What is located on the right under a person's ribs?

What can burn?

Such sensations often occur against the background of problems with the liver or gall bladder. With this concern, it is worth considering whether the intestines are functioning normally. There may be a deformation of the diaphragm, which causes similar symptoms to occur again.

Suspected causes of burning

The cause of a burning sensation under the ribs in the right side ultimately becomes one or another disease that requires consultation with a specialist. Therapists assure that everyone is at risk: from sedentary, sick people to absolutely healthy people.

The cause of the burning sensation can be either a lack of physical activity or an excessive amount of it. Incorrect or unbalanced nutrition contributes. Abrasions and hematomas can similarly be sources of discomfort in the right side under the rib.

A burning sensation in the right hypochondrium in front is an echo of previously established diagnoses of the heart, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system or digestive system.

Gallbladder diseases

According to statistics, every fifth patient feels a burning sensation due to diseases of the gallbladder and the system for removing bile from the body. In this case, there are two ways for events to continue: either cholelithiasis, or this is a sign of the presence of developing inflammation of the gallbladder.

In this case, pain appears on the right under the rib in front.

In the first case we are talking about bile obstruction, which leads to its accumulation, and then to complete relief. A burning sensation under the rib on the right side does not appear constantly, but only with excessive stress, both physical and psychological.

Pain also occurs after eating heavy, fried and salty foods.

Diseases of the liver, pancreas and intestines

  • Pain under the ribs comes from the liver in more serious cases, when the body is sick with hepatitis or cirrhosis. Such symptoms are a little different from others because they come along with general lethargy, itchy skin and pallor.
  • If colic resembles arrows that are directed from the spine under the ribs to the back, then there is a suspicion that the cause is chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.
  • When there is pain under the right and left side of the hypochondrium after eating , the problem is localized in the duodenum, intestines.

In all three cases, immediate consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system

One of the main diseases in this area is pyelonephritis, the symptoms of which are the same pain in the right side under the ribs on both sides, frequent changes in urine characteristics and fluctuations in body temperature. Pain on the right side manifests itself in the form of attacks (it does not hurt constantly).

If the problem is in the urinary system, tingling is felt in the lumbar region and on the back in the area of ​​the right or left side.

Carrying out diagnostics

If pain occurs in the right hypochondrium, even if it is periodic, you should definitely contact a pediatrician or therapist, who will then refer you to specialized specialists. Diagnostics must be comprehensive so that it is possible to correctly determine which disease provoked the disorder. Diagnostics includes:

  • familiarization with the medical history to determine the provoking factor;
  • collection and analysis of anamnesis;
  • a thorough physical examination of the patient;
  • abdominal percussion and palpation;
  • assessment of skin condition;
  • measurement of pressure, temperature;
  • detailed survey of the patient.

A survey of the patient is required for the doctor to obtain the required information regarding the existing symptoms, which may indicate the cause of the pain. After an initial diagnosis aimed at determining the condition that provoked the onset of pain, studies such as:

  • urine and blood analysis;
  • study of feces;
  • liver tests;
  • serological tests and PCR;
  • ultrasonography of the peritoneum;
  • radiography;
  • endoscopic examination;
  • tomography.

Only after carefully studying the results of diagnostic measures, the doctor selects a treatment method.

Other causes of burning

Other causes for this symptom cannot be excluded.

They are much less common, but it is also advisable to be aware of them:

  • For intercostal neuralgia. Intercostal neuralgia belongs to the list of neurological diseases. Its symptoms are periodic burning pains under the ribs or in the area (between the ribs).
  • In case of rib bruises, the directly damaged ribs will hurt. The pain will be constant and aching. This is not the most dangerous type of burning that could be. But an examination by a traumatologist and neurologist is necessary.
  • For osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. This disease differs in symptoms from all previous ones. Considering that the musculoskeletal system is affected, the pain moves in the direction from the lower back (on both sides) to the legs. It appears during physical activity or just walking.
  • For herpes zoster. The likelihood that the burning sensation in the right side under the ribs in front from shingles is small. Its symptoms are easy to distinguish. The pain will not come from the inside, but only the upper layers of the skin will hurt.
  • With thrombosis of the vena cava. With this problem, you will feel not only a burning sensation in the ribs area. The entire lower part of the body goes numb and fails.
  • Heart diseases. Oddly enough, with some heart diseases, such as, for example, an attack of angina, the symptoms can also be reflected far from the source. An attack will provoke only one wave of pain and burning from the lower part of the left rib to the right region of the chest. In this situation, call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself immediately.
  • Lungs. Diseases associated with the lungs also include diaphragmatic pathologies. They are more of a mechanical damage. The symptom is painful discomfort in the radius of the liver, on the left.
  • Stomach diseases. The main and most common stomach diseases are gastritis and ulcers. Often, patients initially do not distinguish them from liver pathologies. The distinctive character is that the discomfort begins after eating heavy food.

Discomfort after eating

If a burning sensation in the right side under the ribs in front bothers you precisely after eating a heavy meal, its possible causes may be problems with the abdomen:

  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • diaphragm pinching;
  • hernia and other diseases of the stomach, intestines or duodenum.

This “bell” should make you think about your health.

Lung and heart diseases

Directly above the liver is the diaphragm, and above it is the lower lobe of the right lung. With lower lobe pneumonia, pleurisy, or pulmonary infarction, the pain may radiate lower, under the right rib.

Among the causes associated with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the most common are: aneurysms (areas of thinning and pathological protrusion) of the wall of the abdominal aorta, congestive heart failure (this causes stretching of the liver capsule), heart pain due to angina pectoris and other diseases.

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When pain and burning are localized at the back

To know exactly what ailments not to think about when the main pain comes from behind, you need to remember the list of possible diseases:

  • severe pyelonephritis : if a burning sensation appears and is present non-stop and the symptom becomes more noticeable during blows in the area of ​​the ribs of the back.
  • chronic pyelonephritis : periodic discomfort, aching, but tolerable. It worsens during the rainy seasons or simply when the weather is humid.
  • renal colic : pain is caused by the movement of the stone through the fluid outlet channels. The pain is severe, often blocking the movement of the entire body due to an unbearable burning sensation.
  • urolithiasis : the intensity of pain depends on the size of the crystal in the flows. It worsens when jumping, turning the body and after drinking liquid.
  • acute pancreatitis : a burning sensation under the ribs is more like a strongly compressive belt. Accompanied by a burning sensation, nausea and vomiting. It becomes more noticeable when lying down.
  • osteochondrosis : a disease of the musculoskeletal system. Sharp stinging and burning are replaced by dull pain. They constrain the body in the lumbar area, but do not allow you to stay in one place for a long time.
  • retroperitoneal hematoma : manifests itself as a consequence of a back injury, because a vessel may crack. Therefore, the heavier the bleeding, the more intense the burning sensation.

Main symptoms

Since pain in the right hypochondrium after eating often occurs in the presence of various diseases, this symptom will not be the only one in the clinical picture. If the cause of discomfort is physiological, then there will be no additional signs. In some cases, there is a strong increase in this unpleasant sensation. For example, aching pain in the side can become acute when:

  • consumption of fatty foods;
  • movement;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • coughing or sneezing;
  • sudden change in body position;
  • pressing on the problem area.

If pain after eating occurs due to the presence of diseases of the stomach or intestines, then among the main signs it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • excessive gas formation;
  • bloating;
  • nausea;
  • violation of the act of defecation;
  • heartburn and burning in the chest area;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • belching air;
  • heavy sweating;
  • decreased performance;
  • slight increase in temperature.

If pain appears on the right side under the ribs when coughing, this indicates the presence of problems with the heart or lungs. If liver disorders occur, severe pain in this area after eating is also additionally accompanied by such symptoms as:

  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • darkening of urine color;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • depression.

It is worth noting that these are only external manifestations of pathology, so it is not always possible to determine the presence of the disease only by the existing signs. It must be taken into account that in children the disease progresses much faster than in adults. Therefore, if even minor pain occurs in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What not to do if there is discomfort in different parts of the back

If the pain is not very pronounced, it is recommended to take 2 No-Shpa pills internally and lie down and give the body a rest. After this, you absolutely need to go to a specialist and identify the source of the burning sensation under the ribs as early as possible.

  • It is forbidden to heat the gravity zone for your own reasons. So the pain will become even stronger, and the high temperature will become the basis for the active breeding of pathogenic microflora.
  • You cannot use painkillers (except No-Shpa). This can be explained by the fact that the process of identifying the source becomes more complex. For example, analgin hides results that should indicate appendicitis.
  • It is recommended to abstain from food and liquid. It is argued that the examination method is simplified. And it’s easier to bear the burning sensation on an empty stomach.
  • Do not use choleretic drugs without a doctor's prescription if the patient has stones in the ducts. If they get stuck in the channels, they can cause the bubble to burst.
  • Avoidance of physical activity is recommended as this may aggravate the situation.

Nature of pain

On your own, you can only assume a disease or illness that bothers you only by the nature of the pain.

They are of the following types:

  • Pressure and heaviness in the side. This type of burning sensation most often begins after fatty foods, excessively salty foods, and also after excessive alcohol abuse. To prevent it, simply balance your diet and give up unnecessary habits.
  • Stitching pain. A stabbing, periodic burning sensation under the ribs can be a signal of absolutely any named disease. Only each one “stabs” in its own way and with various additional accompanying symptoms.
  • Dull, aching pain. The occurrence of nagging pain indicates problems with the intestines. These are the same ulcers and gastritis. With the same success, they can be congenital diseases of the spine, diaphragm, etc. during the period of progression.
  • A sudden attack. Only once will a problem related to the heart bother you. The attack will be sharp, quick and unexpected. In this situation, call an ambulance.

Pain during and due to physical overload

It is the burning sensation in the right side under the ribs that indicates that the liver is overfilled with blood and is not performing its function correctly. Under heavy loads, the blood pulsates more often and more abundantly, and the liver simply does not have time to carry it through itself.

In such cases, you need to reduce the load and increase it gradually. Most often, such problems arise in athletes who have started exercising again after a long rest, as well as in people who start exercising incorrectly, without warming up, etc.

Can similar symptoms occur in healthy people?

Identical indicators can manifest themselves not only in sick people. If a sedentary person suddenly decides to start an active life and play sports, already with the first surges of adrenaline, heat is felt in the right side under the ribs.

There is a feeling that this area is burning, baking and a burning sensation. It goes away over time, or stops when the load stops.

In women, a burning sensation may occur during the menstrual period. Sometimes it burns so much that it causes nausea and bitterness in the mouth. The burning sensation will stop along with PMS.

Burning sensation during pregnancy

Pain under the ribs can also occur during pregnancy. At later stages, when the fetus reaches a noticeable size, pressure begins on its part on the gallbladder and liver. This brings discomfort in the hypochondrium while carrying the fetus.

The normal functioning of the organs is temporarily disrupted, and the mother feels a burning sensation under the ribs and in the sides.

What is under the right rib?

This is the localization of the organs of the hepatobiliary system, the right kidney, and partially the digestive tract. If a degenerative process of the thoracic region develops, the muscles become inflamed - the pain also affects the right side. Also, the location of discomfort on only one side of the body is typical for oncological processes. Often, when they reach the terminal stage, they are accompanied by the development of metastases.

Before visiting the doctor

Considering that there are too many diseases that can cause this symptom, it will not be possible to solve the problem on your own. It is imperative to see a doctor; he will correctly determine the cause and prescribe proper treatment.

Otherwise, the development of pathological phenomena may begin. You can independently determine only the burning sensation from physical activity, food or something else. Therefore, if the cause of the burning sensation under the ribs is food, then before visiting the doctor, arrange a gentle diet for yourself.

If physical activity is an aggravation, limit yourself from it.

The main thing is not to delay your visit to the doctor, but to contact the doctor as quickly as possible in order to identify the problem “without delay”.


To prevent the development of pathology that causes right-sided pain under the ribs, you should:

  1. Stop drinking alcohol, moderate the amount of medications you take (do not take painkillers at the slightest need).
  2. Normalize nutrition. Make a diet taking into account the harm of excessive amounts of fatty, smoked, spicy foods.
  3. Avoid hypothermia or prolonged stay in a constant, uncomfortable position.
  4. Lead an active lifestyle. If bed rest is necessary (for example, in case of disability), caregivers should encourage the patient to regularly change the patient's body position.
  5. Pregnant women are not recommended to ignore the use of a bandage if this recommendation comes from the observing gynecologist. It should also be taken into account that the period of gestation is not a reason for chaotic nutrition: you need to adhere to a balanced diet.
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