Diagnosis of liver cirrhosis includes a comprehensive examination of liver function: general blood test, biochemical, immunological examination
Author Tavolzhanskaya Tatyana Vasilievna Leading doctor Family doctor Biochemical blood test is a method
A healthy gastrointestinal tract allows every person to fully enjoy life, since it is with food intake that many
Why is it necessary to cleanse the intestines? The length of the intestine can reach 8 meters. Its inner surface is lined
What causes bloating and gas? For frequent problems with the gastrointestinal tract or for
The modern rhythm of life does not always allow us to adhere to food culture. Snacks on the run, late
6891 In all cases of liver damage, there is a change in the color of the urine. Organ,
Symptoms Often this disease is encountered by people who already have one or another disease
How to rinse the stomach at home is an important topic, since the situation requires immediate action.