Peas for gastritis: cooking secrets and beneficial properties

Peas for gastritis with high acidity: is it possible or not?

Peas are a valuable and nutritious product recommended for a complete diet. Peas enrich the body with protein, vitamins and amino acids, eliminating the feeling of hunger for the whole day. Peas for gastritis should be consumed with caution; this product is quite difficult to digest, and if consumed in large quantities it can cause an exacerbation of the disease. And yet there is a way out - some methods of preparing peas will allow a patient with gastritis to consume the dish. Which? On the website you will find information about whether you can eat peas for gastritis, and also learn how to prepare them for gastritis.

Peas for gastritis

All diseases of the digestive organs are associated with disturbances in the functioning of not only the stomach, but also the intestines, so one of the symptoms of the disease will be a violation of stool. And peas, which are consumed either in their pure form or are used to make soup, contain proteins of plant origin.

Despite the fact that peas are very harmful to people suffering from gastritis, this vegetable crop has many beneficial properties

Digesting them is very difficult for the body. In addition, they cause the accumulation of gases and subsequent flatulence, accompanied by severe pain. Therefore, people suffering from gastritis should never consume legume soups. This especially applies to periods of exacerbation.

But, despite the fact that peas are very harmful to people suffering from gastritis, this vegetable crop has many beneficial properties. In addition to the fact that this ancient vegetable is an important source of vitamin B1 and zinc, its protein content is almost 10 times higher than that of sausage and potatoes combined.

Peas also have a very high concentration of nucleic acids and magnesium. Therefore, soups made from it are still necessary for patients with gastritis. But you should also take into account that you can eat it only during the period of remission. And under no circumstances should you take dried peas; only fresh, green ones are allowed for consumption. Moreover, only it contains fiber, which can remove toxins from the body, help with constipation and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Ways to use peas for gastritis

For gastritis with high acidity, it is better to eat peas stewed. Prolonged heat treatment kills beneficial substances, so it does not need to be cooked for long.

For gastritis with high acidity, it is better to eat peas stewed

For storage at home, nutritionists advise freezing fresh product. Before use, defrost and rinse under water. Since peas are rich in proteins, the body will quickly feel full. For gastritis, it is recommended to cook peas after soaking. The product needs to be soaked for at least a day.

In a state of remission of gastrointestinal diseases, it is better to eat pea soup. Dietary first courses should be prepared with vegetable broth or lean meat. All products are pureed. Fresh peas are added in the middle of cooking, and at the end they are crushed to a mushy state. You can add a little salt for taste.

Another dish recommended for stomach diseases is pea porridge. Before cooking, it must be soaked in water and boiled in it. After boiling, the porridge is cooked over low heat for 40 minutes. The degree of readiness can be determined by consistency (it should turn out to be puree). Using a blender and water, you can make it more liquid.

Pea porridge. Secrets of proper cooking.

Pea porridge for gastritis is an irreplaceable tasty and nutritious dish recommended by gastroenterologists. But in order to preserve all the medicinal properties of peas as much as possible, you should know the features of proper preparation of porridge.

First of all, you need to carefully sort out the peas, getting rid of spoiled fruits.
Then rinse well and soak in water. Important: for gastritis, it is recommended to cook peas that have been soaked for 24 hours (no less!), this will allow them to boil well during the cooking process.
Cook pea porridge in the same water; the container must have thick walls so that the porridge cooks evenly. Next, you need to wait until it boils, then cook over low heat for at least forty minutes. Moderate addition of salt to taste is allowed. You need to stir the contents of the pan thoroughly, because the porridge can burn quickly.

Once the consistency has reached a puree-like appearance, you can be sure that the dish is ready. The thickness is easily adjusted using the usual masher or blender; with their help, you can make a thinner porridge.

Cooking pea porridge correctly

Are green peas allowed for gastritis?

Is it possible to eat green peas for gastritis? It is worth remembering that it contains vegetable proteins, which are very difficult to digest in the human stomach. In addition, they can cause the accumulation of gases and flatulence, which in turn is accompanied by severe pain.

for chronic gastritis, only green peas are eaten

It is not surprising that against the background of an exacerbation, green peas with gastritis definitely cannot be eaten.

But for chronic gastritis, only green peas are eaten. After all, any dish prepared with dried peas, including soups or cereals, can provoke the development of an exacerbation. One way or another, peas are a legume that acts as a source of Vitamin B1 and zinc for the human body. In addition, green peas are characterized by a high concentration of magnesium, protein, and fiber.

Green peas also contain fiber. It helps remove toxins from the human body, and also helps in cases of constipation and simply reduces cholesterol in the blood. If you look in detail at the amino acids contained in green peas, you will notice a high percentage of their presence. Moreover, they are entrusted with the most important function: they have a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Among other things, the biologically active substances present in green peas help strengthen the nervous system and improve health. Cellular metabolism and even brain function. That is, you can eat green peas with gastritis, but with caution. After all, he has both negative and positive qualities.

In particular, it contains a lot of magnesium nucleic acids, which is why soups made from fresh green peas are so useful for gastritis. It is still advisable to consult your doctor about this. After all, only he knows the characteristics of the patient’s body and can most accurately predict his reactions.

Potato soup recipe

To cope with the disease, it is important to undertake comprehensive treatment and correctly create a menu. Are you going through a period of exacerbation? In this difficult time, you need to give up your usual borscht, mushroom soup, kharcho, pickle, and cabbage soup. You need to take care of the inflamed mucous membrane. You must understand that during inflammation the stomach cannot fully digest food. Help him.

Chronic form

Remove the skin from the chicken. Pour water over the meat, lightly salt it and boil until done. Remove the chicken and strain the broth. Bring the broth to a boil, throw in the carrot pieces. After twenty minutes, add the potatoes cut into cubes.

Legumes should be added to the diet carefully. They contain vegetable protein, which is difficult for the body to digest. In addition, they provoke the accumulation of gases in the intestines and flatulence, which are accompanied by pain. Thus, it is not recommended to eat green peas for gastritis at the acute stage. It can be used only in chronic forms of the disease.

Peas for patients with gastritis

People suffering from inflammation of the gastric mucosa are wondering whether it is possible to eat peas with gastritis. The answer from experts is that the product is not prohibited, but it must be used with caution. Everyone has experienced the effect of pea grains on digestion, because when they enter the stomach and intestines, they produce a fermentation effect. What will this lead to and how to avoid unpleasant consequences?

For patients with gastritis, important properties are the effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Plant protein promotes the healing of the stomach walls and the regeneration of mucosal tissue. Dietary fiber speeds up the passage of food, removes waste and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, and prevents the formation of fat cells on the organs of the digestive tract. In terms of nutritional value, peas are equal to meat. Vegetarians fill the body's need for protein with it.


Gastritis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa, leading to disruption of the digestive function of this organ. The disease can be recognized by aching or burning pain in the upper abdomen, which may worsen or disappear during eating.

Gastritis is also accompanied by other dyspeptic disorders: heartburn, nausea, lack of appetite, weight loss, etc. Sometimes bowel movements may be disrupted.

The main causes of gastritis are the following factors:

  • bacterial infections;
  • long-term eating disorders, dry food, poor chewing of food;
  • addiction to spicy and rough foods;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • long-term uncontrolled use of medications that irritate the stomach walls (salicylates, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, some antibiotics, etc.);
  • genetic predisposition.

In the treatment of gastritis, diet therapy plays an important role - limiting or completely eliminating coarse, spicy, irritating foods from the patient’s diet. Porridges for gastritis are recommended dishes that are included in the patient’s diet from the first days of the disease.

We have separate articles about Diet No. 1 and Table No. 5, we recommend that you read them.

Eating peas for chronic gastritis

For chronic gastritis, it is recommended to eat only green peas. Porridges and other dishes prepared with dried peas can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Peas are legumes and are an important source of zinc and vitamin B1, which help strengthen the nervous system. Green peas have a high concentration of magnesium with nucleic acids, a large amount of fiber and protein.

The protein content of peas is 10 times higher than that of potatoes and sausage combined. The fiber found in peas helps remove toxins from the body, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and helps with constipation. The nucleic acids contained in peas are somewhat similar in structure to the proteins of molecules that carry genetic information. Cells of plant origin actively divide, providing a high percentage of nucleic acids.

These acids, especially those of plant origin, are extremely important for the functioning of the human body.

For chronic gastritis, it is recommended to eat only green peas

They enhance the regeneration process, thereby having a rejuvenating effect on the entire body. Nucleotides are better absorbed in combination with magnesium, and green peas have exactly this combination. Green peas also contain vitamin A, iron, vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), PP (niacin).

Thiamine, the concentration of which in green peas is quite high, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system: it ensures the coordinated interaction of all nerve nodes, thereby helping a person acquire a balanced, calm mood. Riboflavin provides cells with the necessary energy and helps improve skin condition.

Niacin stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Among other things, the biologically active substances of green peas strengthen the nervous system, improve brain function, activate cellular metabolism, reduce the level of fats in the blood, improve vision, remove toxins from the stomach and eliminate constipation.

Green peas have a sweetish taste and quickly fill you up (due to the protein present in them). It can be eaten fresh or stewed. It does not take long to simmer, since prolonged heating destroys vitamins and minerals. In case of chronic gastritis, the intake of green peas in food is somewhat limited, since due to the high concentration of the nutrients contained in it, it is difficult for the sick stomach to absorb.

Peas for patients with gastritis of the stomach recommendations

For patients with gastritis, important properties are the effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Plant protein promotes the healing of the stomach walls and the regeneration of mucosal tissue. Dietary fiber speeds up the passage of food, removes waste and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, and prevents the formation of fat cells on the organs of the digestive tract.

Nutritionists advise eating pea porridge. They are prepared from peas steamed for 24 hours in a thick-walled container. This method ensures steaming of grains, from which it is easy to puree. Pea soup for gastritis can be eaten no more than once or twice a week. At the same time, it is advisable to cook it in pumpkin vegetable broth. Gastroenterologists note that the combination of these two products is beneficial for the gastric mucosa and cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

With high acidity, pea dishes on the table should be rare, since gas formation leads to stomach pain. Contraindications to the use of peas are exacerbation of the disease, erosive gastritis, ulcers, duodenum. For these ailments, it is better to cook oatmeal and rice broth. Older people need to be careful; active fermentation causes a lot of inconvenience due to flatulence.

There is no need to give up peas if you have gastritis. The consumption of product-based meals should be agreed upon with a nutritionist. It is necessary to prepare porridges and soups according to recipes, and do not overuse additives. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, then there is no risk of recurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.

What cereals can you eat if you have gastritis?

In nature, there is a wide variety of grains and legumes from which you can prepare delicious porridges. Not all of them are suitable for feeding people with digestive problems. Let's analyze which cereals are useful for gastritis, and which can cause harm:

  • semolina - envelops the inner walls of the stomach, neutralizes inflammation, reduces pain, absorbs and removes toxic elements and waste from the body, promotes the healing of erosions and ulcers, therefore it is effective for erosive and ulcerative gastritis and its exacerbations. It is obtained from wheat grains. Prepared with water or milk. While stirring, pour the cereal into the boiling liquid and bring it to readiness. You can add sugar, salt, a little butter, various fruits, if there are no contraindications. It is still not recommended to eat it every day and several times, because... it is able to remove calcium from the body;
  • oatmeal - many healthy people start their morning with oatmeal, and those with gastritis even more so need to introduce this dish into their diet. It perfectly creates an enveloping film on the walls of the stomach, normalizes metabolism, removes toxins, relieves pain, gives us the necessary vitamins and microelements, and accelerates cell regeneration. In addition, its undoubted advantage is that it saturates well and does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • rice - as a result of its cooking, mucus is formed, which is well perceived by the inflamed mucosa. This porridge is recommended even in case of acute gastritis, the only thing is that it needs to be ground. For gastritis with low acidity, you need to drink rice water, high acidity - milk porridge, which is first boiled until half cooked in water, then poured with milk and brought to readiness;
  • millet - millet is obtained from millet. It is rich in proteins, PP and B vitamins, iron, magnesium, manganese, fluorine, etc., but it also contains a lot of fiber - carbohydrates that are not digested by stomach enzymes, only by intestinal microflora. Millet also increases acidity. For a sick stomach, this is heavy food, so eating millet porridge is possible only in the stage of remission with normal or reduced secretion;
  • corn - the cereal contains phosphorus, nicotinic acid, zinc, sodium, carotene - useful and necessary components for health, but it also contains enough fiber. Therefore, porridge is not indicated in acute conditions, in the case of erosive gastritis, and is best suited for remission. It is best that its consistency is liquid;
  • Buckwheat - in the post-Soviet space has acquired a reputation as a product unique in its beneficial properties, but is not recognized in Europe or America. Be that as it may, having a diagnosis of “gastritis”, there is no need to exclude it from the menu; on the contrary, it contains a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals, which means it can nourish the body with them and strengthen it, reduce acidity, without causing harm to people with hyperacidity. variant of pathology. It is best to eat liquid milk porridge;
  • wheat - made, like semolina, from wheat grains, but has larger particles. Despite its nutritional value and usefulness, it is still too heavy for a sick stomach, so it is not used during an exacerbation, but only after it;
  • barley - produced from barley grain by crushing and is a valuable food product. It contains potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, thiamine, niacin, iodine, cobalt, manganese, vitamins B6, PP, C, A. Barley proteins are superior in nutritional value to wheat proteins and are completely absorbed by the body. Dietary tables applicable for gastritis include barley porridge, cooked in both water and milk;
  • flaxseed - flax seeds contain an abundance of various vitamins and minerals, but the most valuable is the presence of omega fatty acids, proteins and lignins. Flax is famous for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral effects. At the stage of exacerbation, it is not recommended to eat flaxseed porridge, but only when it goes into remission;
  • oatmeal - obtained from crushed oat grains, it is very nutritious due to numerous amino acids and microelements, is gentle on the gastric mucosa, envelops it with a protective film, protecting it from damage, improves immunity;
  • pumpkin - baked and boiled pumpkin is well accepted by the stomach with high acidity. It contains a lot of carotene, as evidenced by its orange color. Pumpkin porridge relieves heartburn, discomfort in the stomach, and is used in various diets. If you have low acidity, you should limit yourself to small portions and not overuse the berry;
  • pearl barley - the most valuable component of the cereal is hordecin - a natural antibiotic that promotes the healing of the gastric mucosa. Pearl barley, like barley groats, is made from barley and has many beneficial properties. At the same time, pearl barley porridge does not boil down to a viscous state; it is quite rough and hard for a sick stomach. Therefore, during acute periods, pearl barley is used exclusively in dietary soups, giving them slipperiness and filling them with the necessary nutritional components;
  • pea - among herbaceous and grain crops, peas have no equal in terms of nutritional value. It contains a high percentage of protein, many vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Thanks to its composition, it quickly regenerates tissue, increases hemoglobin and immunity, improves intestinal motility, relieves the body of slagging, and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. Pea porridge is cooked for a long time until it reaches a puree-like state, which is what is suitable for patients with gastritis. The optimal amount of consumption of this dish is 2 times a week, because... it causes flatulence.

Peas description

Peas are a plant from the legume family, there are many varieties, and all of them are used as food. Peas contain the most carbohydrates, accounting for 49 grams. They are followed by proteins, occupying 20 grams, and fats, present in the product in a volume of only 2 grams. The calorie content of 100 grams of peas is 298 kcal.

There are three main types of product:

Peas are a plant from the legume family, there are many varieties and all of them are used as food.

  • sugar, or green: as the name implies, peas have a pleasant sweetish taste. Most often, the variety is used for preparing salads, added to soups and main courses. There is no need to process such peas; they are suitable for eating raw;
  • Shelling peas: This variety needs to be boiled due to its tough texture. It is sold both whole and chopped;
  • brain peas: an unusual shriveled pea. It is not customary to cook it, but it is often found in canned foods.

Yellow peas, often used in cooking, are not identified as a separate variety. In fact, these are the same peas, but fully ripened and undergone a drying procedure. Despite the differences in appearance and processing methods, all varieties of peas have beneficial properties and are valuable for health.

The benefits and harms of peas for gastritis

Everyone has experienced the effect of pea grains on digestion, because when they enter the stomach and intestines, they produce a fermentation effect. There are two types of product used in cooking - shelling peas and sugar snap peas. The fruits are distinguished by their hardness and shape. The first variety is used to make canned food, while the soft sugar variety is used to make porridges, soups, and other dishes.

For patients with gastritis, the important properties of peas are the effect on the gastrointestinal tract

For patients with gastritis, important properties are the effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Plant protein promotes the healing of the stomach walls and the regeneration of mucosal tissue. Dietary fiber speeds up the passage of food, removes waste and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, and prevents the formation of fat cells on the organs of the digestive tract.

Patients suffering from gastritis are prescribed a strict diet. It excludes foods that cause increased flatulence. Plant proteins are difficult to digest components, so it is difficult for a sick stomach to cope with them. An accumulation of gases forms, which causes noticeable pain. This symptomatology is especially characteristic of the exacerbation phase of the pathology. Therefore, if the disease relapses, peas should be eaten in moderation; they should be prepared according to the recommendations of nutritionists.

Industrially canned green peas are dangerous for gastritis, since the marinade contains additional acidity. When consumed, the environment in the stomach becomes aggressive, which provokes the onset of the acute phase of the disease. Green peas should be frozen fresh, and then prepared from them in various dishes and salads.

Peas for gastritis

All diseases of the digestive organs are associated with disturbances in the functioning of not only the stomach, but also the intestines, so one of the symptoms of the disease will be a violation of stool. And peas, which are consumed either in their pure form or are used to make soup, contain proteins of plant origin.

The basis of pea soup is broth made from lean meats or vegetables, but all ingredients must be pureed

Digesting them is very difficult for the body. In addition, they cause the accumulation of gases and subsequent flatulence, accompanied by severe pain. Therefore, people suffering from gastritis should never consume legume soups. This especially applies to periods of exacerbation.

Pea soup for gastritis

All dietary soups eaten for gastritis have approximately the same preparation rules. The basis of this dish is always a broth made from lean meats or vegetables, but all ingredients must be pureed.

Peas, since they are fresh and not dried, are added in the middle of cooking, and at the very end they are crushed with a mixer to a puree state. A little salt is added at the very end of cooking. Only in this form can you consume pea soup for gastritis, and then only during the period of remission.

Soup in the diet for gastritis

There are signature soup recipes in the national cuisine of almost every country. French onion soup, Italian minestrone, Russian cabbage soup, pea soup with smoked meats from Germany - the list goes on.

One of the most popular soups is made from dried peas and smoked ribs, with toasted croutons and sweet cream. Is it possible to eat this soup if you have gastritis?

If you return to the list of foods prohibited for gastritis, you can find peas and smoked delicacies on it.

Both products are too difficult to digest in the stomach, and peas, moreover, provoke excessive formation of gases in the intestines.

Dried peas contain large quantities of vegetable protein, which the stomach will not be able to cope with if you have gastritis.

Pea soup is excluded from the menu both for gastritis with high acidity and low acidity. But all of the above applies to ripe dried peas.

Young green peas do not yet contain as much protein and substances that cause flatulence as dry ones.

Therefore, a small amount of green peas can be recommended as an ingredient for soup for gastritis. This soup has its own cooking characteristics.

Here are some recipes

  • Boil 1 cup of milky ripe peas until tender, drain the broth, grind the peas in a blender;
  • put potatoes in wedges, carrots, a small zucchini, half a tomato in a saucepan with meat or vegetable broth, and cook the vegetables;
  • add pea puree to the soup, a little cream or sour cream, herbs if desired, bring to a boil, remove from heat;
  • Beat the slightly cooled soup in a blender and serve with homemade wheat croutons.
  • cook broth from chicken, chicken giblets or veal (drain the first broth);
  • Boil green peas separately and make a puree from them;
  • in a saucepan, simmer finely chopped onion, carrots, parsley root in water with the addition of a piece of butter;
  • put pieces of meat, washed rice, stewed vegetables, mashed peas into the broth, cook until the potatoes are ready;
  • At the end of cooking, add cilantro, dill, parsley.

Such pea soup will not only not cause harm for gastritis, but will also enrich the body with nutrients and vitamins, which are abundant in vegetables and herbs, and protein.

You can season soups with vegetable oils (olive, sesame, corn, pumpkin), sour cream (low fat) or cream, kefir.

If the patient is in remission, olives, pasta, and some favorite spices (not hot) are added to the soup if desired.

For gastritis with low acidity, green borscht with sorrel and green onions, rassolnik with pickles, and cabbage soup with sauerkraut are acceptable in the diet.

If you eat these first courses, the level of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice will increase, and the process of digesting food will improve.

Following these simple rules will help you diversify your menu for gastritis, so as not to deny yourself familiar and favorite dishes.

Is it possible to eat green peas for gastritis?

You can eat green peas if you have gastritis, but with caution. After all, he has both negative and positive qualities. In particular, it contains a lot of magnesium nucleic acids, which is why soups made from fresh green peas are so useful for gastritis.

Green peas also contain fiber. It helps remove toxins from the human body, and also helps in cases of constipation and simply reduces cholesterol in the blood. Among other things, the biologically active substances present in green peas help strengthen the nervous system and improve health. Cellular metabolism and even brain function.

Green peas for chronic gastritis

For chronic gastritis, it is recommended to eat only green peas. Porridges and other dishes prepared with dried peas can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Peas are legumes and are an important source of zinc and vitamin B1, which help strengthen the nervous system.

For chronic gastritis, it is recommended to eat only green peas

Green peas have a high concentration of magnesium with nucleic acids, a large amount of fiber and protein. The protein content of peas is 10 times higher than that of potatoes and sausage combined. The fiber found in peas helps remove toxins from the body, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and helps with constipation. Cells of plant origin actively divide, providing a high percentage of nucleic acids.

Green peas also contain vitamin A, iron, vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), PP (niacin). Biologically active substances of green peas strengthen the nervous system, improve brain function, activate cellular metabolism, reduce the level of fats in the blood, improve vision, remove toxins from the stomach and eliminate constipation.

What is allowed to be added to pea porridge for gastritis.

To diversify the menu, experiment with the ingredients that are added to the finished dish. The simplest recipe is to add 10 grams of butter and stewed, finely chopped onion.

It is useful to add meat broths, for example, chicken or beef, to the porridge. This will add nutritional value, change the taste of the porridge and improve the condition of the stomach.

People suffering from excess weight can replace meat broth with vegetable broth; this will also dilute the boring recipe, and properly selected vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower) will improve the functioning of the intestines, which will give a feeling of relief and relieve the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and flatulence.

Ways to use peas for gastritis

Legumes should be added to the diet carefully. They contain vegetable protein, which is difficult for the body to digest. In addition, they provoke the accumulation of gases in the intestines and flatulence, which are accompanied by pain.

For gastritis with high acidity, it is better to eat peas stewed

Thus, it is not recommended to eat green peas for gastritis at the acute stage. It can be used only in chronic forms of the disease.

For gastritis with high acidity, it is better to eat peas stewed. Prolonged heat treatment kills beneficial substances, so it does not need to be cooked for long. For storage at home, nutritionists advise freezing fresh product. Before use, defrost and rinse under water. Since peas are rich in proteins, the body will quickly feel full. For gastritis, it is recommended to cook peas after soaking. The product needs to be soaked for at least a day.

In a state of remission of gastrointestinal diseases, it is better to eat pea soup. Dietary first courses should be prepared with vegetable broth or lean meat. All products are pureed. Fresh peas are added in the middle of cooking, and at the end they are crushed to a mushy state. You can add a little salt for taste.

Another dish recommended for stomach diseases is pea porridge. Before cooking, it must be soaked in water and boiled in it. After boiling, the porridge is cooked over low heat for 40 minutes. The degree of readiness can be determined by consistency (it should turn out to be puree). Using a blender and water, you can make it more liquid.

Peas will have a beneficial effect on the child’s digestive organs and regulate the functioning of the myocardium.

What are the benefits of peas for children?

Be sure to give peas to children. The product will provide the child with energy, improve mental activity, and increase concentration. Eating peas will help improve memory and vision. The vegetable is rich in thiamine, it is a growth stimulant and also maintains muscle tone.

Such food will have a beneficial effect on the child’s digestive organs and regulate the functioning of the myocardium. Peas will strengthen the body and increase physical endurance. The product will improve appetite; this property will be important for small children who prefer sweets to regular dishes.

Peas contain a lot of protein and calcium, which are responsible for the condition of the skeletal system and teeth. Consuming the product will strengthen bones and prevent the occurrence of caries. If a child eats peas, it will eliminate bad breath.

Experts advise introducing your baby to green peas from 8-9 months. Until this age, the child’s body lacks the enzymes necessary to digest vegetables. Up to 2 years of age, the product should not be given fresh, only boiled or stewed. This way he will assimilate better. To make peas healthy, give them to your child in combination with other vegetables. Recommended frequency: up to 1-3 rubles/week. The number of beans should not exceed 1/3 of other vegetables.

Pea soup

  1. Bioactive ingredients - choline, beta carotene.
  2. Vitamin complex - group B, PP, E, A, H, K1.
  3. Macro and microelements - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, zinc, chlorine, cobalt, manganese.
  4. Enzyme-active components - fiber, mono- and disaccharides, starch.
  5. Water.

Gastritis with high acidity

Gastritis is a disease accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. An important part of therapy for it is following a diet and giving up bad habits. After all, it is often poor nutrition, smoking and alcohol consumption that lead to this disease. Gastritis can be with high or low acidity. Dietary recommendations for the hyperacid type, when the acidity in the stomach is higher than normal, require separate consideration.

Peas contain a large amount of magnesium, as well as nucleic acids, which is why patients suffering from gastritis should consume soups with its addition. But it must be taken into account that such food is allowed to patients only at the stage of remission. In addition, it is forbidden to take dried peas - only fresh green peas should be used.

Not all vegetables are useful for gastritis with high acidity. Among the harmful foods for this disease are radishes, garlic, radishes, and fresh onions. You should also not eat pickled, pickled or salted vegetables. The consumption of white cabbage is also limited (you can’t eat it raw at all). In addition, it is forbidden to eat fried vegetables.

Zucchini, eggplant

  • You cannot salt such juice;
  • You can drink juice whose temperature is equal to body temperature;
  • The juice should be consumed before meals, 0.5 cups;
  • You should drink no more than 1.5 glasses per day, i.e. A maximum of 3 doses is allowed.

Severe, paroxysmal (colicky) pain occurs as a result of stretching of smooth muscles or its spastic contractions. Sharp pain that occurs 1–2 hours after eating is characteristic of gastric ulcer; often they give it to the back. “Hungry pains”, pain at night, are characteristic of duodenal ulcers.

Recipes for cooking peas for gastritis

Recipes for pea dishes are very diverse. You can prepare a classic side dish or diversify the product with additional ingredients. To do this, you must use whole or chopped beans. It is believed that the first option is the most successful. When choosing peas, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and composition (non-GMO).

Pea beans take quite a long time to cook, so it is better to pre-soak them for 6-9 hours (overnight, for example). If you pre-soak the peas, the cooking time will take 40-60 minutes. Dry peas are cooked for 1.5 - 2 hours. If the beans are old, it may take longer. Without soaking, peas cook perfectly in the slow cooker for two hours.

Diet pea soup recipe

For broth-water – 5 liters; celery root – 200 grams. a couple of carrots. Chop the vegetables, add water and cook until tender. For soup, take a glass of peas; a couple of carrots; one onion; a spoonful of olive oil.

In the evening, pour cold water over the peas, and in the morning add them to the prepared vegetable broth and cook until soft. While cooking the soup, chop the carrots and onions, place them on a baking sheet, sprinkle with oil and place in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 10 minutes. Place the baked vegetables in the soup a few minutes before the end of cooking. Salt and spices to taste, but it is better to minimize their quantity. The calorie content of such soup per 100 grams is about 60 kcal.

Recipes for pea dishes are very diverse for patients with gastritis

Pea soup can also be prepared with chicken breasts, in which case the first course turns out even more delicious, while the calorie content does not increase significantly. The main thing that should not be forgotten when cooking any pea soup is the obligatory soaking of dried peas in water before cooking. Thanks to this, pea protein is absorbed better, which reduces the risk of flatulence.

Pea porridge with water recipe

Ingredients for cooking: whole or chopped peas - 0.2 kg; water - 0.8 liters; salt to taste.

You don’t have to soak the peas in this recipe, then we need a 1:4 proportion of water and cereal. If you pre-soak the peas, then the ratio will be 1:3. The beans must be thoroughly washed, filled with water and brought to a boil. After this, add salt and cook until tender, stirring the porridge intensively. It is important that the peas do not burn. Pea porridge with water turns out boiled and tasty.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker recipe

Ingredients for cooking: whole or chopped peas - 0.2 kg; water - 0.8 liters; salt to taste. The only big advantage is that you don’t need to monitor the porridge and constantly stir. Pea porridge is prepared in a slow cooker in two hours. Classic pea porridge is not the pinnacle of culinary art; you can prepare a side dish with additional ingredients, for example: herbs, vegetables, meat and more.



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How to properly cook borscht for gastritis

What to do when you can’t eat, but your body is used to getting a portion of its usual food for lunch? You can try the dietary option and cook borscht, slightly changing the classic recipe.

Instead of fatty pork, put chicken or veal in the borscht, replace white cabbage with a small amount of Chinese cabbage, and do not use beans, garlic, lard and pepper at all.

The cooking recipe will also have to be slightly changed:

  1. 200 – 250g. Pour cold water over chicken, turkey or veal meat and bring to a boil. Drain the first broth, add water, onion, carrots again, reduce heat to medium and cook until the meat is cooked.
  2. Remove the vegetables from the finished broth, discard the onion, mash the carrots or cut them into small cubes, and return them to the borscht.
  3. Grate the beets, put them in the broth along with the chopped potatoes, add a little salt and sugar, and cook until tender.
  4. At the end of cooking, add chopped peeled tomato, parsley and dill. Serve with sour cream and oven-dried white bread.

Diet borscht can be prepared in another way. The previous recipe did not use cabbage; in another version, a little of its Beijing variety was added and the cooking process was slightly changed:

  1. Cook the broth as in the first recipe, but without adding vegetables. Finely chop the onion, put it in the broth, add diced potatoes and salt.
  2. Pour a little water into a saucepan or frying pan, add finely grated carrots, parsley root, maybe a spoonful of cream, and simmer until the vegetables soften.
  3. Add sautéed vegetables, boiled beets, cut into strips, chopped peeled tomatoes into the broth.
  4. Put the borscht on the fire, cook until the beets and potatoes are ready, add Chinese cabbage, dill, and parsley. If desired, you can season it with Provençal herbs. Yes, adding low-fat sour cream.

The taste of such borscht may differ from the usual one, but the dish will be nutritious and will not have a negative effect on the body.

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