1) healthy vaginal mucosa. 2) bacterial vaginosis.
Can there be a temperature due to intestinal dysbiosis and how to get rid of it
Causes There can be a large number of causes for the development of dysbiosis. Let's look at them. Taking antibiotics Cause of sudden
If pancreatic pain radiates to the scapula, what to do?
Diseases that cause discomfort in the pancreas Painful sensations in the pancreas can be caused by:
Esophageal spasm and how to relieve it, symptoms and treatment, medications
Saving yourself from esophageal spasm: symptoms, how to relieve it quickly and proper treatment
04/21/2019 Alena Masheva Health Transportation of food from the mouth to the stomach passes through the esophagus.
What is liver hepatomegaly and methods of its treatment
What is hepatomegaly Hepatomegaly is a secondary disease, which is accompanied by an enlargement of the liver lobes. Fine
Esophageal hernia. Treatment without surgery with folk remedies, diet
Hid deep. What is a sliding hiatal hernia?
A hiatal hernia occurs as a result of the displacement of a certain organ into the chest cavity through the opening of the diaphragm.
Watermelon rinds for colitis
The most effective rectal suppositories for colitis
Acute colitis The etiological factors of acute colitis most often are the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the body:
Surgical treatment of paraproctitis
Consultation with a proctologist – 1,750 rubles. What is paraproctitis (rectal fistula)? Symptoms of paraproctitis Types
diarrhea during pregnancy in the second trimester
Diarrhea during pregnancy: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Causes and symptoms of diarrhea during pregnancy Infectious. Intestinal dysfunction may be caused by:
Rumbling in the stomach
28 causes of rumbling in the stomach, the main methods of treatment and prevention of an unpleasant symptom
Loud rumbling in the stomach causes a person a lot of discomfort and trouble. The noisy digestive process gives
10 vegetables and fruits for good digestion
Eating a plum, pear or apple is like giving your home a spring cleaning.
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