What to do if you have diarrhea after antibiotics, how to prevent it
Reasons for the development of diarrhea after antibiotics And sometimes the reason is taking drugs related to
Appendicitis during pregnancy: symptoms, causes and treatment
Acute appendicitis is considered the most common surgical pathology during pregnancy, requiring surgical intervention.
My stomach is churning but there is no diarrhea, what could it be?
Why can my stomach twist without diarrhea? If your stomach hurts and diarrhea appears, then
stomach ache
MALT lymphoma: causes, treatment methods and prognosis
Lymphoma of the stomach has a slow course and symptoms similar to cancer of this organ, only with
Main signs of appendicitis in men
Signs of appendicitis in men, symptoms, description
Appendicitis is an inflammatory process in the vermiform appendix of the cecum (appendix). Late diagnosis and
What is pseudotumor pancreatitis and how to treat it
Pseudotumorous pancreatitis is a chronic type of pancreatitis that is characterized by enlargement of one part of the pancreas.
Green diarrhea
Causes of green diarrhea in adults and methods of treatment
Author of the article: Tironova Inna Igorevna Gastroenterologist, therapist Experience 15 years Professional skills: Colon hydrotherapy, treatment of diseases
Normal size of the pancreas according to ultrasound in an adult, pathology with deviations in indicators
Anatomy and pathology of the head of the pancreas
To accurately identify pathology, it is necessary to know the normal size of the pancreas in adults. Topographical
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Gastric gastroptosis: symptoms and treatment methods
General information Gastroptosis is a prolapse of the pyloric part of the stomach or its lesser curvature. Less common
What is fermentative dyspepsia: symptoms, treatment and dietary recommendations
Fermentative dyspepsia is a complex of symptoms associated with insufficient breakdown of carbohydrates in the small intestine.
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