Diet after gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy)
The gallbladder is, of course, an important organ that accumulates and transfers complex physiological
Side pain
Causes of pain in the right hypochondrium after gallbladder removal
Many patients have pain on the right side under the ribs after gallbladder removal. After radical
Lifting weights
When can you lift weights after gallbladder removal?
After the gallbladder has been removed, the human body begins to adapt to new conditions
operations for pancreatitis
In what cases is pancreatic surgery performed?
Surgical intervention for acute pancreatitis can be emergency or urgent; the procedure is performed in the first hours
Figure 1. Narrowed or blocked bile duct.
Drainage of intrahepatic bile ducts
Information about the biliary system Bile is a fluid that is produced in the liver. She helps
Symptoms and treatment of enzyme deficiency in children
Malabsorption syndrome is a syndrome of impaired absorption of food components in the small intestine. Absorption or
blood in test tubes
Amylase for inflammation of the pancreas
The pancreas performs an important function in the human body - it participates in the process of digesting food. WITH
An attack of heartburn in the esophagus of a girl
Reflux of acid from the stomach into the esophagus: what causes it and how to eliminate it
Acid reflux is a very common health problem. Other terms used to describe it are
MRI of the stomach and intestines: what does it show?
The stomach and duodenum are part of the digestive tract, where food is stored and partially
Surgeries for stomach ulcers: postoperative period, what you can eat, diet and nutrition
The vast majority of people who are diagnosed with a peptic ulcer and offered surgical treatment try to delay
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