Use of Hilak Forte for the treatment of gastritis
What does Hilak Forte help with: features of use
Gastritis is a pathology that is rightfully called the “disease of the century”, because, according to modern data
Causes of odor during fasting
Bad breath with an empty stomach: causes and treatment
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heaviness and nausea in the stomach
Why does heaviness in the stomach, nausea and belching occur, how to treat
Causes of nausea and heaviness in the stomach Similar symptoms can occur not only after
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Paracetamol and analgin dosage for adults based on temperature || Paracetamol and analgin from temperature for adults dose
In some cases, taking one specific antipyretic or anti-inflammatory drug to relieve severe pain
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Who can benefit from chamomile enemas and how to administer them correctly
Microclysters with chamomile: how to do, indications and contraindications Chamomile decoctions and infusions (recipes for remedies
How long does it take to treat hemorrhoids and how many days does it take to go away?
A disease such as hemorrhoids is not considered simple at all, because even in a mild initial form
Part I. GERD. Methods for studying the functions of the esophagus
Questioning the patient The first thing to start questioning the patient with is the symptoms. It is important to establish when they appeared
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Sphincter of Oddi: characteristics and diseases of the anatomical structure
Everything in the human body is interconnected. In order for any of its functions to be realized, a combined
What is the difference between spastic and atonic constipation and how to treat them correctly
What is atonic constipation Any type of constipation is a sign that intestinal activity
Why does the right side hurt and feel sick, causes, symptoms and signs
Often, nausea and pain in the right side serve as signals of various problems in the human body.
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