diarrhea after eating
The last few months have been plagued by this misfortune: after 20-30 minutes of eating food, my stomach begins to churn and bloat - I have to run to the toilet. During the ultrasound, the doctor said about problems with the gall bladder.
The situation when you immediately want to go to the toilet after eating can be caused by various factors.
Changes in pancreatic fibrolipomatosis - what is it?
Features of the development and treatment of pancreatic lipofibrosis
The pancreas (P) has a complex structure due to the fact that it is an organ with
Colon ulcer treatment with folk remedies
A duodenal ulcer is a chronic disease that is a defect in the lining of the organ. Unlike
Cushing's syndrome in dogs: yesterday and today
Clinical picture The clinical picture depends on the nature of organ damage and the intensity of bleeding into the abdominal cavity
tetracycline for diarrhea
"Tetracycline" for diarrhea: instructions for use
In cases where diarrhea is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, the use of antimicrobial drugs is absolutely always necessary.
Ultrasound examination of pancreatitis
Diagnosis of the disease At the first symptoms, the patient should seek medical help. After general examination
colic in the stomach
Massage for gastritis indications and contraindications
Who is recommended for massage to improve digestion? The digestive system does not always perform its function perfectly.
Thickening of the stomach walls causes treatment
Ultrasound diagnosis of thickening of the walls of the stomach Thickening of the walls can also be detected using radiography, but ultrasound
Submucosal formation of the esophagus - what is it?
Formations that arise on the walls of the esophagus are divided into benign and malignant. A man is more susceptible to the disease
Bloating in an 8-year-old child: causes and treatment
Bloating in a child (flatulence) is an increased formation and accumulation of gases in the intestines,
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