

An important criterion in determining the disease and the causes of indigestion is what color the stool is:

  1. Yellow stool that smells like rotten eggs indicates food intolerance or extreme stress.
  2. Green color may be a sign of the development of dysbiosis, salmonellosis or dysentery. Also, a greenish tint is a consequence of the introduction of new foods into the diet, especially for children.
  3. White feces are a sign of food oversaturation with carbon and calcium, and can occur with excessive consumption of dairy products.
  4. Stool that smells like rotten eggs is red, almost burgundy, and occurs when inflammatory processes in the intestines begin and malignant tumors appear.
  5. The black tint of feces in an infant or an adult is caused by the presence of E. coli and helminths.

For the most effective treatment of a condition in which stool smells like rotten eggs, it is recommended to limit food intake and adhere to a diet. For children and infants, exclude new complementary foods and foods in the diet, replace water with chamomile decoction.


For the most complete clinical picture and effective therapy, it is necessary to undergo a number of tests:

  1. Fecal analysis.
  2. Ultrasound examination.
  3. Laboratory sampling for dysbacteriosis.
  4. General blood analysis.
  5. Blood tests for hepatitis.

These tests will help determine the disease and the degree of its development in the body in order to prescribe the correct treatment.

Stool smells like rotten eggs in an adult

Intoxication of the body can occur through consumption of poor-quality food or inhalation or oral ingestion of toxic substances. For example, if the stool smells like rotten eggs, this is due to carbon disulfide or hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Intoxication is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, and fever.

Oily feces with a smelly aroma indicate the decomposition of fats, but if the feces smell like rotten eggs (sulfur), this indicates poisoning with hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide.

Diseases with foul-smelling loose stools

Diagnostics is a very important step in making a correct diagnosis, as it helps to quickly find the right solution to the problem.

Rotavirus infection in a child is manifested by foul-smelling loose stools with a sour odor, yellow or green in color, often accompanied by abdominal pain and vomiting. Other symptoms: high fever, watery eyes, runny nose. The diagnosis is confirmed by the isolation of the virus from the stool.

With dysentery, first there is pain in the abdomen, and then a disorder in the form of diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs mixed with mucus and blood. Sometimes the stool takes on the appearance of spit. Diarrhea can occur up to twenty times a day. For dysentery, it is necessary to do a bacterial culture of the stool.

Cholera is characterized by fishy-smelling diarrhea, often looking like rice water. Vomiting without nausea, symptoms of intoxication and dehydration are added to watery stool. The appearance of rice-water-type stool is a mandatory indication for bacterial culture.

In case of food poisoning, a child has profuse, watery diarrhea with a foul odor up to 10 times a day, but there may also be odorless diarrhea. Accompanied by nausea and vomiting. There is pain in the umbilical area. For diagnosis, it is necessary to identify the pathogen in food. Most often such foods are cakes and custard pies.

Diarrhea with a rotten, smelly odor in a child with a food allergy is most often accompanied by a number of other allergic symptoms, such as a rash. Diagnosed by conducting allergy tests.

To diagnose enteritis, colitis, enterocolitis when diarrhea with a strong odor appears, a coprogram, rectoscopy, colonoscopy, and x-ray examination are performed.

The general diagnostic standard for all diseases that are accompanied by foul-smelling diarrhea in adults and children:

  • identifying the causes of smelly diarrhea, collecting a history of the disease;
  • examination, palpation of the abdomen;
  • general blood test - mandatory tests, regardless of the type of disease, help to identify the presence of an acute inflammatory process in the human body;
  • coprogram - examination of the appearance of stool and microscopic examination;
  • bacteriological culture of stool or virological studies - a diagnostic method that helps confirm or exclude an infectious disease;

All other tests are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.

Treatment of foul-smelling diarrhea

Dietary therapy is considered the standard of care for the treatment and prevention of diarrhea with an unpleasant odor. The diet, of course, will not cure a disease of infectious etiology, unless it is viral hepatitis A, but at least it will make life easier and help replenish the body’s losses.

Five rules of nutrition for diarrhea:

  • drink more fluids - due to diarrhea, dehydration of the body of one degree or another often develops;
  • food should be light and gentle;
  • small portions, by the way, this rule must be followed even in the absence of digestive disorders;
  • less, but more often - and this rule must be followed with a healthy diet;
  • exclude foods that irritate the digestive wall.

List of foods that are unacceptable in case of disorder: raw water, coffee and strong tea, soda, alcohol, fatty, fried, spicy foods, sweets, onions and garlic, any spices.

Products that can be consumed even by a child: fermented milk products to normalize the microflora in the intestines; porridges cooked in water must be included in the diet (rice, wheat, buckwheat); The only meat you can eat is boiled chicken in small quantities. A small amount of flour products is allowed, for example, white bread, baked vegetables and vegetable broths. It is imperative to salt food to retain fluid in the body.

Medicines for diarrhea with a strong smelly odor

To reduce intoxication of the body, activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel are used. These are drugs from the group of sorbents that should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Drinking plenty of fluids will help replenish fluids. If your baby develops diarrhea, try to give him water every hour. It is necessary that the patient replenish the loss of minerals from the body with solutions such as Regidron or Trisol. At the moment, there are synthetic antidiarrheal drugs, for example, Loperamide, which effectively eliminates the manifestation of the disorder.

Stool smells like rotten fish

If your waste smells like rotten fish and you have loose stools, you are talking about infection with parasites – worms. Rotten eggs (or the smell of hydrogen sulfide) - this indicates active fermentation in the intestines.

A rotten smell coming from feces is a reason to consult a doctor if the symptom persists for several days and is also accompanied by other signs of abnormalities. Sometimes the feces take on the smell of rotten fish. This indicates a helminthic infestation and is also an indication to see a doctor.

What to do if foul gas forms

When gas with an odor appears, you need to immediately reconsider your diet. Diet is always the basis for the treatment of flatulence and any gastrointestinal diseases. A properly designed menu helps improve digestion and reduce the release of smelly gases. It is also a good idea to seek advice from a gastroenterologist. If frequent gases with an unpleasant odor appear, an examination is prescribed. Can be assigned:

  • colonoscopy;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum;
  • general blood, urine and stool tests;
  • coprogram;
  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy.

If the examination reveals pathologies, then treatment will initially be aimed at eliminating the disease. In other cases, it is enough to simply reconsider your diet.

Drug therapy

In some cases, when there is strong gas production with an unpleasant odor, drug therapy is necessary. It includes carminatives, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Agents that restore microflora are also prescribed. If following a diet does not help, medications that reduce flatulence are indicated:

Types of medicationsTitlesAction
Antispasmodics"Spazmol", "No-Shpa"Eliminate pain, discomfort, relieve spasms.
Defoamers"Infacol", "Espumizan", "Bobotik", "Sab Simplex"They provoke the rupture of bubbles and the release of gases.
Probiotics"Enterol", "Acipol", "Linex", "Bifikol".Restores the intestinal microflora, filling it with beneficial microorganisms.
Sorbents“Enterosgel”, “Smecta”, “Polyphepan”, activated carbon.Absorb toxins and harmful substances and remove them naturally.

Some medications (more often used for children) are available in the form of suspensions or absorbable tablets. For example, "Motilium", "Motilak".

Traditional methods of therapy

Drug therapy is not always used. Sometimes folk remedies are enough to eliminate the strong smell of gas from the intestines. There are many recipes from medicinal plants and herbs. The most effective infusion is made from dill seeds. Take 2 tsp of them. They are filled with 400 ml of boiling water. The product should be infused for half an hour, and then it should be drunk before each meal, 100 ml.

Baby's stool smells like rotten eggs

Diarrhea in a child that smells like rotten eggs is a symptom that should never be ignored. Diarrhea with odor always indicates the development of diseases in the child’s body, which can be very dangerous and require mandatory treatment.

Most often, gases with the smell of rotten eggs are formed when digestion processes in the gastrointestinal tract slow down. As a result, food stagnates and begins to ferment. Subsequently, hydrogen sulfide, a gaseous substance, is released in large quantities. This is the source of such belching. This phenomenon is possible in both adults and children. Slow digestion and bloating are common during pregnancy due to the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the internal organs.

In addition to the fact that the disease that causes diarrhea can significantly harm the baby’s health, frequent discharge of liquid feces leads to dehydration, which is also a very dangerous condition. Belching air with a rotten egg smell can also occur after eating certain foods. Protein foods, fast food, fatty and canned foods, melons and carbonated drinks cause such bloating in many people.

Diarrhea in a child that smells like rotten eggs is a symptom that should never be ignored.


Enterovirus is the general name for a group of pathologies caused by exposure to the Coxsackie virus, echo and polyviruses. The incubation period of enterovirus infection is 7-10 days, after which the child suddenly develops symptoms of the disease, which include: alternating febrile and subfebrile temperature; decreased or lack of appetite; lethargy and apathy; enlargement of the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes.

If a sign of an enterovirus infection appears, it is necessary to begin urgent treatment, since the condition is often complicated by inflammation in the heart, brain and spinal cord. Treatment of the disease includes taking antipyretic medications, probiotics, as well as bed rest, eating and drinking.


Acute intestinal infection caused by the influence of agents of the Salmonella genus on the body. A child can become infected with salmonellosis through untreated water and thermally untreated food: dairy products, chicken eggs, fish and meat. The disease in younger patients develops rapidly and acutely.

Putrid dyspepsia

A condition characterized by impaired digestion of proteins and their decomposition in the large intestine. Putrefactive dyspepsia is a consequence of fast eating, in which the child does not chew food well. Pathology also develops as a result of: abundant protein nutrition; decreased secretion functions of the pancreas and stomach; intestinal hypersecretion. Children with putrefactive dyspepsia complain of bloating, belching and diarrhea that smell like rotten eggs and rot, signs of intoxication.

Rotavirus infection

The most common cause of diarrhea in children. The main routes of infection with rotavirus are fecal-oral (through contaminated food, raw water) and airborne droplets. Rotavirus in children is acute and is accompanied by fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, which often has the smell of rotten eggs. The disease is also characterized by sore throat, weakness, and lethargy. Treatment of the disease is complex and includes taking antipyretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as agents that normalize intestinal microflora.


An infectious disease that affects the digestive tract, especially the large intestine. The disease is caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella, which, when destroyed, release toxic substances that poison the child’s body. Dysentery develops quickly and at the initial stage is characterized by signs of general intoxication. Damage to the gastrointestinal tract is manifested by dull pain in the abdomen, which subsequently “spreads” throughout the entire abdominal area and becomes sharp, cramping. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen, most often in the lower right corner, and intensifies before defecation.

Drug treatment

Therapy for children

If a child has diarrhea, it is necessary to use complex treatment, this will quickly and effectively eliminate the problem and symptoms of indigestion.

Initially, agents are prescribed to reduce intoxication, such as Enterosgel or Smecta; the most accessible drug is activated carbon. To restore fluid balance in case of diarrhea in an infant, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

Diarrhea washes out a huge amount of minerals from the body of a one-year-old baby or older child; drugs such as Trisol or Regidron are taken to replenish them.

For the most effective treatment of a condition in which stool smells like rotten eggs, it is recommended to limit food intake and adhere to a diet. For children and infants, exclude new complementary foods and foods in the diet, replace water with chamomile decoction.

To cope with diarrhea, you can find many modern remedies in the pharmacy; some of the most popular antidiarrheal drugs are Nifuroxazine, Loperamide, if the child is under 2 years old, then a suspension is used.

When colic and gas occur, use the drug Espumisan; Papaverine or No-Shpa will help relieve pain.

If, after diagnostic measures, an infection is detected in the tests, more complex complex treatment is prescribed. This type of therapy is best done in a hospital setting, and medications should be used under medical supervision to prevent side effects.

Treatment for adults

Therapy for adults is similar to treatment for small patients. The main thing is to identify the cause of diarrhea with the smell of a rotten egg, and based on this, the correct drug treatment is selected.

First aid will be sorbents (Enterosgel, Smecta), antidiarrheal antimicrobial drugs (Levomycetin, Stopdiar, Fthalazol). It is important to take a break of at least two hours between these drugs.

It is recommended to maintain a drinking regime and a gentle diet.

Traditional medicine

To eliminate diarrhea that smells as if it might be rotten, you can use the following effective alternative medicine recipes:

  1. A starchy drink will help normalize stool. For this, 1 tsp. dissolve starch in warm boiled water (250 ml). Take 100 ml drink three times a day.
  2. Rice water will help quickly eliminate diarrhea. Boil rice in water in a ratio of 1:7, drain the water and take 1 tbsp. l. every hour; for infants it is recommended to drink 3-4 drops of rice water every hour. The product has excellent enveloping properties, relieves painful symptoms, and normalizes stool.
  3. Mix fresh blueberries and bird cherry berries in a ratio of 4:6, add boiled water (500 ml), cook for no more than half an hour, use 1 tbsp of decoction. l. 4 times a day.

Rotten stool smell when to see a doctor

A rotten smell coming from feces is a reason to consult a doctor if the symptom persists for several days and is also accompanied by other signs of abnormalities.

Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of a stench from feces with the parallel appearance of blood and mucus in them, as this may indicate the development of a malignant tumor. The smell of rotten eggs (or the smell of hydrogen sulfide) indicates active fermentation in the intestines;



Stool smell



Preventive actions

To prevent the development of pathology, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • wash your hands well after walking and visiting the toilet;
  • give your child only fresh food;
  • monitor the cleanliness of vegetables and fruits;
  • subject meat products, fish and eggs to high-quality heat treatment;
  • play sports and walk outdoors more often.

Diarrhea with a rotten odor indicates the appearance of serious abnormalities. For children, this condition poses a serious danger. To cope with the disorder, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis and follow all medical recommendations.

Symptoms and signs of diarrhea, diarrhea

The diagnosis of diarrhea implies the presence of a frequent urge to defecate, accompanied by the release of liquid feces of various shades with a pungent, chemical or putrefactive odor. Diarrhea is often accompanied by cramps and pain in the intestinal area, increased body temperature, vomiting, and flatulence.

The impending “catastrophe” can be judged by the following signs:

1 bloating;

2 rumbling, gurgling, gurgling sounds accompanying the digestion process;

3 heaviness in the stomach;

4 nagging pain in the intestinal area;

5 increased gas formation;

6 weakness, lethargy, drowsiness;

As a rule, diarrhea begins within an hour from the moment these symptoms appear. The frequency of the urge to defecate can reach fifteen times a day. Naturally, in such a situation, there can be no talk of any work activity or social activity: until the victim’s condition stabilizes, he is forbidden to leave the confines of his home in order to avoid deterioration of his health.

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