In what cases does coffee cause diarrhea and can you drink it if you have diarrhea?

Millions of people start their day with a cup of aromatic coffee. This invigorating drink activates the brain and gives strength. However, opinions differ on whether the drink has a relaxing or strengthening effect on the intestines. Can diarrhea be caused by coffee, or can this drink be safely used for disorders to alleviate the condition? It is important to understand this issue.

Is diarrhea (diarrhea) possible if you drink coffee and why?

It is better to drink coffee after a meal.
If a person does not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or constant constipation, then moderate consumption of the drink does not cause problems in the form of loose stools. But even in such a situation, it is necessary to drink a coffee drink after eating.

Excessive use of caffeine, including on an empty stomach, causes diarrhea. This is especially true for people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, problems certainly cannot be avoided. Nausea, gag reflexes, and loose stools occur within a short period of time after drinking a coffee drink.

A healthy person may also experience an upset stomach after drinking coffee.

In a healthy person, a cup of coffee can cause diarrhea due to prolonged stress, fatigue or lack of sleep.

How is diarrhea caused?

To find out the reason for the development of intestinal upset from drinking coffee, it is worth understanding the mechanism of the drink’s effect on digestion. Of course, everyone’s body has its own unique characteristics and the reaction that manifests itself in one is not standard. At the same time, it is important to consider several factors.

No matter how healthy coffee drinks are, some substances contained therein have an irritating effect on the stomach. For example, caffeine and nicotinic acid irritate the gastric mucosa. This leads to increased peristalsis. Gastric juice is secreted more actively, the person begins to feel intense hunger.

As already mentioned, the risk of developing diarrhea after drinking coffee increases when a person adds milk to the drink. This product is not always well absorbed by the adult body. As a result, the ability to properly digest food decreases and diarrhea begins.

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You should not drink coffee in moments of extreme stress. Immobilization of a person’s internal forces occurs only when the drink is taken in a calm environment. In other cases, stimulation of the central nervous system may increase, and intestinal upset begins.

A coffee drink has a similar negative effect when it is drunk on an empty stomach and done frequently. Coffee in large quantities on an empty stomach is perceived differently by the body. He regards it as a toxic compound. The body is trying to free itself from it. As a result, diarrhea develops. Sometimes such conditions are accompanied by sudden nausea and vomiting.

The most severe irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract is caused by drinking instant coffee. It contains not only natural compounds. These chemical inclusions are perceived by the body as potent toxins. As a result, diarrhea begins, which usually does not last long, but is characterized by wateriness and a short interval between drinking the drink and the act of defecation.

The risk of developing diarrhea due to drinking aromatic coffee drink is greater for those who drink it rarely. Those who delight themselves with a cup of their favorite coffee regularly, 2-3 cups a day, usually do not suffer from diarrhea. However, it is worth considering that with regular consumption of an invigorating drink, its stimulating effect is less pronounced and this is due to the body becoming accustomed to the serving size of caffeine and other active substances.

Effect of coffee grounds and drink temperature

The condition of the intestines after drinking coffee can be affected by:

  • the presence of grounds;
  • product temperature.

Surprisingly, in some cases, intestinal upset is caused not by the coffee itself, but by the grounds that have settled at the bottom. To eliminate the risk of it entering the body, you should use special filter bags or brew coffee in a coffee machine, where the grounds are separated during the preparation process.

How the body perceives coffee is affected by its temperature. A drink that is too hot or too cold has a negative effect. This temperature causes the digestion process to stop. As a result, food simply moves through the intestines. Since the temperature is uncomfortable for the body, the digestive system strives to quickly remove these products and, as a result, diarrhea begins.

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Does the drink help or not?

Too strong coffee does not bind, but on the contrary can have a relaxing effect.
Coffee and tea contain tannins, which have an astringent effect. Knowing this, many try to treat indigestion with strong coffee. But the drink causes the opposite effect. This is due to the fact that the intestines are already irritated, and drinking a cup of strong drink enhances the effect. The condition is significantly worsening.

There is another factor why you should not drink coffee if you have diarrhea. In this state, the body is dehydrated, and caffeine has a diuretic effect. Therefore, it is better to drink plenty of water rather than a strong drink.

Chemical composition of the drink

Natural coffee, like any other product, can cause health benefits and harm . This depends on how much you take it. Therefore, to understand how the drink affects the body, you need to consider its composition.

The main components of coffee beans are:

  • caffeine is a substance that affects the nervous system. After it, a person becomes more cheerful, this is expressed both in the mental sphere and in physical activity;
  • trigonelline is an alkaloid, under the influence of high temperature of the drink it can emit a bright aroma;
  • nicotinic acid – takes part in metabolic processes, replenishes the body with B vitamins;
  • various microelements, tannins – increase mental activity.

If a person is healthy, then coffee will only enrich the body with useful substances, amino acids, and proteins. However, if there is a gastrointestinal disorder, the drink will increase diarrhea. The increased presence of microelements irritates the intestinal walls and has a laxative effect.

When can I take it?

Acorn coffee reduces the load on the pancreas.
It is a proven fact that drinking coffee during diarrhea is contraindicated. But there is an exception when a drink can help. This is coffee made from acorns and barley. These two remedies help with diarrhea.

These drinks can only be called coffee because of their similar taste. The effect on the body differs from the original one. They have fixing properties and have a beneficial effect on peristalsis.

Coffee made from acorns contains more than 60% starch. It coats the intestinal walls. Due to this, the load on the pancreas is reduced. Diarrhea stops.

Barley drink will help get rid of bloating, infections, parasites

Drinks made from barley and stomach contain a substance called quercetin. It helps get rid of the formation of cramps, gas, and bloating.

Coffee also gets rid of certain types of intestinal parasites, bacteria and infections.

Product properties

The chemical composition determines the properties, that is, how drinking the drink affects the body. As you know, most people drink this drink for aesthetic satisfaction and to get a dose of vigor and energy. Is this thinking justified?

Actually, yes. The human condition is affected by caffeine that enters the body with a cup of fresh ground coffee. Caffeine stimulates increased mental and physical activity. As a result, a person feels more energetic and becomes more resilient and gains strength.

Due to the fact that the drink contains nicotinic acid, normal synthesis of B vitamins becomes possible. In addition, this substance supports metabolic processes in the body.

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Interestingly, the tart, specific coffee aroma released during grinding and brewing is possible thanks to a special component included in the drink. This is trigonelline. When ground grains are heated during roasting or boiling, the aroma becomes especially intense due to the activation of this substance.

Tannins have a slight strengthening effect on the body. These components are similar to those contained in black tea, and as you know, diarrhea is often relieved with the help of a black, unsweetened drink.

Microelements are necessary for every person. By drinking 2-3 cups a day, you can support your body by replenishing it with valuable components.

The amino acids included in the product increase endurance and emotional stability. That's why many people prefer to refresh themselves with a cup of aromatic coffee throughout the day.

Using acorn coffee for loose stools

Acorn coffee should be used at the first sign of diarrhea. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon into 100 ml of boiling water. Let it brew a little and take it, drinking in small sips.

Before using coffee substitutes, you should consult your doctor.

But even natural products have contraindications that must be taken into account to avoid additional problems:

  1. Coffee will not help and if used for a long time without consulting a doctor, it can be dangerous if the loose stool contains blood. In such a situation, drug treatment is necessary, and therefore contacting a specialist is mandatory.
  2. You should not try to treat yourself with a drink if diarrhea is accompanied by a high temperature or shortness of breath. These are alarming symptoms that require seeing a doctor.
  3. The drink is contraindicated for children under 16 years of age. Can be used in treatment only after consultation with a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist.
  4. You should not start taking coffee if your stomach upset lasts for more than a week.

Use coffee wisely without causing harm to your health
If diarrhea does not stop within several days of regularly drinking acorn coffee, you should stop taking the drink and consult a doctor.

Undoubtedly, a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning invigorates and energizes you for the whole day. But this is only if it is used correctly. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, caffeine must be completely eliminated from the diet until complete recovery. The exception is natural drinks made from acorns and barley. They will not only help cope with diarrhea, but also improve intestinal function.

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