Diarrhea due to gallbladder inflammation treatment
Diarrhea with cholecystitis has a chronic course and haunts the patient throughout the underlying disease. They
Is it possible to cure a stomach ulcer with a raw egg?
Treating the stomach with raw eggs You can only drink home-made eggs, be sure to wash them thoroughly beforehand.
If there is a foreign body in the stomach, signs in a child
Safety of the baby from birth The lives of the adults surrounding the baby change with his birth. Young parents
Frequency of gastroscopy
How often should gastroscopy of the stomach be done for gastritis?
Gastroscopy is one of the most informative methods for studying the state of the gastrointestinal tract (its upper section), since
Catarrhal gastroduodenitis - symptoms and treatment
Catarrhal gastroduodenitis - symptoms and treatment
What is catarrhal gastroduodenitis? Diffuse catarrhal gastroduodenitis is manifested by an extensive, uniform inflammatory process throughout
Stomach flu. Symptoms and treatment in adults. What is this, how is it transmitted, the incubation period. Diet, medications
Intestinal flu - causes, symptoms and treatment
Course of the disease The incubation period of rotavirus is 3-5 days. If the microbe enters a weakened body,
Enlarged liver
What is liver hepatomegaly against the background of diffuse changes? Causes and signs of enlargement, diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas
What are diffuse changes? Since the ultrasound specialist does not make a diagnosis, his terminology includes
Does colonic lavage help with colitis?
Signs indicating an inflammatory process in the intestines Malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract for the most part
Myths about pomegranate juice that everyone believes in
Pomegranate for gastritis and stomach ulcers - recommendations for use Pomegranate is a unique fruit.
Bloating and pain in the lower abdomen
Bloating and cramping in the abdomen: causes and treatment
Symptoms of gas accumulation in the intestines Flatulence or excessive gas formation is a very common syndrome indicating
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