Biliary sludge in the gallbladder
Flakes in the gallbladder. Treatment, what is it like in a child, symptoms, causes
What is suspension in the gallbladder? In the modern world, one third of the population suffers from gallstone disease.
Potato juice
Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with folk remedies
Types of stomach diseases and their symptoms The gastrointestinal tract system consists of different organs involved
taking medications
Diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis (determining IgG4 concentration)
Autoimmune pancreatitis Autoimmune pancreatitis is a rare systemic disease of the pancreas and other organs,
Types of formulas for artificial feeding
Constipation in a baby with mixed feeding: what to do?
In what cases is it transferred to a mixed diet? Of course, for a baby, breastfeeding is always
Can stomach pain radiate to the right side?
Stomach hurts under the ribs on the right. Pain in the right side of the abdomen is a symptom with
Digestive system
Distention and heaviness in the stomach - causes and treatment
Irritable bowel syndrome This term includes a whole group of functional digestive disorders. At
How to take Creon for inflammation of the pancreas?
Use of Creon for pancreatitis: treatment regimen, instructions
Any pathology of the pancreas is accompanied by a greater or lesser degree of disturbance of external secretion. It may
stabbing pain in the stomach area
Why do stabbing pains occur in the abdomen?
The occurrence of stabbing pain is a sign of multifunctional or organic diseases of the stomach or diseases of nearby
Apples for gastritis: can you eat them, how to cook them
Choosing a variety Gastritis and apples, according to most nutritionists, are compatible concepts if
How to soften stool during constipation: 5 effective ways
When is it necessary to induce loose stools? The reasons that prompt a person to carry out manipulations to induce loose stools are:
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