How to drink trichopolum for erosive gastritis
patients over 12 years old - initially 1 g once, then 250 mg
submucosal formation of the cardia of the stomach
Where is the subcardial section of the stomach located?
In the article we will look at where the cardiac part of the stomach is located. We will also find out which diseases in this
with lemon
Treatment of cancer with baking soda at all stages: recipe, reviews
Treatment of cancer with soda has many reviews and comments. Among them there are a large number of both
How much food is digested in the human stomach: table, what affects this
How long does it take for kefir to be digested in the human stomach? » Stomach diseases » Gastritis » Treatment » Diet Fermented milk products
Sitkovsky's symptom
Kocher-Volkovich symptoms in acute appendicitis and surgical removal of the appendix
Causes of appendicitis There are several causes of appendicitis: Blockage of the entrance to the vermiform end of the rectum -
How to quickly get rid of belching
Foam in the stomach causes and treatment
Causes: adults, pregnant women, children The appearance of belching is inevitably associated with eating food, especially in large quantities.
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High blood pressure nausea vomiting dizziness what to do
Provoking factors Factors that provoke nausea and weakness include any irritants that cause
girl has a stomach ache
Stomach prolapse symptoms and treatment at home
There are a number of unfavorable circumstances that contribute to the displacement of the natural position of the stomach. The human stomach is capable of completely or
How to correctly perform blind probing of the gallbladder at home
Many people suffer from gastrointestinal diseases - one type of pathology is cholestasis, that is,
Pancreatitis in children. Symptoms and treatment, causes, diet
Standards and course of treatment of pancreatitis in a hospital Treatment of pancreatitis in a hospital is indicated in those
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