Features of treatment of ulcers of the antrum of the stomach
More about the pathology Ulcer of the antrum of the stomach occurs with a frequency of 10-15% of all ulcers
Why does blood pressure increase with abdominal pain?
If your stomach hurts, can your blood pressure rise?
Sudden jumps in blood pressure can really provoke painful sensations inside the abdomen, which are similar to an attack
What is and how to treat superficial antral gastritis
Inflammation of the pyloric part of the stomach (superficial antral gastritis) is a chronic disease and occurs only in
Compatibility of De-Nol with antiulcer drugs
Is it possible to take Omeprazole and De-Nol together?
According to the instructions, De-Nol is a popular gastroprotective agent. While providing protection, it is not effective enough alone
Can the pancreas radiate to the heart: tachycardia with pancreatitis
The human body is an integral system that works only under the condition of coordinated functioning of organs under clear
Focal hyperemia of the stomach treatment
Examination of the stomach If a person suspects he has gastritis, his visit to a gastroenterologist should be included in
The antrum of the stomach mucosa is hyperemic, what is it?
Hyperemia is a condition in which the blood and lymphatic vessels become overfilled with blood, lymph and
The main causes of chronic enteritis - effective treatment methods
CAUSES OF ENTERITIS The causes of acute and chronic enteritis differ. Acute occurs within a short time after
Is it possible to eat shrimp with pancreatitis and cholecystitis?
People whose pancreatic parenchyma is affected by pancreatitis are advised to select foods for their daily diet as carefully as possible.
Treatment with potato starch for stomach ulcers
Traditional medicine recommends using starch for gastritis. Using the product you can reduce the severity of symptoms
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