Increased feeling of hunger
Stomach fullness I ate a little, but I feel like I’ve eaten too much, my stomach is full, I feel heaviness, fullness,
Methods for treating an umbilical hernia in an adult patient without surgery
Many experts argue that therapy for pathology should be carried out exclusively by surgery. On the one side
Main symptoms
4 complications of squamous cell papilloma of the esophagus + how to treat?
Many people are interested in what HPV is and how the diseases it causes develop.
how does an ulcer form?
Apples, persimmons and other fruits for stomach and duodenal ulcers
What fruits can you eat if you have a stomach ulcer? Which ones are completely contraindicated? Everything we use
Is it possible to detect stomach ulcers using ultrasound?
If you have problems with your stomach or intestines, your doctor will refer you for an ultrasound. Method
Active lifestyle and stomach diseases: what kind of sports can you do with gastritis and ulcers
Physical activity is considered beneficial for human health. But is it possible to play sports with gastritis?
Diet after surgery to eliminate a perforated duodenal ulcer
Main principles The causative agent of gastrointestinal ulcers and perforation of ulcers is a spiral-shaped bacterium, which
Consumption of tangerines for pancreatic diseases
Tangerines for pancreatitis - can they be consumed or is it better not to?
Gardening » Citrus » Tangerine 0 1616 Article rating Kira Stoletova Tangerines for the pancreas
Broccoli for gastritis with high acidity
Broccoli, its beneficial qualities The vegetable grows in warm climates. Broccoli is grown in Russia
How to take de Nol for Helicobacter pylori
Description of the drug bismuth De-Nol is an antiulcer gastroprotector. It is produced in coated tablets. IN
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