Submucosal formation of the antrum of the stomach
Leiomyoma of the stomach is a benign neoplasm. The disease occurs as a result of the proliferation of smooth muscles. This
aloe leaves
Recipe for honey and aloe for the stomach and pancreas
Medicinal properties of the plant and its composition Aloe is incredibly rich in valuable vitamins, nutritional and biological
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Computed tomography of the abdomen
What it is? Computed tomography with contrast has been actively used in domestic medicine for more than
5 dangerous complications of Meckel's diverticulum in children, their diagnosis and treatment
Meckel's diverticulum - what is it? Meckel's diverticulum is the result of incomplete fusion of the vitelline sac.
Mint-based decoctions are an effective remedy against high stomach acidity
How to treat gastritis against the background of increased acidity using traditional methods
Folk remedies for high stomach acidity - certain recommendations and recipes of traditional medicine that
Is it possible to eat persimmons for ulcers, gastritis, erosion of the stomach, duodenum, pancreatitis of the pancreas, colitis, cholecystitis, gout, liver disease, anemia, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, etc.
Can persimmons be eaten on an empty stomach? Can persimmons cause stomach pain? Persimmon
Functions, possible gallbladder diseases and their treatment
Gallbladder disease symptoms and treatment
09.25.201723.12.2020 Olga Migunova 4 comments The gallbladder is a hollow organ of the digestive system, the main
Belching rotten eggs and diarrhea
Stool smells like rotten eggs, baby has diarrhea and stomach pain
The hydrogen sulfide smell that comes out of the mouth during belching causes many problems. More often
Why does my intestines hurt during pregnancy?
Inflamed intestines during pregnancy: how to treat
There are probably no more amazing and vivid feelings in the world for a woman than those that
What to do if the pancreas does not work?
The first signs and symptoms of problems with the pancreas in adults and children: causes of diseases and features of their treatment
If the pancreas does not work, the process of digestion and metabolism in the body is completely disrupted.
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