How to defeat gastritis using ASD-2 fraction?

Description of the drug

ASD-2 for gastritis
ASD 2 is the abbreviated name for Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant. The number 2 indicates the second fraction (fraction 3 also has a therapeutic effect). From the moment of its creation to the present day, the drug cannot officially be used to treat people. It was created for use in veterinary medicine, but its pharmacological effectiveness in humans has not been observed.

ASD 2 is obtained by extracting flesh and bone from cows (cattle). The resulting extract consists of 3 fractions, which are subjected to special technological processing.

The second faction is most widespread due to the action:

  • accelerates the healing of damaged tissue
  • increases the body's natural resistance (adaptogenic effect),
  • stimulates digestion and intracellular enzymes,
  • harmful effects on pathogens,
  • improves cellular metabolism (tissue trophism),
  • participation in the process of protein synthesis,
  • affects phosphorylation (energy metabolism) in cells,
  • accumulates in the body.

The disadvantage was that Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant had an unpleasant smell of rotten flesh.

Attention! The drug is used only in diluted form, as it has a strong alkaline environment. In its pure form, it causes burns to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

ASD-2 for gastritis

ASD is diluted with water or water-containing liquids before use. The water needs to be boiled and cooled. Since ASD has an unpleasant, pungent odor, children and a large number of patients cannot receive it. Therefore, it is recommended to use grape juice instead of water.

When using the compressed instrument, parchment paper should be applied to gauze to prevent evaporation of the drug. Then a thick layer of cotton wool is applied, and the compress is fixed with a bandage. Using simple ointment bandages can lead to overheating of the skin and an increase in temperature. When treating skin diseases, avoid contact with the irritant. You should also not moisturize your skin with water.

When using ASD-2, the product is diluted with half a glass of boiled cold water. The drug is taken twice a day, morning and evening half an hour before meals. The use of the drug requires the consumption of large amounts of protein foods. When taking and two to three times after taking the drug. The use of the drug, alcoholic beverages and smoking are extremely contraindicated; if the procedure worsens, the use of the drug should be temporarily discontinued until the pain is relieved, after which the use will be resumed.

The tools are easy to count drops, 4.1 cm3 ASD. it is diluted with half a glass of water, this is thirty-five drops, which are more convenient to use with a syringe.

When a patient has gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, take twenty drops of ASD-2, which are diluted in half a glass of water twice a day, thirty to forty minutes before meals

Administration should be followed by a daily break after six days. After a month's course, you should take a decadent break, and after three months #8212, a fifteen-day rest.

The first course of treatment is six months, although you can finish the treatment and complete your recovery. But after a six-month course, you can continue treatment; it is determined by the characteristics and severity of the disease, for example, cancer is treated for about a year and a half. The drug is taken from the bottle without opening the bottle itself, dripping through an elastic band with a syringe, as well as from the syringe and the needle is removed. The needle should not be left in the bottle.

A universal program for the use of ASD-2 has been developed, suitable for all diseases.

When a patient has gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, take twenty drops of ASD-2, which are diluted with half a glass of water twice a day, thirty to forty minutes before meals. To organize three-day breaks between them, five days are required. The course lasts until complete recovery. Ten-day courses with two-day breaks are allowed.

Ulcer is believed to be a very effective black sediment of ASD-2, which is taken orally for five days.

For colitis, take a spoonful of ASD-2 thirty to forty minutes before meals with a three-day break, although you can take ten to twenty drops for ten years with a three-month break.

Summary table of methods and regimens

Summary data in the form of table ASD-2 for internal use.

DiseaseNumber of drops per dose1Course (days)Break (days)
gastritis, ulcer, digestive disorders22053
tuberculosis of any form45 drops in the first week and 20 drops for 2-3 months.53-4
heart disease, liver disease, nervous system disorders51053
bronchial asthma20-40 on an empty stomach, 1 time per daystandard
gynecological inflammation35-150 depending on the degree of neglect53
eye diseases3-553
ear diseases20-120standard
sexually transmitted infections625-40standard
runny nose71standard
hyperthyroidism (goiter)20-4033
urinary incontinence5 drops923
neuroses5% alcohol solution10standard
diseases of the liver and bile ducts3% alcohol solution (one tablespoon on an empty stomach)standard
radiculitisDissolve 2 teaspoons in 100 ml waterstandard
skin diseasesstandard amount 1 to 5 times dailystandard
obesitystandard quantitystandard11
psoriasisstandard amount (add 1 drop every day)standard

1One dose – in the morning or evening, i.e. 2 doses are prescribed every day, unless otherwise indicated.

2The best remedy for stomach or duodenal ulcers is a black sediment of ASD, which usually forms at the bottom of the bottle after a long stay in the bottle. It should be taken in small quantities for 5 days in a row. Even this period is enough to significantly improve your well-being.

3Take once a day, dissolve in half a glass of chilled boiled water.

4If the patient is diagnosed with a disseminated fibro-cavernous form of tuberculosis, the course of treatment changes. It is necessary to take in the morning (before meals) a tablespoon of softened butter (without salt) and a tablespoon of any kind of honey, then wash it down with half a glass of milk, in which the specified number of drops of ASD-2 should be dissolved.

5 Over the next weeks, the number of drops increases - 15 drops during the second week, 20 during the third and 25 during the fourth.

6A course of rapid treatment is described, which is carried out immediately after sexual intercourse (if an infection is suspected). The medicine should be taken 3 times a day.

7Instructions for using ASD-2 for a runny nose look different. One drop of the product is dissolved in a tablespoon of water, after which the solution is injected into the nostril using a syringe. In ordinary cases, only 1-2 days are enough; in advanced situations and complications, recovery occurs within a week.

8 To treat sinusitis, 1 drop is dissolved in 1.5-2 tablespoons of water and also injected into the nostril using a syringe. In this case, the course of therapy lasts several weeks in a row.

9The specified amount is diluted in 150 ml of water (2/3 cup). To treat children from water incontinence, add 8-10 drops of the product to half a glass of water, the course also lasts for 5 days with breaks of 3 days. Typically therapy continues for 1 month.

10 Neuroses are treated by using medicine both internally and externally. An alcohol solution can be prepared based on medical alcohol or vodka (assume that the alcohol in it is diluted 2 times). You need to take 5-10 drops and dilute with vodka to the full volume (1 teaspoon) and take orally - once in the morning and once in the evening. Also, at night, small cotton balls are inserted into each nostril, each of which is moistened with a solution (1 drop).

11Obesity is treated according to the following course:

  1. The first 5 days - 40 drops.
  2. The second 5 days are a pause.
  3. After this, 4 days, 30 drops each.
  4. Pause 4 days.
  5. After this, 5 days, 20 drops each.
  6. Pause 3 days.

The drug is also used for preventive purposes on the eve of exacerbation of colds. To do this, 1 ml of solution (40 drops) is mixed with 100 ml of water and taken according to the usual regimen twice a day for a month (or until final recovery in the case of ARVI).

Is the drug ASD-2 a panacea for all diseases: a review of the drug from our reader

Of course not! The fact that some people attribute this drug to cure some diseases is illiterate or considered just a mistake because there are also spontaneous diseases and there is a possibility that other people take conventional medicines along with miracle drugs, but the recovery is attributed to the latter. This drug does not cure but causes serious illnesses, including cancer.

Several years ago I read a similar article - which fraction of ASD 2 is a panacea for all diseases, that is, it helps with some diseases - it promotes recovery, but in fact this is not the case, only in the case of self-hypnosis. Yes, official medicine will never admit this, because ASD 2 is a drug used for animal health that has a very unpleasant smell that not everyone can tolerate. But in folk medicine - this drug is dripped with milk - for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for colitis, stomach ulcers, and gastritis.

I don’t know anything about the rumors, but despite the hard work of ASD and chemistry, I personally know people who have died from cancer. I also know those who use ASD and are in treatment, and those who are now in stable remission. But again, I think that the right is not ASD, but the correct treatment and a positive reaction of the body.

Some folk remedies may be incompatible with treatment, even if you want to believe in this miracle, since no folk remedies will really create a miracle in case of a serious illness.

With any serious illness, time is the enemy. And you can't waste all the traditional medicine and praise people, so praise that the remedy doesn't work, because the effect is still not applicable to practice, and there will be no time for medical intervention. And ASD is not a panacea.

In principle, there is no panacea for every disease, and the drug ASD-2 is positioned as a broad-spectrum antibiotic, but in fact it is an immunomodulator involved in the metabolic processes of the body. About diseases that can be used in humans - here. Regarding cancer, as mentioned later, this drug may be effective in treating certain types of cancer (hormone-dependent tumors). The side effects of taking the drug are very minor - nausea and vomiting. True, it is worth paying attention to this point: no side effects, high efficiency, the specific smell really works

Effective treatment of atrophic gastritis using ASD 2

During gastritis, the patient experiences an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, which is a response to irritation.

How can ASD 2 be used in the treatment of atrophic gastritis?

Causes of the disease

The main causes of the disease are:

  • stressful situations;
  • Helicobacter pylori;
  • eating junk food;
  • bad habits;
  • some medications;
  • improper functioning of the immune system.

The acute form of the disease develops rapidly, and if timely measures are not taken to stop the further development of the disease, it can develop into chronic gastritis.

With a long-term course of the chronic form of the disease, the cells responsible for the production of gastric juice are replaced by connective tissue.

Doctors note that atrophic gastritis is a precancerous condition, which over time provokes stomach cancer.

The following symptoms of the disease are distinguished:

  • sharp pain in the stomach;
  • nausea and heartburn that occurs after eating;
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach;
  • weakness, sweating and dizziness.

Features of ASD 2

ASD 2 was created 70 years ago by researcher Alexey Dorogov. The product is a preparation of dry distillation of raw materials of animal origin. The drug has a simple processing, but a complex composition: it includes carboxylic acids, derivatives of amides and aliphatic amines, cyclic and aliphatic carbohydrates, compounds with an active sulfhydryl group, and water.

The product has a positive effect on the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system, stimulates the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, increases enzyme activity and the body’s natural resistance.

It actively participates in all metabolic processes of the body and is considered an immunomodulator. Thanks to the medicine, the natural ratio of cells is restored, ensuring proper functioning of the organs.

External use accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, and is used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Dorogov himself always emphasized that his discovery does not simply destroy the microbe, but influences the body so that it independently carries out this process, giving it the necessary strength and material.

ASD is used for gastritis, namely the second fraction. A total of three factions have been discovered, but only two are of particular value. Today, ASD 2 is considered an effective way to get rid of the disease.

Officially, this drug can be used in veterinary medicine.

It is also used for colitis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Important! The fraction cannot be consumed in its pure form; it must be diluted, as it is too alkaline. Ignoring this important rule can lead to serious damage to the mucous membrane.

Before treating a disease with this medicine, you should visit a doctor and listen carefully to his recommendations.

Rules for using the medicine

At the beginning of use, the stimulant can provoke attacks of nausea, weakness and dizziness. If such manifestations occur, you must immediately stop taking the drug. As for the effect of ASD, the patient will not notice it immediately, since the effect of the drug appears after a short period of time. But this feature is individual.

Before taking, an individual dose is calculated. To do this, take the formula: 0.1 ml of stimulant per two kg of the patient’s weight. For example, a patient weighs 80 kg, he needs to consume 4 mg (120 drops) of ASD, diluted with clean water - 30 drops per 100 ml of water. The medicine must be taken 4 times a day for 14 days.

Treatment of atrophic gastritis ASD 2, reviews of which are mostly positive, promotes recovery. But some patients note that their condition worsened and other diseases developed. Therefore, this course must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Patients using the stimulant experience increased performance and normalization of blood pressure. The product is not addictive. Patients note a strong odor from the stimulant. An important point is the mandatory intake of fluid in the amount of 2-3 liters daily. This is necessary to remove waste and toxins from the body.

General provisions when using ASD

There are important features of using ASD:

  1. Water for diluting the drug should be boiled and cooled.
  2. Because of the strong smell, children do not want to take the medicine, so replace the water with grape juice.
  3. The use of mineral and carbonated water is prohibited.
  4. After taking the stimulant, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages and smoking is not allowed.
  5. After taking it, you need to eat a lot of protein foods.

The course of treatment with this stimulant can last for months, but it is worth remembering that you need to take breaks and completely abandon the drug for a while. So, with a six-day use, you need to take a break for one day, after using the product for a month - for a week, after using the drug for three months - for two weeks.

A syringe is used to draw the medicine from the bottle; this is done with a needle through an elastic band. The bottle itself should not be opened.

Combining the drug with other medications

If, in addition to ASD, the patient must take other medications, the stimulant should be taken a couple of hours after taking the medication. The reason for this is that ASD neutralizes the objectives of all medications.

Intensive method of treating gastritis with a stimulant

The product, which has an antiseptic effect, quickly stops the development of gastritis and relieves pain.

An intensive method of treating the disease means a progressive scheme, including taking a stimulant four times a day. Its dosage is gradually increased every five days.

In the first stage, 5 drops are used, in the second - 10 drops, etc. It is necessary to increase to the norm of 50 drops, using this dosage until recovery.

Diet for illness

The use of ASD 2 can be wasted if you do not adhere to the correct fractional nutrition.

Patients with gastritis are advised to eat food up to six times a day, in small portions, to avoid an overfilled stomach.

When compiling a daily diet, you need to understand that it should not contain food that provokes chemical, mechanical, or thermal injury to the mucous membrane. The patient must comply with the limit - at least 2500 kcal per day.

The diet of a person suffering from the disease should include:

  • puree soups cooked in meat and vegetable broth;
  • lean meat and fish, which are consumed boiled, steamed, or baked;
  • milk porridge;
  • vegetables and fruits in small quantities;
  • only iodized or sea salt;
  • white bread;
  • dairy products;
  • rose hip;
  • vegetable and butter.

Eating when sick means avoiding spicy, cold, hot, fried foods, alcoholic beverages, coffee, chocolate, baked goods, legumes, canned food, and mushrooms. Gastritis with high acidity allows you to include cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, and non-acidic tomatoes in your diet.

Before you begin to be treated for an illness with the help of ASD, you must first undergo a full examination and consultation with a specialist, since each body reacts differently to this remedy.

Atrophic gastritis can be cured completely when only minimal focal changes are observed in the stomach, and the ASD 2 stimulator can be a good helper in this. As popular wisdom says, health is the greatest value, take care of it!


Treatment with ASD-2 fraction for gastritis

The treatment method with the ASD-2 fraction was developed by medical professionals. This course will help not only in the fight against gastritis, but also with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as colitis, stomach ulcers and others.+

Before you start taking the medicine, you need to calculate the individual dose of the drug. Calculate the need for the Formula: 0.1 ml of Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant per two kg of the patient’s weight.

For example, if the patient weighs 80 kg, four mg of the drug or 120 drops will be required. The estimated amount of Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant must be diluted with clean water (thirty drops per 100 ml of liquid). Take four times daily for two weeks. Of course, this is considered the best remedy.

Before using the drug, you must undergo examination and consult with your doctor. Each body reacts to a substance differently. For some, the drug will have a positive effect and promote recovery. But for others, it only aggravates the condition and becomes the causative agent of other diseases. It should be remembered that gastritis is a very serious disease. Its treatment should be treated with full responsibility and seriousness.

The best diet for Helicobacter pylori

Avoid foods that cause high acidity, such as: fatty meats, sausages, fermented cheese, yogurt, kefir, smoked, fried or canned foods, animal fat, sweets, baked goods, raw vegetables (onions, garlic, hot peppers, bell peppers, horseradish , mustard), raw fruits, vegetables and legumes with a high fiber content (cucumbers, radishes, beans, beets, peas, eggplants, tomatoes), vinegar, pickles, drinks that are too cold, alcohol, black tea, green tea, coffee. Instead, there are many alkaline foods that help neutralize excess stomach acid: milk, cooked vegetables and legumes, butter, cold-pressed oils, cooked meats, soft-boiled eggs, oats, pasta, toast, bananas, avocados, carrots, potatoes, cabbage. Also drink plenty of medicinal herbal teas.

Enjoy your meal in a relaxed state and chew your food well. When it comes to taking supplements, there are several vitamins that will help. We're talking about vitamins A and E, which are great at fighting H. pylori infections. Taking it once a day will increase the effectiveness of any herbal remedy. Vitamin B 12 is also an excellent healing agent.

As with any disease, the best approach to treating H. pylori infection is a holistic approach. Maximize the effect of any of the home remedies for the above Helicobacter pylori infection with the right diet and take necessary steps to strengthen your immune system.

The only physical reason we get sick is because our immune system is weak, leading to bacterial infection. And the immune system weakens most often due to prolonged stress, which means an imbalance in the emotional state. Pay close attention to your needs and see what is bothering you and you will find relief, thereby giving your body the opportunity to heal. Take care of yourself! published

During gastritis, the patient experiences an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, which is a response to irritation.

How can ASD 2 be used in the treatment of atrophic gastritis?

Prevention of gastritis

Neither the elderly nor the young are immune from the development of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. However, preventing the onset of the disease is easier than spending money on treatment and enduring painful symptoms. To prevent the development of gastritis, it is recommended:

  • eat right
  • prevent stress
  • minimize the consumption of fat, smoked meat, prepared foods and other unhealthy foods,
  • to refuse from bad habits
  • do not take medications unless prescribed by a specialist.
  • strengthen the immune system.

However, if the disease has developed, do not panic. Inflammation of the mucous membrane can be treated with ASD-2f. The main thing is to take the drug correctly - in the recommended dosage and on an ongoing basis. Controlling your diet and giving up bad habits is also equally important.

Many people have not heard about the existence of a unique remedy that helps in the treatment of various pathological conditions and diseases, especially gastritis - ASD. This is not surprising, since information about the properties of the drug has long been classified.

How to defeat gastritis using ASD-2 fraction?

ASD-2 fractions are an effective remedy that can cure gastritis and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). It has no side effects or contraindications, therefore it is considered absolutely safe. Let's look at ways to take ASD-2F for such a common pathology as gastritis.

Treatment regimens for gastritis

The medicine has long established itself as an excellent assistant in the treatment of ailments of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. It is especially effective in combating the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa. How to distinguish a genuine drug from a fake, read here.

The use of the product will help both in stimulating the activity of the stomach and intestines, and in increasing the activity of food receptors. If you start treatment for the disease in a timely manner, when the first symptoms appear (in acute form), you can completely get rid of it, and also prevent the transition to a chronic form.

There are several treatment regimens for gastritis. They can be used for any form of gastritis: acute, chronic. ASD-2F is also recommended for the treatment of atrophic gastritis. This form is characterized by the replacement of cells responsible for the production of gastric juice with connective tissue. Refusal of treatment or ignoring the manifestations of the disease is fraught with the development of cancer.

A drugMode of applicationTreatment regimenDosageCourse duration
ASD-2FInsideStandard regimen: 1 time per day, half an hour before meals.20 drops per half glass of water.After a 5-day intake, you should take a 3-day break. After 4 such cycles, take a break for one and a half weeks. If necessary, repeat the course. Four five-day cycles
Intensive regimen: 5 days, 5 drops of the composition once a day. 5 days, 10 drops. Go up to 50 drops. This dose is fixed. It is used until complete recovery. From 5 to 50 drops in increasing order.Until complete recovery

How does ASD affect the gastrointestinal tract?

The inventor always pointed out the fact that the medicine itself does not fight pathogenic microflora. Penetrating into the body, it helps it fight pathogens. ASDs are classified as powerful adaptogens. The drug easily overcomes tissue and placental barriers and is not rejected by the body, as it corresponds to the structure of the cells.

The composition has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunostimulating, anticancer, restorative, tonic, analgesic effect. The appropriate use of the product contributes to:

  • minimizing pain;
  • stimulating the secretory functions of the glands;
  • enhancing the activity of digestive biocatalysts;
  • stabilization of the digestive system;
  • eliminating the inflammatory process;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of general condition and well-being;
  • increasing enzyme activity and natural resistance of the body;
  • restoration of the natural ratio of cells;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • preventing the transition of acute to chronic form;
  • preventing the development of atrophic gastritis.

The medicine can quickly relieve the patient from painful symptoms: heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, sharp pain, stool disorders, malaise and increased sweating.

Features of using the drug internally

In order for taking the drug to bring exceptional benefits to the body and help in a speedy recovery, you must adhere to several recommendations.

  1. Only the second fraction can be taken orally. There is also a third, but it is toxic and intended exclusively for external use. Taking the composition internally is fraught with unpredictable consequences. Read the useful material “ASD 2 and ASD 3 - what is the difference between the drugs?”
  2. Do not use the drug in its pure form, do not dilute it with juices or sodas.
  3. During the treatment course, increase the amount of fluid consumed.
  4. If you are taking medications in addition to the antiseptic stimulant, take ASD no earlier than two hours after taking the medication.
  5. During treatment, you should not drink alcoholic beverages or medications containing ethanol.
  6. It is equally important when treating pathology with the help of Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant to adhere to a dietary diet. Food should be consumed in small portions, five to six times a day. Patients are advised to exclude from their diet the consumption of hot, spicy, fatty, fried, smoked, too cold and hot foods, sweets, legumes, canned food, coffee, and mushrooms.


Neither old nor young are immune from the development of inflammation in the gastric mucosa. But still, it is easier to prevent the onset of a disease than to later spend money on treatment and endure painful symptoms. To prevent the development of gastritis, it is recommended:

  • Healthy food;
  • avoid stress;
  • minimize the consumption of fatty foods, smoked meats, semi-finished products and other harmful products;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • do not take medications unless prescribed by a specialist;
  • strengthen the immune system.

But if the disease has developed, do not panic. It is possible to cure inflammation of the mucous membrane with ASD-2f. The main thing is to take the drug correctly - in recommended dosages and in a continuous course. It is equally important to follow a diet and give up bad habits.

Many people have not heard about the existence of a unique remedy that helps in the treatment of various pathological conditions and diseases, in particular gastritis - ASD. This is not surprising, since for a long time information regarding the properties of the drug was classified.


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