How bananas help with diarrhea: recipes and recommendations

Anyone has experienced intestinal upset at some point in their life. This causes inconvenience, especially when a person visits friends, works or walks. Diarrhea occurs in the human body when ingesting a stale product. It is important to eliminate the source of intestinal irritation as soon as possible, otherwise diarrhea will last for a day or more.

It is important to help the body recover from the trouble that has happened. In the first hours of the disease, you should absolutely not eat spicy, smoked foods, or fruits. Dairy products and other heavy foods are prohibited. Doctors recommend abstaining from food and not drinking liquids at the onset of the disease. As you feel better, gradually introduce foods that are easily absorbed by the body into the menu. The menu is limited: porridge with crackers. Fruits are prohibited, except banana. This fruit is allowed to be eaten. How does a fruit treat affect the body during diarrhea? Who is allowed to eat it? Is it permissible for pregnant and lactating women to eat the fruit? You will find the answers by reading the article.

Beneficial properties of the fruit

Why do doctors recommend eating bananas when you have diarrhea? It's all about the fibrous structure. The body quickly absorbs the fruit, and its fibrous structure and fiber help hold liquid feces together.

Banana helps cells recover faster. The fruit stimulates the normalization of the intestines and stomach. The composition includes useful substances: zinc, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium.

The pulp is filled with vitamins: B, C, E, K and pectins necessary for the body. They have the ability to prevent large loss of fluid by absorbing excess, and normalize water balance, since the fruit consists mostly of water. Removes harmful toxins from the stomach, leaving beneficial substances.

Tannins from fruit fibers have an astringent effect. This quality sets it apart from other fresh fruits. Amino acid and inulin have a beneficial effect on the microflora of internal organs. Therefore, bananas are recommended for intestinal upset, which will help eliminate alarming symptoms.

The beneficial property of the fruit is that it is hypoallergenic. Children and adults are allowed to eat.

For diarrhea, the daily norm is 2 pcs. Loose stools flush potassium from the body. The pulp of the fruit can restore water balance and save the body from dehydration. Two golden treats will completely restore your potassium supply.

Is it okay to eat bananas if you have diarrhea?

If stool is disrupted, the patient must adhere to a diet so as not to overload the stomach and aggravate the situation. Therefore, the question often arises: is it possible to eat bananas for diarrhea? This exotic fruit is the only one allowed for diarrhea (except for baked apples), as it has an astringent and enveloping property.

With severe diarrhea in the acute phase, everything that enters the stomach is immediately eliminated. In this case, you should completely refuse to eat any food and drink plenty of fluids. After 4-12 hours, you can introduce foods allowed during the recovery diet.

A good option is banana. 100 g of this tropical fruit contains approximately 95 kcal. Eating one fruit, a person receives 120-150 kcal. It contains 3 g protein, 0.2 fat and 42 g carbohydrates. Thanks to the high content of carbohydrates and fructose, it copes with the feeling of hunger and fills you with energy.

Who are the fruits contraindicated for?

Not everyone can use banana as a remedy for diarrhea and eat it. If diseases are present: thrombophlebitis, cholecystitis, previous heart attack or stroke, the fruit is contraindicated.

The golden delicacy is high in calories. It is not recommended for use by people suffering from obesity and varicose veins.

Frequently eating large amounts of treats will lead to excess weight gain and gas formation in the intestines. Bananas are prohibited for people with diabetes and stomach ulcers. Substances contained in the fruit impede the flow of bile. Patients with liver and pancreas disease should not eat it either. There are no restrictions for healthy people.

Banana is a healthy fruit, but it is not recommended to offer it fresh to a child until he reaches 9 months of age. Bananas may cause your child to become allergic. Pediatricians believe that early feeding is possible from 6 months. They offer half a spoon of banana puree, repeating complementary feeding after 10 days.

Contraindications for use

For all its positive features, fruits have a number of contraindications:

  • The fruit should not be consumed by people with impaired digestive processes;
  • those who have suffered a heart attack, stroke, or suffer from varicose veins or thrombosis should not eat bananas (due to the properties of blood thickening);
  • banana fruits can negatively affect potency (due to the property of slowing down blood flow), this can happen with frequent and unlimited intake of bananas;
  • People who are overweight should especially limit the consumption of banana fruits, especially milkshakes with banana - a very high-calorie product.

Consumption of fruits by pregnant women

The fruit is recommended for pregnant women as a remedy for diarrhea. It will help a woman get rid of diarrhea and ease attacks of toxicosis. The pulp of the fruit gently envelops the walls of the stomach, which helps reduce attacks of vomiting. It blocks the absorption of harmful substances by the stomach, while simultaneously saturating the woman’s body with microelements and vitamins.

Endorphin in the fruit will help lift your mood. After bananas, a slight euphoria sets in and performance increases. But pregnant women need to be careful when eating fruit, especially in the last stages of pregnancy.

General recommendations

There are general recommendations for the use of treats by pregnant women:

  • Eat fruit no more than twice a week.
  • The fruit is taken at medium ripeness.
  • Do not take rotten fruit for food.
  • You should not consume fruit pulp with dairy products at the same time.

How to choose a good product?

To prevent the fruit from spoiling during long transportation, manufacturers often treat it with toxic substances (nitrates). This product has a negative effect on the human body. Bananas with nitrates cause intoxication of internal organs, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. When choosing bananas, you should pay attention to the size and appearance of the skin. The size should be medium, and the skin should not be shiny. Before use, banana peels should be thoroughly washed to avoid nitrates getting through your hands onto other food products.

Banana consumption by breastfeeding women

Many breastfeeding mothers are interested in whether a banana can stop diarrhea in a baby if he is breastfed.

Pediatricians are of the opinion that fruit, as a source of vitamins and microelements, should be present in the diet of nursing mothers.

In order for the golden treat to bring benefit and not harm, mothers must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Buy unripe, good fruits.
  2. The peel should be without external damage. Harmful microbes will enter through the holes.
  3. Before use, the brush with fruits should be washed.
  4. Eat up to two pieces a day, spreading them throughout the day in small portions.

If you follow these rules, you will be able to stop your baby's diarrhea without causing harm.

In what form is it best to consume banana for pathology?

Adult patients can eat bananas, biting off small pieces from the whole fruit and chewing thoroughly. It is better to give pureed product to children.

If the body normally absorbs bananas, the diet is diversified by introducing fruits into the recipes of therapeutic diets:

  • Having purchased natural yogurt at the pharmacy, mix it with chopped banana and beat in a blender; this cocktail must be drunk half an hour before meals;
  • after mashing a greenish banana into a puree, add some salt and mix it with rice porridge; the dish is distributed throughout the day, consumed in small portions;
  • After mixing banana puree with grated apple, add low-fat cottage cheese, this dish should be taken 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.

The given recipes are easily absorbed by the body and will be interesting to children. But before giving these dishes to your child, you should coordinate the diet with your doctor.

Banana - a remedy for diarrhea in children

When using a banana for diarrhea in a child, mothers should follow simple recommendations.

  • Before giving fruit to a child, it should be thoroughly washed to remove dust, dirt and, possibly, traces of insects sitting on the fruit. Then rinse with clean water.
  • When used as a remedy for diarrhea, it is better to cut it into pieces and give it along with dry cookies or crackers throughout the day. This “sandwich” is much healthier than just the pulp of the fruit.
  • When purchasing, inspect carefully. Do not buy fruits with mechanical or biological damage to the skin.
  • Do not buy overripe fruits with signs of rotting. The color should be beautiful, golden.
  • Children eat fruit treats well. It is better to alternate with porridges, preferably rice, and offer crackers.

What's in bananas?

Bananas are a fairly high-calorie fruit - 96 kcal per 100 g, but they have an average glycemic index of 50. A healthy balance for humans is achieved through nutritious protein, dietary fiber and easily digestible sugars. The feeling of fullness comes quickly and lasts a long time.

The pulp of the fruit contains:

  • vitamins: C, K, E, PP, group B;
  • macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium;
  • trace elements: iron, fluorine, manganese, selenium;
  • pectins, tannins, enzymes;
  • catecholamines, amino acid tryptophan;
  • organic acids.

Banana is valuable for the human diet as a product rich in vitamins and mineral compounds. It is the lack of nutrients that causes the body to weaken in severe diseases and makes treatment difficult.

Banana has virtually no contraindications. It is included in therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal ulcers, and nervous disorders. Recommended in complementary foods for infants.

Can you eat bananas if you have diarrhea? Yes, at the recommended rate the product does not cause complications. Helps to cope with stool disorders, restore the body and improve the mood of the patient.

Recipes using bananas

Nutrition for a person who has suffered from diarrhea requires adherence to a diet that is gentle on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Due to the unique composition of bananas, during diarrhea they can be eaten fresh or included in dietary dishes. The recipes given here are not suitable for cooking in the acute period of gastrointestinal upset; they can be prepared during the restoration of digestive functions.

Simple and healthy dishes with banana:

  1. Green fruit puree. Mash the banana to a puree consistency, add salt. The fruit prepared in this way can be eaten along with rice porridge cooked in water. Banana puree is eaten throughout the day, taking it in small portions. The recipe can be included in the diet of children and the elderly.
  2. Banana smoothie. Mix the fruit with natural yogurt and blend in a blender. Drink half an hour before eating the main course. The dish helps restore intestinal microflora.
  3. Light banana jelly without starch. Grind to a pulp and pour a glass of boiling water over it, let it brew. The starch contained in the banana will turn the infusion into jelly in 20 minutes. If the drink is included in the child's diet, you can add a teaspoon of honey or blueberry jam for taste.
  4. Pancakes cooked in the oven. Grind the banana into a pulp, mix with 2-3 tablespoons of flour, add a chicken egg, a couple of tablespoons of milk. Place the resulting mass on parchment and bake in the oven.
  5. Steamed pudding. Beat the whites of two chicken eggs until foamy, use a blender to mix 250 g of cottage cheese, 40 g of butter, a tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, two yolks, chopped banana, add pre-whipped whites to this mixture. Mix all products, cook in a steam bath for 40 minutes or 20 minutes in a double boiler.

The diet of a person suffering from the effects of diarrhea can be diversified by including bananas. The healing qualities of the exotic fruit, which have the property of restoring the functioning of the digestive system, should be used for uncomplicated diarrhea.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Author: Rumyantsev V. G. Experience 34 years.

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Diarrhea is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by frequent bowel movements and dehydration.

An important stage in treatment is the transition to a special diet with a predominance of “strengthening” foods. Banana is considered one of them. This fruit contains a lot of potassium and vitamins. If there is not enough potassium in the patient’s body, then dehydration begins and the functioning of the heart muscle worsens. The great advantage of this product is that both adults and children can eat it during diarrhea. Can older people and pregnant women eat bananas for diarrhea?

Important nuances

To normalize stool in an adult or child with diarrhea, you need to properly use the healing properties of the fruit.

Attention! For diarrhea, only unripe bananas with greenish peel help. Overripe, bright yellow, or beginning to darken fruits, on the contrary, exhibit a laxative effect.

How to properly eat bananas for diarrhea - basic rules:

  • You should not eat these fruits on an empty stomach, wash them down with water;
  • It is recommended to consume bananas after the acute period of diarrhea, during the restoration of the digestive system;
  • to increase the effectiveness of “fruit therapy”, you can alternate with crackers and sugar-free rice porridge cooked in water;
  • to avoid fermentation in the intestines, do not consume sugar or sweets together;
  • The best time to consume this product is 30-40 minutes after eating.

Diarrhea during pregnancy is quite common. Since a pregnant woman avoids taking medications, eating this fruit can solve the problem of irritable bowel. You cannot eat more than two pieces per day; there are overripe and underripe specimens. Excessive consumption can lead a woman expecting a child to the development of hemolytic anemia and kernicterus.

Breastfeeding women are prohibited from consuming products that can harm the baby. Eating bananas during lactation can increase the volume of breast milk. If your baby is allergic to these fruits, which is extremely rare, they should not be eaten even for medicinal purposes. The optimal dose for a nursing mother if the child does not react to bananas is one piece per day.

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