How to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids at home

Description of the disease

Hemorrhoids are enlarged hemorrhoids, which in the last stages of the disease can prolapse beyond the anus. This disease is accompanied by itching, burning, pain, bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms.

The reason for the expansion of hemorrhoids is poor circulation. This, in turn, may be caused by the following factors:

  • sedentary lifestyle or, conversely, excessive stress;
  • regular standing (often associated with profession);
  • unhealthy diet, i.e. eating fatty, salty, fried foods;
  • overweight;
  • anal sex;
  • smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • stress;
  • prolonged constipation or diarrhea;
  • tumors and inflammation in the rectum, etc.

The above are just risk factors. Hemorrhoids can also be caused by genetic predisposition, internal changes in the body that do not depend in any way on external factors.

What are hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a chronic disease in which the veins of the anorectal region dilate. The most important symptom is the appearance and prolapse of hemorrhoids. Their popular name is cones.

The condition is considered a multifactorial disease, as it appears as a result of several factors or causes. The disease brings discomfort to patients, and in some cases, leads to a change in lifestyle for the worse.

It is undesirable to treat hemorrhoids without consulting a doctor

We recommend reading a detailed and informative article by our specialist about modern methods of treating hemorrhoids.

Also, be sure to study our author’s tips and recommendations on how to cure hemorrhoids as quickly and effectively as possible.

Another useful article talks about how to get rid of hemorrhoids without any problems or hassle. Helpful tips will be useful to everyone.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home? This disease belongs to the category of those that develop rapidly and move into those stages when surgical intervention is no longer possible. This is why proctologists and phlebologists do not recommend self-medication.

Many recipes that are presented in non-medical reference books or on the Internet may not be effective at a particular stage of the disease. They may not only fail to improve the patient’s condition, but may also lead to more serious consequences. If you notice the first signs of hemorrhoids, be sure to consult a specialist.

When treating hemorrhoids at home, the patient takes full responsibility for the outcome of the procedures. Don't risk your health and use proven methods to get rid of diseases.

Why is it better to see a doctor to treat hemorrhoids?

The question of how and what to treat emerging hemorrhoids faces every patient. Self-therapy for inflamed nodes at home seems to be the simplest. But here, for those who like to fight hemorrhoids at home and want to take full responsibility for their health, many unpleasant surprises and pitfalls await them:

  • it is impossible to independently accurately determine the stage of the pathological process, and therefore use adequate therapy;
  • it is impossible to correctly determine the cause of hemorrhoids, that is, at home only symptomatic treatment is possible, giving temporary results;
  • self-medication cannot stop the disease, but only aggravates the situation, since it does not solve the problem, but heals it, helps the progression of the pathology, and the occurrence of complications;
  • lost time leads to visiting a doctor in advanced stages of the disease, when surgery is indispensable;
  • incorrect use of medications, attempts to manually reduce hemorrhoids provoke the addition of a secondary infection, the spread of inflammation to nearby tissues and organs;
  • It is impossible to independently select proven, reliable, effective medications, relying only on the advice of friends, using information obtained on the Internet.

Therefore, the most optimal solution to the problem that has arisen is an early, timely contact with a specialist.

Drug treatment

How to treat hemorrhoids at home? The most popular method is the use of medications. They can not only normalize blood circulation and return hemorrhoids to their original state, but also eliminate pain and discomfort caused by the disease.

For drug treatment, various drugs are used: ointments and creams, suppositories, tablets. Let's consider them separately.


The most effective drugs against hemorrhoids are tablets. They fight not only the consequences of the disease, but also the causes of its occurrence. Tablets are capable of:

  • eliminate pain syndrome;
  • improve vascular tone;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • eliminate itching and burning in the anus, etc.

The most popular drugs that will help cure hemorrhoids at home are:

  • Detralex;
  • Venarus;
  • Phlebodia 600;
  • Troxevasin.


We recommend that you carefully study the detailed article about Detralex for hemorrhoids and the features of using these tablets.

The first drug that we will consider in the article is Detralex. It is rightfully considered the most common drug against the expansion of hemorrhoids. Its spectrum of action includes:

  • increased vascular tone;
  • increased blood inflow and outflow;
  • reducing vascular fragility;
  • elimination of discomfort and pain.

This drug acts only in the early stages of the disease. He is no longer able to improve the patient’s condition in the case where the hemorrhoids have fallen outside the anus.


Venarus is an excellent alternative to Detralex, as it has similar properties. The only difference is the price. This drug is quite inexpensive, which explains its popularity.

Phlebodia 600

Like previous medications, it is classified as a venotonic. The properties of Phlebodia 600 are the following:

  • improvement of lymphatic drainage;
  • increased vascular tone;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels.


And the last drug is Troxevasin. It is able to relieve swelling in the anal area, reducing the permeability of the vascular walls.

These drugs affect blood circulation and the condition of blood vessels, so improper use can lead to serious consequences. You should not rely on quick treatment of hemorrhoids with pills. Be sure to consult a specialist.

You can find out how effective Troxevasin is for hemorrhoids and how to use it correctly by reading our expert’s article.

Ointments and creams

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly and effectively is impossible only with the use of ointments and creams. But they can significantly increase the effect of medications, as they contain active components that block pain, reduce swelling, and eliminate itching and burning.

But it is worth understanding that such remedies have only a local effect and only temporarily relieve the patient from discomfort, without fighting the causes of the disease. Home treatment of hemorrhoids with ointments and creams will not be beneficial at serious stages of development of the disease.

The most common local remedies include:

  • Relief;
  • Troxevasin gel;
  • Proctosan;
  • Bezornil;
  • heparin ointment, etc.

Incorrectly selected ointments and creams can only intensify the symptoms of the disease (for example, due to allergies or individual intolerance to the active components of the products). Before using them, be sure to consult a specialist.

  • The most popular and effective ointments for hemorrhoids are presented in the review prepared by our specialist proctologist.
  • We also recommend that you study a detailed review of hemorrhoid creams, which describes the most popular and effective soft dosage forms.


Effective remedies against the expansion of hemorrhoids are suppositories. They are introduced internally, which allows the components to act more effectively on the affected areas.

Patients are recommended to use the following suppositories.

  1. Hepatrombin G. It belongs to the drugs of combined action, i.e. it eliminates inflammation, reduces pain and itching in the anal area, improves blood circulation, relieves swelling, reduces blood clots, etc. For such a range of actions, the drug has a ridiculous cost - about 180 rubles for 1 package. Despite their high effectiveness, these suppositories have their contraindications: syphilis, allergies and individual intolerance to active substances, tuberculosis, skin diseases, etc.
  2. Gepasolone. These suppositories are very similar in their properties to the previous ones: they increase vascular tone, stimulate blood circulation, eliminate pain, cool the damaged area, and promote the resorption of thrombotic nodes. The course of treatment with these suppositories is 7 days, but it can be doubled on the recommendation of a doctor.
  3. Nigepan. Budget-friendly, but no less effective suppositories that have a standard spectrum of action for a drug against hemorrhoids. A significant difference from many other suppositories is the absence of hormonal components in the composition. This determines the short list of contraindications and side effects.
  4. Procto-Glivenol. 1 such suppository per day is enough to reduce pain and locally improve the flow and flow of blood. Contraindications for use are pregnancy and various liver dysfunctions.
  5. Relief. These suppositories contain fish oil, which promotes accelerated healing of microcracks.
  6. With ichthyol. Ichthyol has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic properties. Regular use of this drug will help relieve symptoms of the disease.
  7. Sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn oil-based suppositories help not only eliminate burning and itching, but also quickly heal microcracks, which very often bring terrible discomfort.
  8. With propolis. Propolis, like ichthyol and sea buckthorn oil, is an excellent antiseptic. In addition, it has a pronounced cooling effect.
  9. Homeopathic. They contain small doses of medicinal herbs.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids begin with a slight itching in the anus, but few people pay attention to this symptom; gradually the itching intensifies. Nodes in hemorrhoids are internal (not visible to the patient) and external, protruding into the anus. There are also mixed hemorrhoids, in which there are both internal and external nodes.

  • In the first stage of hemorrhoids, you can feel the hemorrhoids in the anus; they bleed without causing pain.
  • On the second, the nodes fall out during defecation, but are set afterwards without the help of hands.
  • On the third, the nodes fall out under any physical stress and are straightened by hand.
  • At the fourth stage, the nodes constantly fall out of the anus and cannot be reduced, often bleed, and thrombosis develops.

The prolapsed nodes can be pinched, pain occurs, and swelling of the anus is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

Therapy with folk remedies

The above described medications that are prescribed by doctors and sold in any pharmacies. But how to cure hemorrhoids at home using only improvised means? In this case, therapy with folk remedies is suitable.

A detailed review of popular and effective folk remedies for hemorrhoids is presented in the article by our proctologist.

Homemade candles

As mentioned above, suppositories are one of the most effective remedies against hemorrhoids. You can make them yourself.

  1. Ice candles. To prepare them, decoctions of medicinal plants are frozen. Such suppositories should provide good pain relief and stop bleeding. But, unfortunately, their effect is only temporary; they are not able to fight the cause of the disease.
  2. Suppositories made from raw vegetables. A small piece of raw potato, beet or garlic is administered rectally at night. Such suppositories have a drying effect and relieve inflammation.
  3. Candles with honey. A small amount of honey should be wrapped in film and frozen. You can add aloe and sunflower oil to it. After freezing, remove the suppository from the film and administer it rectally at night.
  4. Candles made of wax and pine resin. Place beeswax and pine resin in a ratio of 4:1 in a water bath. When the components have completely dissolved, natural oils (sea buckthorn, sunflower, olive) can be added to the mixture. Form candles and freeze them. Inject rectally at night, after lubricating the anus with Vaseline or oil.

The shape of a homemade candle should be as close as possible to the pharmacy one. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve comfortable use.

Homemade ointments

Ointments can locally relieve pain, eliminate inflammation, improve blood circulation, and speed up wound healing. The most common homemade ointment is with the addition of propolis. Animal fat, preheated to room temperature, is mixed with propolis in equal proportions. The resulting product is applied locally to the problem area overnight and washed off in the morning with running water. This ointment can be slightly enriched with liquid vegetable oil, which will make its texture more enveloping.

The next ointment is with the addition of honey. Soft butter is mixed with honey (be sure to use only natural honey, without adding sugar or other ingredients).

Cabbage ointment is also an effective remedy. Fresh cabbage must be boiled in milk and cooled. Next, mix until smooth with bran (corn, wheat) crushed into pulp.

Sitz baths

Baths for hemorrhoids at home are very popular among patients, as they help quickly get rid of discomfort and acute pain. Doctors recommend taking such baths before bed to prolong the effect of the components.

Our specialist talks about what types of baths for hemorrhoids are, what ingredients can be used in such procedures and how to be treated correctly using this method.

We present recipes for the most effective baths against the expansion of hemorrhoids.

  1. With tea. A very simple but effective recipe. Tea can relieve inflammation, reduce pain, and stop bleeding. Preparing this bath is simple: brew loose leaf tea in three liters of hot water. Cool the liquid slightly. Reason for a sitz bath (will take 15-20 minutes). The bath steams and softens the skin well, which can make inserting the candle more comfortable.
  2. With chamomile. Chamomile has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. This bath is actively used against many diseases, in particular against hemorrhoids. Brew dry chamomile (3-4 tablespoons) in 2-3 liters of hot water, cool the broth slightly.
  3. With potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate is found in almost every home, and is most often used for poisoning. Not everyone knows that it is also effective for hemorrhoids. Dilute a small amount of potassium permanganate in 2-3 liters of water. Recommended water temperature is 35-40 degrees. Potassium permanganate will disinfect and slightly dry microcracks.
  4. With pine cones. This bath will stop bleeding from the anus. Boil a few tablespoons of shoots in 4-5 liters of water. Strain and cool slightly.

Baths are procedures that are beneficial only if special recommendations are followed.

  • Choose the optimal bath water temperature. It should not be less than 25 and more than 40 degrees.
  • Take baths 2-3 times a week. Less often - it will not give the desired results, more often - it can only aggravate the situation.
  • After the bath, use an ointment or suppository for hemorrhoids. The decoctions themselves do not fight the cause of the disease. They are necessary only to eliminate discomfort and increase the effectiveness of other medications.


The next way to combat the disease is microenemas. The optimal volume of liquid for such procedures is 60 milliliters. The enema tip must be lubricated with oil or Vaseline. Inject rectally a few centimeters, squeeze out the contents, and then empty.

There are several recipes for microenemas.

  1. 50 milliliters of natural oil (castor, almond, sea buckthorn) per 1 liter of water.
  2. A decoction of rice, corn, starch.
  3. Chamomile decoction (5 grams per 1 liter of water).
  4. A decoction of strawberry leaves (1 tablespoon per 200 milliliters of water).
  5. Wormwood decoction. (1 tablespoon per 250 milliliters of water).

After a microenema, be sure to lubricate the anus with medicinal ointment or cream.

Traditional recipes for home treatment of hemorrhoids

It is no secret that a huge number of people prefer traditional medicine to all the achievements of pharmacology. Everyone has their own arguments in favor of this decision: some consider medications to be nothing more than extorting money from pharmacy clients, others are sure that pills and suppositories “mutilate more than they heal.”

The main feature of traditional medicine recipes is the high level of trust in them among patients, which results in a well-functioning placebo effect. Many proctologists note this fact: if the patient believes, then he even feels better. True, not for long. Indeed, no matter how much you might like it, hemorrhoids are a serious enough disease that a chamomile bath or lotions with calendula ice cubes will relieve you of aggravation and slow down the disease. Unfortunately, this doesn't work.

You can use folk recipes, but they do not replace conservative medicine. You should not replace a competent treatment regimen drawn up by a doctor with chamomile and nettle. You can use folk remedies as auxiliaries if you really need it.

What you can pay attention to:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil;
  2. Propolis;
  3. Chamomile, string, nettle, calendula;
  4. Bay leaf;
  5. Aloe juice.

Recipes based on these natural components can have a certain effect in symptomatic treatment.

Another aspect: how exactly to be treated with these folk remedies. It's one thing if you freeze chamomile tea and then use these ice cubes for temporary compresses. But if you decide that the best home remedy for hemorrhoids is steam baths, you may be on the verge of a big mistake. Why is that? Proctologists unanimously say that all extreme methods of treating hemorrhoids are dangerous to your health. Steam and hot baths, ready to remove the symptoms of the disease, can cause severe burns. You don’t have to be a completely stupid person to get such a burn: anyone can miscalculate. Imagine, you have severe inflammation in your anus, and if this area is subjected to a real thermal attack, how will it end? It is possible that even hospitalization.


So, we have decided the question of how to treat hemorrhoids at home. But treatment will not bear fruit without a special diet. Eliminate from your diet fatty, fried, salty and other foods that can lead to the formation of blood clots.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, which normalize stool. Don't forget about unsaturated fatty acids (fish oil, avocados, nuts, flaxseed oil). Increase the amount of protein foods you consume.

Monitor the amount of fluid you consume. Avoid coffee, sweet carbonated drinks, and alcohol. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.


The principles of dietary nutrition for hemorrhoids are aimed at:

  • weight loss;
  • restoration of digestion and stool;
  • elimination of stagnation;
  • exclusion of factors that irritate the mucous membrane.

The basis of a healthy diet for hemorrhoids should be fiber. It promotes:

  • softening and increasing the volume of feces;
  • adsorption of waste and toxins;
  • removing excess cholesterol;
  • maintaining intestinal microflora.

As fiber, you can use various porridges made from buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, and pearl barley. Adequate fiber is found in rough vegetables and unsweetened fruits.

But you will have to give up baked goods, potatoes and pasta, and white bread. It is advisable to introduce bran into the diet. Daily consumption is about 60 grams. bran meets 75% of the requirement. Great importance is also given to the water regime. After all, water not only quenches thirst, but also participates in all metabolic processes and helps prevent constipation.

All products that can cause gas formation and irritate the mucous membranes are prohibited. Marinades, canned food, as well as salty, sour, fatty, spicy and spicy foods are completely excluded from the diet.

Gymnastics for hemorrhoids

How to cure hemorrhoids at home with gymnastics? This is possible only in the early stages of the development of the disease. During periods of bleeding, severe pain, high body temperature, gymnastics and any other physical activity are prohibited.

Give preference to swimming and easy walking. Do intimate gymnastics, which will increase the tone of hemorrhoidal vessels. Seated yoga and light abdominal exercises are also recommended.

Want to learn more about exercise? Read our specialist’s article about the rules for doing gymnastics for hemorrhoids.

Prevention methods

If you have a genetic predisposition to this disease or you are engaged exclusively in standing or sedentary work, you cannot do without prevention. The principles have long been well known.

  1. Quitting bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).
  2. Reducing excessive physical activity.
  3. Playing sports in the absence of physical activity.
  4. Normalization of the diet, avoidance of fatty foods.
  5. Regularly performing intimate gymnastics to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  6. Avoid anal sex if it causes discomfort.
  7. Yoga classes.
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