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Treatment with antibiotics for gastric and duodenal ulcers
Treatment of peptic ulcer disease has become more effective thanks to the discovery of the Helicodacter bacterium at the end of the last century
How long does dysbacteriosis last after taking antibiotics?
Therapeutic therapy Special studies will help to recognize dysbiosis, which include: stool culture; breath test;
Deep and superficial palpation of the abdomen in children and adults
General examination At this stage, the doctor detects the following signs of gastrointestinal ailments: Weight loss. She
What diagnostic methods can you use to check your intestines besides colonoscopy?
Capsule endoscopy When using this technique, the study is carried out in a special capsule equipped with cameras and other
Enteritis in a child
Proper nutrition and diet for enteritis, prohibited and permitted foods
Enteritis is an inflammation of the small intestine, which is characterized by general symptoms and signs of damage
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Gastric juice: composition, enzymes, acidity » Stomach diseases » Structure » Physiology The digestive process is a rather complex mechanism,
parietal cells
The lining cells of the stomach produce the following substances:
The human stomach contains glands that digest food. These include parietal cells. At
Gastropathy: what is it, symptoms and treatment
Focal gastropathy of the antrum of the stomach
More about gastropathy Gastropathy of the stomach is a violation of the functionality of the digestive process, accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and
List of foods that cause constipation in adults
List of foods that cause constipation in adults and contribute to its occurrence
Snacks on the go, monotony of the diet, lack of fresh vegetables in the diet, low mobility - this
Diet for intestinal dysbiosis in adults. Nutritional treatment at home. Products
What diet should adults follow for intestinal dysbiosis, nutrition options for diarrhea and constipation
What is dysbacteriosis? Dysbacteriosis is an imbalance of microflora (change in the quantity or qualitative composition of beneficial
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