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Computed tomography of the abdomen
What it is? Computed tomography with contrast has been actively used in domestic medicine for more than
Mint-based decoctions are an effective remedy against high stomach acidity
How to treat gastritis against the background of increased acidity using traditional methods
Folk remedies for high stomach acidity - certain recommendations and recipes of traditional medicine that
Why does my intestines hurt during pregnancy?
Inflamed intestines during pregnancy: how to treat
There are probably no more amazing and vivid feelings in the world for a woman than those that
Spicy, fatty, too hot food
Throat irritation from stomach acid
Features of the disease Inflammation of the esophagus is commonly called esophagitis. Since the cause of the pathology is the willful abandonment of contents
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Stomach pain, belching gas after eating
Read more about the causes of discomfort Discomfort detected in the intestines or stomach is a reason for
How and why an intestinal colonoscopy is performed
Why and which doctor prescribes a colonoscopy? The colonoscopy procedure is prescribed when necessary: ​​determining the condition of the walls
lower abdominal pain in a child
Pain in the lower abdomen in a 10 year old girl what to give
Recently, parents often experience severe abdominal pain in their child.
what causes colic
What food causes colic in a newborn?
The essence of the problem Colic begins in the first days of a child’s life, passes closer to three months of age,
Baking for gastritis
Diet for gastritis of the stomach: menu for the day
For gastritis, a strict diet is recommended, because many foods have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, and
Foul stool in adults: causes and treatment
Sour stool smell: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods Decepticreep Stool in medicine refers to the contents of the lower
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