What products to include in the menu for diseases of the liver and pancreas
Who is the diet for? A special diet is selected for treatment and prevention for patients who have
gastritis psychosomatics
Does psychosomatics affect the stomach? - psychological causes of gastritis
Gastritis is one of the most common diseases of the twentieth century. This can easily be explained by the fact that
Hyperplastic gastritis of the stomach: symptoms and treatment
September 26, 2018 Gastroenterology Smirnova Alexandra Currently, there is a strong upward trend
Gut bacteria regulate antitumor immunity in the liver
Adenocarcinoma of the rectum and colon: treatment, prognosis
Colon adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumor that develops from the glandular epithelium. In the structure of all
How to treat loose stools with mucus in an adult?
Diarrhea with yellow water. The act of defecation should occur every day, once or twice. Any deviations
If a 2 year old child has diarrhea without fever - reasons
How to stop diarrhea in a 2 year old child - drugs
Causes of diarrhea without fever So you need to understand the causes of diarrhea, best with
Left and right hemicolectomy: how is the operation performed?
Why exactly half of the intestine is removed? Why, even with a small-sized malignant tumor located
Packaging with the drug
How to take de Nol and omeprazole at the same time
Treatment of gastritis For gastritis and stomach ulcers, you can take complex treatment. Presence of such symptoms
it's like a stone in my stomach
Bezoars, or what can be found in our stomach
What is a bezoar? A bezoar, forming in the stomach, is a lump that subsequently interferes with
Sheep feces in humans: causes and danger of the symptom
Sheep feces - normal or pathological? To talk about the pathological state of feces in adults,
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