Chronic pancreatitis: Methodological development for conducting a practical lesson for teachers, page 9
Study of the content (activity) of pancreatic enzymes in the blood and urine Determination of amylase and isoenzymes
In case of chronic gastritis, exclude from the diet
Gastritis is a disease that occurs in all age groups of the population. The disease has many predisposing factors
With a gastric ulcer, the pain is localized
December 11, 2019 Gastroenterology Konstantin Kim Ulcer or gastric ulcer (GUD) - chronic
Intestinal colitis: symptoms and treatment in adults
More about the disease Left-sided colitis is caused by an unusual reaction of the body's immune system, leading to inflammation
Probability of death from gastritis
How to know if you have gastritis Gastritis is a collective term that is currently
How is the Helicobacter bacteria transmitted?
Helicobacter Pylori eradication therapy
Helicobacter pylori is a pathogenic bacterium that lives mainly in the pyloric (antrum) region
Pain from stomach cancer
Stomach cancer - symptoms and treatment
February 4, 2021 Stomach cancer in the 21st century began to lose ground in incidence,
Providing emergency care for acute appendicitis
The first sign of appendicitis in men, women and children is abdominal pain. Main and
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