Esophagectomy – Removal of the esophagus – Resection of the esophagus
Indications for esophageal plastic surgery are prescribed in the following cases: Esophageal atresia –
What can you eat when vomiting, after vomiting, with abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea in a child or adult. First aid and diet
Is it possible to eat dried fruits after poisoning?
Vomiting and acute abdominal pain are symptoms indicating intoxication of the body, such as
The healing properties of olive oil in the treatment of gastritis
The healing properties of olive oil This type of product is called “liquid gold” because it exhibits a full spectrum
Drotaverine is prescribed for chronic pancreatitis and in case of exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the pancreas
Is it necessary to take an antispasmodic for inflammation of the pancreas?
What are antispasmodics Antispasmodics are medications with a special mechanism of action aimed at
What to do if you have lazy stomach syndrome and how to get it
Causes of a “lazy stomach” Functional dyspepsia syndrome is associated with several sources: Dietary disorders,
Endoscopic and laparoscopic diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases
All organs in the human body have a certain arrangement. The digestive system is no exception.
What to do if appendicitis bursts: what are the consequences?
What will happen: symptoms of a burst appendix, treatment, diagnosis and consequences of acute appendicitis
Symptoms of rupture The most typical and common characteristic of inflammation is severe abdominal pain. Through
Creon can be included in symptomatic therapy for bacterial damage to the small intestine
What is better for the pancreas, Creon or Mezim?
Indications for use Medications are used as replacement treatment for: cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis
How to drink plantain juice for atrophic gastritis
Among all diseases of the digestive system, gastritis ranks first in prevalence. The pathological condition is accompanied
How to relieve an attack of acute pancreatitis at home?
First aid for pancreatitis is provided at home while the ambulance team is on the way. Provide assistance
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