Types of sea fish allowed for pancreatitis?

What kind of fish can you eat for pancreatitis?

A disease of the pancreas changes the usual lifestyle of a previously healthy person.
You have to give up a number of familiar foods, sweets and drinks, and change the way you prepare many dishes. A delicious fatty, fried, peppered, salty product goes into oblivion. In case of primary signs of the disease and with proper treatment, you can try to gradually return to your usual diet. Just don’t go overboard with treats and don’t overeat. Eating fish and seafood becomes part of a healthy diet, along with dairy, fermented milk and meat products. As you know, omega acids, which fish and fish oil are rich in, normalize and reduce cholesterol levels. There is a natural regulation of metabolism in cells.

Fish is a product enriched with protein, a valuable, easily digestible element. Seafood contains selenium, which prevents the influence of harmful environmental factors.

Fish oil is indispensable for the body. It is much easier to digest than animal fats. Patients with pancreatitis with the specified type of products need to be selective. Is fish allowed for pancreatitis? A partial answer is presented taking into account medical recommendations.

According to medical practice, low-fat varieties of fish are considered acceptable for food for a patient.

The selected varieties of fish for pancreatitis should show a fat content of 0.3-0.9 percent. Selected species of fish are included in the dietary list.

The species described below exhibit moderate fat content in sizes of 4.2 - 6.4 percent. It is not forbidden to cook the specified fish for pancreatitis.

Fish oil that is absent from the body or present in small quantities does not at all make a seafood product of little use. The amino acids contained in fish are important for the body.

When preparing seafood, give preference to the boiled type, steamed cutlets, and steamed food.

A categorical “no” – smoked, canned, fried fish. Fish soup is contraindicated.

Fish dishes for pancreatitis: benefits and rules for serving fish for the dietary table

Organizing a diet for pancreatitis means carefully thinking through the menu, including only foods that are gentle on the pancreas and healthy for the body, which includes fish. Dishes made from it should be on the table twice a week, but it is important to choose the right variety so that the harm does not outweigh the benefit.

The benefits of eating fish for pancreatitis

The benefits of fish for pancreatitis are due to the following properties of the product:

  • enriched with polyunsaturated omega fatty acids, which help ensure proper regulation of metabolism, while simultaneously lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • the presence of easily digestible protein compounds with a high content of essential amino acids;
  • supplementation of protein components with fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, the concentration of which is quite high compared to other products;
  • an abundance of micro- and macroelements, including iron, phosphorus, iodine and selenium compounds.

In terms of the number of the latter components, marine fish varieties are in the lead.

Important! Only lean (skinny) or moderately fatty fish can be useful for pancreatitis.

For pancreatitis, it is recommended to include low-fat (skinny) fish in the diet.

Nutritional characteristics depending on the variety - table

Type of fishFat contentCalorie contentsquirrelAmount of omega-3 acids
Perch1%117 kcal18.5 g
Pike, burbot, roach Amur2%92 – 97 kcal21.3 g
Rudd, carp4%97 kcal18.2 g
Navaga, pollock, cod, blue whiting, lemonema0,3 — 1%78 – 81 kcal15.9 – 17.8 g0.22 g
Flounder, mullet, lamprey2%103 kcal18.3 g0.56 g
Herring, hake, sea bass4%95 – 115 kcal18.2 – 19.9 g2.41 g
Red varieties
Trout, pink salmon5 — 7%168 kcal21 – 22.9 g1.06 g

The glycemic index of fish consumed in its pure form is zero, so such food does not pose a danger to people suffering from diabetes. If fish fillet is used to make cutlets, the indicator important for diabetics increases to 50 units.

How to eat fish correctly for pancreatitis

You can add fish to the menu (only skinny varieties with a fat content of no more than 3%) for pancreatitis after a week has passed from the moment of an acute attack, which was diagnosed for the first time or was the result of an exacerbation of a chronic process. Acceptable cooking mode is steaming. After which the product is ground.

Note! During the first few days of expanding the diet, it is important not only to clean the fish from bones, but also to remove the skin from it.

After another 7 days, they move on to eating fish, boiled or baked in pieces. You can also cook steamed cutlets.

When the month period after the exacerbation has passed, you can diversify the diet with moderately fatty varieties of fish, the fat content of which does not exceed 4 - 5%.

Such products should be on the menu no more than once a week and only in limited quantities, even if remission occurs.

Products compatible with fish

In order for fish dishes to bring only benefits to the body, you need to combine their consumption with vegetables that are allowed for pancreatitis, excluding types that are difficult to digest.

It is recommended to combine fish with cereals for pancreatitis

Cereal porridges are also a good addition, since fish combines harmoniously with grains without causing overload of the digestive tract.

Recommended cooking methods

As noted above, after an exacerbation of pancreatitis, it is necessary to maintain a 30-day diet consuming exclusively fish fillets and only in ground form, preparing steamed cutlets, soufflés, and casseroles from such a product.

As soon as the disease is in remission, they begin to prepare the fish by boiling it or baking it in a whole piece.

As for fish broths and soups made with this broth, they should not be on the menu (with the exception of sauces).

Red fish is rich in protein, but due to its high fat content, it can only be consumed a couple of times a week.

Separately, options for eating red fish, which are extremely rich in protein, should be discussed. These fish carcasses can be baked, stewed or steamed. Due to the approach of the fat content of these varieties to the borderline value, it is important to dose the portions correctly, eating a maximum of 100–200 g of delicious fish a couple of times a week .

Fish diet for children and pregnant women

The menu for such categories of patients focuses mainly on marine fish with minimal fat content, since protein in this situation is extremely important for the child’s body. In addition, sea fish is rich in iodine, and this element is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the production of hormones.

Can fish harm the pancreas?

For pancreatitis, fish with a fat content exceeding 8% is contraindicated. Based on these considerations, it is strictly prohibited for patients with pancreatic pathology to consume fish oil, which forces the suffering organ to work harder. As a result, there is an excess accumulation of fat in the body, which leads to the following symptoms:

  • abdominal pain and nausea;
  • gagging;
  • loose stools, the distinctive feature of which is an oily sheen.

In addition to fatty fish, a ban is imposed on dishes prepared by salting, smoking, and canning, even if skinny varieties are used.

How to select and store fish

The choice is primarily based on the fat content of the fish. It is advisable that the carcass is not frozen, but fresh, with priority to marine species.

Important! If it is not possible to purchase a fresh product, you need to pay attention to the appearance, excluding the purchase of yellowish carcasses and those around which ice is unevenly distributed. Such signs indicate a high probability of secondary freezing, which is unacceptable.

Before cooking, the fish is thoroughly cleaned and washed, the entrails are removed and divided into portions. It is recommended to prepare dishes for one or two times, since long-term storage of finished fish in case of inflammation of the pancreas is unacceptable.

Experts do not advise buying frozen fish, as there is a high risk of running into a low-quality product.

Recipes for the diet table

There are three main options for preparing fish:

  • steam cutlets;
  • boiled fish;
  • baked carcass.

Diet steamed cutlets

To prepare them you will need:

  • fish (about 500 g, preferably fillet);
  • eggs (2 pieces);
  • butter (100 g);
  • semolina (3 full spoons);
  • onion (1 head).
  1. The fish, butter and onion are pre-chopped, the semolina is thoroughly mixed with the eggs, after which all components are combined, achieving a uniform minced consistency.
  2. As soon as the cutlets are formed, they are placed in a double boiler or multicooker, selecting the “steam cooking” mode.
    An alternative to this cooking mode is stewing in the oven.
  3. Salt is added on the tip of a knife after the filling is cooked.

Steamed fish cutlets can be cooked both in a slow cooker and in the oven

Boiled fish with Polish sauce

Products you will need:

  • cod (about 200 g);
  • parsley leaves (no more than 10 g);
  • wheat flour (about a teaspoon);
  • egg (1 pc.)
  1. The fish is pre-cleaned, divided into portions and boiled, then using the broth to prepare the sauce.
  2. Parsley is added to the water during the cooking process.
  3. The flour is dried in a frying pan and diluted with fish sauce, then boiled for another 5 minutes.
  4. A hard-boiled, finely chopped egg is added to the broth.
  5. The resulting sauce is poured over the cod laid out on a plate and served.

Baked fish with sour cream sauce

You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • perch (about 300 g);
  • sour cream with a fat content of 15% (no more than a tablespoon);
  • wheat flour (one teaspoon);
  • carrots (1 pc.);
  • parsley root (1 pc.);
  • decoction based on vegetables (about 100 g);
  • butter (10 g).
  1. The fish is washed well, cleaned and divided into pieces, after which it is placed in a saucepan, adding chopped parsley root and carrots.
  2. Pour the ingredients with cold water so that the fish pieces are ¾ covered and simmer the dish over low heat for 10 minutes.
    Baked fish in sour cream sauce will please even the most sophisticated gourmet
  3. Then the pieces of fish are placed on a baking sheet, pouring a sauce made from flour, sour cream and butter dried in a frying pan.
  4. The dish is sent to the oven and baked for 20 minutes.

Fish for pancreatitis allows you to diversify your diet and increase the nutritional value of your daily diet. Such dishes can be prepared if the exacerbation of the disease is over. Therefore, it is still recommended to consult with your doctor first.

Source: https://lechenie-diabet.ru/rybnye-blyuda.html

Fish gold - the strictest taboo

Caviar is a delicacy, preferred by many gourmets, a storehouse of vitamins A, B, D, E and microelements, valuable proteins, light fats, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Caviar is recommended for young children and patients recovering to quickly replenish lost minerals, iron and lecithin - a complex of phospholipids that promote the proper functioning of brain cells and the body.

The product characteristics are the highest. The rich composition seems to have no contraindications for use. However, red caviar for pancreatitis is taboo. Doctors categorically prohibit consumption on days of exacerbation of pancreatic disease.

The significant content of table salt and cholesterol in the ready-to-eat product places red caviar in the rank of risk group products. Eating a delicacy provokes stress for the body in chronic forms of the disease and will aggravate the patient’s condition, with unpredictable consequences.

During long-term remission, doctors allow you to eat no more than a gram of the delicacy to satisfy an extreme need. Eating red caviar is only allowed on a full stomach. It is also necessary to take into account the quality of the product and non-handicraft production.

High-quality caviar has a number of obvious differences: a dense consistency, the color is pale pink to deep red, the eggs scatter and do not stick together. If unusual symptoms are felt after eating caviar, it is recommended to immediately take the prescribed drug or consult a doctor.

Herring for pancreatitis: pros and cons

When setting the table for the holidays, each housewife sets out a row of pickles. The central place here is occupied by fish of different species. What do doctors say about eating herring?

Salted fish has a beneficial effect on a healthy body. Thanks to fish, the daily protein intake required for the human body is replenished. Compared to meat, it is digested faster and easier, without causing heaviness in the stomach, does not add extra pounds, and helps cleanse blood vessels. Herring is a product that does not cause flatulence in the stomach.

Doctors say that herring contains many acids that help restore and heal tissue. The pathogenic processes of growth of pathogenic microflora are inhibited. We are talking about cancer cells, the localization of which leads to the development of cancer. Methionine, present in some types of fish and completely absent in meat, is an essential amino acid involved in remethylation processes.

Thanks to the easy digestibility of fish protein, the development of inflammation in the tissues of the pancreas is prevented, and digestion in general is improved. Establishing metabolic processes helps regulate excess weight.

Despite the number of advantages of eating herring, remember that you need to know when to stop. It is extremely necessary to take into account contraindications from doctors, carefully approach the use of the product and refuse during the phase of exacerbation of pancreatitis.

During the period of stable remission, start eating fresh herring, mainly boiled, in small doses. Low-fat fish is an excellent meat substitute.

Is it possible to have pink salmon?

For various disorders of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract disorders, for inflammation of the pancreas, the use of pink salmon is allowed. The amount of nutrients it contains improves the functioning of the body.

Among the beneficial properties of pink salmon is the presence of omega-3 acids and nicotinic acid. Speaking about the first, we mean the normalization of cholesterol, the second provides a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum. Amino acids of this group have an antioxidant effect on the structure of DNA. This is the hidden elixir of youth for the body's cells.

Cook tasty and healthy

Along with pink salmon, every patient has the right to afford dishes prepared from trout. Consider the method of preparing the product - no smoking, pickling or dried products. Exclusively boil, stew and bake. Doctors recommend eating up to 200 grams at a time.

Check out the recipe for making cutlets from the delicacy. For 500 grams of low-fat fish fillet, take two chicken eggs, a couple of spoons of semolina, an onion, 20 grams of butter, a pinch of salt (we control it and do not abuse it).

Cutlets from cooked minced meat can be baked or steamed. You should pamper yourself with this dish twice a week.

Finally, we present the daily diet according to the recommendations of doctors for people suffering from pancreatitis. For breakfast, soft mashed potatoes, a slice of bread with meat pate are acceptable. For lunch - creamy soup, steamed fish with zucchini, compote and a slice of bread. For dinner – steamed cutlet, oatmeal, carrot puree, light tea. For snacks, you are allowed to treat yourself to jelly, steamed egg white omelet, and drink half a cup of skim milk.

Strict adherence to the main factors: diet, diet, physical activity, drug treatment will allow you to overcome the disease and get closer to your usual lifestyle. There is no self-medication; such options do not work with inflammation of the pancreas. Keep this in mind, and life will be a pleasure, and the dinner table will be filled with tasty and healthy food.

Delicious recipes

For pancreatitis, eating fresh fish is very useful, however, properly selected fresh frozen fish can also be used to prepare dietary and tasty dishes. If the patient's disease is in the acute phase of its course, it is better to use the fish after getting rid of the skin. Your diet should include both fish fillets and whole fish. You can prepare many tasty and healthy dishes from fish, with the help of which you can diversify the menu recommended by a special diet.

Fish can be used to prepare cutlets, quenelles, soufflés, meatballs, broths, meatballs, and casseroles.

Steamed fish cutlets

You should take about 500 g of fish fillet, 2 eggs, 100 g of butter, 3 tbsp. l. semolina, 1 onion, salt. The fish, butter and onion are pre-chopped, the semolina is mixed with eggs and all the ingredients are combined. The minced meat should be homogeneous. You need to form the minced meat into cutlets, place them in a double boiler or multicooker, selecting the steam cooking mode. You can also cook the cutlets in the oven.

Dietary fish with Polish sauce

You need to take 200 g of cod, 10 g of parsley, 1 tsp. l. wheat flour and 1 egg. The cleaned fish is divided into small pieces, boiled, adding parsley to the water, keeping in mind that the broth must be saved for preparing the sauce. Dry the flour in a frying pan and dilute with fish sauce, boil for 5 minutes. A hard-boiled, finely chopped egg is added to the broth. The resulting sauce is seasoned with cod laid out on a saucer.

Fish with sour cream sauce

You need to take 300 g of perch, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream (15% fat), 1 tsp. l. wheat flour, 1 carrot, parsley root, 100 g vegetable broth, 10 g butter.

The washed fish, divided into pieces, should be placed in a saucepan, adding chopped parsley root, carrots and pouring cold water, ensuring that the fish pieces are ¾ covered. Cook the dish over low heat for 10 minutes.

Pike perch meatballs

To prepare the dish you need to take 120 g of fish, 15 g of rice, 5 g of butter, 50 g of water. You need to prepare a viscous porridge from the rice and cool it. Porridge is added to the pike perch fillet and the resulting mass is passed through a meat grinder twice, adding 5g of melted butter to the composition. The minced meat is well beaten, formed into round balls and steamed.

Fish in milk sauce

It is recommended to use cod (240g) for preparing the dish. You also need to take 100 ml of milk, 10 g of carrots, 10 g of vegetable oil (it is better to use olive oil), 10 g of wheat flour.

Preparing the dish begins by preparing the sauce. Dry the flour in a frying pan without adding oil, gradually introducing hot milk into the flour, adding salt and olive oil. Place the washed and cut fish in a saucepan, add finely chopped carrots, salt, pour in a small amount of milk, and leave for 15 minutes. Then put the contents of the saucepan on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, pour in the sauce and bake in the oven.

What fish can you eat for pancreatitis: recipes and menus

When the pancreas is inflamed, a person has to completely reconsider his diet. Fatty, spicy, fried foods, sweets and carbonated drinks are prohibited.

Gastroenterologists recommend enriching the daily menu with cereals, fermented milk products, lean meats and fish. Moreover, seafood will be especially useful for pancreatitis. After all, they are rich in omega acids, regulate metabolism and normalize cholesterol levels.

However, not all types of seafood are allowed to be eaten if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, every person who has digestive problems should know what kind of fish is suitable for pancreatitis of the pancreas.

Features of use for pancreatic diseases

There is a rule: the menu of a person with pancreatitis of the pancreas must contain only skinny (low-fat) varieties, and only sometimes rare consumption of others - moderately fatty - is possible. But skinny ones are still preferable. Many people are interested in whether or not it is possible to prepare dishes from pink salmon, but only a doctor can answer this question, and in each specific case it will be very different.

Cooking Rules

Fish may appear on the menu seven days after the end of an acute attack of pancreatitis, regardless of whether it is the first or an exacerbation of a chronic one. During this period, only those varieties with a fat content of no more than 3% are acceptable. But this fish is also prepared only by steaming, having removed the skin from it in advance, and also cleaned it of bones. Then it is made into minced meat. You can eat this product twice a week.

After half a month, the menu may be replenished with boiled or baked fish, and harmless steamed cutlets are also allowed. After 4 weeks, varieties of moderate fat content (4.5-5%) are slowly allowed, but this fish is cooked only once a week, served in tiny quantities. Relief is not given during persistent remissions. A taboo product is dried, smoked; lightly salted and salted fish are completely unacceptable for pancreatitis. Usual first courses, including fish soup, are also not allowed.

Taboo on the use of canned fish, preserves, regardless of the type.

What fish can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

It's all about fat content - the main indicator that people focus on when choosing suitable products. Low-fat varieties of fish for pancreatitis are those with this indicator of 0.3-4%. This list of low-fat permitted types includes:

  1. Marine or oceanic: polar cod (polar cod), flounder, mullet, lemonema, pollock, blue whiting, hake (hake), cod.
  2. River (freshwater): perch, carp, ide, bream, white fish, roach, pike perch, pike.

The list of moderately fatty fish (4-8%), the preparation of which is possible a month after getting rid of the exacerbation phase, includes:

  • catfish,
  • pink salmon,
  • chum salmon,
  • shark,
  • carp,
  • som,
  • tuna.

However, sea and river fish do not have an accurate and constant indicator of calorie and fat content; it changes with age and also depends on the area and season. In order not to accidentally provoke complications of pancreatitis, it is necessary to select small individuals. They are eaten only once a week, baked or steamed.

Pink salmon for pancreatitis is a subject of debate among experts. A huge amount of nicotinic acid has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, but omega acids are irritating. Therefore, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of including it in your diet.

Strict taboo

It is strictly forbidden to cook almost all types of delicious and delicious red fish during pancreatitis. The only exception is pink salmon trout. The reason is the high fat content (more than 8%), which instantly provokes an exacerbation. Delicious salmon is considered the most undesirable for pancreatitis, because it contains a huge amount of omega acids, which negatively affect the diseased pancreas.

List of fatty fish:

  • anchovies,
  • beluga,
  • crucian carp,
  • carp,
  • sprat (from the Caspian Sea),
  • salmon,
  • burbot,
  • halibut,
  • sardines,
  • herring,
  • whitefish,
  • mackerel,
  • som,
  • silver carp,
  • tuna,
  • chinook salmon
  • saberfish

The benefits of fish for pancreatitis

The value of seafood is due to its rich composition, which has a healing effect on the body. You should eat fish if you have pancreatitis because it contains omega acids that normalize fat metabolism and remove harmful cholesterol from the body.

It is also rich in easily digestible proteins and microelements. Seafood also contains much more fat-soluble vitamins (E, A, D) than other foods.

Is it possible to use fish oil for pancreatitis? The substance is obtained mainly from cod liver. It is available in the form of a dietary supplement.

The value of fish oil is that it contains omega-3 and vitamin D. In addition to regulating metabolic processes and lowering the level of bad cholesterol, polyunsaturated acids are building blocks of hormones, nerve fibers and cell membranes. And vitamin D is involved in mineral metabolism, promoting the absorption of phosphorus and calcium.

But despite its usefulness, fish oil is most often contraindicated for pancreatitis. Its use is allowed only in limited quantities when the disease is in remission.

For inflammation of the pancreas, fish is useful because it is low in calories. 100 g of product contains from 78 to 170 kcal.

The glycemic index of seafood is zero, which allows them to be frequently consumed by people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

But in order to benefit the body, it is important to know what kind of fish is suitable for pancreatitis.

Which seafood should you give preference to and which should you avoid?

When fish oil is consumed by a healthy person, this valuable substance will have the most beneficial effect on the functioning of all body systems: it accelerates metabolic processes, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, and improves the condition of the heart muscle and blood vessels. Therefore, patients with pancreatitis try to introduce this product into their diet in order to get the maximum benefit from it.

Unfortunately, during the period of development of pancreatitis, such a valuable and useful component should be used in a limited manner, since it will load the weakened pancreas, which will have a detrimental effect on a person’s well-being. The thing is that the enzymes produced during the digestion process are released in insufficient quantities during the period of remission, and in the acute form, the body purposefully suppresses them.

Therefore, when making such a disappointing diagnosis, it is so important to eat only certain types of fish. The fundamental criterion for choosing it is the fat content - it should not exceed 8%.

At the same time, any introduction of fish dishes, even dietary preparation, at the stage of the acute course of the disease (especially in the first days) is unacceptable, and caution should be exercised when introducing seafood dishes into the diet at the stage of remission.

Fish dishes for acute pancreatitis or at the stage of remission of the pathology, prepared according to dietary principles, are the right decision. In this case, you need to choose certain types of fish:

Allowed types of fish

If the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted, you need to change your usual diet. Therefore, low-fat varieties of fish for pancreatitis are the most suitable option.

Seafood is divided into dietary (skinny) and moderate-fat. The first type is introduced into the menu 6-7 days after the onset of acute inflammation. During remission, it is allowed to eat fish with low fat content - it is more tender and has a rich taste.

In case of inflammation of the pancreas, it is allowed to include fish in the diet with a fat content of 0.3 to 0.9%. Cod with pancreatitis has a minimal amount of omega-3. Also 1% fat content is observed in other species:

River fish with a two percent fat content are omul, pike, grayling, roach, burbot, whitefish, whitefish and carp. Of the sea varieties, pristipoma, Argentine, lamprey, mullet and flounder have low fat content.

Less than 4% fat is found in river fish such as carp, asp and rudd. Marine species include herring, hake, mackerel, icefish and sea bass.

It is noteworthy that the fat content of seafood can vary. This indicator is influenced by the time and place of catch, as well as the age of the fish.

Patients who are in stable remission are sometimes allowed to prepare dishes from fattier fish varieties. Tuna is allowed for pancreatitis, as well as horse mackerel, anchovies, chum salmon, herring, catfish, smelt and capelin. Of the river varieties, catfish, carp, carp, redeye, crucian carp and bream are allowed.

Is it possible to eat delicious fish if you have inflammation of the pancreas? Of the red species, trout and pink salmon are allowed for pancreatitis, but not more than 200 g per day and no more than twice a week.

Choosing fish when sick

It is important to remember that with the development of pancreatic pathology, even fish oil, which has a multifaceted range of beneficial properties, has a negative effect on the affected cells of the parenchymal organ, overloading them. Therefore, in case of pancreatic damage to the pancreas, it is recommended to consume moderately fatty and low-fat varieties of fish containing less than 7% fat.

Low-fat varieties

Low-fat, most popular varieties include cod and pollock.

Eating cod for chronic pancreatitis is recommended for all patients, as it is a light dietary product enriched with a wide range of useful components. Moreover, various dishes with a creamy consistency can be prepared from cod, which is very important for patients with pancreatic disease, especially after an exacerbation. Cod has a pronounced pleasant taste. Cod liver is also used to prepare delicious dietary dishes.

Pollock for pancreatitis is also one of the recommended and fairly affordable varieties of low-fat fish. It contains many nutritional and beneficial components in the form of easily digestible protein, amino acids, phosphorus, potassium, iodine and PP vitamins. This fish has a less pronounced taste than cod, but no less pleasant.

And also from the great variety of sea fish, in case of pancreatitis you should opt for the following low-fat types:

  • navaga and haddock,
  • Arctic cod,
  • mullet and whiting,
  • pollock,
  • roach and flounder,
  • a silvery variety of hake.

The percentage of fat content of the presented marine inhabitants does not exceed 1%.

Moderately fatty varieties

Moderately fatty dietary fish with a fat content of less than 8% include tuna, which is ideal for cooking in the oven for pancreatitis. Catfish for pancreatitis can also be used for baking. In addition, such representatives of marine life include:

  • chum salmon,
  • pink salmon,
  • horse mackerel,
  • trout,
  • low-fat varieties of herring and herring.

It is also worth noting that sea bass contains no more than 4% fat, so it can be consumed for pancreatic disease.

Prohibited varieties and contraindications for eating fish for pancreatitis

Rab with a fat content of more than 8% should not be eaten, especially in the acute stage of the disease. It is also prohibited to consume canned food, dried, fried, smoked products and fish broths.

If a patient with pancreatitis eats such food, he may experience a number of unpleasant symptoms. Such signs include nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting.

For some people, fish is completely contraindicated for pancreatitis. Its use is prohibited in case of fat intolerance, hypertension and thyroid dysfunction.

Other contraindications are:

  • hemophilia;
  • reactive pancreatitis;
  • elderly and children;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • lactation period;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • chronic renal failure.

Features of choice and cooking recipes

It is best to eat fresh fish. River varieties can be found almost everywhere. However, in some countries and regions, only frozen or canned seafood is sold.

The choice of fish should be approached especially carefully. If it is frozen, then you should choose a product without ice, snow and a yellowish coating. The eyes should not be cloudy, and the skin should not be damaged or slippery.

Before preparing any dish, the fish should be thoroughly washed and cleaned. In case of acute inflammation and exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastroenterologists allow eating only fillet without skin. When the disease is in remission, it is allowed to cook the fish as a whole piece, baked, stewed, boiled or steamed.

An approved and popular dish for pancreatitis are fish cutlets. To prepare them you need to prepare:

  1. hake or pollock fillet (500 g);
  2. semolina (35 g);
  3. one onion;
  4. 2 eggs.

The fish is crushed, mixed with semolina, eggs, chopped onions and a little salt. Cutlets are formed from the minced meat and placed in the oven or slow cooker. This dish can be consumed up to two times a week.

Fish dumplings are another delicious recipe for pancreatitis. To prepare it you will need lean fish fillet (300 g), milk (50 ml), white bread (40 g), water (1 l), chicken egg and onion (1 piece each).

The bones and skin are removed from the fish, and the flesh is crushed. The bread is soaked in milk and minced together with onions in a meat grinder.

The minced meat is ground through a sieve. Add an egg to the mixture and beat everything in a blender.

Fill the container with water, bring to a boil, and then reduce the heat. The minced meat is carefully lowered into boiling water using two spoons. After boiling, the quenelles are cooked for 1/3 hour.

Also, if you have chronic pancreatitis in remission, you can treat yourself to baked perch with sour cream sauce. First you will need to stock up on some ingredients:

  • fish (300 g);
  • carrots and parsley root (1 piece each);
  • low-fat sour cream (1 spoon);
  • vegetable broth (100 g);
  • wheat flour (10 g);
  • cream (10 g).

Popular recipes for the diet table

Fish dishes for pancreatitis must be prepared according to special recipes and all dietary principles must be followed.

Fish soup

Is it possible to eat fish soup if you have pancreatitis? Nutritionists allow the use of this soup, because fish pulp contains many vitamin substances and compounds that are valuable for the body. Ingredients:

  • fish fillet – 300 gr.;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots and onions – 1 pc.;
  • parsley root and bay leaf - 1 pc.

If you use a whole fish carcass, it must be filleted, separating the bones and skin, fins and head. The resulting parts of the pulp are washed in cool water and boiled until fully cooked, after which the entire broth is drained. The finished fish is placed in a separate bowl, and the soup itself is boiled in fresh water or pre-cooked vegetable broth.

When the water boils, add peeled potatoes, cut into strips, grated carrots, chopped onions and bay leaves, parsley rhizomes and salt. As soon as the vegetables are ready, remove the soup from the heat, remove the bay leaves and add pieces of fish. Serve with croutons from day-old bread and fresh herbs.

Many nutritionists advise immediately after cooking to puree the soup with a blender until you obtain a soft puree.

Fish cutlets


  • fish fillet – 500 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 3 whites;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 2-3 tbsp flour;
  • 1 head of onion.

Grind the fish and drained oil, as well as the peeled onion, with a blender, add whipped egg whites with a pinch of salt and knead the minced meat until smooth, add flour and mix again.

Roll the prepared minced meat into cutlet balls with wet hands and boil them in a double boiler or in the appropriate mode in a multicooker. As an option, you can cook them in the oven by baking at 180 degrees for 35 minutes, but it is recommended to add a small amount of water to the dish.

Boiled fillet with sauce

The dish is allowed to be consumed by persons with stable remission of pancreatitis and no negative reaction to seafood and eggs. Ingredients:

  • lean fish - 250 gr. fillet;
  • parsley - about 10 gr. fresh leaves or 5 gr. chopped rhizome;
  • 1 tbsp. wheat or rice flour;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.

First of all, the fillet is cut into small portions, rinsed thoroughly and boiled in a small amount of boiling water until fully cooked. During cooking, add parsley to the water (only greens or roots).

In a heated frying pan (without oil), fry the flour until caramel color and add 100 ml. first fish broth, let it boil for 2-4 minutes. Next, add a pre-cooked and finely chopped chicken egg to the mixture. The fish is placed on a plate, and the sparkling is poured with the prepared sauce and served with a side dish.

Meatball soup


  • fish fillet -150 gr.;
  • rice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • onion, carrot – 1 pc.;
  • butter - a small piece.

At the very beginning, the rice is boiled until half cooked (the cereal should crunch slightly on the teeth). Separately, make minced fish: beat the fillet with a piece of butter in a blender until smooth.

Place a pan of water on the fire and, after boiling, add diced potatoes, grated carrots and chopped onions.

The minced meat is mixed with rice and rolled into small balls. Place the meatballs one at a time into the boiling broth 7-10 minutes before the vegetables are ready.

Carrot-fish cutlets


  • fish fillet – 200 grams;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • a slice of white bread (70 grams);
  • onion head;
  • milk – 100-150 ml;
  • a piece of butter;
  • a pinch of salt.

Peeled carrots are boiled until fully cooked, chopped onions are simmered in a small amount of liquid and with a piece of butter until softened. The bread is soaked in milk.

Fish fillet, vegetables and bread are passed through a meat grinder (can be passed twice for greater softness), an egg lightly beaten with salt is added and mixed. I form cutlets from the mixture and steam them for 15-20 minutes.

Fish pate


  • fish fillet – 400 grams;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 3 tablespoons;
  • a pinch of salt.

Rinse the fish and boil in boiling water until fully cooked, then pass through a meat grinder with a fine grid. The prepared minced meat is simmered over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Separately, boil the washed carrots until tender, peel them and grate them on the finest grater or pass them through a meat grinder.

Mix the vegetable and warm fish mixture, add cottage cheese and add salt. It is recommended to beat the pate with a blender and serve with herbs.



  • herring fillet – no more than 100 grams;
  • potatoes 1-2 pcs.;
  • butter – 40 grams;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • milk – 40-50 ml;
  • fresh greens.

To prepare dietary mincemeat, it is recommended to take low-fat herring, which is pre-soaked in clean water.

The prepared fish fillet is passed through a meat grinder. The potatoes are peeled, boiled until tender and mashed with hot milk. In a separate bowl, mix softened butter, minced fish and mashed potatoes until smooth.

Forshmak is placed in a mold and sprinkled with chopped boiled eggs and herbs.

Potato casserole


  • fish fillet – 150 grams;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 1 tsp;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • flour – 1 tbsp;
  • a pinch of salt.

To prepare the sauce, lightly fry the flour in a dry frying pan until slightly yellowish, then pour in warm milk in a thin stream and stir thoroughly. Continue cooking the mixture until it becomes thick and creamy. Turn off the heat and add oil.

Cut the fish into portions, lightly salt it and place on a baking sheet. Place potatoes, pre-boiled and cut into slices, on top. Everything is poured with the prepared sauce and baked in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. A fish and potato dish is served sprinkled with fresh dill.

Fish for pancreatitis: recipes for dishes from low-fat varieties

Sea and river fish are an extremely important food product. Such protein foods should be present in the diet at least twice a week. Thanks to the large amount of omega-3 acids in its composition, cholesterol levels in the blood are reduced and metabolic processes in the human body are regulated.

The nutritional value of fish is especially important for pancreatitis, because inflammation of the pancreas is directly related to human nutrition. Let's talk today about what benefits both fish and fish oil can give to the body and pancreas.

Separately, it should be noted that fish oil is a real storehouse of useful substances, however, if the pancreas is inflamed, it is better not to experiment, because fish oil can become a prerequisite for complications of the disease with pancreatitis.

That is why patients with pancreatitis should avoid fatty fish, and also take fish oil with extreme caution.

The disease requires adherence to a special diet, in which the fish should be only lean or moderately fatty; accordingly, fish oil is not included in this chain. It is easily digested and cannot cause exacerbation of inflammation in the organ due to pancreatitis.

Skinny fish species are usually classified as:

The fat content of the named varieties of fish ranges from 0.3 to 0.9 percent. You can afford such fish already in the first 7 days after the exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the pancreas.

If the patient's condition is relatively normal, then you can try slightly fattier fish. Moderate-fat is one in which fat is from 4.2 to 6.4 percent; here you can try and take fish oil, but for now in limited quantities. With the permission of your doctor, you can eat:

It should be remembered that low-fat fish for inflammation of the pancreas should be prepared in the form of steamed cutlets or boiled.

There is no question of fried, smoked, salted or canned fish. These popular cooking methods are a taboo for pancreatitis. Even skinny varieties cannot be shown in salted form, because salt is extremely undesirable for pancreatitis.

Excessive amounts of this white substance in food provoke an exacerbation of inflammation in a weakened organ during pancreatitis. For this reason, salt can be present in dishes only during remission, but in minimal doses.

It’s even better to give up soups based on fish broth; preference should be given to dietary first courses, since recipes for soups for pancreatitis are both simple and varied.

Moderately fatty varieties can be included in the diet only during a period of stable remission, but not more than once a week.

Doctors say that the opinion that with pancreatitis you can eat fatty fish due to its ability to improve metabolism is completely erroneous. This rule only works if the person is in complete health and has no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful properties of sea fish

The benefits of sea fish lie primarily in the high concentration of easily digestible protein compounds containing essential amino acids. As a percentage, sea fish, depending on its variety, can contain up to 26% of easily digestible proteins, while river fish contains only up to 20%.

Moreover, the beneficial effect of sea fish lies in the content of the following useful components:

  • vitamin complex, which includes vitamins A, E, F, D,
  • amino acids in the form of lysine, tryptophan, methionine,
  • as well as microelements in the form of iodine and phosphorus, zinc and magnesium, fluorine and bromine, iron and copper, boron, calcium and so on.

Almost all varieties of sea fish are considered dietary products, the calorie content of which does not exceed 99 kcal per 100 grams of product. Therefore, there is no need to doubt whether it is possible to eat sea fish with pancreatitis.

Eating sea fish provides:

  • normalization of the functioning of the entire digestive system,
  • improving the functioning of the thyroid gland against the background of a high concentration of iodine molecules,
  • reducing the intensity of development of the inflammatory process in the pancreas,
  • stabilization of cholesterol levels,
  • restoration of the cardiovascular system and prevention of heart attack and stroke,
  • increased brain activity
  • improving the quality of vision.

Moreover, eating sea fish will help you shed those extra pounds, as it is a low-calorie product with high nutritional value.

What about gourmet fish?

If we consider red fish, doctors may allow the consumption of only two types of such products - trout and pink salmon. It is this fish that contains the amount of fat that is within relative normal limits for people suffering from pancreatitis.

There is a clear restriction on red fish, which states that pink salmon and trout should not be salted, dried or smoked. The ideal cooking method is baking without the use of fat, stewing, boiling, and steaming. An approximate portion of such a delicious dish is no more than 200 g per day and no more than 2 times a week.

Who is fish contraindicated for?

Even lean varieties of fish contain fat. This product may have several contraindications for use. For example, those patients with pancreatitis who have a history of the following problems should limit or minimize their consumption of fish:

  • high sensitivity to a product such as fish oil;
  • individual intolerance;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • imbalance in thyroid function;
  • hemophilia.

It is better to give up fish if you have pancreatitis, which is accompanied by high blood pressure. Fish oil and medications aimed at lowering blood pressure are simply incompatible.

Fish should also be consumed only in moderate quantities by those patients who have recently undergone surgery of various kinds, the elderly, as well as children, the same applies to products such as fish oil. Pregnant and lactating women suffering from pancreatitis should not overuse this protein food.

Fish oil in overdose can cause pain in the abdominal cavity, indigestion, diarrhea, as well as exacerbation of the underlying disease.

Fish should be consumed carefully in cases where there are stones in the patient’s kidneys and bile ducts; in this case, the problem can only worsen.

Fish fat

Patients are interested in whether it is possible to include fish oil in the menu for pancreatitis? At the time of developing pancreatitis of the pancreas, the work of digestion and assimilation of food becomes difficult. All of it is carefully selected by nutritionists in favor of healthy lean foods.

Fish oil is a product that enters the body undiluted. It makes it difficult for the affected organ to work and causes complications. The use of this component during the period of exacerbation of the disease is prohibited. Take in small doses and with caution for stable disease.

fish oil

There are many contraindications for consuming fish oil for pancreatitis and cholecystitis:

  1. Hypersensitivity or individual intolerance.
  2. Low blood clotting.
  3. Hemophilia.
  4. Chronic kidney failure.
  5. Problems in the endocrine system.

If a period of exacerbation is considered, the answer is no. In case of stable remission, it is permissible to use this product in moderate quantities.

Consumption of fish oil for pancreatitis is acceptable within acceptable limits. Monitor the calories of the food you eat. When consuming this component, the consumption of vegetable or butter is reduced by the same amount. Only a doctor can authorize and set the volume of fat consumption. Contact him for advice and a detailed treatment plan.

Fish oil is a pure fat, which makes its absorption difficult during pancreatic inflammation. It is strictly prohibited for use during an acute course of the disease or during an exacerbation of a chronic one. However, it can be consumed in moderation during the stage of stable remission.

Fish oil for pancreatitis is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to this product;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • violation of the blood clotting process;
  • hemophilia;
  • the patient has chronic renal failure;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system.

When consuming fish oil, it is necessary to take it into account in the total caloric content and fat content of dishes. This means that you should reduce the amount of other fats. For example, if you consume five grams of fish oil per day, you need to reduce your consumption of butter or vegetable oil by five grams.

Only the attending physician should regulate the volume of fish and fish oil on an individual basis for each patient.

Recipe for making “correct” fish cutlets

If the doctor has approved the consumption of fish and dishes based on it, then the patient can treat himself to steamed cutlets, especially since preparing them will not be difficult. Cutlets are one of the recommended dishes for pancreatitis. For them you will need to take:

  • 500 g of low-fat fish (this can be a fillet or a whole carcass);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 3 tablespoons semolina;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

The recipe calls for chopping fish, onions and butter using a meat grinder or blender. If the cutlets are made from fillet, then it will be enough to grind it once in a meat grinder. If a whole fish is selected, it is passed through twice. This will make it possible to completely grind all the remaining seeds.

Examples of recipes for pancreatitis

Diet for pancreatitis limits the patient’s diet, so it is necessary to carefully select recipes.

Steamed cutlets


  • fish – 500 g;
  • a piece of bread (white stale);
  • milk – 50 g;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • a little salt.

Fish, which should be lean, must be washed and cleaned. After this, soak for 30 minutes in milk, if the variety is river. This will produce a specific smell, which often has the main component from fresh water bodies. Soak the bread in milk. After this, grind with a meat grinder along with the fillet. It’s better to repeat this several times so that there are no grains. After this, add the egg and salt to taste.

It will be delicious if you add a little dry semolina, it will swell and make the cutlets more airy. In this case, you need to let the minced meat stand for at least 10 minutes. After this, we form balls and cook for 20 minutes in a double boiler or steamed pan. These cutlets go best with vegetables. They should be eaten no more than twice a week. If your doctor allows it, you can use the following recipe:

  • fish – 500 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs;
  • semolina – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • salt.

Fish, onions and butter are twisted in a meat grinder. Semolina gets mixed with eggs. You need to let it sit for a few minutes. After this, add to the minced meat. Everything is thoroughly mixed. A pinch of salt is added. Cook by steam or in the oven.



  • low-fat fish variety – 250 g;
  • rice – 30 g;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • butter – 5 g.

The rice needs to be cooked and cooled. It should turn out viscous. Fish is added there. Everything is twisted, after which melted butter and salt are poured. Steam.


Whether you can drink the broth depends on the severity of the disease, so you should definitely discuss it with a specialist. This dish increases the secretion of juices in the gland, so neither meat, nor fish, nor vegetable broths are allowed during an exacerbation. When chronic pancreatitis does not worsen for a long time, the doctor may give the go-ahead for such food. To prepare fish broth, you need to clean and rinse the fish, cut into pieces and place in a pan, adding cold water. After boiling, you need to get rid of the foam and add a little salt. You can add some greens to the finished dish, except onions.

What kind of fish can you eat if you have pancreatitis? How to cook? Recipes

Fish is a very important item in a healthy diet menu. The presence of omega-3 acids in sea and river species makes this protein food indispensable for a proper diet. In case of pancreatitis, fish plays a role in regulating proper metabolism no less than in people who do not suffer from a similar disease.

Omega-3 acids not only prevent blood clotting and maintain all the blood vessels of the body in proper condition, they also reduce high cholesterol levels (which is a consequence of poor functioning of the pancreas). The question for patients with pancreatitis consists mainly in the amount of fish consumed, methods of preparing it, and the frequency of taking fish dishes.

Despite the fact that fish oil is a source of beneficial substances, its use in cases of impaired pancreatic secretion is prohibited. It is necessary to avoid fatty fish altogether. Exacerbation of the inflammatory process during pancreatitis can be avoided by choosing fish varieties with moderate fat content.

Fish diet for pancreatitis

The situation with fats is quite simple - to break them down, you need a significant amount of lipase synthesized by the pancreas. In the acute stage of pancreatitis, the production of this enzyme becomes difficult and violation of the diet is fraught with an even more serious form of the disease.

Usually, in the first week after an exacerbation of pancreatitis, patients can afford very little. If a dish is prepared from fish, then only from fish whose fat content is from 0.3% to 0.9%. Skinny varieties include the following:

As the health of a patient with pancreatitis normalizes, a gradual transition to moderately fatty fish can be made. Doctors can already give the green light to eating fish with a fat content of 4.2% to 6.4%. Thus, the menu is replenished with such fish as:

Cooking methods

With pancreatitis, methods of cooking in general and fish dishes in particular, such as frying, salting, pickling, smoking or drying, are absolutely excluded. It’s better to forget about this and get used to the taste of boiled, stewed or baked fish without the use of any fat. The amount of salt during cooking should be significantly limited, because salt retains water in the body and increases tissue swelling. Moreover, it stimulates the work of the pancreas, which so needs a gentle regime in the presence of an inflammatory process, especially and especially at the stage of remission. Spices are not allowed for the same reason.

It should be added that boiled fish for pancreatitis does not imply the use of broth in food. That is, fish soup is allowed, but on water, with already prepared boiled pieces. Traditional vegetable oil is also not added to this fish soup; this is out of the question.

Bones and skin must be removed and should not be used under any circumstances, even when preparing dishes that use finely chopped fish (cutlets, meatballs, etc.).

Recommendations and recipes

The healthiest fish for pancreatitis is fresh, but some of its permitted varieties are quite difficult to purchase. For this reason, patients need to buy fresh frozen fish, but they should pay attention to ensure that it is not overfrozen and has not been re-frozen. Some signs may indicate this, for example:

  • presence of yellow plaque;
  • a lot of ice and snow on it;
  • uneven layer of ice on the carcass.

Before cooking any fish, it should be thoroughly cleaned of scales, entrails and bones, and then rinsed. In case of acute illness, it is necessary to get rid of the skin. The menu should only include fish fillets, not whole fish. In addition, you can cook from it:

  • steamed fish cutlets;
  • dumplings;
  • souffle;
  • meatballs;
  • broths;
  • steamed or baked meatballs;
  • casseroles.

To prepare steam cutlets you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of any permitted fish;
  • one piece of white bread, always dry;
  • one egg;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • a small amount of salt.

Cleaned and washed fish meat is soaked in milk for thirty minutes. In parallel with the main ingredient, but in a different container, bread is soaked in milk. After this, all components are mixed and passed through a meat grinder. With the permission of the attending physician, you can add three tablespoons of semolina and one onion to the original recipe, but in this case you will need another egg.

Fish balls with steamed rice

In addition to cutlets, you can cook steamed meatballs. To receive them you need:

  • 250 grams of lean fish;
  • half a glass of rice and water;
  • a small piece of butter.

First of all, you need to boil the rice, then add the fish to it and mix everything. Then, melted butter is poured into the mixture and a small pinch of salt is added.

Whether fish broth can be consumed depends entirely on the severity of the disease. It is best to drink it during the remission stage of the disease. To prepare fish broth you need:

  • clean and rinse the main ingredient;
  • cut the meat into medium-sized pieces and place in a saucepan;
  • fill it with water and bring to a boil;
  • You can add herbs before boiling.

A complete list of recipes is provided by a gastroenterologist or nutritionist.

Preference is given to fresh fish. Since many varieties are difficult to find fresh on store shelves, you have to purchase a frozen carcass. This method of preserving freshness is acceptable for storage. It is important to ensure that the freezing process is carried out only once. When re-frozen, the beneficial properties are lost, the product takes on a different appearance, and the taste changes.

To avoid buying such a low-quality product, follow some rules:

  1. The surface of the carcass does not change color. If there is a yellowish coating, feel free to refuse the purchase.
  2. They prefer dry freezing. With repeated defrosting, the product loses its shape and becomes deformed. When re-freezing, all the drained moisture turns into ice and snow. This will be evidenced by a large number of fish around.
  3. When re-freezing, the layer of ice lies unevenly.

It is allowed to cook only from fish fillets. Pay special attention to preparation. The carcass is thoroughly washed, scaled, skinned, all bones and entrails are removed, and the fleshy part is separated. This ingredient will become the basis for preparing many dishes.

The most common dish in the diet is preparing lean fish soup for pancreatitis. The prepared fillet is cut into slices, filled with purified water, and boiled in a saucepan. Remove the foam, add potatoes (diced), carrots, onions. Cook everything until tender, at the end add finely chopped greens and add a little salt.

steamed dumplings

Steamed dumplings will be a tender finished product, which is safe to eat if you have pancreatitis.

The prepared fillet of skinny fish is ground in a blender into minced meat along with a small onion, a slice of cracker (dipped in skim milk), and an egg is added. All ingredients are mixed with the addition of a pinch of salt. Using spoons, form dumplings, place them in a steamer tray, and cook.

A dietary fish soufflé for pancreatitis will brighten up the patient’s menu. The finished fillet is boiled or cooked in a double boiler, ground in a blender until smooth, combined with beaten egg whites, chopped carrots, and a uniform piece of bread with milk. All ingredients are mixed and filled into molds. Bake in the oven, but it is better to use a double boiler.

Existing contraindications

And yet, patients with a complex medical history (when pancreatitis is complicated by additional diagnoses) should refuse to eat any fish dishes, even lean ones, since fat cannot be completely eliminated from this protein food. The risk group includes:

  • people with individual intolerance to fish products,
  • patients with reduced blood clotting,
  • having acute renal failure,
  • suffering from acute cholecystitis,
  • patients with thyroid dysfunction,
  • prone to high blood pressure (fish oil conflicts with medications to lower blood pressure),
  • elderly people, and, conversely, young children, as well as pregnant women,
  • recently undergone surgery.
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