Intestinal megacolon: types, causes and treatment
Definition and classification Megacolon is said to exist if there is pathological enlargement of the colon on the x-ray
Proper nutrition for erosive gastritis and reflux
April 26, 2019 Diseases and conditions Ulyana Romanova Duodeno-gastric reflux is a pathology characterized by reflux
Pancreas examination
Uneven contours of the pancreas on ultrasound: what is it?
Problems with the pancreas are familiar to a fairly wide range of people. Pancreatitis does not bypass either
How to take ranitidine
May 31, 2019 Gastroenterology Victoria Savelyeva Ranitidine is a medicine belonging to the group of H2 receptor antagonists.
Why does tea make you sick on an empty stomach?
Residents of Russia first became acquainted with tea quite early, in the thirties of the seventeenth century. Russians
Medication therapy for gastritis and stomach ulcers
General treatment tactics Therapy of gastroenterological pathologies includes medications and non-drug auxiliary
What is possible and what is not possible after appendicitis?
What is forbidden to do BEFORE surgery? If you suspect appendicitis, you should urgently call an ambulance.
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What changes in the digestive processes does alcohol cause: the effect of alcoholic beverages on the human body » Stomach diseases » Gastritis » Treatment » Diet In the article we will tell you how
plants for decoctions
How to Dissolve and Remove Gallbladder Stones Naturally
Cholecystitis, gallbladder dyskinesia. How to treat. Doctor Evdokimenko. 1. Exercises. Exercises to do if not
Cheaper analogues of Gastal, what can replace the drug?
Maalox or Phosphalugel: which is better and more effective
In the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, it is necessary to normalize the secretion of gastric juice. In hyperacid conditions of patients
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