How is gastritis transmitted: can you get infected through a kiss or by inheritance?
How gastritis is transmitted: through a kiss, bacteria, personal hygiene items, by inheritance
The question “Is gastritis contagious?” cannot be answered unambiguously. Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, one
Sectional diagram of rectal disease
Anal fissures: symptoms and treatment
Rectal fissure is one of the common diseases of the rectum, which is localized in
Appointment with a doctor for gastritis
Gastric collection for gastritis: composition, selection and application
What is it? Today no one goes to the forest or meadow for
Bad breath due to gastritis - there are many reasons, but there is only one salvation - timely and correct treatment!
Unpleasant odor with gastritis Gastric pathology such as gastritis, unpleasant odor (halitosis) of the oral cavity
The healing composition of castor oil
Castor oil and other oils are a timeless method for treating hemorrhoids
The healing composition of castor oil Castor oil or castor oil, as it is often called among the people,
Peas for gastritis: cooking secrets and beneficial properties
Peas for gastritis with high acidity: is it possible or not? Peas are valuable and nutritious
What is Crohn's disease - signs and symptoms of the disease
What is Crohn's disease? Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease of an autoimmune nature.
Hemorrhoids with hepatitis B
What ointment to use for hemorrhoids while breastfeeding? Review of 8 effective ointments and other methods
Why does the problem occur? Hemorrhoids in a nursing mother are a common problem. Often the disease continues to develop
You cannot self-medicate
Diarrhea during pregnancy: approved medications
Views - 14,454 The last semester of pregnancy marks the gradual preparation of the woman’s body for
How many leukocytes does appendicitis show?
With appendicitis, discomfort is localized in the lower right part of the abdominal cavity. But the pain is in
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