What causes stomach pain at night?

Causes of cutting pain in the lower abdomen

A common complaint that forces a person to see a doctor is a cutting pain in the lower abdomen. Very often, such pain syndrome forces you to call an ambulance. And it is right. Such a dangerous symptom cannot be ignored. The sign itself is not specific; it only signals serious malfunctions in the human body. Therefore, you should not try to make a diagnosis yourself in order to eliminate the cutting pain in the lower abdomen that occurs suddenly.

In both women and men, cutting pain in the lower abdomen can be associated with the development of malignant tumors that are localized in various places of the genitourinary system. As a rule, pain occurs when the tumor grows to a certain size. In this case, compression of neighboring organs occurs, which provokes pain in the lower abdomen. Additionally, stool disturbances and constipation occur. During sexual activity, pain intensifies. In addition, against the background of the development of serious pathology, health deteriorates significantly, there is no appetite, and weight loss is observed.

Another common pathology that causes sharp pain in the lower abdomen is ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory process in the large intestine. Almost always, additional symptoms characteristic of irritable bowel syndrome are observed. The most common concern is diarrhea. In addition, there is a large amount of mucus and blood in the stool. In severe forms, a person develops rehydration of the body, loss of appetite, weakness, lethargy and drowsiness.

In men

In men, cutting pain in the lower abdomen is often associated with specific diseases that affect the genitourinary system. Most often, cramps in the lower abdomen are a symptom of acute prostatitis

. This disease may be infectious. Often there is an exacerbation of chronic prostatitis when the disease in its acute form has not been treated.

Vesiculitis can provoke cutting pain in the lower abdomen in a man

, which is associated with inflammation of the seminal vesicles. In this case, pain may occur during sexual intercourse. In this case, blood inclusions may be observed in the ejected sperm. An additional symptom is frequent urination and pus in the urine.

Prostate cancer

also causes sharp pain in the lower abdomen and perineum. Against the background of this pathology, an additional frequent urge to go to the toilet is observed. In severe forms, blood appears in the urine.

spermatic cord can provoke pain in the lower abdomen in men.

. In this case, the pain usually occurs unexpectedly. A characteristic additional symptom is severe tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall, which is detected by palpation.

Among women

Women very often experience cutting pain in the lower abdomen for various reasons. As a rule, many people try to relieve pain with the help of painkillers and do not attach much importance to them. Indeed, after some time the pain syndrome may subside. But if such pain occurs, you should definitely find time and consult a doctor. It is especially dangerous when painful sensations of a sharp nature appear with a certain regularity.

Sometimes cutting pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by premenstrual syndrome

. They usually occur just before the start of your period. Very often, such painful sensations can be physiological in nature, which is determined by the individual characteristics of the female body. But just as often, pain during the premenstrual period may indicate serious gynecological problems.

The most common cause of cutting pain is cystitis

. Inflammation usually begins after infection enters the urinary tract. Cystitis is characterized by painful, frequent urination. Darkening of the urine may occur, and in severe cases, blood may appear in the urine.

Another serious female disease is endometritis

, inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus. The reasons for its development are various infections, the pathogens of which penetrate the uterus during sexual intercourse. The temperature may rise, and a sharp deterioration in the condition occurs. In addition, this pathology is always accompanied by vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. Pain may increase with urination or defecation.

Salpingitis can cause cutting pain in the lower abdomen

. This disease is associated with infectious inflammation of the fallopian tubes. This is a very dangerous pathology that can lead to the formation of adhesions, and therefore to infertility or the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy. With salpingitis, the state of health deteriorates significantly, and the pain in the lower abdomen intensifies when urinating. In addition, irritable bowel syndrome may develop against the background of the disease.

Another specific disease is cervicitis.

In this case, the pathology is associated with inflammation of the cervix. Additionally, discomfort in the lower back and itching in the genital tract may occur. In addition, bleeding may occur after sexual intercourse.

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy

. When the fertilized egg is located outside the uterine cavity (in the fallopian tube), then as it increases in size it will destroy the organ. This will cause severe bleeding, which can be life-threatening.

A characteristic symptom of an ectopic pregnancy is the appearance of spotting that resembles menstruation. There may be some discomfort when having sex. It is very important to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in a timely manner in order to successfully treat the pathology surgically.

Causes of lower abdominal pain in women

The organs of the reproductive system occupy a significant place in the pelvis. Therefore, possible causes of pain in women are gynecological pathologies. In addition, in women, pain in the lower abdomen, when the lower part pulls and radiates to the lower back, can be physiological manifestations of the norm:

  • At the beginning of menstruation. Most women experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen these days. There is no cause for concern if the pain is moderate and it recurs during each menstruation. But if the spasms are too strong or have appeared recently, you need to be examined.
  • Ovulatory syndrome is pain that occurs during ovulation (on average 14 days before the start of menstruation). It can occur from different sides (where ovulation occurred), accompanied by cramps, abdominal discomfort, increased gas formation in the intestines, and increased discharge. Everything goes away within a day and is repeated regularly.
  • During pregnancy, when the cause of discomfort is the growing uterus, or the pressure it puts on neighboring organs.

Possible causes of lower abdominal pain in women:

  • Acute or chronic inflammation of the uterus (its cervix, inner layer), and its appendages (fallopian tubes and ovaries). Additional symptoms may include fever, pain during sexual intercourse, heavy (or uncharacteristic) vaginal discharge, and lower back pain.
  • Ovarian cysts are benign single or multiple neoplasms in the ovaries. They make themselves felt by pain in the lower abdomen on the left, right or both sides, depending on the location of the formation. A cyst can also cause acute pain if its pedicle (the appendix on which the formation is attached) is twisted or ruptures. In the latter case, internal bleeding occurs, and in addition to pain, nausea and increasing weakness appear.
  • Endometriosis is a common pathology in women of childbearing age, when epithelial cells grow from the uterine cavity to other organs.
  • Uterine fibroids (fibroids) are a benign tumor that forms and grows in the uterine cavity and can reach significant sizes. The pain in this case increases gradually as the tumor grows and compresses neighboring organs.
  • An ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo has implanted and grows in the fallopian tube rather than in the uterine cavity. The pain gradually increases, and when the pipe ruptures it becomes acute. In this case, emergency assistance is needed to stop internal bleeding.

Diseases that cause acute stabbing pain

Stitching pain in the lower abdomen is a nonspecific symptom. They can accompany a variety of diseases. If characteristic pain occurs suddenly, you should call an ambulance immediately.

During preliminary diagnosis, the following is taken into account:

  • if pain occurs in the left side of the abdomen, then it may be associated with pathologies of the spleen or problems of the small intestine;
  • when pain makes itself felt on the right side, it may be due to intestinal obstruction, problems with the liver or pancreas. Pain during an acute attack of appendicitis often has this localization;
  • stabbing pain in the lower abdomen can occur with diseases of the genital organs and organs of the urinary system. In addition, neurological problems can provoke pain.

Stitching pain in the lower abdomen very often occurs due to diseases of the digestive system.

These may be the following diseases:

  • Intestinal obstruction
    . Additional symptoms are increased gas formation, vomiting and dryness of the oral mucosa.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
    . At the same time, flatulence and a feeling of a lump in the throat appear.
  • Enteritis
    . The pathology is characterized by rumbling in the abdomen and mushy stools.
  • Crohn's disease
    , which is characterized by general inflammation of the intestines, which is manifested by a variety of dyspeptic symptoms.

What to do for pain in the lower abdomen

If you have been bothered by pain in the lower abdomen for some time, you should not put off visiting the clinic, as they may be a symptom of a dangerous disease that can lead to serious complications. To make a correct diagnosis, you will have to undergo a comprehensive examination with us, which may include the following types of studies:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis, liver, kidneys;
  • Smear from the vagina and cervical canal;
  • ECG, CTG

Treatment will be prescribed by our doctor, depending on the identified disease. It is very important to strictly adhere to all recommendations in order to prevent the development of complications and get rid of unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen as soon as possible.

If you self-medicate and start taking medications on your own, this can “erase” the picture of the disease and make a correct diagnosis in time.

How to relieve severe pain

If sharp pain in the lower abdomen occurs unexpectedly and is of high intensity, it is recommended to immediately call an ambulance.

It is especially dangerous if the following symptoms are additionally observed:

  • Temperature increase.
  • Vomit.
  • Darkening of urine.
  • Yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and skin.
  • The appearance of light sand-colored stools.

You should also call an ambulance if the sharp pain that occurs in the lower abdomen radiates to the pelvic region, legs and back. Urgent help is necessary if acute pain in the lower abdomen occurs due to injury or when pain persists for more than 2 hours.

If the causes of abdominal pain are clear and allow one to identify a certain pathology, then it is imperative to visit a doctor as soon as possible for a more accurate diagnosis and to receive important recommendations.

You can relieve severe pain with the following medications:

  1. No-shpa
    , which allows you to relieve spasms and dilate blood vessels.
  2. Papaverine

    , allowing you to eliminate spasms and colic.

  3. Spasmalgon

    , which additionally has an anti-inflammatory effect.

  4. Metoclopramide

    , used to normalize intestinal motility.

  5. Sorbents

    , reducing flatulence (Smecta, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, etc.).

If an additional symptom is constipation, then it is allowed to take a laxative. When the pain is caused by an infection, you will need to take antibiotics. But you can’t make a decision about this on your own. Medicines of this type are prescribed only by a doctor. After antibiotic therapy, it is definitely recommended to take probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora.

You should not try to relieve sharp pain in the lower abdomen with any compresses. The use of a warm heating pad is especially dangerous, as it provokes increased inflammatory processes. Cold compresses can lead to the development of side pathologies.

If you regularly experience cutting pain in the lower abdomen, you should consult a therapist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations, which will allow you to establish an accurate diagnosis and carry out the correct treatment. You may need to consult a gastroenterologist or urologist.

If the cutting pain manifests itself once, after which the condition is completely restored, then it is necessary to pay attention to normalizing the diet. The anti-constipation remedy should not be taken for a long time, because the body may become addicted.

At home, you can get rid of cutting pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by increased gas formation, using folk remedies.

A very effective herbal mixture, which includes:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flowers;
  • one and a half tablespoons of fennel seeds and calamus rhizomes;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mint leaves.

Two tablespoons of this herbal mixture are poured into half a liter of cold water, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour. After this, the healing drink is infused for 45 minutes and filtered. Drink the cooled decoction a few sips before meals three times a day.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

When a person complains of cutting pain in the lower abdomen, diagnosis in a medical institution begins with a visual examination of the patient by a doctor. He assesses the person’s condition based on external signs, after which he palpates the abdomen. This technique allows you to determine the localization of the pathology, the nature and intensity of pain.

The doctor must collect anamnesis, that is, conduct a survey of the patient. You should be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • The nature of pain.
  • Specificity of accompanying symptoms.
  • Presence of chronic diseases.

In addition, it is necessary to remember when pain first appeared and characterize it by intensity and duration.

For an accurate diagnosis, you will definitely need to take laboratory tests of blood, urine and feces, and:

  • a general blood test
    will most likely show the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • stool analysis
    allows you to understand whether abdominal cramps are associated with malfunctions of the digestive system, and can also confirm the presence of parasites;
  • A urine test
    if the indicators deviate from the norm indicates the presence of urinary tract diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature.

Additionally, an ultrasound is prescribed. Thanks to such hardware research, it is possible to obtain the most complete information about the state of all parts of the intestine. A colonoscopy may also be necessary to examine the condition of the colon. Additionally, radiography and fibrogastroduodenoscopy may be prescribed.

When treating diseases that are accompanied by cutting pain in the lower abdomen, an individual approach is used. Antibiotic therapy is often given. In addition, painkillers are prescribed to relieve spasms. For the treatment of various pathologies of the digestive system, various physiotherapeutic procedures may be additionally indicated. An individual diet is almost always prescribed.

Surgical treatment is used only in cases of extreme necessity.

Surgeries are required for the following pathologies:

  1. Acute appendicitis.
  2. Formation of stones or sand in the organs of the urinary system.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.

Causes of lower abdominal pain in men

Men also have reasons to consult a urologist (andrologist) - a specialist who deals with the health of the genitourinary system. Pain in the lower abdomen in men, in addition to the general causes listed above, may appear due to:

  • Inflammatory processes in the testicles, orchitis, vesiculitis.
  • Testicular torsion. In this case, the pain is quite severe, and emergency help is needed to save the testicle.
  • Diseases of the prostate gland - prostatitis or adenoma.

Men may also complain of unpleasant tugging sensations during prolonged absence of sexual activity.


If sharp abdominal pain is associated with problems of the digestive system, then first of all it is necessary to reconsider your diet.

To do this you should:

  • Follow the basic rules of a balanced diet.
  • Avoid dry food and semi-finished products.
  • If possible, exclude or reduce the amount of fried, smoked, pickled and salty foods.
  • Organize fractional meals, that is, eat in small portions approximately 6 times a day. This approach will reduce the load on the digestive system as a whole.
  • Stick to a normal drinking regime, drink at least 6 glasses of clean water per day.
  • Reduce coffee and tea consumption.
  • Enrich the menu with vegetables and fruits.

Considering that sharp abdominal pain can occur due to a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended to do daily exercises, some kind of sport, or at least take daily walks. It has been proven that moderate physical activity can normalize intestinal motility. This means that in this way you can get rid of congestion in the digestive system, which often provokes cutting pain in the lower abdomen.

To prevent cutting pain in the lower abdomen, it is very important to follow the rules of hygiene. This applies not only to everyday life. It is necessary to observe hygiene rules before and after sex. Such precautions, of course, do not protect one hundred percent, but they significantly reduce the risk of dangerous diseases.

It should be understood that pain in the lower abdomen cannot be ignored. Self-medication is also dangerous. It is recommended to undergo a diagnostic examination as soon as possible and receive correct treatment recommendations.

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women also note the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen. Mild, nagging pain is considered normal for any stage of pregnancy. These should be reported to your doctor, but are usually nothing serious to worry about. If the pain becomes severe, sharp or cramping, you should immediately seek medical help.

Abdominal pain in pregnant women can be divided into obstetric and non-obstetric. Obstetric pain includes severe pain that occurs during placental abruption, as well as the threat of miscarriage. Non-obstetric pain is usually associated with dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

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