reactive changes in the pancreas
What are the dangers of reactive changes in the pancreas?
Reactive changes in the pancreas develop as a result of diseases associated with the stomach, intestines, liver and
Dyscholia in children: what does such a diagnosis mean and how to deal with it
Basic information With dyscholia of the gallbladder, the composition of bile, its physical and chemical characteristics change.
Esophagus diseases and symptoms
Damage to the esophagus
In pathologies of the digestive tract, a significant share falls on diseases of the esophagus, the symptoms and treatment of which
How to independently determine the acidity of the stomach at home, without gastroscopy?
What it is? Stomach acidity is an indicator that characterizes the amount of hydrogen ions in
Esophageal stenosis: types, causes, symptoms, treatment
SCAR STRICTURES OF THE ESOPHAGUS: treatment, classification, complaints, diagnosis
The esophagus is a hollow tube that serves to connect the pharyngeal opening and the stomach. Despite the simple
How to restore and strengthen the pancreas: methods of healing?
How to treat pancreatitis at home quickly and effectively
To understand how to restore the pancreas, you need to understand the mechanisms that lead to its damage.
types of pancreatic necrosis
Symptoms and treatment of pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas
What is pancreatic necrosis Pancreatic necrosis, or necrotizing pancreatitis, is a life-threatening complication of acute pancreatitis, consisting
Colon ulcer: symptoms and treatment
The incidence of duodenal diseases is high - more than 10% of all patients suffer from ulcerative lesions alone.
Liver damage
How diffuse liver changes manifest themselves: treatment and symptoms
Classification Normally, the liver parenchyma has a homogeneous, slightly dense structure. Its cells (hepatocytes) have
pancreatic dysfunction
Pancreatic diseases: what are the symptoms and what to do
Sometimes gastroenterologists use the term pancreatic dysfunction. But what does this mean and
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