Is fermented baked milk allowed for gastritis, how to use the product correctly
Goat's milk Goat's milk is no less beneficial than cow's milk for patients with peptic ulcers.
Duodenal bulb ulcer, treatment, diet
How is scar deformation formed? During the healing process of an ulcer of the duodenal bulb, a scar is formed. Exactly
Where is the pancreas located in humans?
The head of the pancreas is located at the level
Functions of the pancreas In normal condition, the organ works for the benefit of the endocrine and exocrine systems
Typical inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia in men: causes, symptoms and treatment, prevention
Description Inguinal hernia (ICD-10 code - K40) - exit of the internal organs of the abdomen, covered
Dried prunes as a natural remedy for constipation for babies, plus 4 cooking options
Beneficial properties Regardless of the cause of the disease, prunes help regulate the functions of the digestive system in infants,
girl drinks water
Frequent small bowel movements in adults
What is the normal frequency of bowel movements? The frequency and consistency of bowel movements can be important indicators of a person's health.
Sauerkraut for pancreatitis
The value of sauerkraut and how to use it for pancreatitis
Properties of the product Sour cabbage is more useful than raw white cabbage. This is directly related to the process
Yellow diarrhea in a 2 year old child without fever
Many people know that the condition of the stool: color, consistency, smell - all these are important indicators of health.
What kind of cottage cheese can you eat for chronic pancreatitis?
Cottage cheese and pancreatitis of the pancreas Inflammation of the pancreas is a dangerous disease that poses a serious threat
Causes and methods of treating belching with acetone
The main causes of belching with acetone Belching with acetone is clearly not normal. It indicates a number of
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