Enema with a syringe at home

For what?

An enema is a certain medical procedure in which liquid is injected into the rectum. The first point in deciding the question “how to give an enema at home” is purchasing the necessary equipment. You will need to purchase a rubber syringe or a special reservoir - an Esmarch mug. An enema is given when you need to cleanse the lower intestines and rectum, but pills and laxative decoctions do not work or there is no time to wait for the result. It is recommended to first consult with a specialist (proctologist).

Alternative methods of colon cleansing

For constipation, an enema is a last resort method of bowel movement. I recommend it when straining the muscles of the abdominal wall and perineum is contraindicated, you cannot strain so that the stitches do not come apart (after surgery on the abdominal organs) or a relapse occurs in a chronic anal fissure. If possible, they try to replace the cleansing enema with:

  1. Laxatives. Before conducting an instrumental examination of the colon, Fortrans is prescribed, an osmotic laxative. The urge to defecate occurs 1 hour after taking the drug. The medicine has contraindications. Before use, consult a doctor.
  2. Glycerin suppositories. They are most effective for atonic constipation, but are addictive.
  3. Therapeutic exercise. There are exercises that help restore normal intestinal motility.
  4. Massage. It is prescribed and carried out by a specialist.
  5. Nutrition correction. A common cause of stool retention is poor nutrition. In order for the intestines to function properly and cleanse themselves, increase the consumption of foods containing fiber.

If you have stool retention or diarrhea, you should not do a cleansing enema without permission. The cause of any digestive disorders is immediately determined. To do this, contact a gastroenterologist or proctologist.

The gastrointestinal tract does not always work correctly. The cause of failures can be nutrition problems, stress, and illness. But if there is a delay in emptying, it can also cause problems in the body and cause serious disruptions in its functioning. An enema for constipation at home is one of the surest and most reliable ways to quickly and effectively solve a piquant issue, and we will try to find out how to prepare a liquid for it, how to give an enema correctly and answers to other equally important questions.

Therapeutic enema

For therapeutic enema, medications or herbal decoctions are used. It is known that drugs are absorbed most quickly in the colon. This procedure helps to quickly remove inflammatory processes of various etiologies in the lower intestines. The most effective and at the same time gentle infusion is considered to be chamomile infusion. To prepare it, you need to pour two tablespoons of crushed dry raw materials into a glass of boiling water. After this, wait half an hour and strain the resulting infusion through cheesecloth. Then squeeze out the herbal residue and pour the resulting liquid into the prepared mug. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to give a cleansing enema.

Cleansing enema

In the process of life, waste accumulates in the human body, which in the form of so-called fecal stones is deposited on the intestinal walls. A cleansing enema is used to cleanse the body of these deposits and help remove gas buildup in the colon. Now we will tell you in detail how to give a cleansing enema. First you need to boil and cool the purified water to 35-38o. Then pour this liquid into Esmarch’s mug and, using a tap, release the air from the tube, turn off the flow. Apply a layer of Vaseline or other greasy product to the tip of the tube and generously lubricate the patient's anus. Secure a mug with warm liquid at a height of approximately 1 m from the couch. After this, insert the tip into the patient’s anus approximately 10 cm and open the tap. If the question of how to give an enema for constipation is being resolved, and the patient has water obstruction, it is necessary to insert the tip even deeper, and the mug with warm water should be raised as high as possible. This manipulation will create high pressure, at which water enters the colon with strong pressure. If this does not lead to the desired result, you should pull out the tip a little, leaving about 4 cm, and, lowering the mug lower, close and open the tap, while varying the pressure. The patient himself should take deep breaths and exhalations at this time. Once the patient has the urge to immediately defecate, the procedure can be stopped - water has penetrated into the colon.

Are you wondering how to give yourself an enema? In principle, everything here is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Prepare everything you need in advance, fasten the mug securely, check at what speed the water flows from it (this way you will know how long the procedure will last). Lie on your left side and, spreading your buttocks with one hand, insert the pre-lubricated tip into the anus. After this, open the tap. The entire procedure will last 15 minutes. Then close the tap and lie there for a while longer so that the injected liquid begins its “cleaning” process.

How to properly administer an enema bulb to children

The principle of an enema is to inject water or a medicinal solution into the rectum through the anus. The injected fluid is designed to be erupted rather than sucked in, so its temperature must be monitored. For children of different ages, the procedure algorithm is almost the same, but you need to know the preparation recipes and the norms for the volume of injected solution.

Giving a microenema to an infant

Ideally, a district nurse should administer an enema to a newborn baby. But the realities of life can be harsh, and a young mother often has to do this procedure on her own at home. Here is the algorithm that health workers themselves recommend to adhere to:

  1. Boil the water in advance and cool it to about 30° (it cannot be warmer, otherwise it will be absorbed along with dissolved feces through the intestinal walls into the body).
  2. Sterilize a 30 ml enema syringe with a soft tip (type A) (No. 1 according to the Russian system of standards) in a pan of boiling water.
  3. Cover the changing table or sofa with oilcloth and a soft diaper, place a baby blanket next to it to cover the baby after the enema is administered.
  4. Prepare the solution. Make sure the bulb is cool, squeeze it with your palm, and dip the tip into the liquid to fill it.
  5. Remove the baby's diaper. Talking gently and soothingly, lay him on his back.
  6. Lubricate the tip with Vaseline or boiled vegetable oil first, and then the anus.
  7. Lift your baby's legs up and press them lightly against the tummy. Carefully, without the slightest effort, insert the enema into the rectum to a maximum of 3–4 cm.
  8. Gently squeeze the bulb, squeeze its contents inward and, without unclenching the tool, remove it.
  9. Keep the baby in the same position for another 10 minutes so that the water does not spill out. Then put on a diaper, dress or cover the baby, and after 15–20 minutes, check the effectiveness of your procedure.

Once the goal is achieved, wash the baby and lubricate his bottom with diaper rash prevention products.

Ambulance at home for children over one year old

To give an enema to an older child, you must first determine the exact dose of fluid administered. The recommended amount cannot be changed: too small a volume will not help soften hardened feces, and a large volume will cause pain.

The procedure for carrying out the procedure using a pear-shaped enema does not differ from the previous one, except that the child needs to be placed on his left side. It is recommended that he remain in a horizontal position for about half an hour, so turn on cartoons in advance or read a book during this time.

Starting from the age of 3, when the amount of liquid reaches 300 ml, it is better to use an Esmarch mug instead of a syringe bulb. It is a rubber or silicone bag (previously a metal mug was used instead, hence the name of the device), connected to a one and a half meter tube.

Despite the fact that the container has a volume of 1–2 liters, thanks to the applied graduation it will not be difficult for you to accurately measure the required value. The convenience of using an enema mug lies in the possibility of smooth introduction of the solution and eliminating the risk of spilling. You need to install the device like this:

  1. The child lies on his left side and draws his legs towards him.
  2. Pour room (20–22°) boiled water into Esmarch’s mug and hang it at a height of 50–70 cm from the level of the child’s head.
  3. Open the water flow control valve and make sure that the tube is filled with liquid, and then turn it off.
  4. Lubricate the pre-disinfected rubber tip with Vaseline and carefully insert it into the anus - first forward to the navel, and then back to the tailbone, to a depth of 5-7 cm.
  5. Open the tap again and allow the contents of the container to flow into the intestines.

After completing the administration of the medicinal composition, carefully pull out the tip. Let the child lie down until the urge to defecate appears.

Hypertensive enema

A hypertensive enema is given if the patient suffers from prolonged and painful constipation, accompanied by swelling. How to give an enema at home to enhance peristalsis? To do this, you can use a solution of potassium chloride (100 ml) or magnesia (50 ml). First, you should dilute one of these components in 100 ml of water and heat the resulting composition to 35-38 oC. After this, use a rubber balloon with a capacity of approximately 300 ml.

How to give an enema with a syringe? You need to draw the prepared solution into a balloon, then lubricate the tip with oil, as well as the patient’s anus. If the question is “how to give yourself an enema,” then after lubrication you should spread the buttocks with one hand, and at the same time insert the syringe with the other. After introducing the liquid into the colon for half an hour, the patient begins to experience severe diarrhea caused by the components of the solution.

How to do it right

Those who have at least once been affected by the problem of bowel movements, as well as those whose loved ones regularly face it, need to know not only what enema to do to alleviate the condition, but also how to do the enema correctly.

The procedure, in principle, is not at all complicated and even an inexperienced person can do it the first time. You just need to remember the following recommendations:

  1. Before doing an enema at home, prepare the area for the procedure. If you plan to carry it out using a fast-acting composition, you can do it in the bathroom. It won’t hurt to lay down an oilcloth just in case, because it is unknown how the body will react to the procedure for constipation. If you do it at night, then the bed also needs to be secured, so it will be more comfortable to sleep.
  2. You also need to prepare the solution in advance. It doesn't hurt to have a container of hot water nearby. The mixture may need to be warmed before use.
  3. If you are doing an oil enema, you will need to choose a bulb that is suitable in volume. More than 100 ml is not administered at a time, and sometimes 50 ml is enough. You need to use a pear of the same volume. If excess air gets into the intestines, it will cause gas formation and additional discomfort.
  4. The preparation of the saline solution must strictly comply with the recipe. The dosage must not be exceeded. This threatens irritation and even inflammation of the intestinal walls. Take two tablespoons per 100 ml of water. tablespoons of salt, and if you use magnesia powder, then the amount should be 20–30 mg.
  5. A cleansing enema is carried out at home using an Esmarch mug, which in appearance resembles an ordinary heating pad. The only difference is in the tip. The procedure is quite lengthy, so before giving an enema, you should take care of the comfort for the patient and the convenience of the person with whose help the session is being done. Ideally, the bowl is at a height of about a meter. You can use a special stand or attach a chair for this, etc.
  6. An enema at home for constipation is a procedure that confuses the patient. Even if the patient does it on his own, it is not easy to overcome shyness. To facilitate administration, an enema is carried out independently using a bulb, a syringe, or a special cup; the tip must be lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream.

Step-by-step instruction

Before giving an enema for constipation, you need to ensure complete comfort for the patient; how it will ultimately help depends on this. The optimal position is lying on your side with your knees bent (fetal position).

Relax your buttocks. Lubricate the tip and anus with cream or Vaseline. Start introducing the prepared composition slowly. During this time, the patient must be closely monitored. If pain or discomfort occurs, it is better to pause the procedure or stop altogether.

An enema performed at home for constipation requires complete trust and lack of embarrassment.

Remember, constipation is a disease that anyone can experience.


Despite maximum safety compared to other means, cleansing and laxative enemas also have contraindications. Note that the composition does not matter. Remember, before performing an enema at home for constipation, you must undergo a medical examination.

Such interference is strictly prohibited when:

  • colitis;
  • proctitis;
  • ulcers and other inflammatory processes in the intestines.

It is imperative to find out whether such a procedure can be done so as not to provoke an aggravation of the situation.

Normally, there should be no unpleasant sensations.

Carrying out for children

Young parents often ask pediatricians the question “how to do an enema correctly.” Unfortunately, bowel problems are a fairly common occurrence in babies, and infants are especially affected by the problem. They are given an enema with a small douche or syringe. Carefully insert only the very tip of the device into the anus and very slowly introduce the prepared composition.

If we are talking about babies, you need to be especially careful and think not only about how often you can do an enema for constipation, but also about the solution that will be used for this.

Salt and magnesium disappear automatically, because they irritate the delicate walls of the intestinal mucosa, but oil solutions are quite suitable. Only if for adults the dose is 50–100 ml, then for children it is reduced by at least two or even three times.

Herbal infusions have proven themselves well. Chamomile and other medicinal herbs not only quickly and effectively solve the problem, but also restore the microflora and make the body more resistant to various infections.

It is important! Before giving your child an enema, purchase special devices at the pharmacy that have a particularly soft tip.

Oil enema

If a patient has prolonged constipation accompanied by pain, an oil enema may help. To do this, you need to heat the purified vegetable oil (200 ml) to 35-38 degrees, then draw it into a syringe. How to give yourself an enema in this case? You should first lie on your left side or get on all fours. Having previously lubricated the anus with Vaseline, carefully insert the tip of the syringe to a certain depth and slowly pour the oil into the colon.


You should not think that the procedure we are considering is absolutely safe. That is why we recommend that you first consult with a specialist. The fact is that there are a number of diseases for which enemas are contraindicated. These include hemorrhoidal bleeding cones, various inflammations of the colon, intestinal bleeding, rectal prolapse, as well as its oncological lesions.

Now you know how to give an enema at home. Use our tips and be healthy!

A wonderful slim figure is the dream of every representative of the fair sex. Experts from various medical fields say that procedures for eliminating extra pounds should begin with cleansing measures. An enema for weight loss at home is suitable for these purposes. You will not be able to lose weight through this procedure by eating everything. It is aimed at preparing for weight loss, removing waste and toxins from the body. Effective diets will work much better when combined with actions to empty the intestines.

Contraindications to pear enema

Regardless of whether you decide to perform a cleansing enema at home with a pear or with the help of an Esmarch mug, there are a number of contraindications for which none of the instruments can be used. So, cases where giving an enema can lead to serious consequences include:

  1. The period of pregnancy and subsequent lactation;
  2. Time of monthly menstruation in women;
  3. Painful conditions in the stomach area;
  4. Recently suffered diseases, in which a stressful situation for the body is not allowed, and rest is also necessary (heart attack, stroke, etc.);
  5. Painful conditions in the large intestine area;
  6. Acute diseases, including those accompanied by headache, fever, chills, etc.;
  7. Abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, general weakness of the body, etc.;
  8. Intestinal bleeding;
  9. Acute colitis, intestinal tumor and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an acute or chronic nature;
  10. Kidney failure.

Benefits of colon cleansing with an enema

Having set a goal to lose weight, women resort to a diet that provides the nutrition necessary for their figure. However, before changing the quality and mode of food intake, you need to rid the body of previously accumulated contaminants. Douching helps cleanse the intestines, increasing the speed of cellular work and metabolism. These processes, available when using an enema, affect weight loss.

Modern life with bad habits and inappropriate foods makes the intestines work ineffectively. It becomes dirty, decay products accumulate and decompose inside. These processes reduce immunity and negatively affect the figure, condition of hair and skin. Cleansing the intestines at home with an enema will help resist the problem. After several enema applications, sleep improves, vigor appears, and appetite decreases. All factors contribute to improving the functioning of the body and alleviating the general condition.

Enema using a syringe

To carry out this procedure, first of all, you need to decide why and for whom you are doing it, since the size of the syringe will depend on this. Currently, manufacturers offer pears for children with a capacity of 50 ml.

For adults, a volume of 200 to 300 ml is suitable. The tips are soft rubber or plastic.

For a one-time procedure, disposable products with a ready-made laxative solution are offered, but they look different and are supplied in the form of a tube with a cap tip.

Volume of solution for infusion

Since we are going to carry out the procedure ourselves, we choose the size of the pear for an adult. At least 200 ml, otherwise you will have to pour the liquid into the rectum several times.

What time to do an enema

The optimal time is around 7 am. It was chosen because the colon meridian is maximally active. He is tuned to energetic work, which is often accompanied by rumbling. At other times, the effectiveness of the procedure will be lower.

But this does not mean that if it is necessary to cleanse the intestines, for example, in the evening, then it will be useless or painful. There will be a result, but less than what we would like to achieve.

Although in some people it may be completely absent due to the physiological characteristics of the body.

Solution for infusion

There are a large number of different solutions, the simplest is water. True, this procedure has a minimal therapeutic effect, but it allows you to break through the fecal plug and free the intestinal ampulla.

Some exotic lovers add coffee, lemon juice, or even their own urine. Such radical methods do not suit us; we will do everything the old fashioned way. Using water, which can be diluted with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a better effect. The intestines have their own microflora, which should not be disturbed if possible.

Basic preparations and water temperature

To carry out intestinal irrigation, as this procedure was called in the old days, we will need:

  • Syringe bulb.
  • Sufficient amount of boiled water.
  • A container from which we will draw water into the pear.

A room temperature solution is perfect for our purposes. Cold water causes spasms and pain. Water that is too warm will be quickly absorbed and there will be no effect.

Dip the nozzle of the syringe into the water, squeeze it and draw the liquid into the bulb. Try to draw as much water into the syringe as possible, so less air will enter the intestines. Air in the rectum causes discomfort not only during the procedure, but also after it.

For painless insertion, the tip is lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream. Be careful if the intestines or anal ring have any damage; improper lubrication can cause pain.

Venue and position

A bed is suitable for performing an enema at home. Choose it so that you can quickly run to the toilet if necessary, and you won’t feel uncomfortable with embarrassment.

The fetal position for self-administration of the drug is ideal. Take a comfortable position on your left side, carefully insert the syringe into the anus and press the bulb. Make sure that the tip does not rest against the wall of the anal ring, otherwise the water will not flow into the intestine or will even begin to pour out.

Wait 5-10 minutes after introducing the liquid; softening of the stool does not occur instantly. To penetrate the solution as far as possible, you can carefully stand up and walk around. If your stomach is churning, massage it lightly to relieve discomfort.

After the designated time, you can go to the toilet and cleanse the body of harmful substances.

By following the simple rules described above, you can easily give yourself an enema without involving strangers. And after the enema you will feel lightness, reduce pain and achieve the goals for which all this was started.

: Enema, to use or not

An enema is a medical cleansing procedure, the essence of which is the introduction into the intestines of a solution of medicinal preparations on a water or oil basis using a special instrument. This procedure can be carried out not only in a hospital setting, but also at home.

In this case, it is used to cleanse the body, in case of defecation disorders or for the purpose of weight loss. Therefore, it is useful to know how an enema is performed at home using a syringe.

In addition, it may be needed in the case of atonic constipation and in the treatment of inflammation of the distal intestines.

Source: https://nlmed.ru/klizma-s-pomoshhju-sprincovki/

Types of cleansing enemas for weight loss

Cleansing the intestines with an enema is not a new method. Health care providers often use water or medicinal enemas. This method of treatment should be used to remove harmful substances in case of poisoning, constipation, and other disorders of the functional activity of the digestive system. Cleansing the body for weight loss at home using an enema can be based on procedures using not only water, but also other ingredients.

With lemon juice

To create such a product, there is a recipe:

  1. Take water and lemon juice. You can squeeze it out yourself or buy it ready-made at the store. The latter case assumes that the composition will not detect harmful additives.
  2. You need to take 1 liter of water. In this case, its temperature should be approximately equal to that of the human body (36C).
  3. Dilute the water with 50 ml of juice. Introduce the resulting mixture using a bulb 1-2 times a week. This enema normalizes and nourishes the internal environment of the intestines, quickly cleanses it thanks to the positive effects of the substances contained in lemon.

With apple cider vinegar

There is a recipe for preparing a cleansing enema with this component:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and dilute it with boiled water, taken in an amount of 2 liters. The liquid should be at room temperature.
  2. Douche with the prepared solution once every 7 days, otherwise you may cause harm to the body.
  3. The most favorable time for the procedure is morning.
  4. Such enemas must be done for 3 months.

With salt water

To prepare an effective solution there is a recipe:

  1. 1 liter of water at room temperature and 2 tsp. salt. Crystals of the substance must first be diluted with 100 ml of water. Add the resulting solution to the remaining liquid and stir.
  2. The frequency of enema use is no more than 1 time per week.
  3. This drug successfully fights constipation.
  4. For best efficiency, you need to use Epsom or Morshyn salt.

With chamomile

Making a chamomile enema solution will require:

  • chamomile – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • calendula – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sage – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 2.2 l.


  1. First you need to make a mixture of herbs, taking the specified amount.
  2. Pour the resulting mass with 200 ml of boiled water.
  3. Leave the product to sit for 30 minutes.
  4. Then strain the infusion and mix with the remaining water. The drug must be used 1-2 times every 7 days using an enema bulb. The product is aimed at removing harmful substances from the body and normalizing metabolism.

Coffee shop

The substance caffeine contained in coffee is known for its antioxidant effects. To create an enema solution with this component there is a recipe:

  1. Take only natural ground product; a soluble mixture is not suitable for the procedure.
  2. First brew the coffee, then take 20 ml of grounds and dissolve 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature.
  3. The resulting enema solution should be injected into the anus no more than once a week.


If you are following a diet that is based on low-calorie foods, you need to use an herbal enema. To form it, there is this recipe:

  1. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. dry herbs. Suitable for this purpose: chamomile, mint, sage, yarrow.
  2. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the herbal mixture. Place the product on the stove and boil for about 5 minutes.
  3. Before use, strain the drug and cool it to a temperature identical to the human body.
  4. Use the solution twice a week, stirring it with warm water to obtain the required volume.


To prepare such a solution for the cleaning procedure, there is a recipe:

  1. You need to take 1 liter of boiled water and dilute with 1 tsp. soda
  2. Pour the resulting product into the anus using a pear-shaped can, which can be found on pharmacy shelves.
  3. A soda enema will help effectively cleanse the body of harmful substances. It should be used infrequently - only once a week.

Description of compositions

The home method of cleansing using solutions should be selected in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. Cleansing is carried out according to this recipe.

Salt and soda

The solution is made in the following proportion: 10 g table salt / 100 g water (10%). Use 20-30% solutions based on Mg and Na sulfate.

The water is heated to a maximum of 38 0C. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour. Contraindications: peptic ulcers, cracks, acute inflammatory reactions and swelling.

Soda solution is prescribed to relieve pain when stool has a high level of acid content. The proportion of the solution is 1.5 l. water / 50-60 g of soda at a temperature of 37-38 0C.


Traditional medicine gives three ways to prepare herbal infusions. It is recommended to cook in enamel pans, prepare the collection yourself (away from the highways, railways) or buy it at a pharmacy. Be careful when using herbs - allergic reactions are possible!

Melissa infusion against spasms: 3 g of plant per glass of boiled water. Let it brew for half an hour. Temperature 37-38 0C.

Decoction of flaxseed (oats, barley) and mallow leaves: 1 tbsp. l. / 1 l. water, bring to a boil (10 minutes) and strain. Add ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. oils Used for frequent constipation.

Chamomile decoction: 6 tbsp. l. / 0.5 l. boiling water, place in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain and squeeze out the resulting raw materials. Add an additional 0.5 liters. and 2 tbsp. l. honey. An excellent remedy for combating inflammatory processes and harmful bacteria.


Used to achieve emptying of feces and gases in the large intestine. The enema used lasts for a long time. After the procedure, it is better to lie down for up to 8 hours. Therefore, cleanse before bed.

Oil affects the intestines mechanically (softening of stool) and chemically (breakdown of matter, appearance of soap). The substance is heated to the maximum limit in an amount of 100-200 ml.

An oil enema is recommended as a softening agent. There are general contraindications.


Composition of the solution: 0.5 ml of chamomile infusion, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. soda powder and 2 tbsp. l. Vaseline (glycerin). Emptying will occur in 30 minutes.

Potassium permanganate solution

Proportion: 1.5 l. water (36-38 0C) / 4-5 crystals of permanganate K. It is dangerous to use a highly concentrated solution. A remedy is prescribed to eliminate diarrhea and hemorrhoids (pay attention to the presence of bleeding). Potassium permanganate can dry out the intestinal mucosa and cause irritation.

Esmarch's mug can handle large volumes of solutions so as not to cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract by frequent use of an enema.

How to do an enema for weight loss

Technique for performing a cleansing enema: how to do it correctly:

  1. In 15 min. Before starting the procedure, drink 0.5 liters of water to prevent a lack of fluid in the body.
  2. Fill Esmarch's mug or bulb syringe with the prepared solution.
  3. Suspend the device at a height of 70-150 cm (if you are using an Esmarch mug).
  4. Lubricate the spout of the device with Vaseline or any vegetable oil to ensure comfortable insertion.
  5. When you infuse the drug inside, insert the tip into the anus, lie on your right side. Maintain this position until you feel the urge to go to the toilet.
  6. To ensure that the drug is well distributed, massage your stomach with light pressing movements.

Find out more ways to do an enema at home.

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on how correctly it is done. To make any enema you need warm boiled water, you can add potassium permanganate. You can purchase the necessary tool at the pharmacy. It is recommended to use an Esmarch mug, but it is not always convenient to use. In this case, you can get by with a regular syringe for adults. Buy a large enema bulb to reduce the number of administrations. You are allowed to take 1-2 liters per procedure. The amount of fluid is directly related to a person’s height and complexion.

The technique of giving an enema at home is simple. You can learn about all the intricacies of the process by consulting with your doctor or finding information yourself among the sources. The Internet can offer its users not only detailed instructions, but also photos and videos that reveal the step-by-step procedure of how to give an enema for weight loss at home. All actions must be done as correctly and carefully as possible so that you do not inadvertently cause damage to your body instead of the desired benefit.

How to do an enema with a syringe at home

Using a method based on the use of an enema syringe allows you to quickly empty part of the intestines. The procedure is considered one of the most effective in cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

Preparatory stage

The purpose of cleansing the intestines is to flush out secretions containing pathogenic microflora. Before using the method, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Douching at home should be done with great caution. Solutions represent an aggressive environment for the female reproductive system.

The body copes quite well on its own, producing antibodies, and resorting to the procedure is necessary as a last resort! In some cases, douching is carried out with a syringe.

Neglecting the recommendations will lead to serious consequences, including for the intestines.

Execution rules and inventory

You can do an enema with a syringe after following the step-by-step steps to avoid negative consequences:

  1. Decide on the location of the procedure.
  2. Lay down the oilcloth and place the basin under one edge.
  3. Place a towel or diaper on top.
  4. Take a lying position, turning on your left side (5-7 minutes).
  5. You will need a rubber bulb with a long tip and a volume of 450 ml.
  1. Before use, disinfect the pear by boiling for 15 minutes.
  2. Moisten the tip with hydrogen peroxide and lubricate it with Vaseline (reduce the risk of intestinal injury).
  3. Wear sterile gloves to prevent infection.
  4. Do the introduction carefully, with rotational movements (11-14 cm); slowly pressing on the enema.
  5. After the procedure, squeeze your buttocks tightly for 2-3 minutes.

Correctly performed steps will allow you to feel the urge to defecate and urinate within 5 minutes. If there is no result, lie on your side for a while. The appearance of burning, pain, nausea is an indicator for canceling the procedure. Consulting a doctor will help determine the appropriate solution for use. At the end of cleansing, insert a suppository containing zinc ointment for healing.

A child on artificial nutrition often faces difficulty in bowel movements. Cleansing is carried out after careful preparation.

Consequences of using a syringe

Cleansing procedures should be carried out carefully, since the cleansing function of the intestines is impaired. Such assistance will lead to the removal of harmful, but also beneficial bacteria. Without the positive effect of microflora on the immune system, pathogenic bacteria will begin to actively multiply.

Inserting the syringe incorrectly can cause intestinal damage. A large rupture will allow intestinal contents to enter the abdominal cavity (peritonitis). Urgent surgery will be required.

Intoxication develops against the background of problems with emptying, harmful substances penetrate into the blood.

The presence of pathologies in the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract with a significant volume of fluid will lead to a stretching effect, an increase in internal pressure, irritation and exacerbation of diseases.

The benefits and harms of the procedure

The intestines require periodic home cleansing procedures. The main thing is to understand what advantages and disadvantages are inherent in procedures of this kind:

  • Using an enema in the early stages of treatment is considered effective.
  • The convenience of the syringe ensures that the cleansing procedure can be carried out independently.
  • Feces are washed out faster under strong pressure (balloon).
  • An enema provokes intestinal irritation, causing peristalsis to work.

When choosing a cleansing method, it is important to pay attention to contraindications:

  • Bleeding in the stomach, intestines; postoperative days;
  • Intestinal congestion;
  • Acute stage of inflammation in the colon, anus;
  • Prolapsing bowel;
  • Hemorrhoids with blood;
  • Acute stage of appendicitis, peritonitis;
  • Problems of an oncological nature;
  • Pathologies of the circulatory organs.

Types of enema solutions

Solutions vary in composition, but the temperature should be maintained within 22-38 0C. A cold solution is necessary to improve intestinal motility, and a warm solution is necessary to relax and relieve spasms. The optimal temperature of the solution for stimulating organ irritability is considered to be in the range of 12-20 0C.

Classification of solutions

By purpose of use:

According to the composition of the solution:

  • Medicinal origin;
  • With soapy effect;
  • Hypertensive;
  • Oil based;
  • Consisting of coffee; soda; salt;
  • With the addition of hydrogen peroxide.

Based on the amount of fluid administered:

Description of compositions

The home method of cleansing using solutions should be selected in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. Cleansing is carried out according to this recipe.

Salt and soda

The solution is made in the following proportion: 10 g table salt / 100 g water (10%). Use 20-30% solutions based on Mg and Na sulfate.

The water is heated to a maximum of 38 0C. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour. Contraindications: peptic ulcers, cracks, acute inflammatory reactions and swelling.

Soda solution is prescribed to relieve pain when stool has a high level of acid content. The proportion of the solution is 1.5 l. water / 50-60 g of soda at a temperature of 37-38 0C.


Traditional medicine gives three ways to prepare herbal infusions. It is recommended to cook in enamel pans, prepare the collection yourself (away from the highways, railways) or buy it at a pharmacy. Be careful when using herbs - allergic reactions are possible!

Melissa infusion against spasms: 3 g of plant per glass of boiled water. Let it brew for half an hour. Temperature 37-38 0C.

Decoction of flaxseed (oats, barley) and mallow leaves: 1 tbsp. l. / 1 l. water, bring to a boil (10 minutes) and strain. Add ingredients: 1 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. oils Used for frequent constipation.

Chamomile decoction: 6 tbsp. l. / 0.5 l. boiling water, place in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain and squeeze out the resulting raw materials. Add an additional 0.5 liters. and 2 tbsp. l. honey. An excellent remedy for combating inflammatory processes and harmful bacteria.

Source: https://o-kak.ru/kak-sdelat-klizmu-sprincovkoj-v-domashnih/

Harm and contraindications for use

No matter how safe the douching procedure may seem, it should not be done under the following circumstances:

  • at any stage of pregnancy;
  • in the presence of diseases such as hemorrhoids and inflammation located inside the rectum;
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the procedure threatens to aggravate the disease;
  • with elevated blood pressure;
  • during menstruation and a few days before and after it.

In addition to contraindications, the procedure also has a number of harmful effects. They appear if you use solutions more often than prescribed. This is especially true for products based on vinegar or lemon juice. The wrong regimen can cause intestinal inflammation. Frequent administration of enemas is fraught with dysbacteriosis. This is explained by the fact that solutions expel important components from the body. To prevent this from happening, you need to constantly take products that support the intestinal microflora. If the procedure causes discomfort, you should stop it.

Find out how to cleanse the body at home for weight loss.

Reviews about the effectiveness of the procedure

Angelina, 36 years old: For a long time I was looking for an effective way to lose excess weight. Restricting food did not give the result that was needed, I thought that I could not find a real remedy. I read on the Internet that for the best effect you need to resort to cleansing, and this can be done using an enema procedure. I used a recipe for a herbal solution. Within a month I felt lightness throughout my body, and the diet began to help much better.

Marina, 25 years old: I heard about the procedure, which is called a cleansing enema, from a friend. She said that the method should be used every other day. This frequency seemed unsafe to me, so I resorted to using the product once a week. After some time, I realized that my body had cleansed itself. I began to feel a surge of vigor, it turned out to be much easier to move, and I began to eat much less. A very good procedure that is needed to help you lose weight and bring the body into a state of order.

Maria, 32 years old: To achieve weight loss, she resorted to diets and exercise. Physical activity has always been difficult. After consulting with a specialist, I started using enemas. Using enemas for weight loss at home helped just fine, playing sports became much easier, the weight loss procedure went very quickly. Now I not only have a beautiful figure, but my body also experiences wonderful sensations. You need to use enemas to help the body.

Constipation is a common phenomenon that can have a negative impact on human health. Using an enema is the most effective way to relieve constipation at home if laxatives do not provide relief.

An enema is an event in which liquid is introduced into the intestine for the purpose of cleansing. Medical manipulation is unpleasant, but sometimes it is the only way to cope with the phenomenon if other means do not help.


The procedure is simple, but has rules that must be followed to achieve the desired result without consequences for the body. Depending on the purpose and volume of the solution, the following types are distinguished:

  • Oily.
  • Hypertensive.
  • Cleansing.


As the name suggests, cleansing needs to be done using various oils. For constipation, you can use olive, sunflower, and Vaseline oil. Once inside, the oil softens the intestinal walls and carefully removes mass from the body.

Before using an enema with vegetable oil, the product must be heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees. After 10-12 hours, with proper use, the desired effect is achieved.


If the oil remedy does not help cope with the symptom, you can do a hypertensive enema. The effect occurs within half an hour. Saline enema solution. A salt enema is prepared from regular salt or a pharmacy equivalent.

Salt stimulates peristalsis, and the liquid flushes out stagnant feces.


This is the most effective way to cleanse the intestines in adult patients.

It is necessary to introduce a large volume of water to wash away the feces. The manipulation is carried out using an Esmarch mug filled with cold water. After 5 minutes, the desired effect will be achieved.

Enema solutions

Various solutions are used for cleansing enemas. The temperature of the liquid should be 22–23 ° C, or 36–38 ° C. The cold solution enhances intestinal motility and is prescribed for atonic constipation. Warm – relaxes, relieves spasms. If it is necessary to cause severe intestinal irritation, it is recommended to use liquid cooled to 12–20 ° C.

  • saline;
  • soda;
  • herbal;
  • oil;
  • emulsion;
  • potassium permanganate.

Even boiled water is used for enemas.

Which solution to choose depends on the disease and the purpose of the prescribed procedure.


Hypertensive enemas effectively cleanse the intestines. They help remove a larger volume of fluid, soften stool, stimulate the release of loose stools, and enhance intestinal motility. Apply:

  • 10% sodium chloride solution (10 g of table salt per 100 g of water);
  • 20–30% solution of magnesium sulfate;
  • 20–30% sodium sulfate solution.

The procedure requires 100 ml of solution. It is heated to 37–38 °C. After administering the liquid, it is not recommended to stand up for 20–30 minutes.

It is contraindicated for ulcers, anal fissure, acute inflammation of the lower part of the large intestine, and edema.


Soda solution is prescribed for increased acidity of stool. It helps relieve pain caused by irritation of the intestinal mucosa with liquid feces during diarrhea. It is believed to be effective in the treatment of helminth infections. Recommended for cleansing the intestines with acetonemia.

To prepare the solution you need:

Sodium bicarbonate is dissolved in warm water. To cleanse the intestines, 1–1.5 liters of liquid are administered. The solution temperature should be 37–38 °C.


Herbal infusions are recommended for cleansing enemas. Prescribed:

  1. Melissa infusion. Crushed shoots (3 g) are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 20–30 minutes. Strain thoroughly. A warm solution (37–38 °C) should be administered. This enema relieves spasms.
  2. A decoction of flaxseed (oats, barley) and mallow leaves. The collection (1 tbsp) is poured into 1 liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes, filter, add 1 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. oil (linseed, hemp). I use this enema as a laxative for chronic constipation.
  3. Chamomile decoction. Chamomile flowers (6 tablespoons) are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Place in a water bath and boil for 15 minutes. Allow the broth to cool, filter, and squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Add boiled water to the resulting broth to a volume of 0.5 liters. Add 2 tbsp. l. honey. This solution not only cleanses the intestines, it is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

Decoctions should be prepared in enamel containers. It is better to buy plant raw materials at a pharmacy or collect them yourself (away from railways, roads, and factories). It is strictly not recommended to buy herbs by hand, as they could have grown in contaminated areas and harmful substances have accumulated in them.

Herbal enema solutions should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and with extreme caution - they cause allergies.


Used to empty the lower part of the colon from feces and gases during spastic constipation, in the postoperative period, after childbirth. This is a long-acting enema. After it you should lie down for at least 8 hours. Therefore, it is better to put it before bed (the act of defecation should occur in 10–12 hours).


To cleanse the intestines, it is permissible to use different types of solutions. Soapy, soda, salty, with medicinal herbs. All are quite effective and eliminate the symptom quickly.

Herbal enemas cleanse the intestines, eliminate flatulence and bloating, and normalize the level of acidity in the intestines. The soap solution stimulates peristalsis during fecal stagnation. Soda reduces acidity and eliminates pain.

Before the procedure you need to prepare. The site is covered with oilcloth, the syringe or Esmarch tip is sterilized and lubricated with Vaseline. A solution is prepared with which the manipulation will be carried out.

How to prepare the solution

In order to prepare the cleansing composition, you will need a little time and some ingredients.

Herbal solution

Colon cleansing with a decoction or infusion of medicinal herbs is less aggressive and is allowed for a pregnant woman and a small child. Chamomile is often used for preparation. But it is acceptable to add sage or eucalyptus. Therapeutic enemas from herbs have a gentle effect, but effectively remove stagnant feces.

The recipe is simple. You need to take 2 tablespoons of raw material and pour one liter of boiling water. Leave for an hour and strain.

Oil enema

In case of pronounced defecation delays, the option with oil is the most preferable. Manipulation with sunflower or olive oil is recommended in the evening before bed.

Before the procedure, the oil is heated to 40 degrees. Then it is inserted into the rectum using a syringe. It is not recommended to get up for 15 minutes after finishing the procedure.


It's easy to prepare the composition. You need to take 30 grams of soda and dilute it in a liter of water. For better cleansing, you can mix soda with salt and dissolve it in water and carry out the procedure. The temperature of the composition should be about 40 degrees. It needs to be slightly warmed up first.


For preparation, use neutral soap or baby soap without fragrances, dyes or other additives. You need to dilute a small piece of suitable soap in plain water. An enema for constipation with soap is used when the phenomenon is temporary. For chronic and prolonged stagnation of feces, this method is not suitable.


In case of severe constipation, cleansing manipulation with glycerin is prescribed to an adult by the attending physician. It improves gastrointestinal motility. 5-10 ml. Glycerin is injected into the anus with a bulb or syringe. Its effect as a laxative is long lasting. It is recommended to give a glycerin enema no more than twice a month.

Recipe with potassium permanganate

A solution with potassium permanganate helps eliminate stool retention. The liquid should be slightly concentrated, pale pink in color. Potassium permanganate is dissolved in 2 liters of water. The procedure is then carried out as usual.


Add the juice of half a lemon to one liter of warm water. The liquid is introduced into the rectum using an Esmarch cup. The solution will soften stool and effectively remove it from the intestines.


Constipation can be a consequence of poor nutrition, as well as due to the presence of helminths. Garlic solution will not only eliminate the symptom, but will also remove individual worms and their larvae. Chop a clove of garlic into a glass of water. The solution is injected using a bulb.

The procedure for performing an enema with a syringe to cleanse the intestines

An enema to cleanse the intestines using a syringe is used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It is prescribed to empty the lower part of the large intestine before conducting instrumental examination methods and administering a medicinal enema. Recommended for constipation and for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Depending on the temperature of the injected solution, the enema helps relieve spasm of smooth muscles or enhance intestinal motility. But this procedure can be dangerous.


The feasibility of the procedure is determined by the doctor.


Before the procedure, prepare materials and instruments. Would need:

  • oilcloth (approximately 150*100 cm);
  • basin;
  • napkin;
  • balloon bulb (syringe);
  • hydrogen peroxide 3% (if using a bulb with a hard tip);
  • petrolatum;
  • enema solution (prescribed by a doctor);
  • sterile gloves.

For a cleansing enema, it is better to take a balloon bulb with a long tip (10–15 cm). Since it is recommended to administer 1–1.5 liters of liquid for a complete bowel movement, it is better to take a syringe with a volume of 470 ml (for a salt, oil, emulsion enema, 100–200 ml is enough).

Boil the pear for 10–15 minutes before use. If the tip is hard, remove it and soak it in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for 15 minutes. Then it is connected to the bulb.

Preparing your workspace

It is better to do the enema while lying on your side, and then remain in a lying position for at least 10 minutes. Therefore, you should prepare the place where the procedure will be performed.

An oilcloth is placed on the bed so that one end hangs from the bed (a basin is placed under it). The oilcloth is covered with a diaper.

Prepare an enema solution. Place it near the bed so that it is convenient to draw liquid into the syringe without changing position.

Enema solutions

Various solutions are used for cleansing enemas. The liquid temperature should be 22–23 °C, or 36–38 °C. The cold solution enhances intestinal motility and is prescribed for atonic constipation. Warm – relaxes, relieves spasms. If it is necessary to cause severe intestinal irritation, it is recommended to use liquid cooled to 12–20 ° C.

Prescribed solution:

  • saline;
  • soda;
  • herbal;
  • oil;
  • emulsion;
  • potassium permanganate.

Even boiled water is used for enemas.

Which solution to choose depends on the disease and the purpose of the prescribed procedure.


Hypertensive enemas effectively cleanse the intestines. They help remove a larger volume of fluid, soften stool, stimulate the release of loose stools, and enhance intestinal motility. Apply:

  • 10% sodium chloride solution (10 g of table salt per 100 g of water);
  • 20–30% solution of magnesium sulfate;
  • 20–30% sodium sulfate solution.

The procedure requires 100 ml of solution. It is heated to 37–38 °C. After administering the liquid, it is not recommended to stand up for 20–30 minutes.

It is contraindicated for ulcers, anal fissure, acute inflammation of the lower part of the large intestine, and edema.

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Peristalsis: concept, norm and pathology


Soda solution is prescribed for increased acidity of stool. It helps relieve pain caused by irritation of the intestinal mucosa with liquid feces during diarrhea. It is believed to be effective in the treatment of helminth infections. Recommended for cleansing the intestines with acetonemia.

To prepare the solution you need:

Sodium bicarbonate is dissolved in warm water. To cleanse the intestines, 1–1.5 liters of liquid are administered. The solution temperature should be 37–38 °C.


Used to empty the lower part of the colon from feces and gases during spastic constipation, in the postoperative period, after childbirth. This is a long-acting enema. After it you should lie down for at least 8 hours. Therefore, it is better to put it before bed (the act of defecation should occur in 10–12 hours).

The oil has the following effects:

  1. Mechanical. The solution penetrates between the feces and the intestinal walls. The feces soften and are easily excreted.
  2. Chemical. The oil in the intestines is partially broken down and saponified. It relieves spasms and helps restore normal peristalsis.

To prepare the solution, take 100–200 ml of vegetable oil (linseed, hemp, sunflower, corn). It is heated to 36–38 °C.

An oil enema is prescribed for a gentle cleansing of the intestines, when it is undesirable to strain the muscles of the perineum, abdominal wall, or strain. Its contraindications are the same as for all types of enemas.


It is recommended for seriously ill patients. Prepare an emulsion enema as follows:

  1. Prepare 0.5 ml of chamomile infusion. Chamomile flowers (4 tbsp) are brewed in 0.5 liters of water. Strain, squeeze out the remaining residue, add water to a volume of 500 ml.
  2. Take 1 yolk. Beat thoroughly. Add 1 tsp. baking soda.
  3. The yolk is mixed with chamomile decoction. Add 2 tbsp. l. Vaseline oil or glycerin.

When using an emulsion enema, bowel movement occurs within half an hour.

Potassium permanganate solution

For an enema, use a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. 4–5 crystals of potassium permanganate are dissolved in 1.5 liters of water heated to 36–38 °C. A more concentrated solution, instead of benefit, will cause irreparable harm (burn of the mucous membrane).

An enema with potassium permanganate is prescribed for treatment:

  • diarrhea;
  • hemorrhoids (if there is no bleeding).

To cleanse the intestines, it is better to use other solutions, since potassium permanganate dries out the mucous membrane and causes additional irritation.

How to carry out the procedure

An enema should be given only as prescribed by a doctor. The specialist will recommend which solution will be most effective, to what temperature it should be heated or cooled, and how much to administer.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. Wear sterile gloves.
  2. Lubricate the tip of the syringe and the anus with Vaseline.
  3. Lie on your left side, tuck your legs and bring them to your stomach. At the same time, manage to spread the buttocks with one hand, while holding a napkin near the anus, and insert the syringe with the other.
  4. The tip should enter the anus to a depth of 10–12 cm. Insert it carefully, using rotational movements.
  5. Slowly press on the balloon bulb and pour in its contents. You should not sharply squeeze the syringe, as strong pressure of liquid can damage the intestine. If you feel strong pressure or acute pain, stop the procedure immediately and seek medical help.
  6. The pear should be removed from the rectum carefully.
  7. Use a napkin to wipe the skin from the perineum to the anus.
  8. Close the buttocks tightly, carefully pull out the oilcloth with the diaper.

After administration, you should lie down on your left side for 10 minutes. Then roll over onto your right side. You should breathe with your stomach. This will help move water into the intestines. After an enema, you need to lie down for at least 20–30 minutes (except for an oil enema).

In case of anal fissure, the procedure must be carried out extremely carefully. An enema is given as many times a day as the urge to defecate occurs. The tip is inserted into the anus along the edge of the anus on the side opposite to the fissure.

Immediately after bowel movements, a bath with potassium permanganate is necessary. Then a suppository lubricated with novocaine, streptocide and zinc ointment is introduced.

To cleanse the intestines of toxins, the following scheme is recommended:

  • Day 1 – before bedtime, 0.5 liters of liquid are administered;
  • Day 2 – 1 liter of solution is administered;
  • 4th day – 1.5 liters required;
  • Day 7 – give a 2 liter enema.

On days 3.5 and 6 they take breaks. They are needed to prevent intestinal motility from being disrupted.

To administer large volumes of liquid, it is better to use an Esmarch mug, since the maximum volume of a syringe is about 0.5 liters. And administering an enema several times in a row will further irritate the intestines.

Possible complications and consequences

The procedure is carried out very carefully, as prescribed by the doctor, otherwise, instead of recovery, you can do a lot of harm.

  1. You should not give an enema often. The intestines will be “offended” and will not want to cleanse themselves. Enemas and laxatives contribute to the development of “lazy bowel” - a pathology that occurs due to weakened intestinal motility.
  2. The procedure helps cleanse the intestines not only of feces and gases, but also of beneficial microflora. And it is necessary for complete digestion and absorption of food. It has been proven that beneficial microflora helps strengthen the immune system. And without it, pathogenic microorganisms will begin to multiply in the intestines.
  3. If you insert the syringe incorrectly, you can damage the intestine. At best, a small wound will appear on the mucous membrane, at worst, a rupture will occur, and the entire contents of the intestine will fall into the abdominal cavity. Peritonitis will develop. Urgent surgery will be required.
  4. If there is no bowel movement after a certain time, intoxication may occur. Since harmful substances will dissolve and begin to be absorbed.
  5. When a large amount of fluid is administered, especially with pathologies of smooth muscle tissue, stretching of the intestinal walls will occur. The pressure inside the lumen will increase. This will lead to additional irritation and exacerbation of the pathological process.

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Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, compare the benefits and harms of an enema.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sometimes it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. When using a syringe for this, it is important to consider that it has its advantages and disadvantages.

1In the first stages of treatment, an enema is an effective means of cleansing the intestines.Long-term use leads to impaired peristalsis, up to the complete loss of independent urge to defecate.
2A syringe is convenient if you need to administer an enema yourself.The maximum volume of the balloon bulb is 0.5 liters. And sometimes it is necessary to administer more than 1.5 liters of liquid.
3When using a balloon bulb, liquid is injected into the intestines using a pressure method. Strong pressure helps flush out feces. In certain pathologies, this method of administration will lead to complications (stretching of the intestinal walls, rupture of adhesions).
4Promotes bowel movement from feces and gases.Washes away beneficial microflora.
5For the treatment of atonic constipation, an enema is good because it causes additional irritation and increases peristalsis.Irritation of the mucous membrane increases inflammation, causes intestinal spasm and, accordingly, increases pain.

Before using an enema, you must remember the contraindications. Sometimes it is better to replace it with other means.

Read on topic: How to cleanse the intestines with activated charcoal

Alternative methods of colon cleansing

For constipation, an enema is a last resort method of bowel movement. I recommend it when straining the muscles of the abdominal wall and perineum is contraindicated, you cannot strain so that the stitches do not come apart (after surgery on the abdominal organs) or a relapse occurs in a chronic anal fissure. If possible, they try to replace the cleansing enema with:

  1. Laxatives. Before conducting an instrumental examination of the colon, Fortrans is prescribed, an osmotic laxative. The urge to defecate occurs 1 hour after taking the drug. The medicine has contraindications. Before use, consult a doctor.
  2. Glycerin suppositories. They are most effective for atonic constipation, but are addictive.
  3. Therapeutic exercise. There are exercises that help restore normal intestinal motility.
  4. Massage. It is prescribed and carried out by a specialist.
  5. Nutrition correction. A common cause of stool retention is poor nutrition. In order for the intestines to function properly and cleanse themselves, increase the consumption of foods containing fiber.

If you have stool retention or diarrhea, you should not do a cleansing enema without permission. The cause of any digestive disorders is immediately determined. To do this, contact a gastroenterologist or proctologist.

Source: https://ProKishechnik.info/profilaktika/ochishhenie/klizma-sprincovkoj-doma.html

How to carry out the procedure

Once the site and solution are prepared, you can begin the procedure. Giving an enema yourself is easy, but not always convenient. You can ask your loved ones for help.

First you need to take a horizontal position and turn on your left side, bend your legs. With one hand the buttocks are spread apart, with the other the tip is inserted into the anus. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the anus or intestines. Next, Esmarch's bowl is fixed on a tripod.

The solution is introduced slowly. If you feel that emptying will happen immediately, it is better to finish the procedure and lie down for a while, controlling your breathing.

After the solution is administered, lie down for 10 minutes, waiting for the stool to soften. If you empty your bowels immediately after an enema, cleansing will not occur.

Colon cleansing in children

Young children often have difficulty digesting. Constipation occurs for the same reasons as in adults. Delayed bowel movements are often accompanied by pain in the abdominal area, which worries the baby. To eliminate the symptom, doctors allow the use of suppositories and cleansing of the intestines with a syringe. But the procedure has its own nuances.

Oil enemas, which have a gentle effect on the intestinal mucosa, are best suited for children. Doctors allow the use of cleansing agents, but the volume of water must correspond to the age and weight of the child. For babies up to one year old, the volume is allowed to be 30 ml; for babies 1-2 years old, the volume is no more than 100 ml.

For an enema, a syringe with a soft tip is used. The solution is introduced gradually and carefully. Before manipulation, you need to consult a pediatrician.


The use of an enema is an emergency measure in the fight against constipation. But this method also has contraindications. The procedure is prohibited for patients with symptoms and diseases:

  • Malignant tumor of the rectum. To avoid injury to tumors, it is better to use drug therapy to treat constipation.
  • Inflammation of the parietal and visceral layers of the peritoneum.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • Haemorrhoids. For bleeding hemorrhoids, this method of combating constipation is contraindicated. Since the tip can cause serious injury to the affected mucous membrane.
  • A pathological condition of the rectum in which it is located outside the anus.
  • Pathologies of the rectum.
  • Weakness, malaise, elevated body temperature.
  • Postoperative period.

If the patient has regular stool retention, using the method to cleanse the intestines is not recommended. A case such as chronic constipation requires diagnosis and treatment of the cause of the symptom.

When the tip is inserted, the person feels severe pain - the procedure stops. If pain is present when filling the intestines with a solution, you should also abandon this method of combating constipation. You need to consult a doctor to prescribe medication that can safely eliminate the phenomenon.


Frequent use of the procedure can cause adverse effects on the body. If the procedure is abused:

  • Lazy bowel syndrome develops. Motor function is impaired, peristalsis is weakened, and the sensitivity of the mucous membrane decreases. This leads to chronic constipation.
  • With regular introduction of liquid into the intestines, beneficial microflora is washed out along with feces. As a result, intestinal upset occurs in the form of chronic constipation or diarrhea.

In case of any of the listed diseases, manipulation is prohibited, but sometimes a symptom in the form of constipation can be eliminated with the help of a microenema. Microlax will relieve the condition quickly.

An enema is an effective way to relieve constipation quickly. A correctly performed procedure will relieve the unpleasant symptom and improve your well-being. It’s easy to install at home, you just need to know some rules and the problem will go away. The cleansing procedure does not eliminate the cause of the symptom. If you experience constipation regularly, you should consult a doctor. The cause of the phenomenon may be a serious illness.

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