Preparation of green and other types of tea for patients with stomach ulcers
Peptic ulcer Gastric ulcer is a disease of a chronic nature, with the typical formation of ulcerative scars
Lemon acid
How to drink citric acid for diarrhea
Any person with diarrhea experiences a lot of uncomfortable sensations. This condition not only affects
Atrophic gastroduodenitis
Atrophic gastropathy: causes, symptoms and treatment
Causes of atrophic gastroduodenitis There are two main causes leading to atrophy of the gastric mucosa and
Is it possible to eat dark chocolate for pancreatitis or not?
Chemical composition The product consists of identical components, the ratio of which varies depending on the type.
Hot baths for hemorrhoids
How to make baths for hemorrhoids From chamomile or with potassium permanganate
Beneficial properties and types Almost everyone is at risk of hemorrhoids, since
How to properly treat external hemorrhoids during pregnancy?
At the 22nd week of pregnancy, the expectant mother already feels the movement of her baby inside her, and
Duodenal ulcer (duodenal ulcer, duodenal ulcer, duodenal ulcer, duodenal ulcer, peptic ulcer 12
Drinking a decoction of dried fruits is beneficial for the digestive system. Limit the consumption of sweets and flour products. Refuse
Semolina porridge for gastritis with high acidity
Semolina for gastritis The list of cereals allowed for gastritis is very small. You can use semolina
burning in the stomach after eating
Burning sensation in the epigastrium. Epigastric region: where it is located and what diseases are symptoms of pain in this area. Burning in the stomach: main causes
According to statistics, about 60% of people complain of a burning sensation in the stomach after
Laxative drug
Laxative for pregnant women: how to choose the most effective one
During pregnancy, due to increased progesterone levels, taking iron-containing drugs, pressure on the uterus
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