Acid reflux treatment with folk remedies
Lifestyle changes In addition to following a diet and taking special supplements, the following will help prevent heartburn:
Causes and identification of diffusely heterogeneous changes in the structure of the pancreas
The echostructure of the pancreas is diffusely heterogeneous, what does this mean?
Diffusely heterogeneous changes in the structure of the pancreas are not a separate disease, but a reflection of pathology
Stomach pain after childbirth while breastfeeding
Causes If you have a stomach ache or discomfort in your abdomen after giving birth,
Stomach ache
Gastroparesis: symptoms and treatment for diabetes
Human health largely depends on the state of the digestive system. Proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract ensures
Causes and risk factors
NSAID gastropathy ICD code
Many people wonder, when they hear the diagnosis “gastropathy”, what it is, and quite often get confused
Pancreatic enzyme deficiency: symptoms and treatment. Just something complicated.
Enzymes or enzymes in case of enzyme deficiency If we look at the structure of enzymes, then this is in
man holding his head
What to do if you have a gastrointestinal disorder
Both vomiting and diarrhea are unpleasant symptoms that can accompany a wide range of diseases. They
Aloe for gastritis with high acidity
Herbal teas for stomach ulcers
Medicinal herbs for increased stomach acidity Medicinal plants are used during exacerbation of the disease and
Soda for gastritis: can you drink it to treat your stomach?
People began using soda or sodium bicarbonate back in Ancient Egypt. It is in those
Dried fruit compote: benefits or harms for pancreatitis
Benefits and harms in case of illness Dried fruits are a good replacement for fresh fruits, which are prohibited in many countries.
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