Collection of herbs
The most beneficial herbs for the liver. How to cleanse the liver with herbs?
Classification of herbs for the liver and gall bladder To begin therapy with folk remedies, it is necessary to determine
Pain in the esophagus in the thoracic part: causes, possible diseases, treatment
Why does the esophagus hurt: discomfort and feeling of a lump in the chest
02/07/2019 Alena Masheva Health What to do if the esophagus in the thoracic part hurts? Esophagus -
What is the passage of barium through the intestines?
Indications Passage of barium through the small intestine is used in several situations. First of all, he is prescribed
Why does esophageal leukoplakia appear and how is it treated?
Causes of leukoplakia The causes of the pathology are not fully understood. We can only say with certainty
Gastric dysplasia, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Chronic diseases of the digestive tract are one of the main problems in gastroenterology. Not the last
Biliary sludge in the gallbladder
Flakes in the gallbladder. Treatment, what is it like in a child, symptoms, causes
What is suspension in the gallbladder? In the modern world, one third of the population suffers from gallstone disease.
Gallbladder diseases: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
The gallbladder, given its small size, is a fairly important organ of the digestive system. He is the container
esophageal erosion
Nutrition for esophageal erosion: diet for the disease
Erosion of the esophagus is caused by a disorder - the reflux of hydrochloric acid into the esophagus with subsequent destruction of the epithelium.
An asymmetrical abdomen indicates the possible presence of a pancreatic cyst and fistulas in the pancreas
Cyst on the pancreas: causes, symptoms and treatment
Classification of pancreatic cysts All cysts that form on the pancreas can be classified according to
Esophageal polyp symptoms
Esophageal polyp: causes, symptoms, treatment, complications
Esophageal polyp is a disease manifested by the formation of benign tumors on the mucous membrane, ICD-10 code
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