Atonic colitis: symptoms and treatment of the disease
Good time, many will be interested in understanding their health and loved ones, and I will tell you
Causes of iodine taste in the mouth
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belching and diarrhea
Nausea belching heaviness in the stomach loose stools
Author of the article: Tironova Inna Igorevna Gastroenterologist, therapist Experience 15 years Professional skills: Colon hydrotherapy, treatment of diseases
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Ulcers and antibiotics - when their use is justified Inflammatory processes in the stomach can occur
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Pain reliever for gastritis: list of pain relief pills
Why does the stomach hurt with gastritis? The occurrence of pain due to inflammation of the walls of the stomach, unfortunately,
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If you suffer from heartburn in late pregnancy
Pregnancy is a big responsibility. It is accompanied by a large number of different changes in a woman’s body,
gastric probing
Methods for examining the stomach, diagnostic methods
In the modern world, pathologies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are the most common
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Does onion affect the pancreas, can it be eaten with pancreatitis, in what form is it better? Dish recipes
Onions have long been considered one of the most beneficial plants for the body. Due to its healing properties,
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Palpation of the pancreas for pancreatitis
A malfunction of the pancreas can result in a serious attack. Know the location of the most important organ
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