Heartburn in early pregnancy: causes, treatment, prevention
It is generally accepted that heartburn can take you by surprise several months before giving birth. The fruit is enlarging
Why can the lower abdomen be pulled in a healthy person? Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Causes and treatment of nagging and aching pain in the lower abdomen in women
Description Pain in the lower abdomen in women can have a different character. Everyone felt the nagging pain
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Is it possible to eat boiled onions with gastritis with high acidity?
Onion is a spicy aromatic plant that is widely consumed in Russia. This family
antrum of the stomach
Congestive gastropathy of the body and antrum, congestive bulbopathy
Congestive gastropathy: what is it? How to treat? All the results of the inflammatory process in the stomach can be
Sausage for pancreatitis, can it be boiled, doctor's grade?
Pancreatitis is a common disease of the pancreas among the population of different age groups. In order not to provoke
Rotavirus is difficult to distinguish from norovirus. We tell you how not to make mistakes
Concepts and causes of the disease Recently, rotavirus and norovirus were not separated; a diagnosis was made - rotavirus
Indigestion symptoms in a 5 year old child
What is dyspepsia? Dyspepsia is a digestive disorder caused by abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract, in
Lump in the throat with gastritis: treatment of the feeling of a lump and soreness
Lump in the throat with gastritis Very often people experience the feeling of a lump in the throat.
How to prepare chamomile decoction
How to properly take chamomile baths for hemorrhoids
Such a complex and unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids is quite easy to provoke, but much more difficult to cure.
Tea for gastritis (green, black and other types) with high and low acidity: can you drink it?
How to drink herbal, black, green teas for gastritis?
A considerable number of people suffer from gastritis nowadays. This is facilitated by the pace of life: snacks
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